Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

Arabs massacred their Jewish neighbors in Palestine long before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.

Written by a Palestinian Jew of Safed about the Arab massacres of 1834:

"Now I have come to announce the large losses and afflictions that have been created in Israel in four countries, ie Jerusalem,and Hebron and the Upper Galilee, namely Safed. And the lower Galilee, namely the city of Tabriya. By the hands of the plunderers and looters that rose in the country. And they come only upon the Jews...
On Sunday, eight days in the month of Sivan, the looters, inhabitants of the villages joined with the inhabitants of the cities. They had weapons of war and shields and fell upon all the Jews and stripped their clothes from men and women. They expelled them naked from the city, and plundered all their property...
The remnants were coerced and raped whether men or women. Tore all the Torah scrolls, and their talit and tefilin and the city was abandoned... This was so for 33 days, so was done in the city of Safed, so was done in other towns."

Periodicals of people of Israel in Eretz Israel - Menachem Mendel ben- Aaaron 1800-1873
It's not bullshit.

Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians

Before the advent of Zionism and Arab nationalism, Jews and Palestinians lived in peace in the holy land. Menachem Klein’s new book maps out an oft-forgotten history of Israel/Palestine, and offers some guidance on how we may go back to that time.
I do concede there was major violence in 1834 at Safed. Muhammed Damoor was an asshole. But give me one example of major violence between the two groups from '34 and the Zionist migration. There were probably skirmishes, but nothing major. Even in the Hebron riots, which was started by Zionists, 429 Jews were saved by their Arab neighbors.

Here's another fact for You to deal with:
The initial steps in Political Zionism pretty much started as a response to Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine. Long before a Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Zionists moved into the area bringing with them racist, apartheid policies. Jewish terrorist groups drove out over 750,000 Arabs. And you expect them to say, "Thank you"?

The only difference between yesterdays pogroms and today, is that Jews have a military to protect themselves. And the Swastika waved at Israel from Gaza with the open calls to go to die and murder Jews - only shows the legitimacy of that call until today.
I don't know why you keep bringing up Jews? This has nothing to do with Judaism.

The difference between then and now, is that Israeli's (not Jews), are the new Nazis. Israeli's (not Jews), treat the Palestinians much like the Nazis did in the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust.
  • you treat the Pals like they are inhuman
  • you have government propaganda trashing them 24/7
  • you blame all the problems of the country on them
  • you're actively trying to purge them from the area
  • your population thinks any atrocity committed on them is okay
And you can throw in the fact that much like Germans wanted to be known as The Aryan Nation, you want to be known as the Jewish State.

Yeah, you're the new Nazis!

The blockade of the Gaza Strip refers to a land, air, and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip by Israel and Egypt from 2007 to present. One year after the 2005 disengagement from the Gaza Strip by Israel, Hamas won the Palestinian legislative election. Israel and the Quartet on the Middle East imposed sanctions against the Palestinian Authority. The stated reason was that Hamas would not agree to the conditions for continued aid: to recognize Israel, disavow violent actions, and accept the previous agreements between Israel and the PA.[1]

In March 2007, Hamas and Fatah formed the unity government headed by Ismail Haniya. Shortly after, in June, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip during the Battle of Gaza.[2] Hamas seized government institutions and replaced Fatah and other government officials with Hamas members.[3] Following the takeover, Egypt and Israel largely closed their border crossings with Gaza, on the grounds that Fatah had fled the Strip and was no longer able to provide security on the Palestinian side.[4] Egypt was worried that Hamas control over Gaza would increase Iranian influence. Aboul Gheit explained that opening the Rafah border crossing would undermine the legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority.[5]
Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia
That's what I've been saying. Hamas won't kowtow to Israel and that pisses off the fascists in the Likud Party.
Arabs massacred their Jewish neighbors in Palestine long before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.

Written by a Palestinian Jew of Safed about the Arab massacres of 1834:

"Now I have come to announce the large losses and afflictions that have been created in Israel in four countries, ie Jerusalem,and Hebron and the Upper Galilee, namely Safed. And the lower Galilee, namely the city of Tabriya. By the hands of the plunderers and looters that rose in the country. And they come only upon the Jews...
On Sunday, eight days in the month of Sivan, the looters, inhabitants of the villages joined with the inhabitants of the cities. They had weapons of war and shields and fell upon all the Jews and stripped their clothes from men and women. They expelled them naked from the city, and plundered all their property...
The remnants were coerced and raped whether men or women. Tore all the Torah scrolls, and their talit and tefilin and the city was abandoned... This was so for 33 days, so was done in the city of Safed, so was done in other towns."

Periodicals of people of Israel in Eretz Israel - Menachem Mendel ben- Aaaron 1800-1873
It's not bullshit.

Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians

Before the advent of Zionism and Arab nationalism, Jews and Palestinians lived in peace in the holy land. Menachem Klein’s new book maps out an oft-forgotten history of Israel/Palestine, and offers some guidance on how we may go back to that time.
I do concede there was major violence in 1834 at Safed. Muhammed Damoor was an asshole. But give me one example of major violence between the two groups from '34 and the Zionist migration. There were probably skirmishes, but nothing major. Even in the Hebron riots, which was started by Zionists, 429 Jews were saved by their Arab neighbors.

Here's another fact for You to deal with:
The initial steps in Political Zionism pretty much started as a response to Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine. Long before a Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Zionists moved into the area bringing with them racist, apartheid policies. Jewish terrorist groups drove out over 750,000 Arabs. And you expect them to say, "Thank you"?

The only difference between yesterdays pogroms and today, is that Jews have a military to protect themselves. And the Swastika waved at Israel from Gaza with the open calls to go to die and murder Jews - only shows the legitimacy of that call until today.
I don't know why you keep bringing up Jews? This has nothing to do with Judaism.

The difference between then and now, is that Israeli's (not Jews), are the new Nazis. Israeli's (not Jews), treat the Palestinians much like the Nazis did in the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust.
  • you treat the Pals like they are inhuman
  • you have government propaganda trashing them 24/7
  • you blame all the problems of the country on them
  • you're actively trying to purge them from the area
  • your population thinks any atrocity committed on them is okay
And you can throw in the fact that much like Germans wanted to be known as The Aryan Nation, you want to be known as the Jewish State.

Yeah, you're the new Nazis!

Yeah. Dhimmitude was a party.

The Position of Jews and Christians in the Ottoman Empire

Religious association typically determined status in the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. According to Moshe Ma’oz, Christians and Jews were seen as “inferior subjects or as illegitimate denominations.”1 As a result, they were often discriminated against by the state entity.

The blockade of the Gaza Strip refers to a land, air, and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip by Israel and Egypt from 2007 to present. One year after the 2005 disengagement from the Gaza Strip by Israel, Hamas won the Palestinian legislative election. Israel and the Quartet on the Middle East imposed sanctions against the Palestinian Authority. The stated reason was that Hamas would not agree to the conditions for continued aid: to recognize Israel, disavow violent actions, and accept the previous agreements between Israel and the PA.[1]

In March 2007, Hamas and Fatah formed the unity government headed by Ismail Haniya. Shortly after, in June, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip during the Battle of Gaza.[2] Hamas seized government institutions and replaced Fatah and other government officials with Hamas members.[3] Following the takeover, Egypt and Israel largely closed their border crossings with Gaza, on the grounds that Fatah had fled the Strip and was no longer able to provide security on the Palestinian side.[4] Egypt was worried that Hamas control over Gaza would increase Iranian influence. Aboul Gheit explained that opening the Rafah border crossing would undermine the legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority.[5]
Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia
That's what I've been saying. Hamas won't kowtow to Israel and that pisses off the fascists in the Likud Party.
Actually, the Islamic terrorists (Hamas), you define as heroes are the the most brazen cowards who use women and children as human shields why they get fat and rich on welfare dollars.
Arabs massacred their Jewish neighbors in Palestine long before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.

Written by a Palestinian Jew of Safed about the Arab massacres of 1834:

"Now I have come to announce the large losses and afflictions that have been created in Israel in four countries, ie Jerusalem,and Hebron and the Upper Galilee, namely Safed. And the lower Galilee, namely the city of Tabriya. By the hands of the plunderers and looters that rose in the country. And they come only upon the Jews...
On Sunday, eight days in the month of Sivan, the looters, inhabitants of the villages joined with the inhabitants of the cities. They had weapons of war and shields and fell upon all the Jews and stripped their clothes from men and women. They expelled them naked from the city, and plundered all their property...
The remnants were coerced and raped whether men or women. Tore all the Torah scrolls, and their talit and tefilin and the city was abandoned... This was so for 33 days, so was done in the city of Safed, so was done in other towns."

Periodicals of people of Israel in Eretz Israel - Menachem Mendel ben- Aaaron 1800-1873
It's not bullshit.

Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians

Before the advent of Zionism and Arab nationalism, Jews and Palestinians lived in peace in the holy land. Menachem Klein’s new book maps out an oft-forgotten history of Israel/Palestine, and offers some guidance on how we may go back to that time.
I do concede there was major violence in 1834 at Safed. Muhammed Damoor was an asshole. But give me one example of major violence between the two groups from '34 and the Zionist migration. There were probably skirmishes, but nothing major. Even in the Hebron riots, which was started by Zionists, 429 Jews were saved by their Arab neighbors.

Here's another fact for You to deal with:
The initial steps in Political Zionism pretty much started as a response to Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine. Long before a Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Zionists moved into the area bringing with them racist, apartheid policies. Jewish terrorist groups drove out over 750,000 Arabs. And you expect them to say, "Thank you"?

The only difference between yesterdays pogroms and today, is that Jews have a military to protect themselves. And the Swastika waved at Israel from Gaza with the open calls to go to die and murder Jews - only shows the legitimacy of that call until today.
I don't know why you keep bringing up Jews? This has nothing to do with Judaism.

The difference between then and now, is that Israeli's (not Jews), are the new Nazis. Israeli's (not Jews), treat the Palestinians much like the Nazis did in the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust.
  • you treat the Pals like they are inhuman
  • you have government propaganda trashing them 24/7
  • you blame all the problems of the country on them
  • you're actively trying to purge them from the area
  • your population thinks any atrocity committed on them is okay
And you can throw in the fact that much like Germans wanted to be known as The Aryan Nation, you want to be known as the Jewish State.

Yeah, you're the new Nazis!
Now I am curious.

If Zionists are not Jews, who belong to the Jewish Faith (Judaism ) which religion do they belong to?

Buddhism ?

Any other?
  • you treat the Pals like they are inhuman
  • you have government propaganda trashing them 24/7
  • you blame all the problems of the country on them
  • you're actively trying to purge them from the area
  • your population thinks any atrocity committed on them is okay

Project much ...

in fact, Palestinians regularly refer to Jews as 'Pigs and Apes'.

Palestinian and Arab media machine is constantly churning out anti-semitic propaganda, much of which aimed directly at children.

Both Hamas and the PLO blame Israel for lack of service and civil unrest despite the fact that Israel is the largest contributor of food, material, and medical aid to the Palestinians.

Palestinian Arabs make up 25% of Israeli citizens. Gaza is Judenfrei and the stated goal of the PLO is to remove ALL Jewish population from Judea and Samaria.

Suicide bombers, rocket and mortar attacks, motor vehicle attacks, and stabbing are condoned and praised at all levels of Palestinian society.

[ These Palestinians need to learn that what they have been taught in Gaza and the PA is wrong. Their parents should never teach their children to seek death.....for Allah, for a piece of land, or anything else ]

You always want to talk about the response, not the cause. The cause of the violence IS YOU!

End the occupation and the violence will end to.
Yeah. Dhimmitude was a party.

The Position of Jews and Christians in the Ottoman Empire

Religious association typically determined status in the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. According to Moshe Ma’oz, Christians and Jews were seen as “inferior subjects or as illegitimate denominations.”1 As a result, they were often discriminated against by the state entity.
From your own link...

"In contrast, other scholars may argue that the position of minorities under the Ottomans was lenient compared to minority treatment elsewhere in the world..."

Even your own link admits that things must be viewed in their own context...

"... it must be noted that historical interpretations, or misinterpretations, must be intensely scrutinized when discussing the position of Jews and Arabs under the Ottoman Empire."
[ These Palestinians need to learn that what they have been taught in Gaza and the PA is wrong. Their parents should never teach their children to seek death.....for Allah, for a piece of land, or anything else ]

You always want to talk about the response, not the cause. The cause of the violence IS YOU!

End the occupation and the violence will end to.

Pay attention during Friday prayers at the madrassah.

Read the Hamas Charter.
Yeah. Dhimmitude was a party.

The Position of Jews and Christians in the Ottoman Empire

Religious association typically determined status in the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. According to Moshe Ma’oz, Christians and Jews were seen as “inferior subjects or as illegitimate denominations.”1 As a result, they were often discriminated against by the state entity.
From your own link...

"In contrast, other scholars may argue that the position of minorities under the Ottomans was lenient compared to minority treatment elsewhere in the world..."

Even your own link admits that things must be viewed in their own context...

"... it must be noted that historical interpretations, or misinterpretations, must be intensely scrutinized when discussing the position of Jews and Arabs under the Ottoman Empire."

You can deny the Islamist history of dhimmitude but your denial won’t change the historical (or in your case, the hysterical) record.
Now I am curious.

If Zionists are not Jews, who belong to the Jewish Faith (Judaism ) which religion do they belong to?

Buddhism ?

Any other?
Judaism is a religion; Zionism is a political movement.

Zionists use Jews like a whore uses a tampon, to be discarded later after its use is no longer needed.
Project much ...

in fact, Palestinians regularly refer to Jews as 'Pigs and Apes'.

Palestinian and Arab media machine is constantly churning out anti-semitic propaganda, much of which aimed directly at children.

Both Hamas and the PLO blame Israel for lack of service and civil unrest despite the fact that Israel is the largest contributor of food, material, and medical aid to the Palestinians.

Palestinian Arabs make up 25% of Israeli citizens. Gaza is Judenfrei and the stated goal of the PLO is to remove ALL Jewish population from Judea and Samaria.

Suicide bombers, rocket and mortar attacks, motor vehicle attacks, and stabbing are condoned and praised at all levels of Palestinian society.

There is no way you can tell me Israel is not guilty of the things I stated.

You always try to remove Israel out of the equation. Nothing happens in a vacuum. The occupation is the cause of all the violence in the area for the last 50 years.

BTW, the rockets didn't start falling until 34 years after the occupation began.

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