Palestinians: 85.2% reject peace deal if requires compromise, 64.8% replacing Israel


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2010
"If Palestinian negotiators delivered a peace settlement that includes a Palestinian State but had to make compromises on key issues (right of return, Jerusalem, borders, settlements, etc.) to do so would you support the result? Yes 12.2% No 85.2% Don’t know 2.6%.
With regard to the final status of Palestine and Israel please indicate which of the following you consider to be Essential, Desirable, Acceptable, Tolerable, or Unacceptable as part of a peace agreement.
Historic Palestine – From the Jordan River to the sea Essential 64.8% Desirable 18.3% Acceptable 8.8% Tolerable 4.5% Unacceptable 2.6% Don't know 1.0%"
Results of an Opinion Poll Publication Date: 9 November 2010 Field work: October 20-22, 2010 Sample Size: 1000 Palestinians in the West Bank & Gaza Margin of error: + 3 % Arab World for Research & Development Ramallah.
"If Palestinian negotiators delivered a peace settlement that includes a Palestinian State but had to make compromises on key issues (right of return, Jerusalem, borders, settlements, etc.) to do so would you support the result? Yes 12.2% No 85.2% Don’t know 2.6%.
With regard to the final status of Palestine and Israel please indicate which of the following you consider to be Essential, Desirable, Acceptable, Tolerable, or Unacceptable as part of a peace agreement.
Historic Palestine – From the Jordan River to the sea Essential 64.8% Desirable 18.3% Acceptable 8.8% Tolerable 4.5% Unacceptable 2.6% Don't know 1.0%"
Results of an Opinion Poll Publication Date: 9 November 2010 Field work: October 20-22, 2010 Sample Size: 1000 Palestinians in the West Bank & Gaza Margin of error: + 3 % Arab World for Research & Development Ramallah.

No commentary from yourself, whats your view, whats the point, does it matter, why.

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