Palestinians will be palestinians

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I'll tell ya, that collective punishment mentality, coupled with your ersatz leaders calling Palestinians "beasts," is going to transform Israeli society into a mirror image of Nazism.

Sorry if that sounds extreme, but if I didn't believe every syllable I would not rub noses in something so painful. Did you see that FIVE people were killed for throwing stones???
Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank prompted outcries of collective punishment as thousands of homes were searched, 400 Palestinians — including many of Hamas’s top leaders — were arrested, and five were killed while hurling stones at soldiers or otherwise confronting them.

I am so sorry those young men died, but my tears are always ameliorated by FEARS not only for what is going on, but for attitudes developing.
I'll tell ya, that collective punishment mentality, coupled with your ersatz leaders calling Palestinians "beasts," is going to transform Israeli society into a mirror image of Nazism.

Sorry if that sounds extreme, but if I didn't believe every syllable I would not rub noses in something so painful. Did you see that FIVE people were killed for throwing stones???
Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank prompted outcries of collective punishment as thousands of homes were searched, 400 Palestinians — including many of Hamas’s top leaders — were arrested, and five were killed while hurling stones at soldiers or otherwise confronting them.

I am so sorry those young men died, but my tears are always ameliorated by FEARS not only for what is going on, but for attitudes developing.

I am also sorry that your buddies have murdered so many innocent children in the rest of the Middle East. Over ten thousand innocent children, both Christians and Muslims, and I certainly don't see you or any of those with your mind set shedding a tear for them. Perhaps if you could blame the Jews for the deaths of these ten thousand plus children, you wouldn't hesitate to do so.
I'll tell ya, that collective punishment mentality, coupled with your ersatz leaders calling Palestinians "beasts," is going to transform Israeli society into a mirror image of Nazism.

Sorry if that sounds extreme, but if I didn't believe every syllable I would not rub noses in something so painful. Did you see that FIVE people were killed for throwing stones???
Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank prompted outcries of collective punishment as thousands of homes were searched, 400 Palestinians — including many of Hamas’s top leaders — were arrested, and five were killed while hurling stones at soldiers or otherwise confronting them.

I am so sorry those young men died, but my tears are always ameliorated by FEARS not only for what is going on, but for attitudes developing.

you make interesting observations Aenmity-----for centuries Arabic speaking
muslims and even today regularly refer to jews as "dogs" (khalb khabah)
I do not speak Arabic-----I just know some of the filth they regularly snarl Do
you think the habit defines them as Nazis? They snarl "KHALB"---at all jews---
whereas Israelis refer to your murdering heroes as "beasts"---

as to throwing stones at cops------I grew up in a state----north east USA----in my state
the cops are all over 6'4'' and carry two huge cannons in holsters on their belts ---
and an arsenal of ammunition-----anyone who threw a rock at one of those guys
would not live to boast about his feat

Attitudes "developing"??-----this stuff has been going on for more than 1000 years---

you want to enjoy an experience -----find about 20 young males ---like 16 thru 25---
get a few hundred rocks-----and attack a police station---- not
PS the kids did not "die" they were murdered by your heroes-----in the name of the
filth you worship
I'll tell ya, that collective punishment mentality, coupled with your ersatz leaders calling Palestinians "beasts," is going to transform Israeli society into a mirror image of Nazism.

Sorry if that sounds extreme, but if I didn't believe every syllable I would not rub noses in something so painful. Did you see that FIVE people were killed for throwing stones???
Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank prompted outcries of collective punishment as thousands of homes were searched, 400 Palestinians — including many of Hamas’s top leaders — were arrested, and five were killed while hurling stones at soldiers or otherwise confronting them.

I am so sorry those young men died, but my tears are always ameliorated by FEARS not only for what is going on, but for attitudes developing.

you make interesting observations Aenmity-----for centuries Arabic speaking
muslims and even today regularly refer to jews as "dogs" (khalb khabah)
I do not speak Arabic-----I just know some of the filth they regularly snarl Do
you think the habit defines them as Nazis? They snarl "KHALB"---at all jews---
whereas Israelis refer to your murdering heroes as "beasts"---

as to throwing stones at cops------I grew up in a state----north east USA----in my state
the cops are all over 6'4'' and carry two huge cannons in holsters on their belts ---
and an arsenal of ammunition-----anyone who threw a rock at one of those guys
would not live to boast about his feat

Attitudes "developing"??-----this stuff has been going on for more than 1000 years---

you want to enjoy an experience -----find about 20 young males ---like 16 thru 25---
get a few hundred rocks-----and attack a police station---- not

huh? your cops are shooting kids who throw stones? Somebody call the ACLU quick!

irosie, I have got to ask you to please marshall your faculties and try to write in complete sentences. I have no idea how these clauses are supposed to relate to one another.

The world for dogs in Arabic is not khalb, its kalb. I tried to find a word khalb and don't know what that means. I am having similar trouble with khabah (dictionary keeps taking me to Ka'aba, "the cube," the shrine in Mecca). I lived in the middle east for around 8 years and change and never heard Jews specifically referred to as dogs. On the other hand I have heard a LOT of people referred to as "kalb" when the speaker was totally ticked off, so probably that is the reason. It is not a specific epithet for Jews I don't think.
Look just the title of this thread is racist and inflammatory. How about if I wrote "Jews will be Jews."
PS the kids did not "die" they were murdered by your heroes-----in the name of the
filth you worship

the "filth" I worship?

Now you can just see why I am going to have problems with that. And weren't those five kids murdered by Israel (I am not going to resort to silly epithets).
PS the kids did not "die" they were murdered by your heroes-----in the name of the
filth you worship

the "filth" I worship?

Now you can just see why I am going to have problems with that. And weren't those five kids murdered by Israel (I am not going to resort to silly epithets).

what five kids? do you understand the definition of "murder"? yes---the FILTH you worship.
Hey great! Love it! Jews WIll Be Jews. Then we talk about all the Jewish contributiions to the world. May I have your permission to start the thread Jews Will Be Jews?

Look just the title of this thread is racist and inflammatory. How about if I wrote "Jews will be Jews."
I'll tell ya, that collective punishment mentality, coupled with your ersatz leaders calling Palestinians "beasts," is going to transform Israeli society into a mirror image of Nazism.

Sorry if that sounds extreme, but if I didn't believe every syllable I would not rub noses in something so painful. Did you see that FIVE people were killed for throwing stones???
Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank prompted outcries of collective punishment as thousands of homes were searched, 400 Palestinians — including many of Hamas’s top leaders — were arrested, and five were killed while hurling stones at soldiers or otherwise confronting them.

I am so sorry those young men died, but my tears are always ameliorated by FEARS not only for what is going on, but for attitudes developing.

Too late the Palestinian arab muslims are already a mirror image on NAZISM, in fact much of NAZISM is based on arab muslim practises like the pact of omar
Hey great! Love it! Jews WIll Be Jews. Then we talk about all the Jewish contributiions to the world. May I have your permission to start the thread Jews Will Be Jews?

Look just the title of this thread is racist and inflammatory. How about if I wrote "Jews will be Jews."

Please do and we can list all the Israeli Nobel prize winners, then all the advances in medicine, computer science and technology. Now what has islam invented again, ah yes ZERO
Is this something like that link to a purportedly "unbiased" article on the history of Palestine that tried to encapsulate 13 centuries of history in six short paragraphs, while giving about 30 times more space to Jewish history in Palestine. No wonder so many Z's have historical amnesia.

You are out to lunch on this one as usual:

Algebra was of course invented by Arabs, it is an Arabic word.
The concept of "zero" was invented by Muslims/Arabs.
Western digits are frequently referred to as "Arabic numerals" although this is a misnomer. They were invented in India. By Muslims.
Geometry - very many formulas developed by Muslims/Arabs.
Trigonometry (alrighty, it wasn't MY favorite subject either ... but it was invented and developed by Arabs)

Optics/astronomy. Camera Obscura was invented by Ibn Haytham in 1038 CE. Color spectrum identified.
In 8th cent., Caliph Al-Ma'mum founded an astronomical observatory in Shammasiya in Baghdad and Qasiyun in Damascus.
Five hundred years later, in 1420, Prince Ulugh Bey built a massive observatory in Samarqand, which was then followed in 1577 by another observatory built by Sultan Murad III in Istanbul.
Taqi al-Din in 16th century created astronomical tables and observational instruments to measure stars and stellar distances.

Philosophy. Aristotle was of course Greek, but in the early days of Christianity he was abandoned because of opposition to paganism. Muslims being more broadminded kept his thinking alive, elaborated on it, and handed it back to Europe during the Renaissance. Without Muslim scholarship, Aristotle would have been lost.

Moosaa Bin Shaakir , book of mechanics handed down to the west.
Al-Khazini. Accurate weights and specific gravity.
Architecture - Taj Mahal identified as greatest architectural wonder of modern age.

Ibn Firnas, 9th century constructed a flying machine, sometimes called "history's first aviator." Credited with creating the first parachute.

Oldest university is in China, second oldest in Fez, Morocco - University of Al Karaouine founded in 859

872 in Cairo, Egypt, first hospital the Ahmad ibn Tulun hospital (which also provided the first medical care to mentally ill)
Al-Zahrawi, often called the "father of surgery," wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. He invented most of the surgical instruments which are still in use today.
Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have "discovered" it.
Vaccinations were in common use in various parts of the middle east, but still unknown in Europe until 1724, when the technique was introduced to England by the wife of the Turkish ambassador.

Muslims/Arabs discovered/developed processes for isolating alcohol (another Arabic word), potash, silver nitrate, nitric acid, sulfuric acid and mercuric chloride.

From Overcoming Historical Amnesia: Muslim Contributions to Civilization | Craig Considine

Working in the 8th and 9th centuries in Andalucía, Jabir Ibn Hayyan, the founder of modern chemistry, transformed alchemy into chemistry through distillation, or separating liquids through differences in their boiling points. In addition to developing the processes of crystallization, evaporation, and filtration, he also discovered sulphuric and nitric acid. The historian Erick John Holmyard stated that Hayyan's work is as important, if not more, than that of Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier, two European chemists who are frequently attributed to creating modern chemistry.

I am not even out of the middle ages yet, but there are so many compilations on "Muslim contributions to civilization" I will let you do your own search. You can start here and follow links:
Science in the medieval Islamic world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ibn Khaldun - 14th cent - one of the top historians, also often cited as the "father of modern social sciences."

Muslim Nobel laureates:
List of Muslim Nobel laureates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Is this something like that link to a purportedly "unbiased" article on the history of Palestine that tried to encapsulate 13 centuries of history in six short paragraphs, while giving about 30 times more space to Jewish history in Palestine. No wonder so many Z's have historical amnesia.

You are out to lunch on this one as usual:

Algebra was of course invented by Arabs, it is an Arabic word.
The concept of "zero" was invented by Muslims
Trigonometry (alrighty, its wasn't MY favorite subject either ...)

Optics. Camera Obscura was invented by Ibn Haytham in 1038 CE. Color spectrum identified.

In 8th cent., Caliph Al-Ma'mum founded an astronomical observatory in Shammasiya in Baghdad and Qasiyun in Damascus.

Five hundred years later, in 1420, Prince Ulugh Bey built a massive observatory in Samarqand, which was then followed in 1577 by another observatory built by Sultan Murad III in Istanbul.

Aristotelian philosophy. Aristotle was of course Greek, but in the early days of Christianity he was abandoned because of opposition to paganism. Muslims being more broadminded kept his thinking alive, elaborated on it, and handed it back to Europe during the Renaissance. Without Muslim scholarship, Aristotle would have been lost.

Moosaa Bin Shaakir , book of mechanics handed down to the west.

Al-Khazini. Accurate weights and specific gravity.

Architecture - Taj Mahal identified as greatest architectural wonder of modern age.

872 in Cairo, Egypt, first hospital the Ahmad ibn Tulun hospital (which also provided the first medical care to mentally ill)

Al-Zahrawi, often called the "father of surgery," wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. He invented most of the surgical instruments which are still in use today.

Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have "discovered" it.

Vaccinations were in common use in various parts of the middle east, but still unknown in Europe until 1824, when the technique was introduced to England by the wife of the Turkish ambassador.

Chemistry- Muslims invented alcohol (another Arabic word), potash, silver nitrate, nitric acid, sulfuric acid and mercuric chloride.

From Overcoming Historical Amnesia: Muslim Contributions to Civilization | Craig Considine

Working in the 8th and 9th centuries in Andalucía, Jabir Ibn Hayyan, the founder of modern chemistry, transformed alchemy into chemistry through distillation, or separating liquids through differences in their boiling points. In addition to developing the processes of crystallization, evaporation, and filtration, he also discovered sulphuric and nitric acid. The historian Erick John Holmyard stated that Hayyan's work is as important, if not more, than that of Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier, two European chemists who are frequently attributed to creating modern chemistry.

I am not even out of the middle ages yet, but there are so many compilations on "Muslim contributions to civilization" I will let you do your own search. You can start here and follow links:
Science in the medieval Islamic world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim Nobel laureates:
List of Muslim Nobel laureates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are kicking so much ass on these Zionists, that I'm beginning to wonder if there is a law against this?

irosie, I have got to ask you to please marshall your faculties and try to write in complete sentences. I have no idea how these clauses are supposed to relate to one another.

The world for dogs in Arabic is not khalb, its kalb. I tried to find a word khalb and don't know what that means. I am having similar trouble with khabah (dictionary keeps taking me to Ka'aba, "the cube," the shrine in Mecca). I lived in the middle east for around 8 years and change and never heard Jews specifically referred to as dogs. On the other hand I have heard a LOT of people referred to as "kalb" when the speaker was totally ticked off, so probably that is the reason. It is not a specific epithet for Jews I don't think.

My writing is clear. In fact----as an undergraduate I was drafted into the
REMEDIAL room------ the Arabic KHALB is probably spelled with a
KHAF (I think) It seems a bit silly for anyone to quibble about the
"proper" spelling in English letters of a foreign word-----I am not a linguist---
they have standard rules for English representation of foreign words----I do not
know them. My husband was born in an arab country---I have lots of relatives
thru him who remember living in arab countries and many are fluent in Arabic
--when encountering Arabic speakers in the USA----hubby always claims that he
does not know a word of Arabic -----that way they can snarl away freely. In the
country of hubby's birth it is standard for muslims to refer to non muslims---
with the epithet "dog" and was for centuries ---as it was and still is
a DHIMMIA shariah cesspit ---it may not have been the custom
where you lived.
As is your usual custom, you have said nothing.

btw----"khabah" is probably an incorrect rendering----since the letter in
Arabic is probably the equivalent of something like a simple K --not
a KHAF-----but I am no linguist ---kaaba is probably closer
Is this coming from the same woman who wondered why Palestinians chose a name for themselves that they can't pronounce ("Balestinians," according to irosie, for anyone who may have missed that delightful cerebral exercise).

Your knowledge of sharia law is surpassed only by your knowledge of Arabic, يا كلبي.
oops, I meant يا قلبي
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Look just the title of this thread is racist and inflammatory. How about if I wrote "Jews will be Jews."

Scientists, Financiers, Libraries, Hospitals, Museums, Charities, Dissention of Opinion without being murdered by a fellow Jew.
Gosh, we are an awful fucking People, aren't we?
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