Biden flubs the offering collection at the token black church he attended this weekend.

The jokes just keep writing themselves with this guy. Seems he had no idea what to do with his offering. ROFL.

Two words: Nuclear codes.

As opposed to Snoreleone holding a rally at a "Black Church", but in fact was a sea of White People. How all those White People wearing "Blacks For Trump."
The jokes just keep writing themselves with this guy. Seems he had no idea what to do with his offering. ROFL.

Two words: Nuclear codes.

Putting money into a bucket is too complicated for Biden. His handlers apparently forgot to give him a note card.

For being raised in a Black church, he seems so uncomfortable and out of place.

Putting money into a bucket is too complicated for Biden. His handlers apparently forgot to give him a note card.

For being raised in a Black church, he seems so uncomfortable and out of place.

Joe has a look on his face as if he's looking for advice from Robert Byrd. The Balck guy has a look on his face that says, who the fuck invited this jerkoff.
Here's a FACT on topic. Biden has attended Church more times in the past six months then bible huckster & two bit hustler Trump has in his ENTIRE life, FOOL.
I wonder if the Lord would prefer a man who sacrifices for the betterment of his country but doesn't attend Church regularly, or a man that goes to Church and also showers with his pre teen daughter, lies like a rug and robs the piss out of his country?
@ "Lakhota" --- no you dope.... it's not FAKE NEWS when it's all captured on video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lefty can't cover up their open borders' hero's behavior any longer when it's all documented.

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