PAPADOPOLOUS runs his mouth in another bar, tells a guy Sessions sent him to get Hillary's emails


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
WTF is wrong with the "COFFEE GUY? He's free to say anything he wants--maybe!! He's given Mueller the goods already. But does Mueller have this? He told the guy in the bar that SESSIONS SENT HIM OUT TO TALK TO POSSIBLE FINDERS OF HILLARY'S EMAILS!

... asking Papadopoulos whether he thought Wilson would be disappointed when
all the facts came out. Papadopoulos responded that things were “just getting
started” and emphasized Sessions’ role
, particularly his connection
to Papadopoulos’ contacts with Mifsud....

At Chicago nightclub, George Papadopoulos allegedly makes explosive new claim about Jeff Sessions

A chance encounter with a man at the center of the Russia investigation


APR 2, 2018, 9:27 AM

At a London bar in May 2016, after numerous drinks, Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos bragged to an Australian diplomat the Russians had obtained damaging information on Hillary Clinton. The diplomat reported the conversation to American officials, which prompted the FBI to launch their investigation of the Trump campaign and its connections to Russia.

On Thursday at a Chicago nightclub, Papadopoulos had some drinks and, in a conversation with a new acquaintance, allegedly made new and explosive claims about Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Papadopoulos, according to this new acquaintance, said that Sessions was well aware of the contact between Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud, an academic from Malta with high-level connections in Russia. Papadopoulos’ indictment revealed that Mifsud had told Papadopoulos that the Russians had “‘dirt’ on then-candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of ‘thousands of emails.'”

Jason Wilson, a computer engineer who lives in Chicago, told ThinkProgress that Papadopoulos said during their conversation that “Sessions encouraged me” to find out anything he could about the hacked Hillary Clinton emails that Mifsud had mentioned.

Wilson said he recognized Papadopoulos and his wife Simona Mangiante at Hydrate, a Chicago nightclub, on Thursday night at approximately 11 p.m. Wilson sat down their table and introduced himself. He said the couple, who were drinking vodka, were extremely friendly and a bit flattered that Wilson had recognized them.

After some conversation about the city and their marriage, Wilson turned the topic to the Russia investigation, asking Papadopoulos whether he thought Wilson would be disappointed when all the facts came out. Papadopoulos responded that things were “just getting started” and emphasized Sessions’ role, particularly his connection to Papadopoulos’ contacts with Mifsud...
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Oh another thinkprogess exclusive..

Another far left religious hack site making it up as they go along!
Obama will be upset when he finds out he was wrong about Russia being unable to influence elections.
Oh another thinkprogess exclusive..

Another far left religious hack site making it up as they go along!
Let me reiterate words from "The COFFEE BOY", just 4 days ago....

Papadopoulos responded that things were “just getting started”
Papadop knows that Skripal is linked to Steele, and the first bar links to SOE country, which is the Hillary Clinton-MI6 link to Julian Amery at Oliver Springs, Tennessee. duh

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