Palestinians are Christians too. Let's discuss.

Yeah yeah yeah. Maybe a handful, but then it quickly became a genocide and ethnic cleansing of Lebanese Christians at the hands of Muslims, and Palestinian Muslims led by Islamo terrorist mass murderer leader Arafat played the central role in it. But then again, you are such a "good Christian". Ha ha ha.
The Palestinian Christians don't feel that they are "token".

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Palestinian Christians and priests celebrate an open-air mass in the occupied West Bank village of Beit Jala to protest against the building of Israel's controversial separation barrier between the sprawling settlement of Gilo in annexed east Jerusalem.

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Just as we see in every other location where Peaceful Inner Strugglers™ gain strength of numbers.

Palestinian Christians | ICEJ International

The plight of believers under Palestinian rule

Under siege and without protection, the Christian population under Palestinian rule has dwindled with each passing year. In October, 2007, after repeated threats, Rammi Ayyad was brutally murdered outside the only Christian Bookstore in Gaza. In 2008, a bomb was set off at one Christian school in Gaza, while at another, run by the Baptist Church, guards were assaulted and a bus hijacked.

Even though Hamas denies involvement in the attacks and claims that it is attempting to protect the small, ancient Christian community in Gaza, attacks on the 3,000 Christians residing there have increased since the Muslim terror militia came seized power.
The Palestinian Christians don't feel that they are "token".

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Palestinian Christians and priests celebrate an open-air mass in the occupied West Bank village of Beit Jala to protest against the building of Israel's controversial separation barrier between the sprawling settlement of Gilo in annexed east Jerusalem.

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Just as we see in every other location where Peaceful Inner Strugglers™ gain strength of numbers.

Palestinian Christians | ICEJ International

The plight of believers under Palestinian rule

Under siege and without protection, the Christian population under Palestinian rule has dwindled with each passing year. In October, 2007, after repeated threats, Rammi Ayyad was brutally murdered outside the only Christian Bookstore in Gaza. In 2008, a bomb was set off at one Christian school in Gaza, while at another, run by the Baptist Church, guards were assaulted and a bus hijacked.

Even though Hamas denies involvement in the attacks and claims that it is attempting to protect the small, ancient Christian community in Gaza, attacks on the 3,000 Christians residing there have increased since the Muslim terror militia came seized power.

A traitorous Christian Zionist site. From their mandate:

"For over thirty years the ICEJ has embarked upon a journey of giving comfort to Israel."

All you ever post is propaganda. You have never linked to a neutral source, never. Unbelievable.

Now for the truth.

""The blockade is one issue, and also the threat of another Israeli attack," said Awad, who has moved to the U.S. and is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. "Who would want to endure Israeli bombardments in Gaza every 12 months or every two years, to live that nightmare of not knowing whether you are going to live through the bombardment or not?"

As Christmas Looms, Gaza's Fading Christian Community Eyes Life Outside Besieged Palestinian Territory
The Palestinian Christians don't feel that they are "token".

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Palestinian Christians and priests celebrate an open-air mass in the occupied West Bank village of Beit Jala to protest against the building of Israel's controversial separation barrier between the sprawling settlement of Gilo in annexed east Jerusalem.

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Just as we see in every other location where Peaceful Inner Strugglers™ gain strength of numbers.

Palestinian Christians | ICEJ International

The plight of believers under Palestinian rule

Under siege and without protection, the Christian population under Palestinian rule has dwindled with each passing year. In October, 2007, after repeated threats, Rammi Ayyad was brutally murdered outside the only Christian Bookstore in Gaza. In 2008, a bomb was set off at one Christian school in Gaza, while at another, run by the Baptist Church, guards were assaulted and a bus hijacked.

Even though Hamas denies involvement in the attacks and claims that it is attempting to protect the small, ancient Christian community in Gaza, attacks on the 3,000 Christians residing there have increased since the Muslim terror militia came seized power.

A traitorous Christian Zionist site. From their mandate:

"For over thirty years the ICEJ has embarked upon a journey of giving comfort to Israel."

All you ever post is propaganda. You have never linked to a neutral source, never. Unbelievable.

Now for the truth.

""The blockade is one issue, and also the threat of another Israeli attack," said Awad, who has moved to the U.S. and is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. "Who would want to endure Israeli bombardments in Gaza every 12 months or every two years, to live that nightmare of not knowing whether you are going to live through the bombardment or not?"

As Christmas Looms, Gaza's Fading Christian Community Eyes Life Outside Besieged Palestinian Territory

Conspiracy theories aren't going to help you here. Like every other religious / ethnic group under the bootheel of Peaceful Inner Strugglers™, the xtians in those areas controlled by the Arabs-Moslems will eventually be driven out.
Hollie didn't know that Arab Christians say Allahu Akbar

APRIL 3, 2015
‘We Palestinian Christians say Allahu Akbar’

Your Beatitude, what’s it like being the Palestinian bishop in the Holy Land?

Firstly, I’d like to confirm that I am the only Palestinian bishop in the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. A fellow bishop is serving in the city of Irbid in the north of Jordan; and there are also several Palestinian priests.

I take pride in belonging to this great religious institution that’s over 2,000 years old.

My church has been protecting the Christian presence in the Holy Land and the sacred items related to the life of Christ and Christian Church history.

I am proud of my religion and nationality, I am proud to belong to my fatherland. I am a Palestinian, and I belong to this religious people who are fighting for the sake of their freedom and dignity to implement their dreams and national rights.

I support Palestinians and share their cause and their issues. We the Palestinian Orthodox Christians are not detached from their hardships.

The Palestinian issue is a problem that concerns all of us, Christians and Muslims alike. It’s a problem of every free intellectual individual aspiring for justice and freedom in this world.

We the Palestinian Christians suffer along with the rest of Palestinians from occupation and hardships of our economic situation. Muslims and Christians suffer equally, as there is no difference in suffering for any of us. We are all living in the same complicated circumstances, and overcoming the same difficulties."

Palestinian Christians – A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice: News and Views
The Palestinians that you say mass-murdered 150,000 Lebanese Christians (propaganda by the way), included Palestinian Christians you idiot. It was a civil war and the Phalangists (Lebanese Fascists) were fighting other Lebanese Christians as well as Palestinian Christians and Muslims. ASALA were Armenian Christians allied with the Palestinians and George Habash's Christian Palestinian forces were also fighting against the Phalangists.

So, quit peddling your bullshit propaganda trying to pit Muslim against Christian to the Jew's advantage. We know what you people are trying to do.
Khaled Abu Noor was in his teens, a would-be militiaman who had left the camp for the mountains before Israel's Phalangist allies entered Sabra and Chatila.

The Israeli army sent the killers into the camps and then watched – and did nothing – while the atrocity took place.

The forgotten massacre

Indeed, another Israeli massacre.
Poor Monty. He will happily martyr the bejeezus out of every xtian in the disputed territories occupied by Arabs-Moslems to placate his insensate Jew hatreds.

What the Middle East would be like without Christians

What the Middle East would be like without Christians

In a city heralded as the place where Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary, the church is something of a modern miracle. Founded in a two-bedroom apartment three decades ago by the Rev. Naim Khoury, First Baptist was bombed 14 times during the first intifada, struggled with financial difficulties, and is now facing a legal battle with the Palestinian Authority, which doesn't recognize it as a church.
Lebanese Christianity practically wiped out by Palestinian Muslims, and yet somehow Christians are to worry about those evil Zionist Joooos. Ha ha ha.
No. Of course not. As this 60 minute report confirms. All you accept is Zionist propaganda.

The Palestinian Christians don't feel that they are "token".

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Palestinian Christians and priests celebrate an open-air mass in the occupied West Bank village of Beit Jala to protest against the building of Israel's controversial separation barrier between the sprawling settlement of Gilo in annexed east Jerusalem.

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Just as we see in every other location where Peaceful Inner Strugglers™ gain strength of numbers.

Palestinian Christians | ICEJ International

The plight of believers under Palestinian rule

Under siege and without protection, the Christian population under Palestinian rule has dwindled with each passing year. In October, 2007, after repeated threats, Rammi Ayyad was brutally murdered outside the only Christian Bookstore in Gaza. In 2008, a bomb was set off at one Christian school in Gaza, while at another, run by the Baptist Church, guards were assaulted and a bus hijacked.

Even though Hamas denies involvement in the attacks and claims that it is attempting to protect the small, ancient Christian community in Gaza, attacks on the 3,000 Christians residing there have increased since the Muslim terror militia came seized power.


I knew it

3000 out of what

1.9 million

Thats 0.15 of 1%


And that fool tries to claim there are, what did he say, 10%.

Why am I not surprised that once again the entire Arab Muslim narrative depends on half truths and lies
It is a Zionist Christian Church. Why should the Palestinians recognize a church and church leader that believes the Jews were justified in expropriating the Christian Palestinian?

"Baptist church that backs Israel troubled by Palestinian Authority"

Baptist church that backs Israel troubled by Palestinian Authority

The Israelis arrest Jews that show support for Palestine.

I agree that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories won't "recognize" a xtian church. That would be contrary to Islamist ideology.

The Forgotten Palestinian Refugees
Even in Bethlehem, Palestinian Christians are suffering under Muslim intolerance.

Meet Mr. Ibrahim (a pseudonym to protect him from reprisals), a 23-year old Palestinian refugee living in the West Bank. Unlike those descendents of refugees born in United Nations camps, Mr. Ibrahim fled his birthplace just two years ago. And he wasn't running away from Israelis, but from his Palestinian brethren in Gaza.

Mr. Ibrahim's crime in that Hamas-ruled territory was to be a Christian, a transgression he compounded in the Islamists' eyes by writing love poems.

"Muslims tied to Hamas tried to take me twice," says Mr. Ibrahim, and he didn't want to find out what they'd do to him if they ever kidnapped him. He hasn't seen his family since Christmas 2007 and is afraid even to talk to them on the phone.
This whole line about religions other that Islam being tolerated by Islam, assuming even that is the right flavor of Islam is just more nonsense from the Jooooooo haters.

Really, why even bother with this kinda nonsense other than for a few laughs.
Hollow Holly cutting and pasting Zionist propaganda again. Why am I surprised.
Palestinian Muslims half of whom are led by a Islamic terrorist group, being different than their fellow Muslim Arabs, and tolerating Christians? That's more like a punch line to a joke than a serious proposition.
Hollow Holly cutting and pasting Zionist propaganda again. Why am I surprised.
I can see you're angry and frustrated but that derives from your own failings. I'm not surprised at all.

The Christians will eventually be all but driven out of the areas controlled by your islamo-fascist heroes just as that has occurred in a historical timeline, or for your benefit, a "hysterical" timeline.

Islam has never taught equality or tolerance as it relates to Moslems and non-Moslems. Islamism clearly separates those two entities. At no time in islamist history have Moslems equated non-Moslems as equals. In fact, you should understand the dhimmi status.

Islamic governments are inherently biased toward Islamism, obviously. That's precisely why islam's history is drenched with examples of intolerance and violence directed at the kuffar. At no time in islamist history have the kuffar been considered as equals. Moslems, when in the majority, have always established their claims for a privileged position of superiority over all other ways of life.

The purging of Christianity and Judaism from Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan follows a historical, or for your benefit, a "hysterical" pattern of islamo-fascism.
No. Of course not. As this 60 minute report confirms. All you accept is Zionist propaganda.

Is that the best you've got? Your own video contradicts itself. It starts by mentioning the shrinking Christian population all over the Middle East basically because of Moslum persecution, even admits it has something to do with it in Israel and especially Bethlehem, and then tries to make a sharp twist and spin it as Israel's fault.

You sir are a bald faced liar and you know it. You know that there is overwhelming evidence that Islam and Moslums are NOT tolerant of any other faith.

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