Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

But the Palestinians have to accept the assholes that the Israelis elect.

Or ... they could give up their insane vendetta against the Jews and worry about their own arsehole politicians.
It has nothing to do with Jews.

Uh huh ...

The Independent (UK) adds to the long list of deprivations that Gazans are forced to live through.

For thirteen long years, the desperate Gazans have been unable to directly attack Israeli soldiers.

It is a sad fact that Western media cannot find any Gazans who have starved under Israel's brutal siege. They cannot blame Israel for withholding fuel or electricity or medicines - that is the Palestinian Authority that does that. They cannot blame Israel for withholding salaries for workers - that is both Hamas and the PA, depending on the circumstances.

But, dammit, they can blame Israel for withdrawing Jews from Gaza, which makes it so much harder for Palestinians to attack them! It is a truly awful feeling, not being able to attack Jews directly, and it causes a "uniquely desperate despair" that forces Hamas to allow women who are compelled to throw stones towards the border.

It is truly awful not to be able to attack soldiers and Jews with impunity like they used to. They want so much to be like Ahed.

(full article online)

Gaza's "desperate despair": Not being able to attack Israelis directly ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But the Palestinians have to accept the assholes that the Israelis elect.

Or ... they could give up their insane vendetta against the Jews and worry about their own arsehole politicians.
It has nothing to do with Jews.

It has everything to do with Jews. From Uthman's koran to the present day, including the Hamas and PA Charters, Jew hatred is enshrined in the politico-religious ideology of Islamism.

Familiar scenes - from seven years ago [Image Source]

In a punchy New York Times column published this past Friday ["Jewish Power at 70 Years"], Bret Stephens starts out talking about a hate crime - with an intriguing twist - in today's Germany. But then he heads off in the direction of the Middle East and the challenges posed to Israelis by the people on the far side of our borders.

Here's a first extract:

On Friday, Palestinians in Gaza returned for the fourth time to the border fence with Israel, in protests promoted by Hamas. The explicit purpose of Hamas leaders is to breach the fence and march on Jerusalem. Israel cannot possibly allow this — doing so would create a precedent that would encourage similar protests, and more death, along all of Israel’s borders — and has repeatedly used deadly force to counter it. The armchair corporals of Western punditry think this is excessive. It would be helpful if they could suggest alternative military tactics to an Israeli government dealing with an urgent crisis against an adversary sworn to its destruction. They don’t. It would also be helpful if they could explain how they can insist on Israel’s retreat to the 1967 borders and then scold Israel when it defends those borders. They can’t.He's right. We're old enough to remember the coordinated Arab assaults on multiple Israeli bordersseven years ago in conjunction with Naqba Day - May 14 and 15, 2011 and around the same time as the ill-fated and unfortunately-named Arab Spring.

A BBC report at the time ["Palestinian protests: Arab spring or foreign manipulation?", BBC, May 15, 2011] said the not-so-peaceful "protestors"
undoubtedly embodied the same kind of risk-taking, confrontational people-power ethos that has fired the revolts in many parts of the Arab world.How did that risk-taking confrontation play out?

In Lebanon, some 30,000 people were pulled together by the organizers near Lebanon's Israel border and walked towards it just opposite the northern Israeli town of Avivim. Soldiers of the Lebanese army first fired into the air to deter them. But then, as they headed recklessly into and across a border minefield throwing stones towards the Israeli and shouting into the hills for a "right of return", the Lebanese forces shot at them with assault rifles and tear gas. Before the retreat was completed, 11 participants were dead and about 100 injured.

On the Egyptian border, thousands were reported to about to make their way from Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and other points of origin toward the Rafah crossing with Gaza. But the military regime then in power intervened, warning bus companies not to answer the convoy organizers' requests. The few buses that did set off were stopped by the military and in the end, according to Ma'an, only some 80 individuals equipped with flags and an arsenal of angry demands and slogans got to the border.

According to Wikipedia, around 300 West Bank "protesters" assembled at the Qalandiya Crossing - a busy crossing point - to demonstrate, forming human chains, staging sit-downs, hurling rocks. About 120 were said to be affected by tear gas, stink-spray and other crowd-dispersal means. BBC: "Clashes at the Qalandiya checkpoint in Ramallah continued for hours, with dozens of Palestinians injured. Palestinian protesters threw stones at Israeli security forces, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets."

In Jordan, about 500 Palestinian Arab Jordanians were prevented by Jordanian army and police forces from doing harm at the Allenby Bridge, the major crossing point into the West Bank and Israel. They used tear gas and other similar tools and some 25 people were reported injured, including 11 Jordanian police. A Ma'an report said the Hamas-aligned Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood and what Ma'an called "the powerful Islamic Action Front" termed this "shocking" and turning reality on its end demanded "an end to such policies that have harmed Jordan's image".

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 23-Apr-18: Bret Stephens on Israel's robust willingness to defend itself
The Independent (UK) adds to the long list of deprivations that Gazans are forced to live through.

For thirteen long years, the desperate Gazans have been unable to directly attack Israeli soldiers.

It is a sad fact that Western media cannot find any Gazans who have starved under Israel's brutal siege. They cannot blame Israel for withholding fuel or electricity or medicines - that is the Palestinian Authority that does that. They cannot blame Israel for withholding salaries for workers - that is both Hamas and the PA, depending on the circumstances.

But, dammit, they can blame Israel for withdrawing Jews from Gaza, which makes it so much harder for Palestinians to attack them! It is a truly awful feeling, not being able to attack Jews directly, and it causes a "uniquely desperate despair" that forces Hamas to allow women who are compelled to throw stones towards the border.

It is truly awful not to be able to attack soldiers and Jews with impunity like they used to. They want so much to be like Ahed.

(full article online)

Gaza's "desperate despair": Not being able to attack Israelis directly ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
They cannot blame Israel for withholding fuel or electricity or medicines - that is the Palestinian Authority that does that.
Abbas is the house negro.
The Independent (UK) adds to the long list of deprivations that Gazans are forced to live through.

For thirteen long years, the desperate Gazans have been unable to directly attack Israeli soldiers.

It is a sad fact that Western media cannot find any Gazans who have starved under Israel's brutal siege. They cannot blame Israel for withholding fuel or electricity or medicines - that is the Palestinian Authority that does that. They cannot blame Israel for withholding salaries for workers - that is both Hamas and the PA, depending on the circumstances.

But, dammit, they can blame Israel for withdrawing Jews from Gaza, which makes it so much harder for Palestinians to attack them! It is a truly awful feeling, not being able to attack Jews directly, and it causes a "uniquely desperate despair" that forces Hamas to allow women who are compelled to throw stones towards the border.

It is truly awful not to be able to attack soldiers and Jews with impunity like they used to. They want so much to be like Ahed.

(full article online)

Gaza's "desperate despair": Not being able to attack Israelis directly ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
They cannot blame Israel for withholding fuel or electricity or medicines - that is the Palestinian Authority that does that.
Abbas is the house negro.
Shame on you!!!

Familiar scenes - from seven years ago [Image Source]

In a punchy New York Times column published this past Friday ["Jewish Power at 70 Years"], Bret Stephens starts out talking about a hate crime - with an intriguing twist - in today's Germany. But then he heads off in the direction of the Middle East and the challenges posed to Israelis by the people on the far side of our borders.

Here's a first extract:

On Friday, Palestinians in Gaza returned for the fourth time to the border fence with Israel, in protests promoted by Hamas. The explicit purpose of Hamas leaders is to breach the fence and march on Jerusalem. Israel cannot possibly allow this — doing so would create a precedent that would encourage similar protests, and more death, along all of Israel’s borders — and has repeatedly used deadly force to counter it. The armchair corporals of Western punditry think this is excessive. It would be helpful if they could suggest alternative military tactics to an Israeli government dealing with an urgent crisis against an adversary sworn to its destruction. They don’t. It would also be helpful if they could explain how they can insist on Israel’s retreat to the 1967 borders and then scold Israel when it defends those borders. They can’t.He's right. We're old enough to remember the coordinated Arab assaults on multiple Israeli bordersseven years ago in conjunction with Naqba Day - May 14 and 15, 2011 and around the same time as the ill-fated and unfortunately-named Arab Spring.

A BBC report at the time ["Palestinian protests: Arab spring or foreign manipulation?", BBC, May 15, 2011] said the not-so-peaceful "protestors"
undoubtedly embodied the same kind of risk-taking, confrontational people-power ethos that has fired the revolts in many parts of the Arab world.How did that risk-taking confrontation play out?

In Lebanon, some 30,000 people were pulled together by the organizers near Lebanon's Israel border and walked towards it just opposite the northern Israeli town of Avivim. Soldiers of the Lebanese army first fired into the air to deter them. But then, as they headed recklessly into and across a border minefield throwing stones towards the Israeli and shouting into the hills for a "right of return", the Lebanese forces shot at them with assault rifles and tear gas. Before the retreat was completed, 11 participants were dead and about 100 injured.

On the Egyptian border, thousands were reported to about to make their way from Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and other points of origin toward the Rafah crossing with Gaza. But the military regime then in power intervened, warning bus companies not to answer the convoy organizers' requests. The few buses that did set off were stopped by the military and in the end, according to Ma'an, only some 80 individuals equipped with flags and an arsenal of angry demands and slogans got to the border.

According to Wikipedia, around 300 West Bank "protesters" assembled at the Qalandiya Crossing - a busy crossing point - to demonstrate, forming human chains, staging sit-downs, hurling rocks. About 120 were said to be affected by tear gas, stink-spray and other crowd-dispersal means. BBC: "Clashes at the Qalandiya checkpoint in Ramallah continued for hours, with dozens of Palestinians injured. Palestinian protesters threw stones at Israeli security forces, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets."

In Jordan, about 500 Palestinian Arab Jordanians were prevented by Jordanian army and police forces from doing harm at the Allenby Bridge, the major crossing point into the West Bank and Israel. They used tear gas and other similar tools and some 25 people were reported injured, including 11 Jordanian police. A Ma'an report said the Hamas-aligned Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood and what Ma'an called "the powerful Islamic Action Front" termed this "shocking" and turning reality on its end demanded "an end to such policies that have harmed Jordan's image".

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 23-Apr-18: Bret Stephens on Israel's robust willingness to defend itself
Indeed, Israel needs to defend its settler colonial project.

Familiar scenes - from seven years ago [Image Source]

In a punchy New York Times column published this past Friday ["Jewish Power at 70 Years"], Bret Stephens starts out talking about a hate crime - with an intriguing twist - in today's Germany. But then he heads off in the direction of the Middle East and the challenges posed to Israelis by the people on the far side of our borders.

Here's a first extract:

On Friday, Palestinians in Gaza returned for the fourth time to the border fence with Israel, in protests promoted by Hamas. The explicit purpose of Hamas leaders is to breach the fence and march on Jerusalem. Israel cannot possibly allow this — doing so would create a precedent that would encourage similar protests, and more death, along all of Israel’s borders — and has repeatedly used deadly force to counter it. The armchair corporals of Western punditry think this is excessive. It would be helpful if they could suggest alternative military tactics to an Israeli government dealing with an urgent crisis against an adversary sworn to its destruction. They don’t. It would also be helpful if they could explain how they can insist on Israel’s retreat to the 1967 borders and then scold Israel when it defends those borders. They can’t.He's right. We're old enough to remember the coordinated Arab assaults on multiple Israeli bordersseven years ago in conjunction with Naqba Day - May 14 and 15, 2011 and around the same time as the ill-fated and unfortunately-named Arab Spring.

A BBC report at the time ["Palestinian protests: Arab spring or foreign manipulation?", BBC, May 15, 2011] said the not-so-peaceful "protestors"
undoubtedly embodied the same kind of risk-taking, confrontational people-power ethos that has fired the revolts in many parts of the Arab world.How did that risk-taking confrontation play out?

In Lebanon, some 30,000 people were pulled together by the organizers near Lebanon's Israel border and walked towards it just opposite the northern Israeli town of Avivim. Soldiers of the Lebanese army first fired into the air to deter them. But then, as they headed recklessly into and across a border minefield throwing stones towards the Israeli and shouting into the hills for a "right of return", the Lebanese forces shot at them with assault rifles and tear gas. Before the retreat was completed, 11 participants were dead and about 100 injured.

On the Egyptian border, thousands were reported to about to make their way from Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and other points of origin toward the Rafah crossing with Gaza. But the military regime then in power intervened, warning bus companies not to answer the convoy organizers' requests. The few buses that did set off were stopped by the military and in the end, according to Ma'an, only some 80 individuals equipped with flags and an arsenal of angry demands and slogans got to the border.

According to Wikipedia, around 300 West Bank "protesters" assembled at the Qalandiya Crossing - a busy crossing point - to demonstrate, forming human chains, staging sit-downs, hurling rocks. About 120 were said to be affected by tear gas, stink-spray and other crowd-dispersal means. BBC: "Clashes at the Qalandiya checkpoint in Ramallah continued for hours, with dozens of Palestinians injured. Palestinian protesters threw stones at Israeli security forces, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets."

In Jordan, about 500 Palestinian Arab Jordanians were prevented by Jordanian army and police forces from doing harm at the Allenby Bridge, the major crossing point into the West Bank and Israel. They used tear gas and other similar tools and some 25 people were reported injured, including 11 Jordanian police. A Ma'an report said the Hamas-aligned Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood and what Ma'an called "the powerful Islamic Action Front" termed this "shocking" and turning reality on its end demanded "an end to such policies that have harmed Jordan's image".

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 23-Apr-18: Bret Stephens on Israel's robust willingness to defend itself
Indeed, Israel needs to defend its settler colonial project.
The Jewish People/Nation is defending itself from the barbaric Muslims who cannot let go of one Duma of land they once conquered.

To heck with your endless attacks on Jews and love for the Muslims.

Which is exactly why the Jews built a country which is as strong as it is.

To deal with bastards like you.
But the Palestinians have to accept the assholes that the Israelis elect.

Or ... they could give up their insane vendetta against the Jews and worry about their own arsehole politicians.
It has nothing to do with Jews.

It has everything to do with Jews. From Uthman's koran to the present day, including the Hamas and PA Charters, Jew hatred is enshrined in the politico-religious ideology of Islamism.
Not so. If Hindus were killing them and stealing their stuff, they would be hating on the Hindus.
But the Palestinians have to accept the assholes that the Israelis elect.

Or ... they could give up their insane vendetta against the Jews and worry about their own arsehole politicians.
It has nothing to do with Jews.

It has everything to do with Jews. From Uthman's koran to the present day, including the Hamas and PA Charters, Jew hatred is enshrined in the politico-religious ideology of Islamism.
Not so. If Hindus were killing them and stealing their stuff, they would be hating on the Hindus.

Your koranology lessons include instruction in taqiyya, obviously. You know full well the verses in your Korans that speak to revulsion for Jews and Christians.
But the Palestinians have to accept the assholes that the Israelis elect.

Or ... they could give up their insane vendetta against the Jews and worry about their own arsehole politicians.
It has nothing to do with Jews.

It has everything to do with Jews. From Uthman's koran to the present day, including the Hamas and PA Charters, Jew hatred is enshrined in the politico-religious ideology of Islamism.
Not so. If Hindus were killing them and stealing their stuff, they would be hating on the Hindus.
Out of the BDS

Come on, help me ....which page did you get this Hindu idea from, where in reality it is the Muslims who attacked the Hindus and created......Pakistan out of a good chunk of what had been India.

Muslims hate Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buhddists, any and all Non Muslims.

So, I guess you are safe :)
They can burn tires 300m from the border.
For the simple reason that at this distance if they want to make an explosion - they'll endanger only their own.
The buffer zone is on Gazan land. So you really didn't leave Gaza, as you keep claiming.

Q. Maybe they get shot because they're taught that next to killing Jews, death is the biggest achievement?
Maybe because they're not taught that. That's another big lie you fuckers keep telling. No parent teaches their children to die. The reason they want to kill Israeli's, is because you've been treating them like garbage, since you moved into the area.
Sure they were, and so declared openly.
Bringing more ice cream won't help them hide the guns.
They didn't have any guns. On that note, why can't they have weapons? Are they not allowed to defend themselves? Well, you need weapons for that.

As far as ice cream goes, what's the price of Milky these days?
They can burn tires 300m from the border.
For the simple reason that at this distance if they want to make an explosion - they'll endanger only their own.
The buffer zone is on Gazan land. So you really didn't leave Gaza, as you keep claiming.

Q. Maybe they get shot because they're taught that next to killing Jews, death is the biggest achievement?
Maybe because they're not taught that. That's another big lie you fuckers keep telling. No parent teaches their children to die. The reason they want to kill Israeli's, is because you've been treating them like garbage, since you moved into the area.

[ These Palestinians need to learn that what they have been taught in Gaza and the PA is wrong. Their parents should never teach their children to seek death.....for Allah, for a piece of land, or anything else ]

But the Palestinians have to accept the assholes that the Israelis elect.

Or ... they could give up their insane vendetta against the Jews and worry about their own arsehole politicians.
It has nothing to do with Jews.

It has everything to do with Jews. From Uthman's koran to the present day, including the Hamas and PA Charters, Jew hatred is enshrined in the politico-religious ideology of Islamism.
Not so. If Hindus were killing them and stealing their stuff, they would be hating on the Hindus.

Interesting your using the Hindu’s for your silly attempt at some twisted analogy.

After the death of Islam's inventor, Islam's holy warriors spilled out of the peninsula and through war, conquest and colonialism utterly ravaged almost one half of the civilized world. From the Indian subcontinent to the Northern Mediterranean and Western Africa, Islam's bloody conquest was brutal and deadly.

The greatest genocide in human history was the Islamist rampage theough the Indian subcontinent. It is estimated that as many as 80 million Hindus were slaughtered by the Islamist hordes. The Hindu Kush means "slaughter of the Hindus".

Hindu Kush means Hindu Slaughter

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