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To the extent that Israel is completely subsidized by hundreds of billions from U.S. taxpayers the American public has become the primary target for Zionist propaganda---not merely on cable news and mainstream outlets, but particularly online. Hasbara-trolls are recruited by the IDF media-unit, they are even recruited on American campuses ...each Israel-related article that is posted on AOL or Yahoo is fair game for these despicable’s really a sophisticated operation: they have computer software that looks for certain words or triggers, then they deploy these high-school drop-outs to descend on that poster with pre-scripted lies of such magnificent absurdity that school-children would laugh at them.

As your cartoon-less attempts at writing coherent sentences go, you began with a falsehood and it just got worse for you as you rattled on with another sweaty, feverish, chest-heaving tirade.

In which case this might be an ideal opportunity for you to offer up a sound refutation for your complaint...please endeavor to isolate the particular 'falsehood' and explain exactly how it is false...following on the heels of this exercise you might familiarize your tiny munchkin head with the active definition of 'tirade'...
KatieK is more interesting than you.
Try harder.
The actual expulsions of Arabs was the direct result of Arab-Moslem armies.
Let's pretend this is an academic discussion. Please provide evidence that Arab/Muslims started this, if that is what you are insinuating. Most of the history that I have read seems to show exactly the opposite. I am not speaking about claims from the zionist narrative, but from recorded history we have seen the "Jewish" terrorist gangs and how they operated and this was before 1948. I would love to know exactly where you are going with this.
The nation of Israel is essentially occupied Palestine,

And ALL of North and South America is essentially occupied Native American land ... We'll move as soon as you do.

And lest we forget ... Australia, England, pretty much all of Europe...
And ALL of North and South America is essentially occupied Native American land ... We'll move as soon as you do.

And lest we forget ... Australia, England, pretty much all of Europe...
I don't believe that anyone is denying these past atrocities. I think, in terms of solutions, surely we must look at what is happening now, in front of our eyes.

Also, this is night and day different. It is important to realize that we are not trying to kill each other. Our children aren't ducking rockets, our neighborhoods are not being bombed.
The actual expulsions of Arabs was the direct result of Arab-Moslem armies.
Let's pretend this is an academic discussion. Please provide evidence that Arab/Muslims started this, if that is what you are insinuating. Most of the history that I have read seems to show exactly the opposite. I am not speaking about claims from the zionist narrative, but from recorded history we have seen the "Jewish" terrorist gangs and how they operated and this was before 1948. I would love to know exactly where you are going with this.
While you may prefer the Islamist narrative for your history, that tends to depict a rather skewed version. We can start with “this”, “this” being 1400 years of insensate Jew hatreds, as the result of an Arab warlord who inflicted Islamism on the planet. Later you can review history and discover that it was the combined Arab-Islamist armies which crossed the frontier in 1948 as a part of their hoped for Jew genocide and were responsible for pushing aside the Arab-Islamist squatters.
I think, in terms of solutions, surely we must look at what is happening now, in front of our eyes.

Precisely, look at what's happening in front of YOUR eyes in your own country, before pretending to be an expert on a place half-way around the globe about which you know absolutely nothing.
Who supplies Ventura with the aspirins tonight?

He needs something stronger ...

Ventura77. The main thing you have managed to reveal here on this board is your very rapid decline in honest thought, evidenced quickly by your lowering to immediate name calling.

What is your solution to the conflict?

WRONG segued into the thread with several insults directed at my lead-post, bidding me to 'take my blinders off' point of fact I'll wager that I've forgotten more of the relevant details of this issue than you are likely to acquire. I would also caution you not to lead in with condescension and then whine about 'name-calling' for the 'solution' you request it has been on the table for decades in the form of Resolution #242: a return to the 67 borders, and an end to the Zionist occupation of Palestine. I would also add to this that even the 67 borders are illegitimate to the extent that they were drawn after an ethnic cleansing offensive in which land was seized from the Palestinian appointed areas detailed in the partition-plan #181 which ceded 56% of the territory to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the land...
Your silly tirades are a hoot. It’s actually comical to give you a little nudge and watch you go off on another saliva-slinging tirade. Read what you cut and pasted. You should be able to isolate your falsehood.
For academic purposes, could you tell me what you believe was false in his post.

Don't waste your time Abi...she is incapable of advancing beyond what you see...
With respect to:
the Zionist occupation of Palestine.
I have seen posters on here claim there is no occupation and others claim the Palestinians are occupying Israeli land. What's the story in your eyes?
I think, in terms of solutions, surely we must look at what is happening now, in front of our eyes.

Precisely, look at what's happening in front of YOUR eyes in your own country, before pretending to be an expert on a place half-way around the globe about which you know absolutely nothing.

...As delightfully stupid a reply as might be presume to gauge my knowledge of this issue based upon your own petulant swagger? Clearly I am more knowledgeable than you...
The nation of Israel is essentially occupied Palestine,

And ALL of North and South America is essentially occupied Native American land ... We'll move as soon as you do.

And lest we forget ... Australia, England, pretty much all of Europe...

The problem with your inapplicable comparison is that in 1948 we had something called international law and the UN charter, and within the charter's wording was the sworn promise to protect the property rights of native 'recognizing' the state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own mandate... try actual education next time out:asshole:
With respect to:
the Zionist occupation of Palestine.
I have seen posters on here claim there is no occupation and others claim the Palestinians are occupying Israeli land. What's the story in your eyes?

Zionist lies and propaganda immediately followed the establishment of Israel in 48...following the 67 'land grab' the Jews over-extended the scope and brazen character of their lies to actually deny the existence or property rights of the native population...
The other paradox obviously escapes you. The fact that more Jews were expelled and their belongings confiscated from other middle eastern countries at the same time.

Not to mention that the whole "naqba" thing is a conflicting paradox in itself. Conflicting stories, conflicting reports.

That is, if you take your blinders off.

I wonder if you realize that these so-called 'expulsions' were a direct consequence of the criminal seizure of historic Palestine moron? You manage to reveal nothing here beyond your own confused ignorance and misguided sense of 'balance'...but please prove your indignant little thesis that more than 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab/Muslim nations, and lost their land and property as did the native population of historic Palestine...?

The actual expulsions of Arabs was the direct result of Arab-Moslem armies. You are historically (more like hysterically), ignorant of the facts.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for assistance.
Another standard Israeli lie.

About 300,000 Palestinians were kicked out of their homes before any Arab army entered Palestine.
The problem with your inapplicable comparison is that in 1948 we had something called international law and the UN charter, and within the charter's wording was the sworn promise to protect the property rights of native 'recognizing' the state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own mandate... try actual education next time out:asshole:

But you conveniently neglect the international law with supports and upholds the rights of the Jewish people to sovereignty and self-determination in their ancestral and historical homeland. You know, the sworn promise to protect the property rights of the native Jewish people.
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