Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

It's what my research has told me.

West Bank and Jerusalem were occupied by Jordan from 1948 to 1967. During that occupation, the UN had to come in and establish refugee camps to feed the Palestinians because the Jordanians wouldn't. Why was their no Arab condemnation of that occupation?

In fact, most of the territory that is home to the Palestinian population of the West Bank is under the full control of the PLO.

There isn't a single Jew or Israeli soldier in Gaza. Israel maintains a tightly controlled border between Gaza and Israel. Egypt maintains the same between their country and Gaza. Despite that, hundreds of tonnes of food, materials, and medical supplies pass through that border from Israel to Gaza every week. Thousands of Palestinians from Gaza pass into Israel every year to receive free medical care in Israeli clinics.

Golan Heights is Syrian territory that Israel maintains as a security border after Syria attempted to invade Israel in 1967. That security zone is part of the cease fire agreement with Syria. There is no Palestinian population in the Golan Heights.
There are over 200 UN resolutions that say the opposite. There isn't a single country on the face of the planet that recognizes Israel's right to that land.

There are over 300 checkpoints and roadblocks prohibiting Palestinian movement in the West Bank. They are not run by the PLO.

If Israel left Gaza, then why can't Gazan's fish and farm without getting shot at. BTW, your claim about medical supplies and humanitarian aid is bullshit. You let in two or three truck loads a day, for an area of 2 million people that requires almost 100 truck loads a day.

If Israel was out of Gaza, there wouldn't be all these protests we've been seeing the past 4 weeks.

After all the shit Israel has done to them, you got a lot of gall talking about what the Pals do in response.
You keep giving yourself away.

No, you are not a Denialist.

To say that the whole area of Gaza is lived by civilians only is the masterpiece of the BDS movement.

Here are some pictures of the civilians who live in Gaza:

Gaza residents in uniforms and weapons
Again, you never deal with the Israeli part of the equation. If Israel wanted peace, they wouldn't have violated all those ceasefires.
If Israel was out of Gaza, there wouldn't be all these protests we've been seeing the past 4 weeks.

Because the protests aren't about Israel in Gaza (who aren't there) .. it's about Israelis in Israel ... since Hamas and the Palestinians consider ALL of Israel to be occupied by Jews.
This is what I was referring to:

<<The difference between then and now, is that Israeli's (not Jews), are the new Nazis. Israeli's (not Jews), treat the Palestinians much like the Nazis did in the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust.>>>

Now, only the Orthodox Jews are Jews?

Who says so?

And what if Zionism is a political and not Religious cause to bring sovereignty to the Jewish people after the endless Pogroms, not only in Europe but in the Muslim lands, as well?

The Jewish people sought sovereignty on their ancient homeland, and no one else's.

It is returning the Nation to where it belonged, where Jews were always present, regardless of who the invaders, occupiers were.

Bellyache all you like, it is not going to change any historical facts, it is not going to change who attacked whom first, and murdered whom first from 1920 on, instead of choosing to live in peace side by side.

Repeat all the antisemitic things you have learned in the past 40 years, all you like.

The Jewish people are back as sovereign of ONLY 20 % of their homeland, while the Muslims (by force ) got the other 80 %.

The Jewish people are done giving something for nothing, and more land for more war on the part of the Muslims.
Be specific, what parts of Israel is 'occupied'? How do you account for virulent antisemitism and terror from Gaza that doesn't contain a single Jew?
The West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and as for Gaza, the fact that Israel has not left. The Israeli's maintain "effective control" over 80% of that area. That's an occupation.

West Bank and Jerusalem were occupied by Jordan from 1948 to 1967. During that occupation, the UN had to come in and establish refugee camps to feed the Palestinians because the Jordanians wouldn't. Why was their no Arab condemnation of that occupation?

In fact, most of the territory that is home to the Palestinian population of the West Bank is under the full control of the PLO.

There isn't a single Jew or Israeli soldier in Gaza. Israel maintains a tightly controlled border between Gaza and Israel. Egypt maintains the same between their country and Gaza. Despite that, hundreds of tonnes of food, materials, and medical supplies pass through that border from Israel to Gaza every week. Thousands of Palestinians from Gaza pass into Israel every year to receive free medical care in Israeli clinics.

Golan Heights is Syrian territory that Israel maintains as a security border after Syria attempted to invade Israel in 1967. That security zone is part of the cease fire agreement with Syria. There is no Palestinian population in the Golan Heights.
Why was their no Arab condemnation of that occupation?
Because they did not kick them out a steal their land. :290968001256257790-final:
[ These are the Arab Muslims, long before they started calling themselves Palestinians ]

List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia
Indeed, The Palestinians always opposed the Zionist's settler colonial project.
And the Jewish people always opposed the Islamic settler colonial project from the 7th century CE on.

But not once, even during the Mandate, did the Jews raise their hands, or weapons to make the Muslims or Christians leave their homeland.

Keep bellyaching and twisting things to your liking.
You do it so well.
Be specific, what parts of Israel is 'occupied'? How do you account for virulent antisemitism and terror from Gaza that doesn't contain a single Jew?
The West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and as for Gaza, the fact that Israel has not left. The Israeli's maintain "effective control" over 80% of that area. That's an occupation.

West Bank and Jerusalem were occupied by Jordan from 1948 to 1967. During that occupation, the UN had to come in and establish refugee camps to feed the Palestinians because the Jordanians wouldn't. Why was their no Arab condemnation of that occupation?

In fact, most of the territory that is home to the Palestinian population of the West Bank is under the full control of the PLO.

There isn't a single Jew or Israeli soldier in Gaza. Israel maintains a tightly controlled border between Gaza and Israel. Egypt maintains the same between their country and Gaza. Despite that, hundreds of tonnes of food, materials, and medical supplies pass through that border from Israel to Gaza every week. Thousands of Palestinians from Gaza pass into Israel every year to receive free medical care in Israeli clinics.

Golan Heights is Syrian territory that Israel maintains as a security border after Syria attempted to invade Israel in 1967. That security zone is part of the cease fire agreement with Syria. There is no Palestinian population in the Golan Heights.
Why was their no Arab condemnation of that occupation?
Because they did not kick them out a steal their land. :290968001256257790-final:
The Jordanians did indeed steal the land.
They never offered to give those other Arabs the land back in order for them to build any State. The Jordanians wanted the whole land for themselves and wanted more in 1967.

You were not paying attention.
Can hardly see the topic around here anymore. Don't DERAIL specific topics. Nobody wants to read the same brawl over and over again. At least most people don't. CLosed.
Because the protests aren't about Israel in Gaza (who aren't there) .. it's about Israelis in Israel ... since Hamas and the Palestinians consider ALL of Israel to be occupied by Jews.
Wrong! They're protesting the illegal and immoral blockade.

That's funny you accused me of projecting, while the Israeli's are trying to take all of Palestine.
The Jordanians did indeed steal the land.
They never offered to give those other Arabs the land back in order for them to build any State. The Jordanians wanted the whole land for themselves and wanted more in 1967.

You were not paying attention.
I don't know about you, but I WAS having fun!
Because the protests aren't about Israel in Gaza (who aren't there) .. it's about Israelis in Israel ... since Hamas and the Palestinians consider ALL of Israel to be occupied by Jews.
Wrong! They're protesting the illegal and immoral blockade.

That's funny you accused me of projecting, while the Israeli's are trying to take all of Palestine.

Egypt also blockades Gaza due to Palestinian terrorism.

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