Pandora Papers, South Dakota, Nevada, and Texas Republicans.

Wow....I ask a simple question and get attacked. Struck a nerve I suppose.

Freeloader my ass. Ive worked harder in my lifetime than most so you can stick that up your assk.

Lead by example or be exposed as the complete fraud/hypocrite you are!!!!! Bravo.

Throwing my money away because people like you keep voting in people that spend more money than we have is not leading by example, that is being fucking stupid.

If you support either of the two current parties and their deficit spending, then yes you are a freeloader, ok with leaving our debt to the next generation.
Throwing my money away because people like you keep voting in people that spend more money than we have is not leading by example, that is being fucking stupid.

If you support either of the two current parties and their deficit spending, then yes you are a freeloader, ok with leaving our debt to the next generation.
blah blah.

keep on hoping the govt. will force others to what you weren't willing to do on your own.

talk about being a freeloader!!!

and this country has been spending more money than it has for decades. Are you claiming you've never voted in an election? HYPOCRITE.
blah blah.

keep on hoping the govt. will force others to what you weren't willing to do on your own.

I know right, how dare I think the Govt should pay for what it spends. Far better to leave it to our kids. I am sure that is what you do with your own life, go deep into debt and leave it for your kids when you die.

and this country has been spending more money than it has for decades. Are you claiming you've never voted in an election? HYPOCRITE.

I vote in every election, just not for the duopoly. There are enough sheep like you doing that
And who is behind this organization, Pandora? Who pays them? I have heard that this is Soros.
I know right, how dare I think the Govt should pay for what it spends. Far better to leave it to our kids. I am sure that is what you do with your own life, go deep into debt and leave it for your kids when you die.

I vote in every election, just not for the duopoly. There are enough sheep like you doing that
The govt pays for NOTHING. we do.

and you're a lying hypocrite. If you have voted, you have voted for spending we don't have, because every administration in my lifetime has done that. OR you have voted for someone who had no chance of winning every single time. Good strategy!!!

so tell your bullshit to someone stupid enough to believe it.
The govt pays for NOTHING. we do.

Which makes it even worse, it is US leaving this huge debt to the next generation...and you are cool with that.

and you're a lying hypocrite. If you have voted, you have voted for spending we don't have, because every administration in my lifetime has done that.

This will totally blow your mind, but there are more than 2 choices on the ballot every election, you really do not have to choose between one faction of the duopoly or the other.
Which makes it even worse, it is US leaving this huge debt to the next generation...and you are cool with that.

This will totally blow your mind, but there are more than 2 choices on the ballot every election, you really do not have to choose between one faction of the duopoly or the other.
I want the govt to spend less of my and the next generations money. But I will give you the tired argument about the "next generation" that you clowns love to use so much. I HATE THE NEXT GENERATION AND WANT TO SEE THEM BROKE. Feel better? So, how does that change the fact that you are a hypocrite that wants to force others to do your bidding while you refuse to do it on your own? It doesn't!!!!!

And sure, there's always a 3rd choice with zero chance of winning. So you basically have zero say in what goes on since you waste your vote. Might as well sit at home. Nice going!!!
But I will give you the tired argument about the "next generation" that you clowns love to use so much. I HATE THE NEXT GENERATION AND WANT TO SEE THEM BROKE. Feel better?

It is good that you can be honest about these things. Well done.

So, how does that change the fact that you are a hypocrite that wants to force others to do your bidding while you refuse to do it on your own? It doesn't!!!!!

I do it on my own, I pay far more than my share as I have basically no deductions these days. My tax burden last year was more than my total income a decade ago.

And sure, there's always a 3rd choice with zero chance of winning. So you basically have zero say in what goes on since you waste your vote. Might as well sit at home. Nice going!!!

Yep, you are such a faithful little sheep. The duopoly relies on people like you, people that would never think to go against their party masters. Stay in your pen, you seem to be damn happy there.
It is good that you can be honest about these things. Well done.
you don't give a shit about them. its just a debate tactic. at least one of us is honest!!!

I do it on my own, I pay far more than my share as I have basically no deductions these days. My tax burden last year was more than my total income a decade ago.
you pay what you are forced to pay. not a penny more. hypocrite!!!

Yep, you are such a faithful little sheep. The duopoly relies on people like you, people that would never think to go against their party masters. Stay in your pen, you seem to be damn happy there.

so called independents always think they are so powerful. "making a difference". LMAO. worthless. But whatever helps you sleep.
you don't give a shit about them. its just a debate tactic. at least one of us is honest!!!

Actually I do since I have two children that are in the next general. Just because you are a selfish freeloader does not mean everyone is.

so called independents always think they are so powerful. "making a difference". LMAO. worthless. But whatever helps you sleep.

Not powerful, just enlightened. I rather enjoy living on the hill overlooking the sheep pens on the right and the left.
Actually I do since I have two children that are in the next general. Just because you are a selfish freeloader does not mean everyone is.
you keep calling me a freeloader because it makes you fee good!!! its far from the truth. I love how people think they know something about someone because of a few exchanges on a message board. Sure, im a freeloader!!!!!
Not powerful, just enlightened. I rather enjoy living on the hill overlooking the sheep pens on the right and the left.
Enlightened, powerful, arrogant, it all applies. Some are true, some are not.
you keep calling me a freeloader because it makes you fee good!!! its far from the truth. I love how people think they know something about someone because of a few exchanges on a message board. Sure, im a freeloader!!!!!

I call you that because you are happy to spend money we do not have and leave the burden to the next generation.

If you knew someone that was living high on the hog using debt their kids would have to pay off, you would call them the same thing.

Enlightened, powerful, arrogant, it all applies. Some are true, some are not.

As a great boxer once said...It's hard to be humble, when you're as great as I am.
Excerpts from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists initial report on the ongoing Pandora investigation:

In an era of widening authoritarianism and inequality, the Pandora Papers investigation provides an unequaled perspective on how money and power operate in the 21st century – and how the rule of law has been bent and broken around the world by a system of financial secrecy enabled by the U.S. and other wealthy nations.

The Pandora Papers investigation is larger and more global than even ICIJ’s landmark Panama Papers investigation, which rocked the world in 2016 …

The Panama Papers came from the files of a single offshore services provider … The Pandora Papers shine a light on a far wider cross-section of the lawyers and middlemen who are at the heart of the offshore industry.

The Pandora Papers provide more than twice as much information about the ownership of offshore companies. In all, the new leak of documents reveals the real owners of more than 29,000 offshore companies. The owners come from more than 200 countries and territories, with the largest contingents from Russia, the U.K., Argentina and China.

The findings by ICIJ and its media partners spotlight how deeply secretive finance has infiltrated global politics – and offer insights into why governments and global organizations have made little headway in ending offshore financial abuses.

In popular imagination, the offshore system is often seen as a far-flung cluster of palm-shaded islands. The Pandora Papers show that the offshore money machine operates in every corner of the planet, including the world’s largest democracies. The key players in the system include elite institutions – multinational banks, law firms and accounting practices – headquartered in the U.S. and Europe.

The U.S. is one of the biggest players in the offshore world. It is also the country best situated to bring an end to offshore financial abuses, thanks to the outsize role it plays in the international banking system. Because of the U.S. dollar’s status as the de facto global currency, most international transactions flow in and out of New York-based banking operations.

It is amusing that RT is denouncing the Pandora Report as a CIA misinformation campaign due to the large number of Russian billionaires and friends of Putin named. Shades of U.S. attacks on WikiLeaks? Unfortunately, there were no U.S. politicians named in the report. In fact the ICIJ is doing important work, and a number of major corporate media outlets now have their own “WikiLeaks-like” encrypted drop boxes for whistleblowers. Personally I strongly believe Julian Assange should be freed from his barbaric imprisonment in London.

The Republicans of course will oppose every attempt to improve banking and transparency laws, rebuild the IRS, or end domestic and overseas tax sheltering for the rich. Will Democrats do anything? Bernie Sanders and Progressives are the only ones who can be expected to push for any real action.

We should all follow the unfolding coverage of Pandora and hopefully future revelations of U.S. politicians’ corruption, and we should demand action from our elected representatives. This could be made into an important stump issue for the 2022 campaign. I’m not holding my breadth, though.


One can get on the mailing list of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) for regular updates at the link I provided above.
The president's son is up to his eyeballs in laundered money and fraudulent financial deals but the left worries about (republican) North Dakota. You can't make this stuff up.
Unions hire lobbyist to create laws to benefit them as well.

The wealthy pay the taxes…why not be upset at the folks that don’t pay taxes…or the special interest groups that pay lobbiest to push laws creating more dependence of govt? if more people were paying taxes instead of the few that already are carrying the burden we’d be making more in revenue
When 30% of US non-governmental workers belonged to unions, government was obliged to pay an appropriate amount of attention. Today with less than 6% of that same labor force unionized, corporations have a decided advantage over unions when it comes to structuring economic activity. Wealthy individuals and corporations have seized the lion's share of all productivity gains over the past 20 years, so if you're concerned with increasing tax revenues, there's only one possible source.
When 30% of US non-governmental workers belonged to unions, government was obliged to pay an appropriate amount of attention. Today with less than 6% of that same labor force unionized, corporations have a decided advantage over unions when it comes to structuring economic activity. Wealthy individuals and corporations have seized the lion's share of all productivity gains over the past 20 years, so if you're concerned with increasing tax revenues, there's only one possible source.
hahaa no there are numerous sources…ie the half of the country not paying any income taxes

take cuomo’s advice before the dems in washington bailed him out…you can’t simply tax the rich…they’ll move.

if you want more tax revenue get more people paying taxes…not less people paying more.

it’s also you know fair
We all pay too little. We are 29 trillion dollars in debt and nobody will vote for anyone that is willing to cut spending. It is immoral to keep living this way
That's only true if you believe a sovereign government must tax BEFORE it spends:

A very detailed walkthrough of Modern Monetary Theory, the big new left economic idea

"The theory, in brief, argues that countries that issue their own currencies can never “run out of money” the way people or businesses can. But what was once an obscure 'heterodox' branch of economics has now become a major topic of debate among Democrats and economists with astonishing speed."
oh no, trust me the Govt makes sure you pay taxes....they certainly don't have a problem prosecuting
It has trouble prosecuting tax cheats when the IRS lacks the money to hire a sufficient number of auditors which is exactly what has been happening over the past few decades.

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