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Pallywood: Crying Blond Arab Girl Resurfaces

I'm just looking at her gloves, she's an amazing boxer. What are you guys lookin' at?


Her Personality.
are you an admirer of samson in the bible

the jewish 9/11 style suicide bomber in gaza who brought down the twin pillars of a temple and killed 3,000 mostly civilians and himself..with god's help..........some god, that

what a lousy name to choose here!!


The admirer of ham saw officer Carmondy eating mashed potatoes out of a telescope!

Her Personality.
are you an admirer of samson in the bible

the jewish 9/11 style suicide bomber in gaza who brought down the twin pillars of a temple and killed 3,000 mostly civilians and himself..with god's help..........some god, that

what a lousy name to choose here!!
Why are all Pali supporters, always grumpy and complainin' all the time, and talk like they have ten foot poles up their ass?
to tell you gods own truth, roudy

when i started postin here i was depressed and life was a kvetch

that's why I chose that name

after vomiting out all my inner heavy kvetch shit as abuse at folx like your good self

and especially my new the-rapist rosie

i feel so much better and my depression has lifted

i feel so much better i have mellowed

but old habits die hard

but this roudy abuse therapy really works

you should try it...........you are far far far too polite
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Kvetch, it appears that you have no Gaelic - or you'd realize Samson's little tag on his avvie is hardly genteel.
This is hardly new. NGOs seeking donations realize that there is empathy fatigue when faced with pictures of starving African children. There is not much they can do about Africa, but where possible, the most European-looking children are used, eg Kurdish areas, etc.

This is just a twist of the same pitch.

The full video, I provide a link to below, shows children standing up to the IDF, after the blonde haired little girl's brother has just been arrested in a weekly peaceful demonstration in Nabi Saleh. The video shows the soldiers repeatedly laughing at the children. We see fully displayed the monsters the Occupation turns these young Israelis into, how I pity their parents!

What a brave girl?

Her parents must be so proud of her!

The desire of all parents should be to have children just like her, just as brave as her, children just like her.

The soldiers laughed at her and the other children, repeatedly, as she raged at them over her brother's abduction, as she demanded her brother be released. This is a girl who just watched her father, Palestinian Freedom Fighter and Prisoner of Conscience Bassem Tamimi, attacked and his ribs broken, in a demonstration just a few weeks ago.

Here is a video of the full incident, it can be retrieved from Mondoweiss article below.


WATCH: Palestinian child chases the occupation forces after they arrested her brother Waed al-Tamimi in the village of Nabi Saleh

These are the children of the prisoner Bassem Al Tamimi and the recently released prisoner Nariman Al Tamimi, and I think actually the dark haired girl is a cousin. The occupying forces also arrested journalists, five internationals, in this particular Friday demonstration.

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Sherri AGAIN comes out in force in support of her favorite throat slitters and for the exploitation of children ----taught that their best choice in life is to tie a bomb on the behinds for the glory of allah and sherri ------and the glory of dancing on the dead bodies of infants
how any human being can support the vile filth of shariah and its history of genocide and its ONGOING facilitation of genocide ---is miraculous--------the filth even includes the LEGAL advice that RAPING WOMEN IS A SERVICE TO ALLAH -----as we noted in a video of an egyptian muslimah lawyer slut-------providing LEGAL ADVICE TO MUSLIM MALE PIGS
Sherri AGAIN comes out in force in support of her favorite throat slitters and for the exploitation of children ----taught that their best choice in life is to tie a bomb on the behinds for the glory of allah and sherri ------and the glory of dancing on the dead bodies of infants


Bassem Tamimi and his children and the people of his village of Nabi Saleh are Palestinians committed to nonviolence, it is the Israeli Apartheid ethnic cleansing genocidal Occupiers who keep stealing their lands and springs and attacking and abducting and unlawfully imprisoning and hurting and killing men, women, and children in this small village.

And these villagers stay, and stand up against the Occupation with nonviolent resistance, they remain steadfast in the face of a life in which every single moment is lived under a brutal Israeli Occupation.

The people of Nabi Saleh inspire me, they show me the greatness to which human beings can aspire and are capable of, when we commit ourselves to stay human, when confronted with Injustice and Inhumanity all around us.

We always have a choice to respond to Inhumanity with Humanity!

And they, the people of Nabi Saleh, win, and we all win the struggle God placed before them and God places before us in our lives, when we choose nonviolence and we stand against Injustice and we stay human in the face of Injustice, as the children and people of Nabi Saleh are doing!

I cannot help but think here about Jesus rage, his rage when He cleansed the Temple, His anger was directed at Jews setting up stalls to sell animals in the Gentile Court of the Temple, the only place in the Temple Gentiles were allowed. His rage was all about the governing Jews trying to exclude Gentiles from God. His rage was all about one people seeing themselves as superior to other peoples and seeing themselves alone as having value and worth before God and inflicting regular Injustice on others. I see in the rage of the children of Nabi Saleh, that same rage of Jesus, that He displayed when He cleansed the Temple in the Gospel of John. An anger and rage against Injustices that dehumanize people is natural and righteous, right before God.

I am sorry I cannot say the same postive things about the laughing IDF soldiers, laughing as they hurt, hate, oppress and kill! They do not even look human anymore, just boys, and they already have become what that video depicts, something I cannot even recognize as human.

I say it all the time, I would choose any day to be a Palestinain over an Israeli. They have such a beautiful and precious opportunity to glorify God in their lives, by steadfastly staying human in inhuman circumstances they live under in the Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Watching the struggle of the Palestinians for freedom from Occupation, I see that as a Blessing in my life! The great things God created us for are on full display in the everyday lives of Palestinians in Nabi Saleh!

Here is the letter of Bassem Tamimi to a Kangaroo Apartheid Israeli Court:

"Your Honor,

I hold this speech out of belief in peace, justice, freedom, the right to live in dignity, and out of respect for free thought in the absence of Just Laws.

Every time I am called to appear before your courts, I become nervous and afraid. Eighteen years ago, my sister was killed by in a courtroom such as this, by a staff member. In my lifetime, I have been nine times imprisoned for an overall of almost 3 years, though I was never charged or convicted. During my imprisonment, I was paralyzed as a result of torture by your investigators. My wife was detained, my children were wounded, my land was stolen by settlers, and now my house is slated for demolition.

I was born at the same time as the Occupation and have been living under its inherent inhumanity, inequality, racism and lack of freedom ever since. Yet, despite all this, my belief in human values and the need for peace in this land have never been shaken. Suffering and oppression did not fill my heart with hatred for anyone, nor did they kindle feelings of revenge. To the contrary, they reinforced my belief in peace and national standing as an adequate response to the inhumanity of Occupation.

International law guarantees the right of occupied people to resist Occupation. In practicing my right, I have called for and organized peaceful popular demonstrations against the Occupation, settler attacks and the theft of more than half of the land of my village, Nabi Saleh, where the graves of my ancestors have lain since time immemorial.

I organized these peaceful demonstrations in order to defend our land and our people. I do not know if my actions violate your Occupation laws. As far as I am concerned, these laws do not apply to me and are devoid of meaning. Having been enacted by Occupation authorities, I reject them and cannot recognize their validity.

Despite claiming to be the only democracy in the Middle East you are trying me under military laws which lack any legitimacy; laws that are enacted by authorities that I have not elected and do not represent me. I am accused of organizing peaceful civil demonstrations that have no military aspects and are legal under international law.

We have the right to express our rejection of Occupation in all of its forms; to defend our freedom and dignity as a people and to seek justice and peace in our land in order to protect our children and secure their future.

The civil nature of our actions is the light that will overcome the darkness of the Occupation, bringing a dawn of freedom that will warm the cold wrists in chains, sweep despair from the soul and end decades of oppression.

These actions are what will expose the true face of the Occupation, where soldiers point their guns at a woman walking to her fields or at checkpoints; at a child who wants to drink from the sweet water of his ancestors' fabled spring; against an old man who wants to sit in the shade of an olive tree, once mother to him, now burnt by settlers.

We have exhausted all possible actions to stop attacks by settlers, who refuse to adhere to your courts' decisions, which time and again have confirmed that we are the owners of the land, ordering the removal of the fence erected by them.

Each time we tried to approach our land, implementing these decisions, we were attacked by settlers, who prevented us from reaching it as if it were their own.

Our demonstrations are in protest of injustice. We work hand in hand with Israeli and international activists who believe, like us, that had it not been for the Occupation, we could all live in peace on this land. I do not know which laws are upheld by generals who are inhibited by fear and insecurity, nor do I know their thoughts on the civil resistance of women, children and old men who carry hope and olive branches. But I know what justice and reason are. Land theft and tree-burning is unjust. Violent repression of our demonstrations and protests and your detention camps are not evidence of the illegality of our actions. It is unfair to be tryed under a law forced upon us. I know that I have rights and my actions are just.

The military prosecutor accuses me of inciting the protesters to throw stones at the soldiers. This is not true. What incites protesters to throw stones is the sound of bullets, the Occupation’s bulldozers as they destroy the land, the smell of teargas and the smoke coming from burnt houses. I did not incite anyone to throw stones, but I am not responsible for the security of your soldiers who invade my village and attack my people with all the weapons of death and the equipment of terror.

These demonstrations that I organize have had a positive influence over my beliefs; they allowed me to see people from the other side who believe in peace and share my struggle for freedom. Those freedom fighters have rid their conscious from the Occupation and put their hands in ours in peaceful demonstrations against our common enemy, the Occupation. They have become friends, sisters and brothers. We fight together for a better future for our children and theirs.

If released by the judge will I be convinced thereby that justice still prevails in your courts? Regardless of how just or unjust this ruling will be, and despite all your racist and inhumane practices and Occupation, we will continue to believe in peace, justice and human values. We will still raise our children to love; love the land and the people without discrimination of race, religion or ethnicity; embodying thus the message of the Messenger of Peace, Jesus Christ, who urged us to “love our enemy.” With love and justice, we make peace and build the future."

West Bank Protest Organizer, Bassem Tamimi, to Judge:

Sherri----you have ABSOLUTELY no grasp of that which is written in the New Testament -----or the motivations of Jesus------your idiot dissertation was truely amusing-----I would explain it to you------but as jesus DID say-----using a quotation from the Talmud-----"CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE"-----now guess who is the swine

I read the new testament as a child-----there were lots of copies around-----and not lots of BOOKS so freely available -----but I did not understand it at all until I spent a time living in what is sometimes called "ULTRA ORTHODOX" jewish neighborhood -------I never had formal religious education at any time except for a few sundays in LUTHERAN SUNDAY school with a childhood playmate -----Sherri----you have no idea who Jesus was------and I can assure you ----he would spit not spit in your face-----he would not even glance at you. He certainly LOVED to quote the talmud----and he favored RABBI HILLEL BEN HIRAM. As to the Temple---his motivation was to get the shit like you out of it . ----it had nothing to do with "selling animals" -----your explanation of gentiles in the Temple was cute and idiotic
Bassem Tamimi and his children and the people of his village of Nabi Saleh are Palestinians committed to nonviolence, it is the Israeli Apartheid ethnic cleansing genocidal Occupiers who keep stealing their lands and springs and attacking and abducting and unlawfully imprisoning and hurting and killing men, women, and children in this small village.
Looks like another instance of the crying-blond-arab-girl-resurfaces, of course.
Israel is no different than the former apartheid South Africa.

How any freedom loving American can defend and support the fascist state of Israel defies logic. :cool:
Probably because it the only state in the region which is not dictatorial, steeped in Islam or both.

Stupid questions beget simple answers.
Sherri----you have ABSOLUTELY no grasp of that which is written in the New Testament -----or the motivations of Jesus------your idiot dissertation was truely amusing-----I would explain it to you------but as jesus DID say-----using a quotation from the Talmud-----"CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE"-----now guess who is the swine

I read the new testament as a child-----there were lots of copies around-----and not lots of BOOKS so freely available -----but I did not understand it at all until I spent a time living in what is sometimes called "ULTRA ORTHODOX" jewish neighborhood -------I never had formal religious education at any time except for a few sundays in LUTHERAN SUNDAY school with a childhood playmate -----Sherri----you have no idea who Jesus was------and I can assure you ----he would spit not spit in your face-----he would not even glance at you. He certainly LOVED to quote the talmud----and he favored RABBI HILLEL BEN HIRAM. As to the Temple---his motivation was to get the shit like you out of it . ----it had nothing to do with "selling animals" -----your explanation of gentiles in the Temple was cute and idiotic


I am really sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never ever going to truly understand Jesus unless you believe in Him.

And while He certainly said He came first to offer salvation to the Jew, His ministry is filled with acts reaching out to the outcasts and Gentiles of Palestine, the lepers, the blind, the lame, the disabled, the dying, sinners, women, tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, the beggars and poor, Caananites, the Gentiles excluded from the Gentile Court of the Temple, the Samaritans of Samaria, Centurions, Zealots. Essentially, He showed all of the people that all of their lives mattered to God, that they were ALL loved, and He was sent to save ALL, with all who believed in Him receiving eternal life. See the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and John 3:16

And Jesus said, about this, speaking of His Ministry to the Jew and the Gentile: "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." John 10:16 KJV

Israel is no different than the former apartheid South Africa.

How any freedom loving American can defend and support the fascist state of Israel defies logic. :cool:
Probably because it the only state in the region which is not dictatorial, steeped in Islam or both.

Stupid questions beget simple answers.


You are certainly showing us where your name came from.

Look at a map, there are two countries with borders with Israel who have democracies, Lebanon and Egypt. Neither is ruled by Islam or dictators.

And I notice you do not even have a response to the fact that Apartheid Israel is just like the former Apartheid South Africa.

I guess to meatheads like you, Apartheid is swell!

I was looking up a definition of meathead, and this is so funny:

I read: Meathead defined

An enormously muscular guy who cannot hold a conversation about anything other than weight-lifting and protein shakes. Gets upset very quickly when he cannot complete his own sentences and thoughts. Can be found at nightclubs wearing shirts that are 10 sizes too small (if at all). They are by far the most closely related human beings to that of apes, chimpanzees, and other primate. They are evolutionary hindered and are less capable of following directions than my dead hampster

Urban Dictionary: meathead

anyone interested in that which sherri admires-----should have no trouble finding copts and maronites in the USA to confirm that she is an islamo nazi throat slitter loving nut-----------then look for some syrian christians It is not all bad-----the Jordanian christians are not as oppressed as far as I know -----at least not enough to satisfy sherri
Forgot to copy, but this was obviously meant for that Sherry whatever she is.

Now go to Urban Dictionary and look up "ditz". If you think that a fledgling democracy that was taken over by the Islamic Brotherhood is not steeped in Islam or is even a real democracy for that matter, you are doubtless among the ditzy. Lebanon, along with some other regional states have some vestiges of democracy, but for reasons too numerous to cover, are incapable of functioning as such.

I think you analytical skills are too corrupted with hatred for Israel to be able to rationalize on the subject.


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are you an admirer of samson in the bible

the jewish 9/11 style suicide bomber in gaza who brought down the twin pillars of a temple and killed 3,000 mostly civilians and himself..with god's help..........some god, that

what a lousy name to choose here!!
Why are all Pali supporters, always grumpy and complainin' all the time, and talk like they have ten foot poles up their ass?
to tell you gods own truth, roudy

when i started postin here i was depressed and life was a kvetch

that's why I chose that name

after vomiting out all my inner heavy kvetch shit as abuse at folx like your good self

and especially my new the-rapist rosie

i feel so much better and my depression has lifted

i feel so much better i have mellowed

but old habits die hard

but this roudy abuse therapy really works

you should try it...........you are far far far too polite
Does it surprise me that another anti Israel poster has mental problems?
Sherri, Jesus said, love your enemies, bless those who curse you and despitefully use you. Yet you have a very violent attitude displayed here. You align yourself with the enemies of G-ds children, the Jews, you defend the people responsible for the most violent acts against innocent civilians inside Israel, people who have slit the throats of infants and called them enemy combatants in order to justify themselves for their evil actions. Sherri, the god of Islam and the G-d of Israel are two completely different Gods! You have aligned yourself with idolaters who do not know the G-d of Israel nor display any love in their hearts for the Jews. Sherri, you must be born again. John 4:8 For God so loved the world that he sent his ONLY Son to die on the cross for your sins.........Sherri........WHOSOEVER would believe upon his name, call upon his name shall be saved. You need salvation, Sherri. That is why you are so blinded by hatred here. You need to be saved. Do you realise that those who curse Israel and the Jews are under a curse? Do you realise that when you repent of your sins, Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross, rose on the 3rd day and is seated at the right hand of God you shall be saved? That is what you must do, in order to see the truth, Sherri. For truly I tell you unless a man or woman be born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven. You see, Sherri in the book of James we learn that anyone who cannot control their own tongue? Their religion is useless. You need to become born again and then you will have a genuine love for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you will also have a genuine love for the Jewish people and for Israel. Your hatred of the Jews has placed you under a curse. You must first repent for this and then call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. I am praying for you that God will open your eyes to see that what you are doing here is marring his name. He is Holy and you cannot continue to do this in His Name. - Jeremiah
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Forgot to copy, but this was obviously meant for that Sherry whatever she is.

Now go to Urban Dictionary and look up "ditz". If you think that a fledgling democracy that was taken over by the Islamic Brotherhood is not steeped in Islam or is even a real democracy for that matter, you are doubtless among the ditzy. Lebanon, along with some other regional states have some vestiges of democracy, but for reasons too numerous to cover, are incapable of functioning as such.

I think you analytical skills are too corrupted with hatred for Israel to be able to rationalize on the subject.



It is very sad to see someone so lost and then quoting the bible to justify their hatred. It is also very, very dangerous. I cannot even stress how dangerous it is. I am glad I had the chance to warn her because if she continues? Well........the bible says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an Angry God. Can God get angry for someone using the words of Jesus to attack his children, the Jews? You better believe he can! I would not dare bring a word of rebuke to a Jew! The Apostle Paul when learning someone he had corrected was Jewish said, I didn't know he was a Jew!! Hey! That is how serious it is!

2 Thessalonians says that it is a righteous thing for God to recompense trouble upon those who trouble his children. In other words? Do not trouble a Jew or a Christian. Otherwise? You are ASKING FOR TROUBLE.

I can tell Sherri doesn't know the bible. Still....... I would be in fear of Gods judgment coming down on me like a ton of bricks and would not ever dare to speak to a Jew with such disrespect as I have witnessed this lost soul, Sherri, do.

I pray God have mercy upon her and must hope she has done this in ignorance. The bible is the bible folks and you do not curse Gods land ( Israel ) NOR His People ( the Jews ) unless you want to fall under his wrath. As for me and my household? We serve the Lord and bless Israel and the Jewish people. I want the blessings of God on my life! Not His wrath! I hope I was able to be of help to you, Sherri, and I'm praying for your salvation. - Jeremiah

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