Palin Getting Death Threats

That was uncalled for, to say the least. I happen to think she's a lovely young woman. So far, she hasn't adopted the phoniness of her mother so apparent in simple expressions.

You haven't heard all her comments then.

Yes, I heard them. And I didn't expect Bristol to dis her own mother. Plus, it would be difficult for her NOT to comment on the media frenzy over her. (Memo to the blogosphere that set in motion Bristol's unexpected win last week: You put her in an embarrassing position, and your plan backfired.)

I think this is a part of a process that is eventually going to distill the Palin fan audience down to a small, albeit still commercially lucrative, fanatic audience, while leaving the rest of America with a very serious case of Palin fatigue.
Cosmic Log - How the 'Dancing' vote was hacked

The campaign apparently includes exploitation of a loophole in ABC's e-mail voting feature. The loophole is explained as a technicality in the system that allows voters to register an infinite number of email addresses and vote, vote, vote. The e-mail addresses are never validated, such as what happens when you sign up for a Facebook or PayPal account.


"Lord have mercy, I voted for 3 hours online! I got 300 in," one Palin fan wrote in a comment on the HillBuzz blog, which is leading the charge on Bristol Palin's behalf.
Read the thread, moron!

I have and I haven't seen any evidence, hence the question.

So you didn't notice (or understand) the posts saying they were going to vote for Bristol, not because they thought she was a good dancer, but because of who her mother is?

I'm not surprised :lol:

I don't see a few people making that statement as proof that it's a widespread phenomenon. Fact is most if not all the people who vote, vote not because that person is neccesarily the best but rather that's the person that they like, for whatever reason.
So you didn't notice (or understand) the posts saying they were going to vote for Bristol, not because they thought she was a good dancer, but because of who her mother is?

I'm not surprised :lol:
Aaaaand, that is 'texting manipulation' or an 'irregularity'?


Yes, because Bristol should have won in her own right, not because the bloggers all got online and encouraged a vote because of her mother. I have a feeling, Bristol would have liked that better, too.

Where's your evidence that "the bloggers all got online and encouraged a vote because of her mother."
Cosmic Log - How the 'Dancing' vote was hacked

The campaign apparently includes exploitation of a loophole in ABC's e-mail voting feature. The loophole is explained as a technicality in the system that allows voters to register an infinite number of email addresses and vote, vote, vote. The e-mail addresses are never validated, such as what happens when you sign up for a Facebook or PayPal account.


"Lord have mercy, I voted for 3 hours online! I got 300 in," one Palin fan wrote in a comment on the HillBuzz blog, which is leading the charge on Bristol Palin's behalf.

Key word in the article is "theories".
There are morals involved in reality TV shows?

Who knew?

Even reality shows have rules that can be corrupted. I didn't see it, but apparently some woman on The Apprentice got "fired" before some challenge even got started because she had engaged a spy to go to the site of the challenge and feed her inside information. If that hadn't been discovered and she won, what does that say about the person's "morals"?

Wingnuts just don't understand morals. This thread proves it.

Morality has nothing to do with it. If you want to vote four thousand times and there's a way that it can be legally done then so be it.
Moral people knew

Moral people know that morals are involved in every human action, even if no one else involved knows that. Moral people know that they are responsible for their own behavior and do not blame others for their own moral failings.

But I forgot......we're not talking about moral people.....we're talking about christians.:lol:
You think I'm a Christian?


If wingnuts didn't make stuff up, they'd have nothing to say

This wingnut is going to pretend that I called him a christian (though he'll never produce a quote of mine saying that) so that he can pretend there's nothing wrong with people voting for Bristol because of who her mommy is, and ignoring her lack of talent
1. Do you see the question mark? If so, do you know what that means?

2. Him?
The only reason I know she's on the show is from the rabid ranting of the lefties on this board. I haven't watch it and I don't care to watch it. I will, however, vote for her.... Just to annoy you and the minions of 'hate'. I will find it highly entertaining if she wins. It's a fucking reality tv show - anyone who takes it seriously is an idiot.

Oh, please!!! Knock it off. You want everybody to think you're just too cool to watch a reality show. You really need to quit, bitch. Your slip is really showing.

I live in the UK, idiot girl.... They don't show it here. Your stupidity is showing.

There are plenty of ways to watch it if you wanted to. And I'm sure you do. I know you live in the UK, bitch. Hope you stay there.
I didn't talk about anyone's looks - until another poster made personal remarks about Bristol's looks - you stupid fat assed jealous bitch. Now, go stuff down some twinkies.

Twinkies??? I don't eat twinkies. Sounds exactly like something you would like with your tasteless ass.

Yes, you did mention looks. You asked if you could assume that the poster is a breathtakingly physically beautiful human being with no flaws whatsoever. That has to do with looks, stupid. And you made the comment because they said Bristol Palin has thunder thighs. So what?? People do not have to think like you.

Then in the same post you called the poster pathetic, shallow, and typically American. Why are you insulting Americans?? I asked what you meant and of course you won't answer. You're too anxious to hurry and type your boring usual insults. Why don't you just stay where you are and change your name to Swamp Girl?? I'm begining to think you've never even been in Califiornia in your entire pathetic life.

I mentioned physical appearance in response to some other fucking idiots remarks about Bristols physical appearance, you stupid slag.

And.... as for the rest of your drivel.... I honestly don't care what you 'think'. Particularly since - from your posts (and your PMs) you show yourself as an unthinking, nasty, bitch. Fuck you... and the horse you rode in on. Mmmmk?

Go eat twinkies, fatty.

Happy now?? I know you have to let out all that venom somewhere. Like I said, ugly on the inside and ugly on the outside. I told you, I don't eat twinkies. Like a typical right wing lunatic, you only hear what you want to hear. You eat the twinkies, Skank. You're the one that's most likely the fat one. You have heard of projection, haven't you??
Oh, please!!! Knock it off. You want everybody to think you're just too cool to watch a reality show. You really need to quit, bitch. Your slip is really showing.

I live in the UK, idiot girl.... They don't show it here. Your stupidity is showing.

There are plenty of ways to watch it if you wanted to. And I'm sure you do. I know you live in the UK, bitch. Hope you stay there.

Hope and a dime will get you a dime. I'll go where I want, fatso.

And, no, I really don't watch the moronic show - I don't do reality tv.... It might make me as stupid as you.
I didn't talk about anyone's looks - until another poster made personal remarks about Bristol's looks - you stupid fat assed jealous bitch. Now, go stuff down some twinkies.

Twinkies??? I don't eat twinkies. Sounds exactly like something you would like with your tasteless ass.

Yes, you did mention looks. You asked if you could assume that the poster is a breathtakingly physically beautiful human being with no flaws whatsoever. That has to do with looks, stupid. And you made the comment because they said Bristol Palin has thunder thighs. So what?? People do not have to think like you.

Then in the same post you called the poster pathetic, shallow, and typically American. Why are you insulting Americans?? I asked what you meant and of course you won't answer. You're too anxious to hurry and type your boring usual insults. Why don't you just stay where you are and change your name to Swamp Girl?? I'm begining to think you've never even been in Califiornia in your entire pathetic life.

In another thread today, CG accused me of saying something I did not say, and I when I challenged her to quote me, she bailed instead of admitting her mistake. Now, she has again falsely accussed someone, and now that she's been exposed, she will once again post a series of personal attacks in order to avoid having to admit she was wrong.

Yes, that's her exactly. One of the nastiest, conceited, pompous, lying bitches, I have ever come accross. And watch out for her stooge, Si modo. She's just as bad. She always posts right behind the Skank. The Skank cannot fight her own battles. Worthless human beings, both of them. They bring no good to this world that I can see.
I have and I haven't seen any evidence, hence the question.

So you didn't notice (or understand) the posts saying they were going to vote for Bristol, not because they thought she was a good dancer, but because of who her mother is?

I'm not surprised :lol:
Aaaaand, that is 'texting manipulation' or an 'irregularity'?


:lol::lol::lol: What did I tell you, sangha??? Here is the stooge, right on cue!!! How pathetic!!
What business is it of yours how I dress?

And.... I assume you're as indignant about the way ALL the female contestants dress, right? Or is it just the one with the offensive last name that is the target of your ire?

What an ass you are.

I wouldn't care to see Rosie O'donnell doing what Bristol Palin is doing either, if that makes you feel better.

That reminds me. There's a sister show on Oxygen called "Dance Your Ass Off," with really really obese people competing. But they must not only strut their stuff, they also get points for weight loss every week. I only saw that a couple of times. It's just too painful to watch. Seriously.

I watched it for the first time last season. It is kind of sad to watch at times. And then I was so upset that Adame lost.
I live in the UK, idiot girl.... They don't show it here. Your stupidity is showing.

There are plenty of ways to watch it if you wanted to. And I'm sure you do. I know you live in the UK, bitch. Hope you stay there.

Hope and a dime will get you a dime. I'll go where I want, fatso.

And, no, I really don't watch the moronic show - I don't do reality tv.... It might make me as stupid as you.

Blah, blah, blah. Get some new material, Skank.

Aaaaand, that is 'texting manipulation' or an 'irregularity'?


Yes. Of course it is manipulation and irregular.

Hmmm, not that I'm all that interested in the show, but perhaps you could link to the show rules disallowing such a thing?

I'll wait with bated breath.

Or not.

I've been watching Dancing at least now and then for a few years now. And most seasons the person I thought was the best dancer was not the winner. It was more often the more popular or most likable contestant beating out the one who might have been a bit more skilled. Last season the winner was the most skilled, but it was the lead singer of the Pussy Cat Dolls who makes a living singing and dancing--not ballroom dancing, but dancing, and that had to give her an edge. That struck me as unfair. Likewise this season I thought Jennifer Gray had a strong edge because of the professional training she had as a youngster that was reinforced on Dirty Dancing.

Bristol was certainly not skilled enough to be the winner this year and I didn't want her to win for that reason, but I give her props for getting out there as the only contestant with zero performance training or experience and doing as well as she did. And if she had a stronger and more motivated fan base than some of the others, well good for her. I wanted Kyle to win though. He was the most fun, the most genuine, and the most entertaining as well as being a true dance novice.

But oh well. A month from now everybody will have moved on to their next target to shred and this will be pretty much forgotten.
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Sarah Palin is now pushing the producers of Dancing with the Stars to have Christine O'Donnell on next years show.
Next Stop For Christine O'Donnell...'Dancing With The Stars'?

Not sure if I like this confluence of "reality" TV and politics. When pols try to put one foot in the social ring while keeping the other in the political ring, it gives their haters more ammo for personal attacks. And tabloid politics make for shitty discourse.

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