Palestinian Nazi Mufti who killed thousands of Christians

And another islamonazi racist blood libel
Nazism is born in Europe.
Read history primary school handbook.
You can't say the Nazis weren't coached by the Mufti. The Nazis learned "yellow badge" from Muslims, who did that hundreds of years before.

Yep it seems that pogroms and showah were in middle east not in Europe! :up:

Muslims did indeed have pogroms, look it up. And Nazis did learn how to impose religious apartheid from the Muslims, for example, the yellow badge for Jews came hundreds of years before the Nazis:

Yellow badge
Islamic world
The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish Jews and other non-Muslims (Dhimmis) in Muslim-dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries. A genizah document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word Dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.

From a Hasbara source, again the Zionist attempt to associate Muslims with Nazis in order to justify their dispossession of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. It was not a star and it applied to non-Muslims 95% of which were Christians.

Denial of the facts. Once again, the goofy convert is stuttering and mumbling as he is forced to acknowledge the close ideological ties that connect Islamism and Nazi fascism.

New Research Sheds Light on Nazi Influence in Arab World

Haj Amin el-Husseini, better known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, with Nazi SS officers in November 1943. Photo: German Federal Archives.

Nazi Germany’s effort to recruit supporters in the Arab world is attracting new attention among scholars.

With the 70th anniversary of a Palestinian Arab leader’s sabotage of a plan to rescue Jewish children from Europe coming up next month, Israeli scholar Edy Cohen spoke exclusively to about his current research on the role of Nazi and Axis propaganda in the Middle East. Cohen, 41, is on the staff of the Israel State Archives.

During the Holocaust years, Haj Amin el-Husseini, better known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, lived in Berlin, where he recorded pro-Nazi radio broadcasts that were beamed to the Arab world and recruited Bosnian Muslims to join an all-Muslim unit of the SS. Seventy years ago, on May 13, 1943, Husseini caught wind of a plan to permit 4,000 Jewish children, accompanied by 500 adults, to travel to Palestine in exchange for the release of 20,000 German prisoners of war. Both the Germans and the British had agreed to the exchange, but the Germans backed down when the Mufti objected.

The Mufti was the most prominent Arab figure to support the Nazis, but he was not alone. “My research tracks the effort by the Germans, Italians, and Japanese to spread their propaganda and influence in Palestine and various Arab countries,” said Dr. Cohen, who was born and raised in Beirut and immigrated to Israel in 1995. “They worked hard at it and, to a significant extent, they succeeded.” Cohen has been combing through Arabic-language Nazi and Axis leaflets and radio broadcasts that were collected and analyzed by Haganah intelligence in the 1930s and 1940s.
Nazism is born in Europe.
Read history primary school handbook.
You can't say the Nazis weren't coached by the Mufti. The Nazis learned "yellow badge" from Muslims, who did that hundreds of years before.

Yep it seems that pogroms and showah were in middle east not in Europe! :up:

Muslims did indeed have pogroms, look it up. And Nazis did learn how to impose religious apartheid from the Muslims, for example, the yellow badge for Jews came hundreds of years before the Nazis:

Yellow badge
Islamic world
The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish Jews and other non-Muslims (Dhimmis) in Muslim-dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries. A genizah document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word Dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.

From a Hasbara source, again the Zionist attempt to associate Muslims with Nazis in order to justify their dispossession of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. It was not a star and it applied to non-Muslims 95% of which were Christians.

Denial of the facts. Once again, the goofy convert is stuttering and mumbling as he is forced to acknowledge the close ideological ties that connect Islamism and Nazi fascism.

New Research Sheds Light on Nazi Influence in Arab World

Haj Amin el-Husseini, better known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, with Nazi SS officers in November 1943. Photo: German Federal Archives.

Nazi Germany’s effort to recruit supporters in the Arab world is attracting new attention among scholars.

With the 70th anniversary of a Palestinian Arab leader’s sabotage of a plan to rescue Jewish children from Europe coming up next month, Israeli scholar Edy Cohen spoke exclusively to about his current research on the role of Nazi and Axis propaganda in the Middle East. Cohen, 41, is on the staff of the Israel State Archives.

During the Holocaust years, Haj Amin el-Husseini, better known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, lived in Berlin, where he recorded pro-Nazi radio broadcasts that were beamed to the Arab world and recruited Bosnian Muslims to join an all-Muslim unit of the SS. Seventy years ago, on May 13, 1943, Husseini caught wind of a plan to permit 4,000 Jewish children, accompanied by 500 adults, to travel to Palestine in exchange for the release of 20,000 German prisoners of war. Both the Germans and the British had agreed to the exchange, but the Germans backed down when the Mufti objected.

The Mufti was the most prominent Arab figure to support the Nazis, but he was not alone. “My research tracks the effort by the Germans, Italians, and Japanese to spread their propaganda and influence in Palestine and various Arab countries,” said Dr. Cohen, who was born and raised in Beirut and immigrated to Israel in 1995. “They worked hard at it and, to a significant extent, they succeeded.” Cohen has been combing through Arabic-language Nazi and Axis leaflets and radio broadcasts that were collected and analyzed by Haganah intelligence in the 1930s and 1940s.
It is indesputable historical fact that the founder of the Palestinian movement was a Nazi who was responsible for creating a Muslim Nazi army that killed thousands of Jews and Christians.
No, it is a bunch of propaganda. Husseini was no more a Nazi than Subhas Chandra Bose, the Indian freedom fighter that recruited a real army that fought for the Germans. No army was created by Husseini. Just a bunch of propaganda.
While there is a group that will screech out shrill "it is a bunch of propaganda" commandments as a means to deny the history they are uncomfortable with, both Islamism and the Catholic Church have a shared history of complicity with Nazi German fascism

Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini

Nazis found in Arab an ally in the form of Husseini who declared him to be the “Fuhrer of the Arabic World”. He took a refuge in Egypt after the war ended in 1945 and influenced people like Anwar Sadat, Gamal Abdul Nasser and Yasser Arafat. Yasser Arafat met Grand Mufti while he was still young. He became his role model and a mentor and also involved Arafat in his cover network.

Arab Muslims consider Haj Amin Al-Husseini not only as the man of the past but also the man of the present. He still is a role model for a number of groups of radical Muslims who have common views with him regarding Jews, West and the Sharia Law. He was one of the dearest friends Nazis had, who helped and got help from them in the times of war. One can say that Haj Amin was the father of Arab nationalism and the only reason he is not revered as much in Palestine today is because “he did not succeed in destroying the Jews and Israel”.
No, it is a bunch of propaganda. Husseini was no more a Nazi than Subhas Chandra Bose, the Indian freedom fighter that recruited a real army that fought for the Germans. No army was created by Husseini. Just a bunch of propaganda.
Its a bunch of propaganda? Ha ha ha. OMG. How can any sane person say that, after all the overwhelming evidence by legitimate sources that has been provided?

It's the truth.
And another islamonazi racist blood libel
Nazism is born in Europe.
Read history primary school handbook.
You can't say the Nazis weren't coached by the Mufti. The Nazis learned "yellow badge" from Muslims, who did that hundreds of years before.

Yep it seems that pogroms and showah were in middle east not in Europe! :up:

Muslims did indeed have pogroms, look it up. And Nazis did learn how to impose religious apartheid from the Muslims, for example, the yellow badge for Jews came hundreds of years before the Nazis:

Yellow badge
Islamic world
The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish Jews and other non-Muslims (Dhimmis) in Muslim-dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries. A genizah document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word Dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.

From a Hasbara source, again the Zionist attempt to associate Muslims with Nazis in order to justify their dispossession of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. It was not a star and it applied to non-Muslims 95% of which were Christians.

And again the argument is being lost so monte attempts his usual deflection and derailment by bring in hasbara. He has used the term so many times it no longer has any credibility.
And another islamonazi racist blood libel
Nazism is born in Europe.
Read history primary school handbook.
You can't say the Nazis weren't coached by the Mufti. The Nazis learned "yellow badge" from Muslims, who did that hundreds of years before.

Yep it seems that pogroms and showah were in middle east not in Europe! :up:

Muslims did indeed have pogroms, look it up. And Nazis did learn how to impose religious apartheid from the Muslims, for example, the yellow badge for Jews came hundreds of years before the Nazis:

Yellow badge
Islamic world
The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish Jews and other non-Muslims (Dhimmis) in Muslim-dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries. A genizah document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word Dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.
Al jeziah is just a small tax payed to government for army protection, the duties of muslims are more than of the christians, they should pay alms and taxes. Today al gezia is decated since all communities should pay taxes.

Why the jews found refuge in Islamic Spain and Ottoman Empire?

Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In many cases the dhimmi had to pay jizya to every warlord that passed their property, if they couldn't they faced a brutal beating. In many cases the dhimmi was made destitute and so the muslims took his daughters and property in lieu of the jizya. You forget that there are plenty of sites on the internet that tell the truth about the jizya and how it affected the everyday lives of the dhimmi's
Nazism is born in Europe.
Read history primary school handbook.
You can't say the Nazis weren't coached by the Mufti. The Nazis learned "yellow badge" from Muslims, who did that hundreds of years before.

Yep it seems that pogroms and showah were in middle east not in Europe! :up:

Muslims did indeed have pogroms, look it up. And Nazis did learn how to impose religious apartheid from the Muslims, for example, the yellow badge for Jews came hundreds of years before the Nazis:

Yellow badge
Islamic world
The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish Jews and other non-Muslims (Dhimmis) in Muslim-dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries. A genizah document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word Dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.
Al jeziah is just a small tax payed to government for army protection, the duties of muslims are more than of the christians, they should pay alms and taxes. Today al gezia is decated since all communities should pay taxes.

Why the jews found refuge in Islamic Spain and Ottoman Empire?

Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In many cases the dhimmi had to pay jizya to every warlord that passed their property, if they couldn't they faced a brutal beating. In many cases the dhimmi was made destitute and so the muslims took his daughters and property in lieu of the jizya. You forget that there are plenty of sites on the internet that tell the truth about the jizya and how it affected the everyday lives of the dhimmi's
The non Muslims had / have no choice. Accept to live as a second class citizens in your own country under Islamic apartheid shariah law, or die.
ZioNazis like Ruddy and Hollow Hollie are not normal Jews.

What does one need to believe in to be a "not-normal-Jew"? Why is the belief in the self-determination of the Jewish people an aberration or a derangement?
I dislike Zionism and Zionists I am not a Jew hater.

Translation: Jews are fine but they must not be permitted to believe they have any right to self-determination or a nation.

Meh, no Jew-hatred going there at all.
I dislike Zionism and Zionists I am not a Jew hater.

Translation: Jews are fine but they must not be permitted to believe they have any right to self-determination or a nation.

Meh, no Jew-hatred going there at all.

No people should be permitted to dispossess and evict other people from their native land in order to attain self-determination.
No people should be permitted to dispossess and evict other people from their native land in order to attain self-determination.

Interesting, so you agree that the Jewish people HAVE the right to self-determination, but are not permitted to attain self-determination in their ancestral, historical and religious homeland because someone else has dispossessed and evicted them?

So how does a people who HAVE BEEN dispossessed and evicted attain self-determination?
No people should be permitted to dispossess and evict other people from their native land in order to attain self-determination.

Interesting, so you agree that the Jewish people HAVE the right to self-determination, but are not permitted to attain self-determination in their ancestral, historical and religious homeland because someone else has dispossessed and evicted them?

So how does a people who HAVE BEEN dispossessed and evicted attain self-determination?

Not by dispossessing the native people living on another continent. Perhaps a part of Germany should have been given to the Jews, that would have been a more rational approach. Punishing the native inhabitants of Palestine for crimes committed by Europeans on Europeans is absurd.
If anybody understands that warped logic as to why out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire 99.99% of the land can become Muslim states, but jews are not allowed to have a homeland in their ancestral, religious, and cultural homeland, I'll give you $100 and a Starbucks card with unlimited usage.
If anybody understands that warped logic as to why out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire 99.99% of the land can become Muslim states, but jews are not allowed to have a homeland in their ancestral, religious, and cultural homeland, I'll give you $100 and a Starbucks card with unlimited usage.

It is/was not the ancestral of Europeans. Punishing the native inhabitants of Palestine by sponsoring the colonization of the land by Europeans and the dispossessing the native inhabitants to make room for said Europeans, was wrong.
Not by dispossessing the native people living on another continent. Perhaps a part of Germany should have been given to the Jews, that would have been a more rational approach. Punishing the native inhabitants of Palestine for crimes committed by Europeans on Europeans is absurd.

Why the is Jewish self-determination on their ancestral, historical and religious homeland to be considered PUNISHMENT, rather than their natural right (which you have already admitted they have? Why is splitting the territory between two sovereign self-determinative states dispossession? Neither had sovereign possession of the territory prior to the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Both want sovereign possession now. Why shouldn't they both have it?

Why SHOULD peoples be expected to obtain their national self-determination somewhere other than their homeland?
Blah blah blah more diversion and lies. Why did the Nazi mufti kill Jews and Christians in Europe and all of the Middle East?
If anybody understands that warped logic as to why out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire 99.99% of the land can become Muslim states, but jews are not allowed to have a homeland in their ancestral, religious, and cultural homeland, I'll give you $100 and a Starbucks card with unlimited usage.

It is/was not the ancestral of Europeans. Punishing the native inhabitants of Palestine by sponsoring the colonization of the land by Europeans and the dispossessing the native inhabitants to make room for said Europeans, was wrong.

But you are arguing against dispossession while at the same time supporting the idea that dispossession turns the native inhabitants, the indigenous peoples, into colonizers.

So if the Jewish people dispossess all the Arab Muslims -- they are no longer the native inhabitants and if they try to move back they are colonizers.
If anybody understands that warped logic as to why out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire 99.99% of the land can become Muslim states, but jews are not allowed to have a homeland in their ancestral, religious, and cultural homeland, I'll give you $100 and a Starbucks card with unlimited usage.

It is/was not the ancestral of Europeans. Punishing the native inhabitants of Palestine by sponsoring the colonization of the land by Europeans and the dispossessing the native inhabitants to make room for said Europeans, was wrong.
So wait, are you telling us that the mufti wasn't a Nazi? maybe he was just playing the "role" of a Nazi. Ha ha ha.
If anybody understands that warped logic as to why out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire 99.99% of the land can become Muslim states, but jews are not allowed to have a homeland in their ancestral, religious, and cultural homeland, I'll give you $100 and a Starbucks card with unlimited usage.

It is/was not the ancestral of Europeans. Punishing the native inhabitants of Palestine by sponsoring the colonization of the land by Europeans and the dispossessing the native inhabitants to make room for said Europeans, was wrong.

But you are arguing against dispossession while at the same time supporting the idea that dispossession turns the native inhabitants, the indigenous peoples, into colonizers.

So if the Jewish people dispossess all the Arab Muslims -- they are no longer the native inhabitants and if they try to move back they are colonizers.

1. The Europeans weren't dispossessed, that's a logical impossibility.

2. The native inhabitants of Palestine have always lived there. That they converted to various religions doesn't change the people's ancestors. They dispossessed no one.

3. The Europeans dispossessed native Christians and Muslims. In fact, the Christians lost the most per capita as they were the wealthiest of the Palestinians.

4. The British and the West were wrong to impose European colonization on the native inhabitants and to enable the European Jews to dispossess the native Christian and Muslim inhabitants. It was a crime, actually.

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