Panic In New York: Democrats Tell CNN to Brace for Deep Losses

Which cult.... this one?

hillury cunton.jpg

That's been saying the election was stolen for 6 years.

I dare you to stare at that for 30 secs Lush. RIP
When people vote on big numbers… Dems win. That’s what happened in 2018 and in 2020.


If people stay home… Republicans win because even though there are fewer of them… they vote

We do NOT have to accept that


Ummm, you kind of miscalculated. The largest bloc of voters in this country are Independents at around 40 to 42%. If you read the polling, you would know why you Democrats voting isn't going to carry the day this time if the Independents come out. According to most every poll, Independents want your folks outta there ASAP.
Ummm, you kind of miscalculated. The largest bloc of voters in this country are Independents at around 40 to 42%. If you read the polling, you would know why you Democrats voting isn't going to carry the day this time if the Independents come out. According to most every poll, Independents want your folks outta there ASAP.
Yup. And you know those polls that show 47% to 46% for the Dem? That means that 7% haven’t decided, and they are primarily independents, and they are breaking overwhelmingly for the Republicans.
Great article, thanks for sharing.

It would be amazing if Zeldin wins.

Kamala and Hillary were there today trying to save Hochel. They all held hands and raised their was so corny and such pandering.

Imagine you bring in Kamala and Hillary to save you. They threw her an anvil as she drowns. :rolleyes:

You are welcome! :)

and yes, the three witches were all holding hands, lol! yuck!:47:

hey New Yorkers, another reason to vote for Lee Zeldin!

If everything goes as expected like the polls show, the demonRat story will end in tragedy, it will be MacBeth all over again for them! hehehe! :fingerscrossed:

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