Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk

Here is another Israel Basher who does not care about facts.

Never mind all the videos and photos the IDF has, showing Palestinians carrying weapons, explosives and coming to the Fences with the intention of entering (shall I say Invading) Israel and with the intent of killing Jews.

Nope, never mind any and all proofs of Hamas' intent of breaching the Fence.

Woodstock, Palestinian style.

No songs, no dancing, no pot.

Weapons, firebombs, and civilians being used to cover the Hamas men who are trained to attempt to breach the fence.

"They are unarmed, I say !!! "
Why don't you produce those videos, asshole? Let's see them!
Not really fair, Chuckles.

Hamas does pay the armed, massing Islamic terrorists to take one for the gee-had.

It’s the pinnacle of young, Arab-Moslem terrorist manhood to die for a possible $3,000 check from Hamas.

Allah, Shirley is Akbar.
Why do you fuckers always try to remove Israel from the equation? Nothing happens in a vacuum. Israel is responsible for all the violence in that area.

And the cow jumped over the moon.
I do not do the work for lazy bums.
You have 21 pages on this thread to look at.
You do not want to, tough.
You know exactly where it is and you can't provide the link?
You are a groupie for losers.
There are photos and videos all over the thread. I do not have to give you anything your lazy ass does not wish to look for.
ONLY 21 pages and you are too lazy to check them for yourself.
Mommy and Daddy have to do the homework for you.

You are a groupie for losers.
There are photos and videos all over the thread. I do not have to give you anything your lazy ass does not wish to look for.
ONLY 21 pages and you are too lazy to check them for yourself.
Mommy and Daddy have to do the homework for you.

You made the claim; you back it up!

If there are so many of these videos you claim, why is it none of them have made it on the national news? Because everything we've been seeing on TV for the last 4 weeks, show innocent Palestinian's being shot in cold blood by Israeli snipers.
Here's a Palestinian getting shot in the head by an Israeli sniper while his IDF buddies cheer on...

...proof Israeli's are inhuman pieces of shit!
More Israeli violence towards unarmed Palestinians...

I think it’s foolish to cut and paste a YouTube video as proof of anything. These selectively edited clips, especially coming from AlJazeera, PressTV and Pallywood Studios have an obvious agenda.

With regard to the AlJazeera video, I believe Hamas only pays a mere $500 for non-lethal wounds.
You are a groupie for losers.
There are photos and videos all over the thread. I do not have to give you anything your lazy ass does not wish to look for.
ONLY 21 pages and you are too lazy to check them for yourself.
Mommy and Daddy have to do the homework for you.

You made the claim; you back it up!

If there are so many of these videos you claim, why is it none of them have made it on the national news? Because everything we've been seeing on TV for the last 4 weeks, show innocent Palestinian's being shot in cold blood by Israeli snipers.

Very melodramatic but not true.
This past Friday Hamas terrorists sent several flying firebombs, using kites, over the Israel-Gaza fence, hoping to set fire to nearby Israeli communities and fields. Instead of using their creativity to help humankind, they make kite bombs to kill and injure innocent Israelis.

These acts of terror ,in addition to the mass march on the border fence, are really just a distraction. They are used by Hamas to hide the acts of sabotage they are trying to inclict upon the border fence to allow for more serious terror acts.

(full article, tweets and videos online)

Latest Gaza Border Terror Hamas Now Using Kite Bombs to Bomb Israel
The notes read: "Zionists, there is no room for you in the land of Palestine. Go back to the place you came from. Don't respond (i.e., listen) to your leaders. They send you to death or to captivity. Al-Quds is the capital of Palestine."

Al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem.

The notes come in response to leaflets distributed by the IDF warning Gazans not to listen to Hamas, and to keep away from the Gaza-Israel border and avoid participating in terror activities.

Prior to the founding of the State of Israel, Jews around the world were told by their neighbors, "Jews, go back to Palestine!"

(full article online)

'Zionists, go back to where you came from'
I think it’s foolish to cut and paste a YouTube video as proof of anything. These selectively edited clips, especially coming from AlJazeera, PressTV and Pallywood Studios have an obvious agenda.

With regard to the AlJazeera video, I believe Hamas only pays a mere $500 for non-lethal wounds.
What could you possibly see (or say), that would justify what you see in the video?
I think it’s foolish to cut and paste a YouTube video as proof of anything. These selectively edited clips, especially coming from AlJazeera, PressTV and Pallywood Studios have an obvious agenda.

With regard to the AlJazeera video, I believe Hamas only pays a mere $500 for non-lethal wounds.
What could you possibly see (or say), that would justify what you see in the video?

I can't justify your being so gullible.

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