Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: The False Outcry Made By Palestinians
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You can only state the obvious so many times. If they do not want to listen and address the specific Humanitarian Law in Play, then they should be treated accordingly.

Israel, Hamas, and Civilian Casualties | Q+A

Under Humanitarian Law the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is subject to prosecution if they:

◈ Commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power.
◈ Commit an offense which damages the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by the Occupying Power.
◈ Commit an offense espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power.
◈ Commit an offense which intentionally caused the death of one or more persons
◈ Commit an offense which is involves the intentional use of explosives and other lethal devices in, into, or against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place.
◈ Commit an offense which intentionally involves Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited.
◈ Commit an offense which cause the death of protected persons and which could have been avoided by relocating the attack site away from densely populated areas.
◈ Commit an offense which cause the death of protected persons and which could have been avoided by relocating civilian persons and objects under its control away from the vicinity of military objectives.
◈ Commit an offense which cause the death of protected persons by attempting to use them as human shields is prohibited. “Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

You should really try some other approach. I, for one, am tired of hearing about how bad the Arab Palestinians suffer after committing the criminal activities mentioned here. Criminal Acts directed against The State of Israel with the intention of → or calculated to → intimidate the Israeli population and attempting to compel the State of Israel to do (
or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the Arab Palestinian criminal cause or objective.


You might have noticed that the the loud mouth woman in the red jack corrected herself by saying very skillfully and quickly lowering her voice and saying "settler apartheid."

There are a couple points revealed here.

1. The current State of Israel is NOT an "Apartheid State." However she very correctly applies it to the settlements in Area "C" which are partitioned-off from the Hostile Arab Palestinians.

2. The Arab Palestinians attempt to retroactively apply the Law of Apartheid to events that occurred between the establishment of Israel and when Miss Israel, Rina Mor, wins the title of Miss Universe (or maybe you prefer the day that Israel received its first F-15 (Eagle). Both of them are beautiful in their own right. But Article 12 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) (this is the International Law that the Arab Palestinians most cited on the matter of "Apartheid" and "Right of Return") did not become effective until 1976. Such law cannot be retroactively applied.

No person shall be criminally responsible under this Statute for conduct prior to the entry into force of the Statute.​

3. The loud mouth woman in the red jack also conveniently failed to point out that under International Humanitarian Law, " The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant."

4. Now we all know that the Arab Palestinians have a tough time with this, but you have to remember that:

(Para 3, A/PV.2268. 14 October 1974), agree to ANNEX III Protocol Concerning Civil Affairs • ARTICLE IV Special Provisions concerning Area "C" • which assigned Israel full civil and security control over Area “C".​

There were a couple more thing I could comment upon, but I think these are the four baggies.


Most Respectfully,

Palestine, the Squad & How the Right To Resist Imperial Violence Is Universal, w/ Ali Abunimah​


Peter Beinart in conversation with Advisory Council of Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine, Jan 11/2022​


Connections Podcast Episode 7: Palestine at the Crossroads with Hanan Ashrawi​

Under Humanitarian Law the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is subject to prosecution if they: blah, blah, blah.
Where is the list of Israel's violations?

Or is this just another one sided propaganda piece?
3. The loud mouth woman in the red jack also conveniently failed to point out that under International Humanitarian Law,
She is 10 times smarter than the doofus on her left. And the woman on his left read him off good.


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