Papa Johns Pizza Demotes Papa John

then who takes over? Papa Moe,Larry or Shemp?
After whining about NFL players taking a knee, Pappy John is out as the company's spokesman. His ill timed comments created a public backlash and he was crucified on social media. Slumping sales looks to be what did him in along with the fact that the Nazis declared Papa Johns their pizza company.

The papa of Papa John's is leaving the CEO seat
Wait until they see business really fall now. The activists drove them to do it, but I doubt they will make up for the further sales that will be missed.
Papa Johns Pizza Demotes Papa John
"Demotes" is hardly an apt description of the change. The first sentence in the cited article states, "He'll stay on with the company as its chairman." The man is merely yielding his position as COO; that's generally called "stepping down" from a position, not being demoted, most especially not when the person stepping down remains the chairman of the board. Moreover, Schnatter is, AFAIK, the single largest Papa John's shareholder, controlling ~25% of the stock.
Geez, I suppose making better pizza sauce and adding some more cheese was asking too much?

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