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Weren't there Canaanites and others prior to Judaism even existing?

What is your point in bringing up the Canaanites? That the rights to sovereignty and self-determination belong only to the oldest surviving culture?
Ventura77. The main thing you have managed to reveal here on this board is your very rapid decline in honest thought, evidenced quickly by your lowering to immediate name calling.

What is your solution to the conflict?

WRONG segued into the thread with several insults directed at my lead-post, bidding me to 'take my blinders off' point of fact I'll wager that I've forgotten more of the relevant details of this issue than you are likely to acquire. I would also caution you not to lead in with condescension and then whine about 'name-calling' for the 'solution' you request it has been on the table for decades in the form of Resolution #242: a return to the 67 borders, and an end to the Zionist occupation of Palestine. I would also add to this that even the 67 borders are illegitimate to the extent that they were drawn after an ethnic cleansing offensive in which land was seized from the Palestinian appointed areas detailed in the partition-plan #181 which ceded 56% of the territory to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the land...

Yet another of your pointless tirades.

Admitting you have “forgotten more of the relevant details of the issue” and then attempting to lecture others on what you don’t understand is a classic Louie’ism.

Your references to a non-binding partition plan that was rejected by the Arabs-Moslems confirms that you have in fact “forgotten more of the relevant details of the issue“.

You might also want to review the Hamas charter to learn more of what you have forgotten in connection with what you never learned about the relevant details of the issue.

OK pumpkin?
The problem with your inapplicable comparison is that in 1948 we had something called international law and the UN charter, and within the charter's wording was the sworn promise to protect the property rights of native 'recognizing' the state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own mandate... try actual education next time out:asshole:

But you conveniently neglect the international law with supports and upholds the rights of the Jewish people to sovereignty and self-determination in their ancestral and historical homeland. You know, the sworn promise to protect the property rights of the native Jewish people.

LOL!!!! no such law fact this is yet another attempt to flip the roles of victim and aggressor...essentially the faulty claims of 'Jewish sovereignty and self-determination' usurp the native Palestinian 'sovereignty and self-determination'. Eastern European Jews are not Semitic peoples, rather they are the direct descendants of Khazar-converts to Judaism, and therefore have zero claim to one square foot of historic Palestine. The irony is that even if Jews were Semites there is no such legal or moral instrument as an absentee land claim which spans 13 centuries...
ithin the charter's wording was the sworn promise to protect the property rights of native peoples

Jews ARE the native people of Israel ... But, you already knew that.

Wrong stupid...Semites are the native people of Palestine, the vast majority of Israelis are not ancestral Sephardic Jews---they are the direct descendants of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism: an amalgam of Turks, Mongols, Russians, Poles, Ukranians...their sinister plan was to depict themselves as the descendants of ancient Sephardic Jews...they are the trash of Europe!! 70 years of criminal occupation proves this!
Semites are the native people of Palestine, the vast majority of Israelis are not ancestral Sephardic Jews

What you don't know about Jews could fill a great, big, freakin' hole. Get your head out of Der Sturmer and go out and meet a Jew who isn't your boss, your landlord, or your court appointed attorney.

Semites are the native people of Palestine, the vast majority of Israelis are not ancestral Sephardic Jews

What you don't know about Jews could fill a great, big, freakin' hole. Get your head out of Der Sturmer and go out and meet a Jew who isn't your boss, your landlord, or your court appointed attorney.


LOL!!!!! typical ignorant estimate considering the obvious fact that you know literally nothing of my life or past relationships, hence I won't hesitate to call you correctly an insufferable imbecile. I have known Jews all my life...I was born and raised in New York City you puerile infant...I have gone to school with Jews, worked with Jews...dated Jewish girls, and even lived with continually amazes me that when you low-brows are stymied for any comeback you instinctively turn to this tripe...I would normally advise someone like you to elevate their replies just a bit...but that would surely fall on deaf ears and a sufficiently atrophied brain...
you know literally nothing of my life

I know this. You hate Jews and I get it. No problem. Just remember, when you're projecting your insecurities on people you don't know, YOU'RE doing it anonymously on an Internet message board.

We all know why, don't we? Because if you spewed this sad tripe at work, you'd lose your job. If you said it in a public forum, you'd receive a massive beat down.

Of course, there are people here who would agree with your nonsense. But, only here. No one would publicly agree or even acknowledge your tripe because the days of being an out and proud anti-Semite are gone.

So, go ahead. No one will seriously argue with you. We'll mock you until we get bored. Because, little guy, the time for you and yours to have your say anywhere but from the safety of an anonymous keyboard is gone. You missed your opportunity.
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Semites are the native people of Palestine, the vast majority of Israelis are not ancestral Sephardic Jews

What you don't know about Jews could fill a great, big, freakin' hole. Get your head out of Der Sturmer and go out and meet a Jew who isn't your boss, your landlord, or your court appointed attorney.


LOL!!!!! typical ignorant estimate considering the obvious fact that you know literally nothing of my life or past relationships, hence I won't hesitate to call you correctly an insufferable imbecile. I have known Jews all my life...I was born and raised in New York City you puerile infant...I have gone to school with Jews, worked with Jews...dated Jewish girls, and even lived with continually amazes me that when you low-brows are stymied for any comeback you instinctively turn to this tripe...I would normally advise someone like you to elevate their replies just a bit...but that would surely fall on deaf ears and a sufficiently atrophied brain...
We know that at this point in your life that you relish displaying that you're irrational trash.
you know literally nothing of my life

I know this. You hate Jews and I get it. No problem. Just remember, when you're projecting your insecurities on people you don't know, YOU'RE doing it anonymously on an Internet message board.

We all know why, don't we? Because if you spewed this sad tripe at work, you'd lose your job. If you said it in a public forum, you'd receive a massive beat down.

Of course, their are people here who would agree with your nonsense. But, only here. No one would publicly agree or even acknowledge your tripe because the days of being an out and proud anti-Semite are gone.

So, go ahead. No one will seriously argue with you. We'll mock you until we get bored. Because, little guy, the time for you and yours to have your say anywhere but from the safety of an anonymous keyboard is gone. You missed your opportunity.

You truly cannot escape your sad little oppositional-dualism can you dumbo? No sooner do I finish explaining the gaping flaws in your preferred profile of me than you segue back into the same stale character assassination...but of course once again you rant and rave without benefit of an argument...YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF FORMING AND EXECUTING AN ARGUMENT BECAUSE YOU ARE WELL-AWARE THAT YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT. Why don't you try contradicting anything that I've stated and spare me your weak compensatory tirades? Calling my comments 'nonsense or hate' merely confirms you inability to argue the points on an elevated level...essentially howling 'you hate Jews' is a tacit admission that you have no argument!!!:asshole:
Jews ARE the native people of Israel ... But, you already knew that.
Weren't there Canaanites and others prior to Judaism even existing?
Yes...the Canaanites kicked out the Shemites, the ancestors of the Jews.
Any other gaps in your "knowledge base" you'd like me to fill?

not according to the relevant DNA moron...Semites and Israeli Jews are not genetically should've stayed in school worm:asshole:
Semites are the native people of Palestine, the vast majority of Israelis are not ancestral Sephardic Jews

What you don't know about Jews could fill a great, big, freakin' hole. Get your head out of Der Sturmer and go out and meet a Jew who isn't your boss, your landlord, or your court appointed attorney.


LOL!!!!! typical ignorant estimate considering the obvious fact that you know literally nothing of my life or past relationships, hence I won't hesitate to call you correctly an insufferable imbecile. I have known Jews all my life...I was born and raised in New York City you puerile infant...I have gone to school with Jews, worked with Jews...dated Jewish girls, and even lived with continually amazes me that when you low-brows are stymied for any comeback you instinctively turn to this tripe...I would normally advise someone like you to elevate their replies just a bit...but that would surely fall on deaf ears and a sufficiently atrophied brain...
We know that at this point in your life that you relish displaying that you're irrational trash.

Ahhhhhhhhhh yet another instance of self-projection you one-line low-brow...dumb as a bag of rocks
you know literally nothing of my life

I know this. You hate Jews and I get it. No problem. Just remember, when you're projecting your insecurities on people you don't know, YOU'RE doing it anonymously on an Internet message board.

We all know why, don't we? Because if you spewed this sad tripe at work, you'd lose your job. If you said it in a public forum, you'd receive a massive beat down.

Of course, their are people here who would agree with your nonsense. But, only here. No one would publicly agree or even acknowledge your tripe because the days of being an out and proud anti-Semite are gone.

So, go ahead. No one will seriously argue with you. We'll mock you until we get bored. Because, little guy, the time for you and yours to have your say anywhere but from the safety of an anonymous keyboard is gone. You missed your opportunity.

You truly cannot escape your sad little oppositional-dualism can you dumbo? No sooner do I finish explaining the gaping flaws in your preferred profile of me than you segue back into the same stale character assassination...but of course once again you rant and rave without benefit of an argument...YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF FORMING AND EXECUTING AN ARGUMENT BECAUSE YOU ARE WELL-AWARE THAT YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT. Why don't you try contradicting anything that I've stated and spare me your weak compensatory tirades? Calling my comments 'nonsense or hate' merely confirms you inability to argue the points on an elevated level...essentially howling 'you hate Jews' is a tacit admission that you have no argument!!!:asshole:

Jews ARE the native people of Israel ... But, you already knew that.
Weren't there Canaanites and others prior to Judaism even existing?
Yes...the Canaanites kicked out the Shemites, the ancestors of the Jews.
Any other gaps in your "knowledge base" you'd like me to fill?

not according to the relevant DNA moron...Semites and Israeli Jews are not genetically should've stayed in school worm:asshole:
And not the Link where I have to study the article for an hour until I find out the paragraph that sums it up as bullshut.
By the way, my wife and I both did the DNA thing.
Guess what...Israel!
So try again, missing link money boy.
you know literally nothing of my life

I know this. You hate Jews and I get it. No problem. Just remember, when you're projecting your insecurities on people you don't know, YOU'RE doing it anonymously on an Internet message board.

We all know why, don't we? Because if you spewed this sad tripe at work, you'd lose your job. If you said it in a public forum, you'd receive a massive beat down.

Of course, their are people here who would agree with your nonsense. But, only here. No one would publicly agree or even acknowledge your tripe because the days of being an out and proud anti-Semite are gone.

So, go ahead. No one will seriously argue with you. We'll mock you until we get bored. Because, little guy, the time for you and yours to have your say anywhere but from the safety of an anonymous keyboard is gone. You missed your opportunity.

You truly cannot escape your sad little oppositional-dualism can you dumbo? No sooner do I finish explaining the gaping flaws in your preferred profile of me than you segue back into the same stale character assassination...but of course once again you rant and rave without benefit of an argument...YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF FORMING AND EXECUTING AN ARGUMENT BECAUSE YOU ARE WELL-AWARE THAT YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT. Why don't you try contradicting anything that I've stated and spare me your weak compensatory tirades? Calling my comments 'nonsense or hate' merely confirms you inability to argue the points on an elevated level...essentially howling 'you hate Jews' is a tacit admission that you have no argument!!!:asshole:


The really funny part is that I keep holding out the hoop and you keep jumping through it...your low IQ is obviously your biggest obstacle here...why not scout for a message-venue that is a better intellectual fit for you? How about ( Barney & Friends )??????? ROTFLMAO
Jews ARE the native people of Israel ... But, you already knew that.
Weren't there Canaanites and others prior to Judaism even existing?
Yes...the Canaanites kicked out the Shemites, the ancestors of the Jews.
Any other gaps in your "knowledge base" you'd like me to fill?

not according to the relevant DNA moron...Semites and Israeli Jews are not genetically should've stayed in school worm:asshole:
And not the Link where I have to study the article for an hour until I find out the paragraph that sums it up as bullshut.
By the way, my wife and I both did the DNA thing.
Guess what...Israel!
So try again, missing link money boy.

"Israel' you idiot??? Don't you mean Ashkenazi or Khazar low-brow???
you know literally nothing of my life

I know this. You hate Jews and I get it. No problem. Just remember, when you're projecting your insecurities on people you don't know, YOU'RE doing it anonymously on an Internet message board.

We all know why, don't we? Because if you spewed this sad tripe at work, you'd lose your job. If you said it in a public forum, you'd receive a massive beat down.

Of course, their are people here who would agree with your nonsense. But, only here. No one would publicly agree or even acknowledge your tripe because the days of being an out and proud anti-Semite are gone.

So, go ahead. No one will seriously argue with you. We'll mock you until we get bored. Because, little guy, the time for you and yours to have your say anywhere but from the safety of an anonymous keyboard is gone. You missed your opportunity.

You truly cannot escape your sad little oppositional-dualism can you dumbo? No sooner do I finish explaining the gaping flaws in your preferred profile of me than you segue back into the same stale character assassination...but of course once again you rant and rave without benefit of an argument...YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF FORMING AND EXECUTING AN ARGUMENT BECAUSE YOU ARE WELL-AWARE THAT YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT. Why don't you try contradicting anything that I've stated and spare me your weak compensatory tirades? Calling my comments 'nonsense or hate' merely confirms you inability to argue the points on an elevated level...essentially howling 'you hate Jews' is a tacit admission that you have no argument!!!:asshole:


The really funny part is that I keep holding out the hoop and you keep jumping through it...your low IQ is obviously your biggest obstacle here...why not scout for a message-venue that is a better intellectual fit for you? How about ( Barney & Friends )??????? ROTFLMAO
Would you prefer we put you on Ignore?
But then nobody will read any of your posts?
Jews ARE the native people of Israel ... But, you already knew that.
Weren't there Canaanites and others prior to Judaism even existing?
Yes...the Canaanites kicked out the Shemites, the ancestors of the Jews.
Any other gaps in your "knowledge base" you'd like me to fill?

not according to the relevant DNA moron...Semites and Israeli Jews are not genetically should've stayed in school worm:asshole:
And not the Link where I have to study the article for an hour until I find out the paragraph that sums it up as bullshut.
By the way, my wife and I both did the DNA thing.
Guess what...Israel!
So try again, missing link money boy.

"Israel' you idiot??? Don't you mean Ashkenazi or Khazar low-brow???
I presume you never did the test and looked at the resultant map.
According to your fellow Nazis, I should have zero DNA in Israel.
Jews ARE the native people of Israel ... But, you already knew that.
Weren't there Canaanites and others prior to Judaism even existing?
Yes...the Canaanites kicked out the Shemites, the ancestors of the Jews.
Any other gaps in your "knowledge base" you'd like me to fill?

not according to the relevant DNA moron...Semites and Israeli Jews are not genetically should've stayed in school worm:asshole:
And not the Link where I have to study the article for an hour until I find out the paragraph that sums it up as bullshut.
By the way, my wife and I both did the DNA thing.
Guess what...Israel!
So try again, missing link money boy.

"Israel' you idiot??? Don't you mean Ashkenazi or Khazar low-brow???

"Jews" have no blood-link to the Israelites of the Bible.

Jewish historian scholars have established that at least 90% of all Jews come from a Turkish-Mongol mix of people and are largely sourced from the Khazar Kingdom. These "Jews" have no blood-link to the Israelites of the Bible.

The Jewish scholar Arthur Koestler provided overwhelming evidence, for the above in his famous 1976 work, "THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE - THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE" showing, "that in the 8th century, Khazaria which was greatly made-up of the Turkish-Mongol mixed people known as Khazars, converted to their national religion of Judaism which was based on the Babylonian Talmud.

These same people then migrated to eastern Europe, especially to Hungary and Poland, taking their Babylonian religion with them. "The Khazar origin of the numerically and socially dominant element in the Jewish population of Hungary during the Middle Ages is thus relatively well documented." Page 144. "As already mentioned, the trade in fox and sable furs, which had been flourishing in Khazaria, became another virtual Jewish monopoly in Poland. (Page 157 )

Benjamin Freedman, another Jewish researcher, wrote his famous treatise FACTS ARE FACTS in 1954. Freedman quotes from many historical sources and shows that the vast majority of Jews derive from the Turkish-Mongol mixed people of the Khazar Kingdom of the 2nd to 10th centuries, NOT from Biblical Israelite stock.
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