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Pallywood: Crying Blond Arab Girl Resurfaces

Sherri----you have ABSOLUTELY no grasp of that which is written in the New Testament -----or the motivations of Jesus------your idiot dissertation was truely amusing-----I would explain it to you------but as jesus DID say-----using a quotation from the Talmud-----"CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE"-----now guess who is the swine


I am really sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never ever going to truly understand Jesus unless you believe in Him.

RFLMAO got that everyone?---first you have to
BELIEVE "St" Paul's version of religion-----
then you got to try to understand "jesus" as per Paul and
Sherri Sounds like something a muslim told
that muhummad is the "FINAL MESSENGER" ---and the
only true book is the koran"

And while He certainly said He came first to offer salvation to the Jew, His ministry is filled with acts reaching out to the outcasts and Gentiles of Palestine, the lepers, the blind, the lame, the disabled, the dying, sinners, women, tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, the beggars and poor, Caananites, the Gentiles excluded from the Gentile Court of the Temple, the Samaritans of Samaria, Centurions, Zealots

ROLMAO got that everyone-----jesus reached out to
"GENTILES OF PALESTINE" I don't remember that part--
perhaps sherri still thinks Mary was a blond blue eyes protestant
--the lepers (yes---the jews with leprosy) The blind--(yes ---that
blind jew) the lame (yup lame jews) etc etc until "CANAANITES'
(I do not remember anyone in the New Testament DESCRIBED as a
CANAANITE anyone?) Gentiles excluded from the Gentile Court----
at this point Sherri got confused and thought that the GENTILE COURT
was part of the TEMPLE COURTYARD------nope sherry----wrong again and
there is no mention of exluding gentiles from the gentile court of the Temple
in the New Testament Samaritans are and were a sect of Judaism,
there is a little story of Jesus aiding one on the highway----not at all
impressive to anyone who has any idea as to what was going on. The
Centurions were the sherris of the day----brutal romans-----the Zealots
were Pharisee jews----just like Jesus-----very eager to cleanse the temple
of shit like sherri and delighted with the little demonstration jesus is said
to have done there

. Essentially, He showed all of the people that all of their lives mattered to God, that they were ALL loved, and He was sent to save ALL, with all who believed in Him receiving eternal life. See the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and John 3:16

ROFLAO----not a new concept in Judaism---he was quoting prior works ---except that "belief" crap------which is not the major issue in either judaism or anything
jesus said------Paul came up with "FAITH" over "BEING A DECENT HUMAN BEING" WHICH SHERRI ain't The jewish concept of God never threw innocent people into hell
for simple lack of faith----of course the jewish concept of God never included ETERNAL HELL FIRE EITHER and jesus did not mention it either

And Jesus said, about this, speaking of His Ministry to the Jew and the Gentile: "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." John 10:16 KJV

ROFLMAO some of jesus' followers quoting the prophecies of such big time prophecy guys as ISAIAH ----these are the words of Isaiah son of Amos----about Judea and Jerusalem in the days---after......
read it----sherri-----long ago I memorize the whole thing in hebrew
-------you seem to have missed it even in english

sherri----next time you read the new testament----first read the old testament---and also learn a bit about the history of the time of jesus-----YOU ARE CLUELESS. It also helps if you actually understand what went on in the temple and stop guessing
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Israel is no different than the former apartheid South Africa.

How any freedom loving American can defend and support the fascist state of Israel defies logic. :cool:
Probably because it the only state in the region which is not dictatorial, steeped in Islam or both.

Stupid questions beget simple answers.


You are certainly showing us where your name came from.

Look at a map, there are two countries with borders with Israel who have democracies, Lebanon and Egypt. Neither is ruled by Islam or dictators.

And I notice you do not even have a response to the fact that Apartheid Israel is just like the former Apartheid South Africa.

I guess to meatheads like you, Apartheid is swell!

I was looking up a definition of meathead, and this is so funny:

I read: Meathead defined

An enormously muscular guy who cannot hold a conversation about anything other than weight-lifting and protein shakes. Gets upset very quickly when he cannot complete his own sentences and thoughts. Can be found at nightclubs wearing shirts that are 10 sizes too small (if at all). They are by far the most closely related human beings to that of apes, chimpanzees, and other primate. They are evolutionary hindered and are less capable of following directions than my dead hampster

Urban Dictionary: meathead


Sherri, I am a Christian and do not believe in evolution but as you claim you are a Christian I must tell you that I find no evidence to support such a claim. Your doctrine is false. You are preaching another Jesus here. Not Jesus in the Holy Bible. Your hatred of the Jews is not scriptural, your support of idolaters, enemies of Israel ( modern day philistines) your abusive language about this gentleman who has s/n meathead is evidence that your religion is useless, Sherri. Do you not know the scripture that says If a man cannot control his own tongue his religion is useless? I bless this man, in the name of Jesus and speak life over him not death! I break these negative words you have spoken over his life and must tell you that bitter water can not flow with pure from the same fountain. You have a root of bitterness in you and the bible says to avoid people such as you because you have the ability to defile many. ( with your bitterness ) I will keep you in my prayers, Sherri. I think what you should do is put down your computer and go to the store and buy a bible. Then keep reading it until you find your salvation. Start with the book of John. Great place to start. *** The bible says that unless two are in agreement how can they walk together? Who are you walking with? The modern day philistines who worship a moon god named allah. Why are you walking in agreement with them? Because their god is your god. There can be no other explanation, Sherri. You see? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! The very same hatred, lies, accusations coming out of your mouth flows out of theirs as well. The Christians and the Jews are followers of the same G-d. The G-d of Israel. This is where we Christians come to the saying that the Jews are our Brethren. But who is the accuser of the Brethren, Sherri? The bible says Satan is the accuser of the Brethren. And who has filled the hearts of these philistines with Hatred for the Brethren to accuse them day and night? Satan.

I will be praying for you and for your conversion to Christianity. Surely G-ds arm is not too short to reach the most lost sinner. Thank God for that! Right? - Jeremiah
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Forgot to copy, but this was obviously meant for that Sherry whatever she is.

Now go to Urban Dictionary and look up "ditz". If you think that a fledgling democracy that was taken over by the Islamic Brotherhood is not steeped in Islam or is even a real democracy for that matter, you are doubtless among the ditzy. Lebanon, along with some other regional states have some vestiges of democracy, but for reasons too numerous to cover, are incapable of functioning as such.

I think you analytical skills are too corrupted with hatred for Israel to be able to rationalize on the subject.



It is very sad to see someone so lost and then quoting the bible to justify their hatred. It is also very, very dangerous. I cannot even stress how dangerous it is. I am glad I had the chance to warn her because if she continues? Well........the bible says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an Angry God. Can God get angry for someone using the words of Jesus to attack his children, the Jews? You better believe he can! I would not dare bring a word of rebuke to a Jew! The Apostle Paul when learning someone he had corrected was Jewish said, I didn't know he was a Jew!! Hey! That is how serious it is!

2 Thessalonians says that it is a righteous thing for God to recompense trouble upon those who trouble his children. In other words? Do not trouble a Jew or a Christian. Otherwise? You are ASKING FOR TROUBLE.

I can tell Sherri doesn't know the bible. Still....... I would be in fear of Gods judgment coming down on me like a ton of bricks and would not ever dare to speak to a Jew with such disrespect as I have witnessed this lost soul, Sherri, do.

I pray God have mercy upon her and must hope she has done this in ignorance. The bible is the bible folks and you do not curse Gods land ( Israel ) NOR His People ( the Jews ) unless you want to fall under his wrath. As for me and my household? We serve the Lord and bless Israel and the Jewish people. I want the blessings of God on my life! Not His wrath! I hope I was able to be of help to you, Sherri, and I'm praying for your salvation. - Jeremiah

NOTE** I want to be clear that myself and my family do not bless the Jews and Israel out of fear of God but rather because we truly love Israel and the Jewish People! It is the most natural thing in the world to discover an ever growing love, ever growing concern for and care for Israel and her people when you become a christian. It is the natural outcome of becoming part of the family of God! The more you love God? The more you love Israel and the Jews. It is IMPOSSIBLE not to! I do not remember the last time I woke up and didn't think about the Jews or Israel or say something mentioning them. Why? Because they are in my heart and I love them! People talk about what they love. If they love their girlfriend that is all you hear about! Angie this and Angie that! It is all about Angie! Why? Because you love Angie! Ha! Ha! So whatever you love? That is what you will want to discuss. For some, it is hate. Whatever they hate bad enough is what consumes them and then all that comes out of them is bitter words night and day against their target. May the Lord have mercy upon such people. What an awful way to go through life. - Jeremiah
Probably because it the only state in the region which is not dictatorial, steeped in Islam or both.

Stupid questions beget simple answers.


You are certainly showing us where your name came from.

Look at a map, there are two countries with borders with Israel who have democracies, Lebanon and Egypt. Neither is ruled by Islam or dictators.

And I notice you do not even have a response to the fact that Apartheid Israel is just like the former Apartheid South Africa.

I guess to meatheads like you, Apartheid is swell!

I was looking up a definition of meathead, and this is so funny:

I read: Meathead defined

An enormously muscular guy who cannot hold a conversation about anything other than weight-lifting and protein shakes. Gets upset very quickly when he cannot complete his own sentences and thoughts. Can be found at nightclubs wearing shirts that are 10 sizes too small (if at all). They are by far the most closely related human beings to that of apes, chimpanzees, and other primate. They are evolutionary hindered and are less capable of following directions than my dead hampster

Urban Dictionary: meathead


Sherri, I am a Christian and do not believe in evolution but as you claim you are a Christian I must tell you that I find no evidence to support such a claim. Your doctrine is false. You are preaching another Jesus here. Not Jesus in the Holy Bible. Your hatred of the Jews is not scriptural, your support of idolaters, enemies of Israel ( modern day philistines) your abusive language about this gentleman who has s/n meathead is evidence that your religion is useless, Sherri. Do you not know the scripture that says If a man cannot control his own tongue his religion is useless? I bless this man, in the name of Jesus and speak life over him not death! I break these negative words you have spoken over his life and must tell you that bitter water can not flow with pure from the same fountain. You have a root of bitterness in you and the bible says to avoid people such as you because you have the ability to defile many. ( with your bitterness ) I will keep you in my prayers, Sherri. I think what you should do is put down your computer and go to the store and buy a bible. Then keep reading it until you find your salvation. Start with the book of John. Great place to start. *** The bible says that unless two are in agreement how can they walk together? Who are you walking with? The modern day philistines who worship a moon god named allah. Why are you walking in agreement with them? Because their god is your god. There can be no other explanation, Sherri. You see? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! The very same hatred, lies, accusations coming out of your mouth flows out of theirs as well. The Christians and the Jews are followers of the same G-d. The G-d of Israel. This is where we Christians come to the saying that the Jews are our Brethren. But who is the accuser of the Brethren, Sherri? The bible says Satan is the accuser of the Brethren. And who has filled the hearts of these philistines with Hatred for the Brethren to accuse them day and night? Satan.

I will be praying for you and for your conversion to Christianity. Surely G-ds arm is not too short to reach the most lost sinner. Thank God for that! Right? - Jeremiah
jeremiah and sherri

it says in your last bible book of revelation that all jews who do not bow down before christ when he re appears will be given the auschwitz treatment by your so called god

so pro jewish you are...do your zionut pals know this??

give me a moon goddess any day

not allah.............just the moon is far better to look at than your genocidal lunatic god
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Sherri----you have ABSOLUTELY no grasp of that which is written in the New Testament -----or the motivations of Jesus------your idiot dissertation was truely amusing-----I would explain it to you------but as jesus DID say-----using a quotation from the Talmud-----"CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE"-----now guess who is the swine

I read the new testament as a child-----there were lots of copies around-----and not lots of BOOKS so freely available -----but I did not understand it at all until I spent a time living in what is sometimes called "ULTRA ORTHODOX" jewish neighborhood -------I never had formal religious education at any time except for a few sundays in LUTHERAN SUNDAY school with a childhood playmate -----Sherri----you have no idea who Jesus was------and I can assure you ----he would spit not spit in your face-----he would not even glance at you. He certainly LOVED to quote the talmud----and he favored RABBI HILLEL BEN HIRAM. As to the Temple---his motivation was to get the shit like you out of it . ----it had nothing to do with "selling animals" -----your explanation of gentiles in the Temple was cute and idiotic


I am really sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never ever going to truly understand Jesus unless you believe in Him.

And while He certainly said He came first to offer salvation to the Jew, His ministry is filled with acts reaching out to the outcasts and Gentiles of Palestine, the lepers, the blind, the lame, the disabled, the dying, sinners, women, tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, the beggars and poor, Caananites, the Gentiles excluded from the Gentile Court of the Temple, the Samaritans of Samaria, Centurions, Zealots. Essentially, He showed all of the people that all of their lives mattered to God, that they were ALL loved, and He was sent to save ALL, with all who believed in Him receiving eternal life. See the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and John 3:16

And Jesus said, about this, speaking of His Ministry to the Jew and the Gentile: "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." John 10:16 KJV


You are wrong, Sherri. It is not a matter of believing Jesus exists. The demons in hell know Jesus exists and they believe he is the Son of God. Don't think so? What about the man who was demon possessed and the demons cried out, Have Mercy, Son of David! It is not our time yet! They knew very well they were speaking to Jesus the Son of God and that their time was not yet up! If the demons in hell know that how much more do people here on earth? You see?

No. Jesus said, Any man who WILLS to do the Will of God shall know it. Know What??!! Whether it is a doctrine of man or of God. If it is a doctrine of man? You don't need to follow it. But if it is a doctrine of God then you had better. So look up John 7:17 for yourself and go and learn what that means but first make up your mind that you are willing to DO the will of God because until you are WILLING God has no obligation to reveal anything to you. Nevertheless, you must turn from your idolatry and be born again or you will indeed suffer eternal separation from God. I have to believe that God is dealing with your heart and the Holy Spirit is going to be drawing you here. I have to warn you that when you know God is speaking to your heart that it is time to repent and come to Christ you had better come right away. The other day I felt the Lord telling me he was making his last offer to some people and if they didn't come when he called it would be too late to come later. Do not be like the foolish virgins who waited until it was too late but come when the bridegroom bids you to come. - Jeremiah
Why are all Pali supporters, always grumpy and complainin' all the time, and talk like they have ten foot poles up their ass?
to tell you gods own truth, roudy

when i started postin here i was depressed and life was a kvetch

that's why I chose that name

after vomiting out all my inner heavy kvetch shit as abuse at folx like your good self

and especially my new the-rapist rosie

i feel so much better and my depression has lifted

i feel so much better i have mellowed

but old habits die hard

but this roudy abuse therapy really works

you should try it...........you are far far far too polite
Does it surprise me that another anti Israel poster has mental problems?
jews have twice the national average rate of scizophtenia and bipolar bear hood

seriously they do

wherever there is mind there is also problems

but you know that full well doncha?

there's sadly a whole lot to be depressed about, especially israel

but you yankee folx cheered the world up last tuesday, didn't you??

lechaim...obama rules ok
kvetch where does it say THAT in the book of REVULSIONS?

revulsions is an under statement for which you are NOT exactly famous, are you?? !! ??

do you realise what you is askin sweetiie?

do I really have to search that shit pile of a crazy book for its anti jewish genocidal garbage

right after a lovely meal of roast pheasant and potatoes cooked by sweetie?

spare me...i will do it when i is in a bad mood and need to vomit....
fine kvetch-----but somewhere along the line I DID READ REVULSIONS------and---unless you know one of the heads out of that monster---is this or that----or the other thing------you are JUST GUESSING
kvetch where does it say THAT in the book of REVULSIONS?

revulsions is an under statement for which you are NOT exactly famous, are you?? !! ??

do you realise what you is askin sweetiie?

do I really have to search that shit pile of a crazy book for its anti jewish genocidal garbage

right after a lovely meal of roast pheasant and potatoes cooked by sweetie?

spare me...i will do it when i is in a bad mood and need to vomit....
just for you, dear rosita

How does the Book of Revelation promote hatred of Jews?
jeremiah and sherri

i actually love jesus very deeply and worship him too sometimes along with many other sons and daughters of the one god

but that's the jesus of the sermon on the mount
Matthew ch 5 onwards in case you don't know

the "gospel" of st john is in my view rubbish
john also wrote revelation

it says that jesus is the ONLY way to god
no man cometh to the father but by me, etc

that is a fatal flaw...i just dont believe jesus ever ever said that

its just like the muslims sayin that Mo is the last prophet and also the only way

both equally lead and have led to genocide....lots of it...zillions of deaths

unlike you, I am a true monotheist

allah aint no moon god;

its just the beautiful arabic word for god used equally by christians in arab and muslim lands

you say you dont believe in evolution

in your case jeremiah i have to agree with you

you aint evolved beyond parrot babyhood stage yet

you are like george w. bush the so called christian who said:

all those not with us are against us and with the terrorists

jthe real jesus in luke ch 9 vs 50 said the exact opposite

"all who are NOT against us are for us"

you remind me of this

and you pose as sherri's saviour!!!

give us a break.........you aint even funny

not surprised you support israel govt, tho

most so called USA "christian" cretins do, too
fine kvetch-----but somewhere along the line I DID READ REVULSIONS------and---unless you know one of the heads out of that monster---is this or that----or the other thing------you are JUST GUESSING
rosie..try this...the real text of revelation

un-believers here is all those not saved by christ and christ alone

[1] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
[2] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
[3] And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
[5] And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
[6] And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
[7] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
[8] But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

a bit more poetic than nazi stuff

but ovens R us for all that believe anything but what these bible fascists say,,,,,,,,,,,,
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so? its poetry on the level of Edgar Allen Poe to call REVULSIONS a "plan" is silly
Sherri----you have ABSOLUTELY no grasp of that which is written in the New Testament -----or the motivations of Jesus------your idiot dissertation was truely amusing-----I would explain it to you------but as jesus DID say-----using a quotation from the Talmud-----"CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE"-----now guess who is the swine

I read the new testament as a child-----there were lots of copies around-----and not lots of BOOKS so freely available -----but I did not understand it at all until I spent a time living in what is sometimes called "ULTRA ORTHODOX" jewish neighborhood -------I never had formal religious education at any time except for a few sundays in LUTHERAN SUNDAY school with a childhood playmate -----Sherri----you have no idea who Jesus was------and I can assure you ----he would spit not spit in your face-----he would not even glance at you. He certainly LOVED to quote the talmud----and he favored RABBI HILLEL BEN HIRAM. As to the Temple---his motivation was to get the shit like you out of it . ----it had nothing to do with "selling animals" -----your explanation of gentiles in the Temple was cute and idiotic


I am really sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never ever going to truly understand Jesus unless you believe in Him.

And while He certainly said He came first to offer salvation to the Jew, His ministry is filled with acts reaching out to the outcasts and Gentiles of Palestine, the lepers, the blind, the lame, the disabled, the dying, sinners, women, tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, the beggars and poor, Caananites, the Gentiles excluded from the Gentile Court of the Temple, the Samaritans of Samaria, Centurions, Zealots. Essentially, He showed all of the people that all of their lives mattered to God, that they were ALL loved, and He was sent to save ALL, with all who believed in Him receiving eternal life. See the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and John 3:16

And Jesus said, about this, speaking of His Ministry to the Jew and the Gentile: "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." John 10:16 KJV


You are wrong, Sherri. It is not a matter of believing Jesus exists. The demons in hell know Jesus exists and they believe he is the Son of God. Don't think so? What about the man who was demon possessed and the demons cried out, Have Mercy, Son of David! It is not our time yet! They knew very well they were speaking to Jesus the Son of God and that their time was not yet up! If the demons in hell know that how much more do people here on earth? You see?

No. Jesus said, Any man who WILLS to do the Will of God shall know it. Know What??!! Whether it is a doctrine of man or of God. If it is a doctrine of man? You don't need to follow it. But if it is a doctrine of God then you had better. So look up John 7:17 for yourself and go and learn what that means but first make up your mind that you are willing to DO the will of God because until you are WILLING God has no obligation to reveal anything to you. Nevertheless, you must turn from your idolatry and be born again or you will indeed suffer eternal separation from God. I have to believe that God is dealing with your heart and the Holy Spirit is going to be drawing you here. I have to warn you that when you know God is speaking to your heart that it is time to repent and come to Christ you had better come right away. The other day I felt the Lord telling me he was making his last offer to some people and if they didn't come when he called it would be too late to come later. Do not be like the foolish virgins who waited until it was too late but come when the bridegroom bids you to come. - Jeremiah


Let's look a moment at words Jesus spoke, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16. A key phrase is "believeth in Him." The phrase in John 3:16 is not "believing Jesus existed", and I nowhere said that is all that is needed to know Jesus or be a follower of Him and His teachings. And I am "a believer in Him", I have no idea where you get the idea I am not.

We still do have to define what believeth in Him really means, and that personally means many things to me, it means turning from the world, turning to God, it means dying to self, living for Christ, it means seeing a specific time in my life when I saw how empty and in need of a Savior I was and a time I saw my sin, and invited Jesus, who I recognized as the Son of God and my Savior, who died on a cross to save me from my sins, into my Heart, and repenting of sin, it means having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit living in my heart leading and guiding me, showing me God, every single day of my life.

Must it mean exactly the very same thing to every other person in our world God draws to Himself to save, within the meaning of John 3:16?

At the place I am presently at spiritually in my walk with Christ, I am not prepared to answer yes to that question.

Who am I to say who God may save or not save and how He shows Himself and Jesus to any other person? Jesus has been many things from the Beginning, in His dealings with man, He has been the Word, the Logos, and He has been spoken of in Scripture all the way back to the time of Genesis, He was written of in the Dead Sea Scrolls, He was written of by the Greeks, He was written of in Targums, and He was God Incarnate as written about by the Apostle John, who was man and God and who died on a cross to save the world from sin.

Jesus died on that cross to save the world.

Rereading the post now that you are replying to, there is one thing I said that I think I should not have said at all or said differently.

I said:

"I am really sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never ever going to truly understand Jesus unless you believe in Him."

Perhaps, this would have been more correct:

"I am really sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never ever going to truly understand Jesus/God unless you believe in Him."

Or perhaps I should have not written the statement at all, as there is so much left unspoken and unexplained in my words.

More and more, I think the key to the truth of the words Jesus spoke in John 3:16 is belief in God, for me that translates into belief in Jesus Christ, who is God, ie, Jesus personally shows me who God is through the teachings of Jesus Christ, set forth in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

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Jeremiah evinces an understanding of the jewish poetic imagery and symbolism which appears in the New Testament-----JOHN----was a jew----born and educated in the heartland----sherri is clueless
fine kvetch-----but somewhere along the line I DID READ REVULSIONS------and---unless you know one of the heads out of that monster---is this or that----or the other thing------you are JUST GUESSING
rosie..try this...the real text of revelation

un-believers here is all those not saved by christ and christ alone

[1] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
[2] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
[3] And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
[5] And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
[6] And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
[7] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
[8] But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

a bit more poetic than nazi stuff

but ovens R us for all that believe anything but what these bible fascists say,,,,,,,,,,,,


When anyone wants to speak about End Times Theology, I always see yellow caution lights flashing, and I feel I need to be careful. I think Revelations is filled with Symbolism, and that verse you are so bothered by, more than anything else, is speaking of a final Judgment of man, which is a concept I think is present in many religions. I was just speaking to my husband, who was raised as a Shiite Muslim, about the Mahdi, the Hidden Imam, who Shiite Muslims sees as returning one day, followed, by Issa, Jesus. Ahmadinejad is convinced he will return from out of a well, outside of the city of Quom. It is believed the Mahdi will rule, and a Day Of Judgment will follow.

I am a Christian whose concern is trying to follow Jesus teachings, not a Christian worried about which, if any, theory of End Times Theology to embrace. The concept of the Rapture was not even an idea that existed in Christianity for its first 1800 years, I see no reason I have to buy into it. What was good enough for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is good enough for me. And for hundreds of years, Christians were Pacifists, because that is what Jesus taught in His teachings, like The Sermon On The Mount. He said, love your enemy, for God made the sun rise on and the rain come down on them, too. He loves them, too.

Have you ever heard of the concept of universal salvation? That is an idea Christians have written about, as well, going back to the early Christians, like Origin. And they wrote all of this, despite that Revelations verse you are bothered by.

I like the discussion below from an article I just found, the key to Salvation and reconciliation with God is living out the teachings of Jesus in a life:

"Does Salvation Mean "Knowing Jesus?"

No. The teaching that Jesus is the only path to salvation, contradicts the teachings of Jesus himself. In the three earlier Synoptic gospels, Jesus never suggests "believing in him" is the criterion for salvation. In fact, Jesus warns that it is not those who call him "Lord," who will enter heaven, but those who live the Kingdom life of love! (Mt. 7.21) In the Judgment scene in Mt. 25.31-46, (far and away the most detailed description of judgment in the Bible), Jesus says that those who do good works, creating a better world for the "least of his brothers," actually do it for him whether they know it or not, and will be blessed with his Presence, while those who do not will suffer "burning" in the age-long fire which we've already discussed. Throughout these first three gospels, Jesus doesn't even care if anyone "knows" him or has "a personal relationship" with him! He cares instead that people embrace his teaching—Good News—that the Kingdom of heaven is here, that God is "Father," that in embracing selfless love, we lose our false self, but gain the whole world.

On the other hand, the later gospel of John presents Jesus as the "Cosmic Christ," who is one with the Father, and called "Word", "Light", "Water of Life", and "the Way." The emphasis has shifted from the teaching to the Teacher, in light of his embodiment of the love of God. This Love is called Christ. When Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by me," (Jn 14:6) he is speaking of his nature as the love of God made visible. It is only by being filled with Divine Love that we can "come to the Father." By whatever name it is given by followers of whatever religion or no religion, it is the same, and it is "the narrow gate" through which all must come. The human identity of its bearer is not what's important; the essential thing is following his example in loving unconditionally, becoming Christ. As he said: This is my commandment, love one another as I have loved you. (Jn.15.12)

Many passages in the apostles' writings at first glance suggest that belief in Jesus is essential. But the Bible never records the apostles using a threat of "damnation" for not accepting the Gospel. Paul's voice speaks especially strongly about universal salvation. Yet Paul also presents Jesus as the "necessary sacrifice" for sin, implying belief in him is mandatory. The reason for this is found in his letters, where he repeatedly explains his dual mission of presenting the Good News to both the Jews and the Gentiles, and adjusting his message to his audiences, "becoming all things to all men." (1 Cor. 9.19-23). His Jewish audiences demanded to know how sacrifice fits into this message, and so, Paul presents Jesus as the only sacrifice needed, the fulfillment of the Law. To Gentiles, he presents the cosmic Christ, "the love of God made visible," (Rm. 8.39) reconciling all things in heaven and earth to the Father through selfless love. (Eph. 1.10-11). "

God is Love: The Mystery of Universal Salvation

fine kvetch-----but somewhere along the line I DID READ REVULSIONS------and---unless you know one of the heads out of that monster---is this or that----or the other thing------you are JUST GUESSING
rosie..try this...the real text of revelation

un-believers here is all those not saved by christ and christ alone

[1] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
[2] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
[3] And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
[5] And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
[6] And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
[7] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
[8] But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

a bit more poetic than nazi stuff

but ovens R us for all that believe anything but what these bible fascists say,,,,,,,,,,,,


When anyone wants to speak about End Times Theology, I always see yellow caution lights flashing, and I feel I need to be careful. I think Revelations is filled with Symbolism, and that verse you are so bothered by, more than anything else, is speaking of a final Judgment of man, which is a concept I think is present in many religions. I was just speaking to my husband, who was raised as a Shiite Muslim, about the Mahdi, the Hidden Imam, who Shiite Muslims sees as returning one day, followed, by Issa, Jesus. Ahmadinejad is convinced he will return from out of a well, outside of the city of Quom. It is believed the Mahdi will rule, and a Day Of Judgment will follow.

I am a Christian whose concern is trying to follow Jesus teachings, not a Christian worried about which, if any, theory of End Times Theology to embrace. The concept of the Rapture was not even an idea that existed in Christianity for its first 1800 years, I see no reason I have to buy into it. What was good enough for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is good enough for me. And for hundreds of years, Christians were Pacifists, because that is what Jesus taught in His teachings, like The Sermon On The Mount. He said, love your enemy, for God made the sun rise on and the rain come down on them, too. He loves them, too.

Have you ever heard of the concept of universal salvation? That is an idea Christians have written about, as well, going back to the early Christians, like Origin. And they wrote all of this, despite that Revelations verse you are bothered by.

I like the discussion below from an article I just found, the key to Salvation and reconciliation with God is living out the teachings of Jesus in a life:

"Does Salvation Mean "Knowing Jesus?"

No. The teaching that Jesus is the only path to salvation, contradicts the teachings of Jesus himself. In the three earlier Synoptic gospels, Jesus never suggests "believing in him" is the criterion for salvation. In fact, Jesus warns that it is not those who call him "Lord," who will enter heaven, but those who live the Kingdom life of love! (Mt. 7.21) In the Judgment scene in Mt. 25.31-46, (far and away the most detailed description of judgment in the Bible), Jesus says that those who do good works, creating a better world for the "least of his brothers," actually do it for him whether they know it or not, and will be blessed with his Presence, while those who do not will suffer "burning" in the age-long fire which we've already discussed. Throughout these first three gospels, Jesus doesn't even care if anyone "knows" him or has "a personal relationship" with him! He cares instead that people embrace his teaching—Good News—that the Kingdom of heaven is here, that God is "Father," that in embracing selfless love, we lose our false self, but gain the whole world.

On the other hand, the later gospel of John presents Jesus as the "Cosmic Christ," who is one with the Father, and called "Word", "Light", "Water of Life", and "the Way." The emphasis has shifted from the teaching to the Teacher, in light of his embodiment of the love of God. This Love is called Christ. When Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by me," (Jn 14:6) he is speaking of his nature as the love of God made visible. It is only by being filled with Divine Love that we can "come to the Father." By whatever name it is given by followers of whatever religion or no religion, it is the same, and it is "the narrow gate" through which all must come. The human identity of its bearer is not what's important; the essential thing is following his example in loving unconditionally, becoming Christ. As he said: This is my commandment, love one another as I have loved you. (Jn.15.12)

Many passages in the apostles' writings at first glance suggest that belief in Jesus is essential. But the Bible never records the apostles using a threat of "damnation" for not accepting the Gospel. Paul's voice speaks especially strongly about universal salvation. Yet Paul also presents Jesus as the "necessary sacrifice" for sin, implying belief in him is mandatory. The reason for this is found in his letters, where he repeatedly explains his dual mission of presenting the Good News to both the Jews and the Gentiles, and adjusting his message to his audiences, "becoming all things to all men." (1 Cor. 9.19-23). His Jewish audiences demanded to know how sacrifice fits into this message, and so, Paul presents Jesus as the only sacrifice needed, the fulfillment of the Law. To Gentiles, he presents the cosmic Christ, "the love of God made visible," (Rm. 8.39) reconciling all things in heaven and earth to the Father through selfless love. (Eph. 1.10-11). "

God is Love: The Mystery of Universal Salvation


If G-d is Love, why do you hate Jews so much? And what about all the Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Taoists, Shintos, etc. who don't believe in Jesus?
rosie..try this...the real text of revelation

un-believers here is all those not saved by christ and christ alone

[1] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
[2] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
[3] And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
[5] And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
[6] And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
[7] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
[8] But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

a bit more poetic than nazi stuff

but ovens R us for all that believe anything but what these bible fascists say,,,,,,,,,,,,


When anyone wants to speak about End Times Theology, I always see yellow caution lights flashing, and I feel I need to be careful. I think Revelations is filled with Symbolism, and that verse you are so bothered by, more than anything else, is speaking of a final Judgment of man, which is a concept I think is present in many religions. I was just speaking to my husband, who was raised as a Shiite Muslim, about the Mahdi, the Hidden Imam, who Shiite Muslims sees as returning one day, followed, by Issa, Jesus. Ahmadinejad is convinced he will return from out of a well, outside of the city of Quom. It is believed the Mahdi will rule, and a Day Of Judgment will follow.

I am a Christian whose concern is trying to follow Jesus teachings, not a Christian worried about which, if any, theory of End Times Theology to embrace. The concept of the Rapture was not even an idea that existed in Christianity for its first 1800 years, I see no reason I have to buy into it. What was good enough for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is good enough for me. And for hundreds of years, Christians were Pacifists, because that is what Jesus taught in His teachings, like The Sermon On The Mount. He said, love your enemy, for God made the sun rise on and the rain come down on them, too. He loves them, too.

Have you ever heard of the concept of universal salvation? That is an idea Christians have written about, as well, going back to the early Christians, like Origin. And they wrote all of this, despite that Revelations verse you are bothered by.

I like the discussion below from an article I just found, the key to Salvation and reconciliation with God is living out the teachings of Jesus in a life:

"Does Salvation Mean "Knowing Jesus?"

No. The teaching that Jesus is the only path to salvation, contradicts the teachings of Jesus himself. In the three earlier Synoptic gospels, Jesus never suggests "believing in him" is the criterion for salvation. In fact, Jesus warns that it is not those who call him "Lord," who will enter heaven, but those who live the Kingdom life of love! (Mt. 7.21) In the Judgment scene in Mt. 25.31-46, (far and away the most detailed description of judgment in the Bible), Jesus says that those who do good works, creating a better world for the "least of his brothers," actually do it for him whether they know it or not, and will be blessed with his Presence, while those who do not will suffer "burning" in the age-long fire which we've already discussed. Throughout these first three gospels, Jesus doesn't even care if anyone "knows" him or has "a personal relationship" with him! He cares instead that people embrace his teaching—Good News—that the Kingdom of heaven is here, that God is "Father," that in embracing selfless love, we lose our false self, but gain the whole world.

On the other hand, the later gospel of John presents Jesus as the "Cosmic Christ," who is one with the Father, and called "Word", "Light", "Water of Life", and "the Way." The emphasis has shifted from the teaching to the Teacher, in light of his embodiment of the love of God. This Love is called Christ. When Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by me," (Jn 14:6) he is speaking of his nature as the love of God made visible. It is only by being filled with Divine Love that we can "come to the Father." By whatever name it is given by followers of whatever religion or no religion, it is the same, and it is "the narrow gate" through which all must come. The human identity of its bearer is not what's important; the essential thing is following his example in loving unconditionally, becoming Christ. As he said: This is my commandment, love one another as I have loved you. (Jn.15.12)

Many passages in the apostles' writings at first glance suggest that belief in Jesus is essential. But the Bible never records the apostles using a threat of "damnation" for not accepting the Gospel. Paul's voice speaks especially strongly about universal salvation. Yet Paul also presents Jesus as the "necessary sacrifice" for sin, implying belief in him is mandatory. The reason for this is found in his letters, where he repeatedly explains his dual mission of presenting the Good News to both the Jews and the Gentiles, and adjusting his message to his audiences, "becoming all things to all men." (1 Cor. 9.19-23). His Jewish audiences demanded to know how sacrifice fits into this message, and so, Paul presents Jesus as the only sacrifice needed, the fulfillment of the Law. To Gentiles, he presents the cosmic Christ, "the love of God made visible," (Rm. 8.39) reconciling all things in heaven and earth to the Father through selfless love. (Eph. 1.10-11). "

God is Love: The Mystery of Universal Salvation


If G-d is Love, why do you hate Jews so much? And what about all the Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Taoists, Shintos, etc. who don't believe in Jesus?


I do not think you read anything I write, I did not speak of hating any person.

And criticizing bad acts of Nations and their armies and people, that unlawfully oppress and occupy and hate and kill, is not hating people. If it were, the Prophets and Jesus Himself would all be labelled hating people, they certainly all had critical words to say about Jews.

And in my last post, I provide an excerpt of an article I speak approvingly of, that suggests Salvation lies in living out the teachings of Jesus, even for people who do not even know His name. I am equating believing in Jesus with living out the teachings of Jesus in a life. And I see Muslims doing that, and I see Jews doing that, and I see Christians doing that, and I see Hindus doing that, and I even see people who claim to be atheists and agnostic doing that!

I was trying to think about whether any act of killing is sanctioned by Jesus, and the only example I ever have come up with is the very same exact example Gandhi came up with, if a man had rabies and was dying and he was hurting others and was killed out of love to stop him from hurting others, that is the only example both Gandhi and myself can find where we believe God sanctions an act of killing. What explains this? He was a Hindu, I am a Christian, we lived in different times, but I think we both followed Jesus teachings and applied them to get an answer about whether an act of taking the life of another was ever right before God and we both came up with the very same identical answer. Seek God, and you will find Him and the teachings of Jesus will be with Him, no matter how those teachings may come to a person.


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