Palin tried to ban books

They are not ree willed and free human beings.. they are children... they do not have the freedom, nor should they have the freedom to just do as they choose... if they do rebel and go against the rules set for them by the parents, it is our duty to teach, punish, or whatever it takes to try and set them on the right path... when they are adult, that is their business

explain to me HOW, as adults, they are supposed to know HOW to make their own decisions, IF when children, they are led around by the nose and instructed what decisions to make? You HAVE to give them some freedom to make their own decisions AND make their own mistakes, that is how people learn and grow into self-sufficient people.

and can I just point out the irony that you don't think of children as free willed and free human beings but rather seem to think of them as property of their parents, free to do with as they see fit and yet you seem to have a problem with abortion. When exactly do these little people get RIGHTS of their own? free to think and feel as they see fit? when YOU decide it's so? :cuckoo:

As for your notion that an f-bomb can be warranted to use to or at a 7th grader.... that says a LOT right there.... it is NOT proper, not warranted, and completely uncalled for at ALL times

I think a loud SIT THE FUCK DOWN would work wonders in some classrooms quite honestly. but that's my opinion.

Did we do things 'wrong'? Yep... Do kids do things wrong and sneak? Yep... does not mean it is best to have it readily there for them....

at least if you're the one making it available they can come to you and ask questions rather than remain ignorant with misinformation...but wait, that's the conservative way, nevermind.

As for the school... it is a public school...

and they have HUSTLER in the library? really? amazing.

Restricting kids and having them with distinct rules and boundaries, keeping them from easy access to improper things for kids, is not treating them like morons... My girls learn things first from me and their mom... and when they do sneak a peek or hear things or whatever, thru the various ways that kids get it, then ask questions and we discuss... but certain things are for adults and certain freedoms that adults have, kids don't and should not have

I'm not saying kids should be running the streets but if you're one of those parents who believes it's the music or movies/television or the video games that causes children to make poor choices then I have some nice swamp land to sell you. Lack of parent involvement, lack of support, lack of guidance and lack of communication are what cause children to make poor choices. Children can and will be exposed to things they shouldn't, hell they just need to watch the nightly news for that, you can't shield them from everything nor should you.

I'm not passing judgement on your parenting cuz I'm sure your girls are just fine, I'm saying that history has shown that the more restrictions you place on a child the more the fight back. you don't have to give them the run of the house but you should at least give them the respect of being a participant in their own lives.
explain to me HOW, as adults, they are supposed to know HOW to make their own decisions, IF when children, they are led around by the nose and instructed what decisions to make? You HAVE to give them some freedom to make their own decisions AND make their own mistakes, that is how people learn and grow into self-sufficient people.

and can I just point out the irony that you don't think of children as free willed and free human beings but rather seem to think of them as property of their parents, free to do with as they see fit and yet you seem to have a problem with abortion. When exactly do these little people get RIGHTS of their own? free to think and feel as they see fit? when YOU decide it's so? :cuckoo:

I think a loud SIT THE FUCK DOWN would work wonders in some classrooms quite honestly. but that's my opinion.

at least if you're the one making it available they can come to you and ask questions rather than remain ignorant with misinformation...but wait, that's the conservative way, nevermind.

and they have HUSTLER in the library? really? amazing.

I'm not saying kids should be running the streets but if you're one of those parents who believes it's the music or movies/television or the video games that causes children to make poor choices then I have some nice swamp land to sell you. Lack of parent involvement, lack of support, lack of guidance and lack of communication are what cause children to make poor choices. Children can and will be exposed to things they shouldn't, hell they just need to watch the nightly news for that, you can't shield them from everything nor should you.

I'm not passing judgement on your parenting cuz I'm sure your girls are just fine, I'm saying that history has shown that the more restrictions you place on a child the more the fight back. you don't have to give them the run of the house but you should at least give them the respect of being a participant in their own lives.

Not true. I hear there aren't many unplanned pregnancies in Iran.
Nor were there many in the Puritan colonies.
No, Kilkenny is one independent source here. There are multiple sources that she wanted to ban the books.

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

She wanted to ban books, the librarian resisted, and she fired the librarian.

No one said she banned the books, she wanted to ban the books and fired the librarian. It's a little nuts.
sorry, try harder
your attempts to SMEAR this woman is quite evident
I'm dumbfounded, really I am and that's not an easy thing to do to me.

Let me see if I understand this correctly, every bit of information that we will be getting regarding Sarah Palin is to be disregarded OUTRIGHT because it's a left wing conspiracy to smear her and/or just made up stuff by those people whom she either beat in election OR better yet, exposed for corruption? did I get that right?


One thing I find funny though, do you think a child reading Cosmo is going to run out and start fucking? or better, a child who reads a book with the "f bomb" in it is going to suddenly become a degenerate? GMAB already.

what's amazing to me is this IDEA that it's the Dems who want MORE control over the lives of Americans yet it's the Repubs who are continually ATTACKING our freedoms!

this world is turned upside down that's for sure!
if your getting it from LYING leftwing sources, YES

what you do not seem to grasp is exposure to things does not cause or MAKE them do things... it causes them to be sometimes desensitized and sometimes think it is comical and then easier to say OK to....

And believe you me... It is not OK to expose kids to different things, whether they find it or whether you show it to them yourself...

Certain things you give more attention to, as they get older and more understanding, such as the subject of sex.... but I am not going to give my children a copy of 'the joy of sex' because they are going to somewhere sometime see it anyway

And as for a "SIT THE FUCK DOWN" to kids in a classroom... that may well be your opinion, but it is not a good one.... you can deal with kids with a loud 'sit down' or -gasp- even a 'sit the hell down'.... but certain things are not appropriate for kids....

A child is going to fight back against parental authority at one time or another, PERIOD... whether you are an appeaser, whether you're an authoritarian, or whether you educate, explain, and restrict.... but when you cave in and just give in to it anyway or provide, it is giving the message like you really don't care or it is not all that important....

You can respect a child without exposing them to every last thing... Children do need boundaries.. some hard and absolutely firm... some that change with trust as it is EARNED by them (not just given for nothing)... teaching what is appropriate, right, wrong, forbidden, acceptable, etc is key... and yes, some things are forbidden...

And now for the biggie.. comparing the restriction and actual raising of children to abortion.. you basically made me throw up in my mouth a bit... abortion is the intent of harming, not teaching, not protecting, not helping... abortion is the intent of killing in the name of selfishness... being the parent, guardian, rule of law, restriction setter, punishment enforcer, educator, and being firm is not being done to harm a child. Rather the opposite. To make them better. To show them the path. To show them mistakes and bad decisions have their consequences. To show them there are rules in life to follow.

You also seem to mislabel restriction, rules, guidance, and not exposing them to things that they should not be exposed to, with misinformation.. I ASSURE YOU I DO NOT GIVE ANY MISINFORMATION TO EITHER OF MY DAUGHTERS... we talk and discuss and I answer questions all the time... but she knows what is NOT OK... I do not go with the "they're going to do it anyway" or the "if it feels good, just do it" mantra
So, Palin fired people who were not in favor of her reform?

She was a lot like our former School Board Member here in Broward. She fired anyone who disagreed with her. She hired her friends --- Hmmm, maybe she did know Bush all along.

Not the best of management practices by any management standards.

From what is coming out, she is not quite the shining star the right would like you to believe she is. Now they are attacking anyone who attacks her record. Not attacking the facts, but as usual attacking the people.

Let's just see how this works out tonight. If she can speak at all, she will make John look bad.
She was a lot like our former School Board Member here in Broward. She fired anyone who disagreed with her. She hired her friends --- Hmmm, maybe she did know Bush all along.

Not the best of management practices by any management standards.

From what is coming out, she is not quite the shining star the right would like you to believe she is. Now they are attacking anyone who attacks her record. Not attacking the facts, but as usual attacking the people.

Let's just see how this works out tonight. If she can speak at all, she will make John look bad.
thats how a lot of business run
you hire the people you know
now, do you have any proof that the people she hired were not good for the job?
They are not free willed and free human beings.. they are children... they do not have the freedom, nor should they have the freedom to just do as they choose... if they do rebel and go against the rules set for them by the parents, it is our duty to teach, punish, or whatever it takes to try and set them on the right path... when they are adult, that is their business

As for your notion that an f-bomb can be warranted to use to or at a 7th grader.... that says a LOT right there.... it is NOT proper, not warranted, and completely uncalled for at ALL times

Did we do things 'wrong'? Yep... Do kids do things wrong and sneak? Yep... does not mean it is best to have it readily there for them....

As for the school... it is a public school...

Restricting kids and having them with distinct rules and boundaries, keeping them from easy access to improper things for kids, is not treating them like morons... My girls learn things first from me and their mom... and when they do sneak a peek or hear things or whatever, thru the various ways that kids get it, then ask questions and we discuss... but certain things are for adults and certain freedoms that adults have, kids don't and should not have

Freedom to discover, explore, and make mistakes and learn.:eusa_whistle:
i never support any kind of book banning. Why be afraid of ideas on paper?

Certain people are afraid that some ideas on paper will make people intelligent.

We can't have that in country, then people will realize what a screwjob they been getting for a long time (though more now then ever in the last eight years).

The day people finally decide to revolt in this country will be quite interesting.

(Note to any gov't agencies reading this. I'm not supporting such revolt, just saying that a massive number of angry people aren't going to sit around doing nothing.)

"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
She was a lot like our former School Board Member here in Broward. She fired anyone who disagreed with her. She hired her friends --- Hmmm, maybe she did know Bush all along.

Not the best of management practices by any management standards.

From what is coming out, she is not quite the shining star the right would like you to believe she is. Now they are attacking anyone who attacks her record. Not attacking the facts, but as usual attacking the people.

Let's just see how this works out tonight. If she can speak at all, she will make John look bad.

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