Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

I can't justify your being so gullible.
You can't justify what you see in those videos. All you can muster, are bullshit innuendos.

I can't justify your cutting and pasting of YouTube videos that are impossible to verify as accurate of authentic .

Believe what you want. Just don't expect others to accept cut and paste YouTube videos as meaningful.
More Israeli violence towards unarmed Palestinians...

Your YouTube video includes a scene from a rehearsed Pallywood Studios acting class.

I know, right? You feel silly for making such melodramatic claims in support of fake Pallywood Studios nonsense.
The introductory sentence should already clue you in that this video is an own-goal.

Palestinian protesters are adopting new non-violent resistance methods in Gaza in the continuing rallies of the #GreatReturnMarch. Palestinians react to Israeli terror and bloodshed with rocks and fire.

Let’s break down what we just saw.

  1. An admission that they fly kites with fire that have “sparked several fires.” Of course, they are not being truthful by suggesting the fires have only been “in the region where the Israeli soldiers are stationed” – they have broken out in southern Israel and caused real damage. Also, the video does not mention that some of these kites have swastikas painted on them.

  2. An admission that they are deliberately damaging our security fence.

  3. An admission they employ tactics to make it hard for our snipers to hit their targets, such as mirrors and burning tires. Remember, our snipers are not necessarily trying to kill those engaged in violence, damaging the security fence or even breaching the border, but rather shoot them in the legs or otherwise incapacitate them. Yet the palestinians are doing everything in their power to make it hard, increasing the chances of fatalities on their side. This also could explain how those with “Press” marked on their chests have been killed or injured.

(full article online)

Palestinians Score Own Goal With Latest Propaganda Video
When people are like “I hold Israel to higher standards cause it’s mine” I roll my eyes so hard they move out the back of my head. Then I guess this means you love Israel to death then, because MORALITY PUTS YOU AT A MILITARY DISADVANTAGE!!! Israel has to juggle being “the most moral army in the world” and doing what it takes to ward off invaders and sometimes it’s mutually exclusive. I would rather us be slightly immoral and alive and have a state than moral and dead thankyouverymuch!! And guess what? Most of those virtue signallers – and that’s exactly what they are (I know cause I used to be one before I moved here) don’t have to deal with the consequences of them being sitting ducks. Israelis do, and thousands have died as a result of actions to prevent civilian casualties, especially given that Palestinian militants frequently dress as civilians to fool us (and the world) into thinking they are.

So really, enough about Israel’s morality and let her do what she needs to do (or thinks she needs to do at the time). Like seriously, who do you think you are that you know better than a trained IDF soldier?? Soldiers from all nations make mistakes and kill the wrong people all the time, (and Israel does it a lot less than average, I mean 17 dead out of a swarm of 30,000, many of whom were armed, under a thick cloud of tire smoke is no less than extremely impressive) and it’s hard to make heat of the moment decisions under such stressful situations – but it’s better than having no soldiers at all! Nobody is perfect. Yes, every death is a tragedy. But I have far less sympathy for someone who tries to invade the Israeli border among those with weapons, blaming Israel for stuff their own elected Hamas government is at fault for, than those who are sitting in their houses minding their own business. There, I said it. Maybe this makes me a bad person, I don’t care, but at least I’m an alive bad person.

(full article online)

An Open Letter From An Israeli About Friday’s “Atrocities”

Children used as central props in a Hamas Rally

The Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) on Sunday protested an attack by Hamas and its armed forces on the funeral tent of Mohammed Ayoub, the 14-year-old Gazan boy who was killed at the border riots last Friday, Ma’an reported.

A press statement issued by the Fatah Information, Culture and Intellectuals Committee, said that the dismantling of the tent and shooting inside it and the intimidation of the citizens and the attack on the leadership of Fatah in the northern Gaza Strip and wounding them was a departure from national values.”

(full article online)
[ " March of Return" now 7 days a week, not only on Fridays ]

IDF forces stationed along the Israel-Gaza border opened fire Sunday on several terrorists at various locations along the frontier while they attempted to tear openings in the security fence separating Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

According to Palestinian Authority media outlets, three Gazans were wounded Sunday after they approached the Israeli border security fence and attempted to damage it.

Israeli security personnel opened fire on the would-be infiltrators, wounding three.

(full article online)

3 wounded after IDF opens fire on infiltrators from Gaza
I did. Prove I didn't.

Thank you.

It is not up to me to prove a negative.
But you didn't state a negative. You said what we've been seeing on TV for the last 4 weeks wasn't true. All you have to do, is post a video that is true.

Which you haven't and you know you can't.
I can't justify your cutting and pasting of YouTube videos that are impossible to verify as accurate of authentic .

Believe what you want. Just don't expect others to accept cut and paste YouTube videos as meaningful.
What is your definition of authenticity?

BTW, ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.
Your YouTube video includes a scene from a rehearsed Pallywood Studios acting class.

I know, right? You feel silly for making such melodramatic claims in support of fake Pallywood Studios nonsense.
That video doesn't prove anything. And why was it dated "1-4-18", when we are talking about the last 4 weeks?

These videos match what is being said from several different media outlets, some of whom are sympathetic to Israel. They also match what the IDF has been saying in personal interviews. The videos show a complete lack of empathy from the Israeli's towards the Palestinian protesters, which match every one of your own posts.
Maintaining a brutal and immoral occupation for the last 50 years, is not peaceful.

Enforcing a blockade for the last 12 years (because you didn't like the results of an election), is not very peaceful.

Torturing Palestinian children in custody, is not very peaceful.
Maintaining a brutal and immoral occupation for the last 50 years, is not peaceful.

Enforcing a blockade for the last 12 years (because you didn't like the results of an election), is not very peaceful.

Torturing Palestinian children in custody, is not very peaceful.
Those who occupied the land for 1300 before 1948 were the Muslim Arabs, and the Ottoman Turks. The Jewish People are the indigenous ones on the land, and not its occupiers. You will find proof of that in the Quran itself. And any Christian historical book or record will also will tell you that.

Israel left Gaza in 2005, for the people there to build their own State.
The people in Gaza chose to fire rockets into Israel.
That is when the blockade had to be implemented.

Israel does not torture children. Never has:

Upon looking more thoroughly through the PDO website, and reading the entire letter their office sent to the Israel Justice Ministry about such detention methods, we learned that they were only charging that some Israelis arrested in the middle of the night spent a number of hours in outdoor (open-air) jails until they were taken to the court early in the morning. The PDO statement further clarifies that this practice (which was recently ended) in general – under which detainees sometimes waited in outdoor holding cells for several hours – had existed for a number of months.

Again, there is no mention of Palestinian children.

Following our communication with Indy editors, they minimally revised the passage which falsely claimed that prisoners were kept “for months” in “outdoor cages”, as they evidently realized that the word months only signified the length of time the practice had been going on.

However, upon further investigation by Presspecitva and CiF Watch, it increasingly appears likely that the entire Indy story is untrue. We weren’t able to find any evidence that anyone even alleged that Palestinian children were kept in these outdoor facilities (“caged”), or “tortured”, during transit to court.

In addition to the fact that the Israel Public Defender’s Office doesn’t mention Palestinian children in any context, we checked with the Israel Prison Service, whose spokesperson (Sivan Weizman) told us quite clearly that the entire PDO complaint submitted to the Justice Ministry only refers to Israeli prisoners (some of whom were evidently teens) and NOT Palestinians, yet alone Palestinian kids. Weizman stated emphatically that this had nothing to do whatsoever with Palestinian children, and that the prisoners in question were common criminals, not suspects being held for security (terrorist) offenses.

Finally, it’s quite telling that neither the Guardian nor other British and U.S. news outlets – which typically are not shy about smearing Israel with unsubstantiated allegations – have jumped on the story. If there was any credible evidence that Israel was “torturing” kids, you’d think the usual media suspects would be all over it.

(full article online)

Indy’s wild claim that Israel ‘tortures’ Palestinian kids continues to unravel

How about the Arab leaders, and UNWRA, stopping their education of Arab children in order for them to attack Israeli civilians and soldiers?
Would not that be a good start?
Wouldn't that allow the children to grow up in a normal way rather than being influenced in order to follow the Muslim rule of not allowing non Muslims to have land once conquered by Islam?

Israel, and Gaza and Judea and Samaria and TranJordan is ALL Jewish Homeland.
You will not see Jews or Israel demanding Jordan back, or teaching their children to attack Jordanians in order to make them give back the land which truly belongs to the Jewish People and not to one Arab clan (The Hashemites) which got kicked out of the Arabian Peninsula by another Arab Clan from Yemen (the Saudis) around 1915, now DO YOU?

Clearly, you are a very gullible person, who chooses to believe anything and everything against Israel. Because it is a Jewish State, or just does not matter.

A PEACEFUL march, does not include throwing rocks, bringing explosives, burning tires, being armed, attempting to destroy a security fence, flying kites into Israel with the intent of setting crops and grass, or buildings on fire.

What they have been doing is exactly the opposite.

And being exactly the opposite of PEACEFUL protest, any other country would have put an end to it the very first week, and in any way they saw fit to do so. And no one, including the UN, and including you, would have faulted that country from stopping invaders to come and harm their nation.

Are you going to insist in the things you wish to believe in, or are you going to try to educate yourself as to what the facts are?
Your YouTube video includes a scene from a rehearsed Pallywood Studios acting class.

I know, right? You feel silly for making such melodramatic claims in support of fake Pallywood Studios nonsense.
That video doesn't prove anything. And why was it dated "1-4-18", when we are talking about the last 4 weeks?

These videos match what is being said from several different media outlets, some of whom are sympathetic to Israel. They also match what the IDF has been saying in personal interviews. The videos show a complete lack of empathy from the Israeli's towards the Palestinian protesters, which match every one of your own posts.

I think its hilarious that you're trying to defend the YouTube videos you cut and pasted, trying to represent them as something other than Pallywood Production scams.

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