Pamela Geller Isn't the Only One to Speak Up


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
If you are going to be ostracized, hated, ridiculed it should be for doing "speaking up" about Jesus Christ - the Gospel of Christ has eternal value. Don't let it be over something foolish as Geller has done. Geller didn't change anything. She only created a wider divide than was already there before.
If you are going to be ostracized, hated, ridiculed it should be for doing "speaking up" about Jesus Christ - the Gospel of Christ has eternal value. Don't let it be over something foolish as Geller has done. Geller didn't change anything. She only created a wider divide than was already there before.

But, this thread isn't just about her! It's about many voices trying to warn of what Sharia law means to freedoms around the world.
You don't warn about Sharia law by holding a cartoon contest, Longknife. That is not how it is done.

rosie says>>>>> having clicked and glanced-----a brilliant idea flashed thru my semi-conscious brain. ........ THE
ANSWER to the problem of BLASPHE-PHOBIA. To cut to the chase and skip defining blasphe-phobia and its origins---
I will address the CURE. The cure is known as
IMPLOSION THERAPY-------implosion therapy involves
the controlled exposure of the phobic to the aversive
stimulus. The aversive stimulus in this case is cartoons of muhummad. The treatment is simple------more and more and more cartoons----If within a year there were cartoons of muhummad ALL OVER ---on street signs, billboards, magazine covers, school rooms (one must
undertake this program carefully----slowly at first and then
begin to accelerate) MUSLIMS WOULD GET OVER IT
Muslims will never "get over" their beliefs. Cults always brainwash their members, achieving unquestioning obedience. Even a willingness to give up one's life.

The prohibition on pictures of Mohamed are the basis of such hatred towards Christians and their depictions of Jesus and the saints.

The point of the thread is to prove that Geller and those like her are NOT INVOLVED IN HATE SPEECH! They simply try to INFORM people of the truth.

Cultists or any ilk cannot tolerate that.

rosie says>>>>> having clicked and glanced-----a brilliant idea flashed thru my semi-conscious brain. ........ THE
ANSWER to the problem of BLASPHE-PHOBIA. To cut to the chase and skip defining blasphe-phobia and its origins---
I will address the CURE. The cure is known as
IMPLOSION THERAPY-------implosion therapy involves
the controlled exposure of the phobic to the aversive
stimulus. The aversive stimulus in this case is cartoons of muhummad. The treatment is simple------more and more and more cartoons----If within a year there were cartoons of muhummad ALL OVER ---on street signs, billboards, magazine covers, school rooms (one must
undertake this program carefully----slowly at first and then
begin to accelerate) MUSLIMS WOULD GET OVER IT
That is like saying if everyone called n*ggers n*ggers, they would get over it.
Muslims will never "get over" their beliefs. Cults always brainwash their members, achieving unquestioning obedience. Even a willingness to give up one's life.

The prohibition on pictures of Mohamed are the basis of such hatred towards Christians and their depictions of Jesus and the saints.

The point of the thread is to prove that Geller and those like her are NOT INVOLVED IN HATE SPEECH! They simply try to INFORM people of the truth.

Cultists or any ilk cannot tolerate that.

you hit the nail on the head-------a superficial evaluation of
the program by a normal American of the judeo-christian
tradition is logically-----"why did she act in a way that upsets them? It was not nice" But a more considered evaluation reveals the VALUE of such a program. No doubt it risked IRE-----but Pamela had no reason to
predict ----ASSAULT RIFLES. oh well----alls well that ends well-----but the real value of the program was that it
educated americans to aspects of the Islamic world (the one that is involved in our current War on Terrorism.) One should KNOW one's enemy. The two men with the rifles
are part of the ENEMY FORCE. There are others in the USA------americans should know. Pretending they don't exist would be something like facing a spate of KKK lynchings with "oh well----very few southerners advocate this stuff-----so let's ignore it"

rosie says>>>>> having clicked and glanced-----a brilliant idea flashed thru my semi-conscious brain. ........ THE
ANSWER to the problem of BLASPHE-PHOBIA. To cut to the chase and skip defining blasphe-phobia and its origins---
I will address the CURE. The cure is known as
IMPLOSION THERAPY-------implosion therapy involves
the controlled exposure of the phobic to the aversive
stimulus. The aversive stimulus in this case is cartoons of muhummad. The treatment is simple------more and more and more cartoons----If within a year there were cartoons of muhummad ALL OVER ---on street signs, billboards, magazine covers, school rooms (one must
undertake this program carefully----slowly at first and then
begin to accelerate) MUSLIMS WOULD GET OVER IT
That is like saying if everyone called n*ggers n*ggers, they would get over it.

they have gotten over it------if you rubbed shoulders with blacks (as have I) you would know that blacks use the
term "******" freely. I cannot----because for me----it was---when I was a child------SUCH A DIRTY WORD that
it was almost as bad as a sweet little girl like me saying "shit" (well----I write that word lots----but I never actually SAY it ) I can justify my position by relatives of mine
(by marriage----to wit hubby) He has no problem with
Arabic speaking people referring to him as "jew-dog" ---he
expects it------it is normal for them. He just pretends he does not know the language. Eventually muslims can pretend they don't see the cartoons---PEOPLE ADAPT
Pam Gellar is evil......according to Obama and the media.

That is the official government approved position.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is evil too.

Be good Muslim sympathizers.:alirulz:
More “Hate Speech”

Florida: Boca Raton country club cancels Wilders keynote fearing Muslim violence @ Florida Boca Raton country club cancels Wilders keynote fearing Muslim violence Creeping Sharia

Michigan: Muslims force news anchor to apologize for stating the obvious (video) @ Michigan Muslims force news anchor to apologize for stating the obvious video Creeping Sharia

California: Taxpayers paying for Islamic indoctrination in US university @ California Taxpayers paying for Islamic indoctrination in US university Creeping Sharia (If this had been Christianity …?)

NYC: Muslim Cabbie Gets Life For ‘Honor Killings’ @ NYC Muslim Cabbie Gets Life For Honor Killings Creeping Sharia

Egypt: Underage Coptic girl abducted, Muslim neighbor suspected @ You are being redirected...

Raymond Ibrahim: Islam’s ‘Reformation’ Is Already Here—and It’s Called ‘ISIS’ @ You are being redirected...

Muslim had photo of Toronto tower with caption, “If I only had a plane” @ You are being redirected...

Pakistan: Muslims tell Christian, “stop building churches or we will kill you” @ You are being redirected...

I dare anyone to find one instance of "hate speech" in any of these. They are simply reporting facts and the truth.
sorry to keep repeating my standard reply to this kinda news but the lib progressive lefties are sure building a wonderful future for themselves and the next generations in this USA !!
----If within a year there were cartoons of muhummad ALL OVER ---on street signs, billboards, magazine covers, school rooms (one must
undertake this program carefully----slowly at first and then
begin to accelerate) MUSLIMS WOULD GET OVER IT
That is like saying if everyone called n*ggers n*ggers, they would get over it.

they have gotten over it------if you rubbed shoulders with blacks (as have I) you would know that blacks use the
term "******" freely
. I cannot----because for me----it was---when I was a child------SUCH A DIRTY WORD that
it was almost as bad as a sweet little girl like me saying "shit" (well----I write that word lots----but I never actually SAY it ) I can justify my position by relatives of mine
(by marriage----to wit hubby) He has no problem with
Arabic speaking people referring to him as "jew-dog" ---he
expects it------it is normal for them. He just pretends he does not know the language. Eventually muslims can pretend they don't see the cartoons---PEOPLE ADAPT


More Hate Speech

Koran: ‘Don’t Take Jews and Christians as Friends’ @ Koran Don t Take Jews and Christians as Friends Creeping Sharia

Why Islam Is More Dangerous Than Other Religions: Shariah, Jihad, and Muhammad @ Why Islam Is More Dangerous Than Other Religions Shariah Jihad and Muhammad Creeping Sharia

Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2015 @ Muslim Persecution of Christians February 2015 Creeping Sharia

See any “hate speech” yet? All I see is INFORMATION.

And here's a couple more:

White House steps up warnings about jihad terrorism on U.S. soil @ You are being redirected...

Islamic State says women can become suicide bombers without husband’s permission @http://You are being redirected...

I'm sorry but all I see in INFORMATION!

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