Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

I'm not saying that Israel should commit genocide on the Pals

I'm just saying they should kill them all.

Hamas intentions are suicidal they want to take as much Gazans and Israelis with them as they can. But it doesn't mean they can force anyone play into those sick provocations.

If anything it's the Arabs from the neighboring states who're more likely going to deal with Hamas themselves.
if the people that support hamas were going to deal with hamas, they would have done so by now

but the situation is bigger than that, to add to their stupidity they aligned Gaza with Iran,
making it a proxy of everyone's enemy in the neighborhood.

Let Arabs deal with those suicidal maniacs, they already understand how these Nazis are hurting their own interests in the middle east and on the global arena. Egypt has plans to simply install their own police and be done with it. with that madness.
As AFP watched, three young men carried one kite dozens of meters towards the border before stopping to set the bottle alight.

With the flame lit, they sent it into the air and cut the thread -- watching as it floated over the border and crashed, causing a small fire.

"We use the kites to send a message," one proud teen terrorist said.

Another teen terrorist said, "We are flying kites to burn the farmland." An older terrorist said he hoped the kites would "destabilize, creating confusion," and expressed hope that they would result in "burned crops."

Since March 30, tens of thousands have rioted along the border, aiming to breach the border, tamper with the border fence and security infrastructure, and injure or kill IDF soldiers. Some of the rioters approached the fence, throwing stones and firebombs and rolling burning tires toward IDF soldiers stationed nearby.

Other rioters used explosives to injure soldiers and damage military equipment.

(full article online)

Gaza rioters attack Israel with flying firebombs

Rioters use a large slingshot to hurl stones during clashes with IDF troops on the Israel-Gaza border, April 20, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Mohammed Salem.

Two Palestinian rioters were killed in renewed unrest on the Israel-Gaza Strip border on Friday as a series of demonstrations in the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave reached its half-way mark.

Some rioters brought wire cutters to breach the border fence. Rioters also threw stones and burned tires.

As the crowd grew, Israeli soldiers called out warnings in Arabic over loudspeakers to individuals who approached the border fence.

Some rioters on Friday fitted kites with cans of flammable liquids which they hoped to fly across the border and start fires in Israel.

(full article online)

Palestinian Rioters Seek to Breach Border Fence in Renewed Gaza Violence
In a column published in Haaretz last week, Gaza native Muhammad Shehada defended the demonstrations as a necessary response to Israel’s partial blockade, on which he blamed all of Gaza’s woes. His younger brother, he said, has participated in them almost daily. He himself is currently studying in Sweden but formerly worked for an anti-Israel “human rights” organization in Gaza. In short, he’s hardly an Israeli shill. Nevertheless, he noted that even Hamas believes Israel’s fire has been far from indiscriminate:

"Despite the seemingly arbitrary live-fire and tear gas raining down on the protestors … Hamas believes the victims are carefully selected. “Israel knows who to wound, maim or kill,” a Hamas leader told me by phone. At least 10 young men, affiliated with Hamas and its Qassam brigades, have been shot while maintaining order at the protest."

Hamas believes Israel is deploying facial recognition technologies besides the numerous war-drones that obliterate the sky above. The movement warned its members to keep their faces covered, and leave their phones at home.

This is what Israel has said all along. A report published last week by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (an organization founded by former Israeli intelligence officials that maintain close ties with the intelligence agencies) concluded that 80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations. This conclusion wasn’t based on any secret intelligence; in each case, a terrorist organization publicly claimed the deceased as a member and buried him in the organization’s flag or published pictures of him in military dress holding a gun. This finding also explains why all but two of the dead were men between the ages of 19 and 45: Unlike the terrorists, actual civilians have largely kept their distance from the border fence.

(full article online)

Hamas and Israel Agree: Slain Protesters Weren’t Civilians | Evelyn Gordon
In a column published in Haaretz last week, Gaza native Muhammad Shehada defended the demonstrations as a necessary response to Israel’s partial blockade, on which he blamed all of Gaza’s woes. His younger brother, he said, has participated in them almost daily. He himself is currently studying in Sweden but formerly worked for an anti-Israel “human rights” organization in Gaza. In short, he’s hardly an Israeli shill. Nevertheless, he noted that even Hamas believes Israel’s fire has been far from indiscriminate:

"Despite the seemingly arbitrary live-fire and tear gas raining down on the protestors … Hamas believes the victims are carefully selected. “Israel knows who to wound, maim or kill,” a Hamas leader told me by phone. At least 10 young men, affiliated with Hamas and its Qassam brigades, have been shot while maintaining order at the protest."

Hamas believes Israel is deploying facial recognition technologies besides the numerous war-drones that obliterate the sky above. The movement warned its members to keep their faces covered, and leave their phones at home.

This is what Israel has said all along. A report published last week by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (an organization founded by former Israeli intelligence officials that maintain close ties with the intelligence agencies) concluded that 80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations. This conclusion wasn’t based on any secret intelligence; in each case, a terrorist organization publicly claimed the deceased as a member and buried him in the organization’s flag or published pictures of him in military dress holding a gun. This finding also explains why all but two of the dead were men between the ages of 19 and 45: Unlike the terrorists, actual civilians have largely kept their distance from the border fence.

(full article online)

Hamas and Israel Agree: Slain Protesters Weren’t Civilians | Evelyn Gordon
80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations.
Mere membership does not matter. They have to be actively engaged in armed activity.
In a column published in Haaretz last week, Gaza native Muhammad Shehada defended the demonstrations as a necessary response to Israel’s partial blockade, on which he blamed all of Gaza’s woes. His younger brother, he said, has participated in them almost daily. He himself is currently studying in Sweden but formerly worked for an anti-Israel “human rights” organization in Gaza. In short, he’s hardly an Israeli shill. Nevertheless, he noted that even Hamas believes Israel’s fire has been far from indiscriminate:

"Despite the seemingly arbitrary live-fire and tear gas raining down on the protestors … Hamas believes the victims are carefully selected. “Israel knows who to wound, maim or kill,” a Hamas leader told me by phone. At least 10 young men, affiliated with Hamas and its Qassam brigades, have been shot while maintaining order at the protest."

Hamas believes Israel is deploying facial recognition technologies besides the numerous war-drones that obliterate the sky above. The movement warned its members to keep their faces covered, and leave their phones at home.

This is what Israel has said all along. A report published last week by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (an organization founded by former Israeli intelligence officials that maintain close ties with the intelligence agencies) concluded that 80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations. This conclusion wasn’t based on any secret intelligence; in each case, a terrorist organization publicly claimed the deceased as a member and buried him in the organization’s flag or published pictures of him in military dress holding a gun. This finding also explains why all but two of the dead were men between the ages of 19 and 45: Unlike the terrorists, actual civilians have largely kept their distance from the border fence.

(full article online)

Hamas and Israel Agree: Slain Protesters Weren’t Civilians | Evelyn Gordon
80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations.
Mere membership does not matter. They have to be actively engaged in armed activity.

In a column published in Haaretz last week, Gaza native Muhammad Shehada defended the demonstrations as a necessary response to Israel’s partial blockade, on which he blamed all of Gaza’s woes. His younger brother, he said, has participated in them almost daily. He himself is currently studying in Sweden but formerly worked for an anti-Israel “human rights” organization in Gaza. In short, he’s hardly an Israeli shill. Nevertheless, he noted that even Hamas believes Israel’s fire has been far from indiscriminate:

"Despite the seemingly arbitrary live-fire and tear gas raining down on the protestors … Hamas believes the victims are carefully selected. “Israel knows who to wound, maim or kill,” a Hamas leader told me by phone. At least 10 young men, affiliated with Hamas and its Qassam brigades, have been shot while maintaining order at the protest."

Hamas believes Israel is deploying facial recognition technologies besides the numerous war-drones that obliterate the sky above. The movement warned its members to keep their faces covered, and leave their phones at home.

This is what Israel has said all along. A report published last week by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (an organization founded by former Israeli intelligence officials that maintain close ties with the intelligence agencies) concluded that 80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations. This conclusion wasn’t based on any secret intelligence; in each case, a terrorist organization publicly claimed the deceased as a member and buried him in the organization’s flag or published pictures of him in military dress holding a gun. This finding also explains why all but two of the dead were men between the ages of 19 and 45: Unlike the terrorists, actual civilians have largely kept their distance from the border fence.

(full article online)

Hamas and Israel Agree: Slain Protesters Weren’t Civilians | Evelyn Gordon
80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations.
Mere membership does not matter. They have to be actively engaged in armed activity.

Why do you post here when you know so little?

Civilians who take a direct part in such hostilities lose their protection against attack for the time of their direct participation, but not their civilian status. If they do not participate directly in hostilities or no longer do so (for example, if they are hors de combat ), they are protected against attacks.
In a column published in Haaretz last week, Gaza native Muhammad Shehada defended the demonstrations as a necessary response to Israel’s partial blockade, on which he blamed all of Gaza’s woes. His younger brother, he said, has participated in them almost daily. He himself is currently studying in Sweden but formerly worked for an anti-Israel “human rights” organization in Gaza. In short, he’s hardly an Israeli shill. Nevertheless, he noted that even Hamas believes Israel’s fire has been far from indiscriminate:

"Despite the seemingly arbitrary live-fire and tear gas raining down on the protestors … Hamas believes the victims are carefully selected. “Israel knows who to wound, maim or kill,” a Hamas leader told me by phone. At least 10 young men, affiliated with Hamas and its Qassam brigades, have been shot while maintaining order at the protest."

Hamas believes Israel is deploying facial recognition technologies besides the numerous war-drones that obliterate the sky above. The movement warned its members to keep their faces covered, and leave their phones at home.

This is what Israel has said all along. A report published last week by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (an organization founded by former Israeli intelligence officials that maintain close ties with the intelligence agencies) concluded that 80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations. This conclusion wasn’t based on any secret intelligence; in each case, a terrorist organization publicly claimed the deceased as a member and buried him in the organization’s flag or published pictures of him in military dress holding a gun. This finding also explains why all but two of the dead were men between the ages of 19 and 45: Unlike the terrorists, actual civilians have largely kept their distance from the border fence.

(full article online)

Hamas and Israel Agree: Slain Protesters Weren’t Civilians | Evelyn Gordon
80 percent of the people killed during the Gaza demonstrations–26 out of 32–were members of terrorist organizations.
Mere membership does not matter. They have to be actively engaged in armed activity.

Why do you post here when you know so little?

Civilians who take a direct part in such hostilities lose their protection against attack for the time of their direct participation, but not their civilian status. If they do not participate directly in hostilities or no longer do so (for example, if they are hors de combat ), they are protected against attacks.

I expected you to cut and paste what you don't understand.

The stated goal of the Tire Riots 2018 was pretty clear. Participation in those riots is a hostile act. It's a bit silly to cut and paste that which you don't understand.

If you disagree, write an email to your mullah.

Rioters use a large slingshot to hurl stones during clashes with IDF troops on the Israel-Gaza border, April 20, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Mohammed Salem.

Two Palestinian rioters were killed in renewed unrest on the Israel-Gaza Strip border on Friday as a series of demonstrations in the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave reached its half-way mark.

Some rioters brought wire cutters to breach the border fence. Rioters also threw stones and burned tires.

As the crowd grew, Israeli soldiers called out warnings in Arabic over loudspeakers to individuals who approached the border fence.

Some rioters on Friday fitted kites with cans of flammable liquids which they hoped to fly across the border and start fires in Israel.

(full article online)

Palestinian Rioters Seek to Breach Border Fence in Renewed Gaza Violence

I suppose this is another result of a listless, welfare dependent society. Without any reason to be working for a living, these layabouts have unlimited amounts of time to riot and burn tires.
Not really a wise thing to do. Trouble by Sunday, perhaps?

Hamas to Swarm Israel's Border, Sparking Fear of New 'Passover War'
What a fucking liar you are! They are not "massing", they are "protesting" the inhuman and immoral treatment of the blockade. They are unarmed; they are not attacking Israel; and they are being murdered in cold blood by Israeli snipers.

Fuck you and everyone that supports Israeli barbarism.

Not really fair, Chuckles.

Hamas does pay the armed, massing Islamic terrorists to take one for the gee-had.

It’s the pinnacle of young, Arab-Moslem terrorist manhood to die for a possible $3,000 check from Hamas.

Allah, Shirley is Akbar.
Not really a wise thing to do. Trouble by Sunday, perhaps?

Hamas to Swarm Israel's Border, Sparking Fear of New 'Passover War'
What a fucking liar you are! They are not "massing", they are "protesting" the inhuman and immoral treatment of the blockade. They are unarmed; they are not attacking Israel; and they are being murdered in cold blood by Israeli snipers.

Fuck you and everyone that supports Israeli barbarism.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk

Here is another Israel Basher who does not care about facts.

Never mind all the videos and photos the IDF has, showing Palestinians carrying weapons, explosives and coming to the Fences with the intention of entering (shall I say Invading) Israel and with the intent of killing Jews.

Nope, never mind any and all proofs of Hamas' intent of breaching the Fence.

Woodstock, Palestinian style.

No songs, no dancing, no pot.

Weapons, firebombs, and civilians being used to cover the Hamas men who are trained to attempt to breach the fence.

"They are unarmed, I say !!! "
Not really a wise thing to do. Trouble by Sunday, perhaps?

Hamas to Swarm Israel's Border, Sparking Fear of New 'Passover War'
What a fucking liar you are! They are not "massing", they are "protesting" the inhuman and immoral treatment of the blockade. They are unarmed; they are not attacking Israel; and they are being murdered in cold blood by Israeli snipers.

Fuck you and everyone that supports Israeli barbarism.
Would you like to explain how the "protests" went from 30,000 to 10,000 to 3,000 in three weeks time?

By May 14th, there may be something looking more like a dozen of them.
Not really fair, Chuckles.

Hamas does pay the armed, massing Islamic terrorists to take one for the gee-had.

It’s the pinnacle of young, Arab-Moslem terrorist manhood to die for a possible $3,000 check from Hamas.

Allah, Shirley is Akbar.
Why do you fuckers always try to remove Israel from the equation? Nothing happens in a vacuum. Israel is responsible for all the violence in that area.

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