Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

Lie du jour: the "internationally banned" "exploding bullet" used by Israeli snipers to deliver maximum pain to the pure, unarmed civilians amassing on the Gaza border.

Haitham Khatib, a "photographer" from Ramallah writes:

Every single Palestinian is becoming a guinea pig and is targeted to bear in his flesh the very embodiment of the Illegal Israeli Occupation.
Soon,butterfly bullets will be part of Palestinian DNA.
But at the same time,butterflies are the living embodiment of FREEDOM and BEAUTY.
What doesn't kill us will make us stronger.

He lies.

Exploding bullets or close-range hog hunting ammo?

These bullets were cut and pasted directly from an ammunition advertisement,

They aren't a secret Israeli weapon. The bullets were specifically developed for close range hog hunting. Not internationally banned. Widely available on the web. And there is zero evidence that Israel uses close range hog-hunting ammo in its munitions.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers: Palestinian Lies go whole hog
Those who occupied the land for 1300 before 1948 were the Muslim Arabs, and the Ottoman Turks. The Jewish People are the indigenous ones on the land, and not its occupiers. You will find proof of that in the Quran itself. And any Christian historical book or record will also will tell you that.
There isn't a single country on this planet that agrees with you. And over 200 UN resolutions say you are full of shit. Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs have been living there for centuries. It wasn't until the asshole Zionists showing up did all the violence start.

Israel left Gaza in 2005, for the people there to build their own State.
You're so full of shit! How can they build their own state if Israel won't allow basic building materials into the area?

The people in Gaza chose to fire rockets into Israel.
Rockets didn't start until 34 years after the occupation began. And how many Israeli's did those rockets kill? 28? That's not a threat, that's a nuisance. And how many missiles did Israel send Gaza's way?

That is when the blockade had to be implemented.
Wrong! The blockade started in 2006; right after the election.

Israel does not torture children. Never has:

Upon looking more thoroughly through the PDO website, and reading the entire letter their office sent to the Israel Justice Ministry about such detention methods, we learned that they were only charging that some Israelis arrested in the middle of the night spent a number of hours in outdoor (open-air) jails until they were taken to the court early in the morning. The PDO statement further clarifies that this practice (which was recently ended) in general ā€“ under which detainees sometimes waited in outdoor holding cells for several hours ā€“ had existed for a number of months.

Again, there is no mention of Palestinian children.

Following our communication with Indy editors, they minimally revised the passage which falsely claimed that prisoners were kept ā€œfor monthsā€ in ā€œoutdoor cagesā€, as they evidently realized that the word months only signified the length of time the practice had been going on.

However, upon further investigation by Presspecitva and CiF Watch, it increasingly appears likely that the entire Indy story is untrue. We werenā€™t able to find any evidence that anyone even alleged that Palestinian children were kept in these outdoor facilities (ā€œcagedā€), or ā€œtorturedā€, during transit to court.

In addition to the fact that the Israel Public Defenderā€™s Office doesnā€™t mention Palestinian children in any context, we checked with the Israel Prison Service, whose spokesperson (Sivan Weizman) told us quite clearly that the entire PDO complaint submitted to the Justice Ministry only refers to Israeli prisoners (some of whom were evidently teens) and NOT Palestinians, yet alone Palestinian kids. Weizman stated emphatically that this had nothing to do whatsoever with Palestinian children, and that the prisoners in question were common criminals, not suspects being held for security (terrorist) offenses.

Finally, itā€™s quite telling that neither the Guardian nor other British and U.S. news outlets ā€“ which typically are not shy about smearing Israel with unsubstantiated allegations ā€“ have jumped on the story. If there was any credible evidence that Israel was ā€œtorturingā€ kids, youā€™d think the usual media suspects would be all over it.

(full article online)

Indyā€™s wild claim that Israel ā€˜torturesā€™ Palestinian kids continues to unravel


Israel Tortures Palestinian Children, Amnesty Report Says

Israel engaged in extensive human rights violations in 2016, including detaining or continuing to imprison thousands of Palestinians without charges or trial, torturing many of those held in custody, promoting illegal settlements in the West Bank and severely hampering the movement of Palestinians, according to the Amnesty International Annual Report, published on Wednesday.

The report found that among those tortured and detained under administrative orders were also children. Methods of torture included beatings, painful shackling and sleep deprivation. Among 110 Palestinians killed last year by Israeli forces, the report charged, some posed no threat to life and thus were shot unlawfully.

How about the Arab leaders, and UNWRA, stopping their education of Arab children in order for them to attack Israeli civilians and soldiers?
Would not that be a good start?
Wouldn't that allow the children to grow up in a normal way rather than being influenced in order to follow the Muslim rule of not allowing non Muslims to have land once conquered by Islam?
Palestinians have every right in the world to attack and resist an occupational force.

Israel, and Gaza and Judea and Samaria and TranJordan is ALL Jewish Homeland.
You will not see Jews or Israel demanding Jordan back, or teaching their children to attack Jordanians in order to make them give back the land which truly belongs to the Jewish People and not to one Arab clan (The Hashemites) which got kicked out of the Arabian Peninsula by another Arab Clan from Yemen (the Saudis) around 1915, now DO YOU?
You can't move into an area and automatically have more land rights than the people already living there.

Clearly, you are a very gullible person, who chooses to believe anything and everything against Israel. Because it is a Jewish State, or just does not matter.
This has nothing to do with Judaism. This is about international law, which Israel has been in violation of for the last half century.

A PEACEFUL march, does not include throwing rocks, bringing explosives, burning tires, being armed, attempting to destroy a security fence, flying kites into Israel with the intent of setting crops and grass, or buildings on fire.
Why can't they burn a fucking tire on their own fucking property? And just maybe they are throwing rocks in response to you fuckers shooting their children in the head?

What they have been doing is exactly the opposite.

And being exactly the opposite of PEACEFUL protest, any other country would have put an end to it the very first week, and in any way they saw fit to do so. And no one, including the UN, and including you, would have faulted that country from stopping invaders to come and harm their nation.
Except for the fact that they weren't harming or invading your nation. They were protesting your illegal, immoral and inhuman blockade. You fuckers are too pussy to take ownership over the shit things you do.

Are you going to insist in the things you wish to believe in, or are you going to try to educate yourself as to what the facts are?
I have educated myself regarding the facts around Israel. That's how I know Zionists are fucking assholes! You can't get a more object voice on this conflict more than me. This conflict doesn't affect my daily life in any way. I couldn't give a shit about Israel or its citizens. The same goes the Pals to. But I do call things as I see them and what I see, is that Israel is the bad guy.
So much noise about "unarmed protesters" yet the apologists for islamic terrorists sidestep the issue of "unarmed protesters" attacking with Molotov cocktails and explisives.

Could it be that a reality based worldview is not the language you speak at home?
Palestinians are not terrorists. Pieces of shit Israeli snipers and the stupid c*nts that defend them are.
Those who occupied the land for 1300 before 1948 were the Muslim Arabs, and the Ottoman Turks. The Jewish People are the indigenous ones on the land, and not its occupiers. You will find proof of that in the Quran itself. And any Christian historical book or record will also will tell you that.
There isn't a single country on this planet that agrees with you. And over 200 UN resolutions say you are full of shit. Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs have been living there for centuries. It wasn't until the asshole Zionists showing up did all the violence start.

Israel left Gaza in 2005, for the people there to build their own State.
You're so full of shit! How can they build their own state if Israel won't allow basic building materials into the area?

The people in Gaza chose to fire rockets into Israel.
Rockets didn't start until 34 years after the occupation began. And how many Israeli's did those rockets kill? 28? That's not a threat, that's a nuisance. And how many missiles did Israel send Gaza's way?

That is when the blockade had to be implemented.
Wrong! The blockade started in 2006; right after the election.

Israel does not torture children. Never has:

Upon looking more thoroughly through the PDO website, and reading the entire letter their office sent to the Israel Justice Ministry about such detention methods, we learned that they were only charging that some Israelis arrested in the middle of the night spent a number of hours in outdoor (open-air) jails until they were taken to the court early in the morning. The PDO statement further clarifies that this practice (which was recently ended) in general ā€“ under which detainees sometimes waited in outdoor holding cells for several hours ā€“ had existed for a number of months.

Again, there is no mention of Palestinian children.

Following our communication with Indy editors, they minimally revised the passage which falsely claimed that prisoners were kept ā€œfor monthsā€ in ā€œoutdoor cagesā€, as they evidently realized that the word months only signified the length of time the practice had been going on.

However, upon further investigation by Presspecitva and CiF Watch, it increasingly appears likely that the entire Indy story is untrue. We werenā€™t able to find any evidence that anyone even alleged that Palestinian children were kept in these outdoor facilities (ā€œcagedā€), or ā€œtorturedā€, during transit to court.

In addition to the fact that the Israel Public Defenderā€™s Office doesnā€™t mention Palestinian children in any context, we checked with the Israel Prison Service, whose spokesperson (Sivan Weizman) told us quite clearly that the entire PDO complaint submitted to the Justice Ministry only refers to Israeli prisoners (some of whom were evidently teens) and NOT Palestinians, yet alone Palestinian kids. Weizman stated emphatically that this had nothing to do whatsoever with Palestinian children, and that the prisoners in question were common criminals, not suspects being held for security (terrorist) offenses.

Finally, itā€™s quite telling that neither the Guardian nor other British and U.S. news outlets ā€“ which typically are not shy about smearing Israel with unsubstantiated allegations ā€“ have jumped on the story. If there was any credible evidence that Israel was ā€œtorturingā€ kids, youā€™d think the usual media suspects would be all over it.

(full article online)

Indyā€™s wild claim that Israel ā€˜torturesā€™ Palestinian kids continues to unravel


Israel Tortures Palestinian Children, Amnesty Report Says

Israel engaged in extensive human rights violations in 2016, including detaining or continuing to imprison thousands of Palestinians without charges or trial, torturing many of those held in custody, promoting illegal settlements in the West Bank and severely hampering the movement of Palestinians, according to the Amnesty International Annual Report, published on Wednesday.

The report found that among those tortured and detained under administrative orders were also children. Methods of torture included beatings, painful shackling and sleep deprivation. Among 110 Palestinians killed last year by Israeli forces, the report charged, some posed no threat to life and thus were shot unlawfully.

How about the Arab leaders, and UNWRA, stopping their education of Arab children in order for them to attack Israeli civilians and soldiers?
Would not that be a good start?
Wouldn't that allow the children to grow up in a normal way rather than being influenced in order to follow the Muslim rule of not allowing non Muslims to have land once conquered by Islam?
Palestinians have every right in the world to attack and resist an occupational force.

Israel, and Gaza and Judea and Samaria and TranJordan is ALL Jewish Homeland.
You will not see Jews or Israel demanding Jordan back, or teaching their children to attack Jordanians in order to make them give back the land which truly belongs to the Jewish People and not to one Arab clan (The Hashemites) which got kicked out of the Arabian Peninsula by another Arab Clan from Yemen (the Saudis) around 1915, now DO YOU?
You can't move into an area and automatically have more land rights than the people already living there.

Clearly, you are a very gullible person, who chooses to believe anything and everything against Israel. Because it is a Jewish State, or just does not matter.
This has nothing to do with Judaism. This is about international law, which Israel has been in violation of for the last half century.

A PEACEFUL march, does not include throwing rocks, bringing explosives, burning tires, being armed, attempting to destroy a security fence, flying kites into Israel with the intent of setting crops and grass, or buildings on fire.
Why can't they burn a fucking tire on their own fucking property? And just maybe they are throwing rocks in response to you fuckers shooting their children in the head?

What they have been doing is exactly the opposite.

And being exactly the opposite of PEACEFUL protest, any other country would have put an end to it the very first week, and in any way they saw fit to do so. And no one, including the UN, and including you, would have faulted that country from stopping invaders to come and harm their nation.
Except for the fact that they weren't harming or invading your nation. They were protesting your illegal, immoral and inhuman blockade. You fuckers are too pussy to take ownership over the shit things you do.

Are you going to insist in the things you wish to believe in, or are you going to try to educate yourself as to what the facts are?
I have educated myself regarding the facts around Israel. That's how I know Zionists are fucking assholes! You can't get a more object voice on this conflict more than me. This conflict doesn't affect my daily life in any way. I couldn't give a shit about Israel or its citizens. The same goes the Pals to. But I do call things as I see them and what I see, is that Israel is the bad guy.
:bsflag: :bye1:
I have educated myself regarding the facts around Israel. That's how I know Zionists are fucking assholes! You can't get a more object voice on this conflict more than me. This conflict doesn't affect my daily life in any way. I couldn't give a shit about Israel or its citizens. The same goes the Pals to. But I do call things as I see them and what I see, is that Israel is the bad guy.

What education?
A diploma to curse every sentence to make a point? :rolleyes:

Sure professor.
You're so full of shit! How can they build their own state if Israel won't allow basic building materials into the area?


No building materials... :eusa_doh:but enough to develop a system of tunnels


and build luxurious villas and palaces in Gaza:


Who said they ever wanted their own state?
They'd simply annex it to Syria or Jordan not have any responsibility on their hands, like they tried from the beginning. Could've already built it decades ago. But all they want is Jews gone with no other plan or vision.

They call it "honor"...
Rockets didn't start until 34 years after the occupation began. And how many Israeli's did those rockets kill? 28? That's not a threat, that's a nuisance. And how many missiles did Israel send Gaza's way?

There were no rockets against Egyptian occupation, how so?

You think 28 dead is not a threat,
We think 2 is enough to go to war.

You think sending children to explode and murder civilians is fine,
we think children are our most precious gift to invest billions to protect.

We value our life, You value suicidal maniacs.
Wrong! The blockade started in 2006; right after the election.

The blockade of the Gaza Strip refers to a land, air, and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip by Israel and Egypt from 2007 to present. One year after the 2005 disengagement from the Gaza Strip by Israel, Hamas won the Palestinian legislative election. Israel and the Quartet on the Middle East imposed sanctions against the Palestinian Authority. The stated reason was that Hamas would not agree to the conditions for continued aid: to recognize Israel, disavow violent actions, and accept the previous agreements between Israel and the PA.[1]

In March 2007, Hamas and Fatah formed the unity government headed by Ismail Haniya. Shortly after, in June, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip during the Battle of Gaza.[2] Hamas seized government institutions and replaced Fatah and other government officials with Hamas members.[3] Following the takeover, Egypt and Israel largely closed their border crossings with Gaza, on the grounds that Fatah had fled the Strip and was no longer able to provide security on the Palestinian side.[4] Egypt was worried that Hamas control over Gaza would increase Iranian influence. Aboul Gheit explained that opening the Rafah border crossing would undermine the legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority.[5]
Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Israel Tortures Palestinian Children, Amnesty Report Says

Israel engaged in extensive human rights violations in 2016, including detaining or continuing to imprison thousands of Palestinians without charges or trial, torturing many of those held in custody, promoting illegal settlements in the West Bank and severely hampering the movement of Palestinians, according to the Amnesty International Annual Report, published on Wednesday.

The report found that among those tortured and detained under administrative orders were also children. Methods of torture included beatings, painful shackling and sleep deprivation. Among 110 Palestinians killed last year by Israeli forces, the report charged, some posed no threat to life and thus were shot unlawfully.

Exactly "BULLSHIT!" :bs1:

For Amnesty if a cat farted in Gaza it's enough to call it an "Israeli war crime".
But if Hamas drags the dismembered bodies of Gazans on the streets - it"s "elections campaign"
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Why can't they burn a fucking tire on their own fucking property? And just maybe they are throwing rocks in response to you fuckers shooting their children in the head?

They can burn tires 300m from the border.
For the simple reason that at this distance if they want to make an explosion - they'll endanger only their own.

Q. Maybe they get shot because they're taught that next to killing Jews, death is the biggest achievement?
Except for the fact that they weren't harming or invading your nation. They were protesting your illegal, immoral and inhuman blockade. You fuckers are too pussy to take ownership over the shit things you do.

Sure they were, and so declared openly.
Bringing more ice cream won't help them hide the guns.
There isn't a single country on this planet that agrees with you. And over 200 UN resolutions say you are full of shit. Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs have been living there for centuries. It wasn't until the asshole Zionists showing up did all the violence start.

Arabs massacred their Jewish neighbors in Palestine long before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.

Written by a Palestinian Jew of Safed about the Arab massacres of 1834:

"Now I have come to announce the large losses and afflictions that have been created in Israel in four countries, ie Jerusalem,and Hebron and the Upper Galilee, namely Safed. And the lower Galilee, namely the city of Tabriya. By the hands of the plunderers and looters that rose in the country. And they come only upon the Jews...
On Sunday, eight days in the month of Sivan, the looters, inhabitants of the villages joined with the inhabitants of the cities. They had weapons of war and shields and fell upon all the Jews and stripped their clothes from men and women. They expelled them naked from the city, and plundered all their property...
The remnants were coerced and raped whether men or women. Tore all the Torah scrolls, and their talit and tefilin and the city was abandoned... This was so for 33 days, so was done in the city of Safed, so was done in other towns."

Periodicals of people of Israel in Eretz Israel - Menachem Mendel ben- Aaaron 1800-1873

Here's another fact for You to deal with:
The initial steps in Political Zionism pretty much started as a response to Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine. Long before a Zionist ever shot a bullet.

The only difference between yesterdays pogroms and today, is that Jews have a military to protect themselves. And the Swastika waved at Israel from Gaza with the open calls to go to die and murder Jews - only shows the legitimacy of that call until today.
how many Israeli's did those rockets kill? 28? That's not a threat, that's a nuisance.

Not to their families.

For the record, how many dead Jews does it take to get an upgrade from nuisance to threat?

Interesting how 28 people killed by rockets is a "nuisance" while 28 people killed by Israeli sniper fire is genocide.

And this from the cough cough most objective person on this board.
Wrong! The blockade started in 2006; right after the election.

The blockade of the Gaza Strip refers to a land, air, and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip by Israel and Egypt from 2007 to present. One year after the 2005 disengagement from the Gaza Strip by Israel, Hamas won the Palestinian legislative election. Israel and the Quartet on the Middle East imposed sanctions against the Palestinian Authority. The stated reason was that Hamas would not agree to the conditions for continued aid: to recognize Israel, disavow violent actions, and accept the previous agreements between Israel and the PA.[1]

In March 2007, Hamas and Fatah formed the unity government headed by Ismail Haniya. Shortly after, in June, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip during the Battle of Gaza.[2] Hamas seized government institutions and replaced Fatah and other government officials with Hamas members.[3] Following the takeover, Egypt and Israel largely closed their border crossings with Gaza, on the grounds that Fatah had fled the Strip and was no longer able to provide security on the Palestinian side.[4] Egypt was worried that Hamas control over Gaza would increase Iranian influence. Aboul Gheit explained that opening the Rafah border crossing would undermine the legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority.[5]
Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia
But the Palestinians have to accept the assholes that the Israelis elect.

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