If the Palestinians actually gained control of all Israel, would there actually be peace?


If the Palestinians took over all of Israel, the country would just become another Syria or Egypt or Yemen or Iran.

In other words: another dysfunctional and dictatorial Middle Eastern entity.

And so what if it is? The thing is, the people in those countries are mostly happy with their status quo. Yemen only has a problem because two countries were forced into an ill-thought-out union and the Saudis are arming one side. Same thing with Syria.. The Iranians on one side and the Saudis on the other.

The jews in Israel are very proud of their country. It is demonstrated by everyone, everywhere. They each, individually take responsibility even for picking up litter in the street. (Of course they argue about it....arguing is very jewish)

So is ripping people off, which is why they got chased out of Europe.

They farmed sand and made Israel lush and green when it was nothing but a desert. There are flowers everywhere today with colors so bright it hurts to look at them. They proudly speak of their roles and their parents and their grandparents roles in building Israel ever since the 1948 declaration. The 2 year compulsory service is not that compulsory...they really all want to do it. And then go to college to get a STEM degree so they can build more. Everyone wants to help build their society and nation. They own their world.

Yes, the Jews are living very well on my tax dollars, what's your fucking point? I wish the US government took care of AMERICANS like they cared for Israelis.

Then you look at the Palestinians side....because the fence is everywhere...and you see trash, shacks, and crap spread everywhere. There is no foliage, nothing but people trying to con you out of money....one con artist after another. Sure the speakers sound at prayer times but they go largely ignored. They prey upon their own if they get half a chance. The children are everywhere because the Palestinians have outlawed birth control for women...and Muslim men have no compunction about marriage or treating or women like property.

Yes, those dirty, dirty brown people doing brown people stuff.
Or they work out a sensible, two-state solution with Fatah, which is what Bibi has refused to even try to do in the last 14 years.

You do realize the only reason why Hamas was empowered was because Bibi allowed it to be, right? That he allowed funds and resources to be shipped to Gaza so he could honestly say, "Fatah and the Palestinian Authority doesn't speak for all Palestinians, so why should I negotiate with them."

It's wrong when the Nazis killed the Jews.
It's wrong when the Zionists killed the Palestinians.
It's wrong when the Mormons killed the Francher Party.

See how that works, buddy.

Wasn’t it Abbas who walked away from the peace conference in 2008? Israel was ready to make a deal
Oh, my god, that man is immortal, and stuck in the same pose!

Let me know when you have substance to discuss.

Wasn’t it Abbas who walked away from the peace conference in 2008? Israel was ready to make a deal

Do you mean they were trying to cheat the Palestinians? How do you make a deal when you still have armed settlers on the west bank?
It's wrong when the Nazis killed the Jews.
It's wrong when the Zionists killed the Palestinians.

There's a huge difference between what your people did back in the Old Country, and what Israel has had to do during nearly all of its modern existence in order to defend itself.
There's a huge difference between what your people did back in the Old Country, and what Israel has had to do during nearly all of its modern existence in order to defend itself.
Not really.

Most 1940's Germans could justify what they were doing as protecting themselves from the evils of Bolshevism.

Just like the Zionists do today.
Most 1940's Germans could justify what they were doing as protecting themselves from the evils of Bolshevism.


So Jews, along with all those others deemed to be Untermenschen, were united in promoting Bolshevism? That was the reason, the excuse, for murdering about six million Jews, and about ten million others?

I guess it should not surprise me that you might try to make such a claim, but perhaps you do not understand that those of us who do not sympathize with Nazism, nor with the sort of general racial hatred that your heritage has instilled in you, aren't buying it at all.

So Jews, along with all those others deemed to be Untermenschen, were united in promoting Bolshevism? That was the reason, the excuse, for murdering about six million Jews, and about ten million others?
Uh, yeah, the Nazis linked Bolshevism and Judaism pretty much all the time. I'm sorry that you are so ignorant of history that you don't know this.

I guess it should not surprise me that you might try to make such a claim, but perhaps you do not understand that those of us who do not sympathize with Nazism, nor with the sort of general racial hatred that your heritage has instilled in you, aren't buying it at all.

History doesn't change because of your feelings, Bob.

Now, my grandparents left before the really crazy shit went down, but Germany between the wars was kind of awful to live in.

And it's easy to blame outsiders for things. Hitler blames the Jews. Trump Blames the Mexicans. Stupid people buy into it.
Uh, yeah, the Nazis linked Bolshevism and Judaism pretty much all the time. I'm sorry that you are so ignorant of history that you don't know this.

Seriously? All six million murdered Jews were killed because they were Communists, and not because they were Jews? And ten million others, Gypsies, handclapped, or other Untermenschen, were all commies too? All of them killed for a political ideology of which they were accused, and not for the reasons by which the Germans classified many of their own as Untermenschen?

And it's easy to blame outsiders for things. Hitler blames the Jews. Trump Blames the Mexicans. Stupid people buy into it.

Right. Because peaceful, law-abiding citizens of a country are exactly comparable to hostile foreign invaders attacking that country and its people.
Seriously? All six million murdered Jews were killed because they were Communists, and not because they were Jews? And ten million others, Gypsies, handclapped, or other Untermenschen, were all commies too? All of them killed for a political ideology of which they were accused, and not for the reasons by which the Germans classified many of their own as Untermenschen?

Except most Germans didn't know that was going on, that's the thing. But working past your ignorance of history would be a full time job.

Right. Because peaceful, law-abiding citizens of a country are exactly comparable to hostile foreign invaders attacking that country and its people.

And you've proven my point. Once you've demonized a people, it's easy to hate them.

Now, in the case of the Nazis, it wasn't that hard. You had 1900 years of the Christian church telling Germans that the Jews killed Jesus. On top of that, they were the main instigators of communist revolutions the Nazis were fighting against.
Then why did the Palestinians walk away from the 2008 peace accords? it could have been settled then.
Israel does not murder civilians. They are not targeted purposely, and if someone does target them purposly they are punished. You cant really negotiate with people who come in and cut your women and childrens throats and then kidnap them. That is the negotiation Hamas used, now they want the world to get them a cease fire by immediately playing the victim.

Probably. They lived with Christians and Jews for 1300 years.
And so what if it is? The thing is, the people in those countries are mostly happy with their status quo. Yemen only has a problem because two countries were forced into an ill-thought-out union and the Saudis are arming one side. Same thing with Syria.. The Iranians on one side and the Saudis on the other.

So is ripping people off, which is why they got chased out of Europe.

Yes, the Jews are living very well on my tax dollars, what's your fucking point? I wish the US government took care of AMERICANS like they cared for Israelis.

Yes, those dirty, dirty brown people doing brown people stuff.

You should get the facts on Yemen. The Saudis are not involved in Syria at all.
Sounds like a good deal. At least until all those transplanted Zionists do what Jews do very well, antagonizing their neighbors with their sense of entitlement.
That’s bullshit and you know it. The US has millions of Jews living here, hell I’m married to a Jew. They don’t antagonize anyone any more than catholics, baptists, mennonites and a lot less than Mormons. Jews are invariably good citizens with an unfortunate tendency to be socially liberal.
That’s bullshit and you know it. The US has millions of Jews living here, hell I’m married to a Jew. They don’t antagonize anyone any more than catholics, baptists, mennonites and a lot less than Mormons. Jews are invariably good citizens with an unfortunate tendency to be socially liberal.

Only because they are such a small slice and we have a tradition of religious tolerance. And frankly, they still have too much influence. While the rest of the world is appalled at what the Zionist Entity is doing to Gaza, we are getting Zionist propaganda from the media and politicians.

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