Parasites Of The World Are Uniting


Sep 23, 2010
Parasites are uniting everywhere to protect their tax dollar incomes in every field. Happily, The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is finally in the line of fire.

NED is another Democrat party endowment funded by Congress that has to be scrapped; more so than the National Endowment for the Arts:

The Income Tax Is The Lifeblood Of Socialism

Note that climate change scams are an offshoot of democracy itself. A scam can be exposed and defunded, while the concept of democracy has been around for so long it is seen the same way the concept of organized religion is seen:

Let me put it this way. If:

Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool. Mark Twain

it follows that democracy was invented when the first priest met the first parasite.


The big guns in the media-education-entertainment complex were always united in defense of their seats at the public trough. Wealthy tax dollar parasites are smart enough to know they have everything to lose like dominoes falling when just one parasite’s snout is jerked out of the public purse.

Questioning designer-science brings NATO’s collective defense strategy to mind. Protecting the climate change seat at the trough is the tip of the spear:

A number of Ph.Ds have written a book chapter asserting that doubts about the theory of human-caused global warming should be considered “real science.”​

You know, the idea of basing hypotheses on documented evidence rather than a political agenda.

But the National Science Teachers Association wants nothing to do with such an approach.

Climate experts: Global warming doubts are 'real science'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 04/29/2017 @ 8:18 pm

Climate experts: Global warming doubts are ‘real science’

Finally, President Trump reining in the EPA is such a threat to the entire parasite class it has become necessary to mobilize the sign-carriers everywhere. Make no mistake about it. Every march is about protecting access to tax dollars in spite of what media reports.

p.s. United Nations scientists can prove anything. They have been doing it since the Soviet Union imploded.

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Trump and pals are the parasites of the world, yes.

Flanders, how much are they paying you to shill for them?
So another utter idiot chimes in. Oh well, what else would expect from a fool that would support the orange clown, the most incompetent fat fuck to ever be President.
Parasites are uniting everywhere to protect their tax dollar incomes in every field. Happily, The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is finally in the line of fire.

NED is another Democrat party endowment funded by Congress that has to be scrapped; more so than the National Endowment for the Arts:

The Income Tax Is The Lifeblood Of Socialism

Note that climate change scams are an offshoot of democracy itself. A scam can be exposed and defunded, while the concept of democracy has been around for so long it is seen the same way the concept of organized religion is seen:

Let me put it this way. If:

Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool. Mark Twain

it follows that democracy was invented when the first priest met the first parasite.


The big guns in the media-education-entertainment complex were always united in defense of their seats at the public trough. Wealthy tax dollar parasites are smart enough to know they have everything to lose like dominoes falling when just one parasite’s snout is jerked out of the public purse.

Questioning designer-science brings NATO’s collective defense strategy to mind. Protecting the climate change seat at the trough is the tip of the spear:

A number of Ph.Ds have written a book chapter asserting that doubts about the theory of human-caused global warming should be considered “real science.”​

You know, the idea of basing hypotheses on documented evidence rather than a political agenda.

But the National Science Teachers Association wants nothing to do with such an approach.

Climate experts: Global warming doubts are 'real science'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 04/29/2017 @ 8:18 pm

Climate experts: Global warming doubts are ‘real science’

Finally, President Trump reining in the EPA is such a threat to the entire parasite class it has become necessary to mobilize the sign-carriers everywhere. Make no mistake about it. Every march is about protecting access to tax dollars in spite of what media reports.

p.s. United Nations scientists can prove anything. They have been doing it since the Soviet Union imploded.

Its amazing how many of the parasite class will fool the fools by giving them handouts to keep them in line.. The funny thing about bribes is, when the money runs out, so do those following... The money just ran out and the rats abandoning the sinking AGW ship are in the thousands looking for new sources of income.
Now Silly Billy, I am not a burger flipper like you pretending to be an Atmospheric Physicist. Just an old millwright continuing his education. As such, I am hardly a parasite.
Now Silly Billy, I am not a burger flipper like you pretending to be an Atmospheric Physicist. Just an old millwright continuing his education. As such, I am hardly a parasite.
Says you... Now where is your 'trust' level indicator?

Its not registering above pondscum..
Billy, how much do you get paid to shill for the parasites?

Deniers never want to answer such questions. They might just have a 401k full of fossil fuel stocks, they might be getting paid, but they're usually getting some kind of financial reward for shilling.
Its amazing how many of the parasite class will fool the fools by giving them handouts to keep them in line.. The funny thing about bribes is, when the money runs out, so do those following... The money just ran out and the rats abandoning the sinking AGW ship are in the thousands looking for new sources of income.

Says who?
Flanders, how much are they paying you to shill for them?
They might just have a 401k full of fossil fuel stocks, they might be getting paid, but they're usually getting some kind of financial reward for shilling.
To mamooth: You must be off your meds. Mention a global warming fraud and liberals go bonkers shilling for environmental parasites.

You read and responded to enough of my threads to know the people I define as tax dollar parasites and what I think of them. I usually applied my analyses to socialized medicine, but since this thread is about global warming I adapted my conclusions to fit environmental larceny:

My cost-cutting reforms said that every industry entity traded on Wall Street —— the casino not the thoroughfare —— be prohibited from receiving tax dollars directly or indirectly. Don’t bother calculating the odds on that reform being picked up by Congress? It’s a non-starter. No law curtailing even the most destructive form of absentee ownership will ever be passed in this country.

Put it this way: If companies building gas chambers and furnaces for the same purposes they were built in Nazi Germany were traded on Wall Street no law would stop them if it adversely affected absentee ownership. Note that federal bureaucracies in cahoots with federal and state courts have all but abolished real property Rights. At the same time property Rights are being wiped out the courts have strengthened the Rights of absentee owners.

The problem always comes done to the income tax. Tax dollars is the stuff that goes to the wealthy parasites in alternative energy subsidies, to Wall Street, to the education industry and so on. Designer-science is the fluff that everything else stands on. Bottom line: An abundance of fossil fuels makes them inexpensive, while all of the so-called alternative energy sources are very expensive for the small amount they produce. Alternative energy companies traded on Wall Street already raked in hundreds of billions of tax dollars with trillions expected over the long term.

Incidentally, more than a dozen technologies exist for producing alternative energy. Wind power and solar power are the energy sources parasites dearly love. Taxpayers already forked over tens of billions of dollars for over thirty Solyndra-type failures.

Both wind and solar are economic catastrophes. Wind power is also an environmental train wreck for birds. Nuclear power is the alternative energy source the parasites hate the most.

If wind farms and solar panels are such good investments they would have eliminated fossil fuels a long time ago, nor would they require taxpayer subsidies. The hustlers hope to make more money à la investments in the next round of SUBSIDIZED failed alternative energy companies.

Alternative energy sources are a tax dollar scam from top to bottom. The sharpshooters in the financial community jump in for a bite after tax dollars begin flowing to alternative energy companies. Simply put: Wall Street brokers cannot manipulate stock prices on non-existent companies.

Wind power, solar power, and all of the rest of the so-called alternative energy sources support parasites on manmade climate change scare tactics. Petroleum and coal gave hustlers, parasites, and environmental freaks a body of designer-science to sell as scientific truth.

Forcing Americans to pay higher retail prices for wind energy, for solar energy, etc. was designed to prop up the stock market in perpetuity. Look at it this way. The government passes a law ordering every adult American to purchase food at supermarket chains, and retail items at department store chains because they are traded on Wall Street. Anybody that buys an item from a mom & pop store would be breaking the law. Once they break the law they would be subjected to fines, imprisonment, and confiscation of their property, not to mention the legal fees it would take to fight the case in rigged courts.

The government ordering Americans what to buy, where to buy, and how much they have to pay for the items they buy is no different than the government ordering Americans where to purchase electricity.

Environmental industry stocks traded on Wall Street are called too big to fail; hence, bailouts will be used to prop up corrupt, inefficient companies while the standard of living for low and medium income Americans falls to Third World levels because retail prices are out of reach.

If you really want to see who controls Congress see how far you get by insisting that tax dollars NOT go to any entity traded on Wall Street either directly or indirectly. If nothing else, company stocks traded in every market should be permanently barred from receiving tax dollars. Every one of them would still be free to operate as a 100 percent private sector business traded on a stock exchange if they so choose. Logically, alternative energy companies would have to separate their energy revenues from the rest of their revenues, that is assuming they do not separate their revenues the same way Planned Parenthood separates their baby body parts business from the rest of their revenues.
Your politics are over the edge. As a result, you look to have completely lost contact with reality and argue for positions that have no actual sound basis.

What made this nation great was excellent governance, not the fucking economic anarchy you'd like to see.
Your politics are over the edge. As a result, you look to have completely lost contact with reality and argue for positions that have no actual sound basis.

What made this nation great was excellent governance, not the fucking economic anarchy you'd like to see.

this nation used to be great due to excellent has been in steady decline since FDR and his socialist due to the continuance, and growth of those policies we are on the brink of becoming no better than eurotrash.
What made this nation great was excellent governance,
To Crick: Limiting government by enumerating governmental powers is what made America great:

That government is best which governs the least. Henry David Thoreau
not the fucking economic anarchy you'd like to see.
To Crick: Parasites governing is economic death by inches.

Perhaps accelerated decline is more apt to America than rapid decline in the case of the Roman Empire. America has been declining since the day Socialism took root in this country in the late 19th century. The decline proceeded at a slow pace after 1913 due, in large part, to Socialist-strategists being satisfied with small steps.

The major difference between Socialism and Communism is that 19th century Socialists set out to acquire political power incrementally, while Communists always preferred violent revolution. I believe that Socialists preferred incrementalism because it gave them time to teach parasites how to govern.

Parenthetically, in 1994, the Clintons tried and failed to take a big step with HillaryCare. When Hillary ran for office she whitewashed the evils inherent in socialized medicine by scurrying back to the safety of incrementalism as though evil in small doses is good:​

Now I’m from the school of smaller steps, but I believe we must continue to make progress. Hillary Clinton

Events in the past five years tell me that today’s Socialist-strategists believe that parasites are prepared to govern. Or perhaps signs of a violent counterrevolution makes incrementalism’s time table too risky. Pelosi, Reid, Taqiyya, and the rest of them took so many big steps toward totalitarian [government] in five years America’s decline accelerated to warp speed.​


Finally, parasites feasting at the public larder had more to do with bringing down every civilization, every empire, every country, every culture, than did any other factor. America will be no different.

Pigs Will Fly Before Parasites Become Producers

The slow death of America’s greatness began in 1913.

The parasite class and their MSM media pals let the centennial anniversary of the XVI Amendment go by without so much as a thank you for making them tax dollar wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. I can’t blame them for keeping quiet. Other than parasites, who celebrates the income tax!

In truth, 1913 was the best year progressives ever had. It is their 1776. Nineteen thirteen also gave the country the XVII Amendment and the Federal Reserve. And let’s not forget that Woodrow Wilson, their George Washington, took office in 1913.​

1913 Is 1776 For Liberals
this nation used to be great due to excellent has been in steady decline since FDR and his socialist due to the continuance, and growth of those policies we are on the brink of becoming no better than eurotrash.
To SSDD: Nicely said in a lot fewer words than I used.
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Another threads that displays.........the AGW alarmist might be smart as hell on matters of science but dang, in the area of politics............:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhh:.

Im in this forum for one educate the curious who wander in here. I and guys like Flanders enlighten these people about how irrelevant climate change is when it comes to impacting the real world. About how all renewable energy dies without their tax dollars. About what a spectacular waste of money renewable energy is ( and how they've been lied to by fake news outlets ) and moreover, how incredibly fucking mental case it is to actually think we can spend trillions of $$ and change the climate.

Flanders bro..........some brilliant stuff here :rock::rock:........steeped deeply in reality. Elusive of course to brains that don't have the ability to connect the dots.
President Trump’s executive action sent the world’s most beloved parasite into shock:

President Trump’s executive action Tuesday to begin unraveling the Clean Power Plan may also signal America’s de facto exit from the landmark Paris climate treaty — former President Barack Obama’s signature environmental achievement.

Trump’s executive action on Clean Power Plan signals U.S. exit from Paris climate treaty
By Ben Wolfgang
Monday, March 27, 2017

Paris climate treaty faces U.S. exit after Donald Trump action on Clean Power Plan

President Trump dumping the international component in the greatest hoax ever perpetrated will send shock waves through parasites in every corner of the world:

Seven wealthy democracies ended their summit Saturday in Italy without unanimous agreement on climate change, as the Trump administration plans to take more time to say whether the U.S. is going to remain in the Paris accord on limiting greenhouse gas emissions.​

May 27, 2017, 8:54 a.m.
Trump says he'll decide on Paris climate deal next week
Associated Press

Trump says he'll decide on Paris climate deal next week

The beauty in Trump’s position is that he does not need approval from a Speaker the House. Few presidents ever get a chance like that to make a monumental change for the better.

p.s. If you doubt that parasites were uniting before Trump went to the G-7 you just watch what they say after the Paris Climate Accord is scrapped.
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It blows my mind that deluded Republicans still go on about Democrats being parasites when Republicans are the worst parasites the world has ever known.

Blue State Voters Subsidize Southern Red State Voters, Not the Other Way Around

To deanrd: Get real.

Define who creates the wealth —— private sector wealth-creators or parasites who live on the wealth created by others.

Incidentally, your chart is meaningless. There are parasites and wealth-creators in every state. Note that parasites in the education industry live in every state, county, and town, and they receive more tax dollars than any other identifiable parasite group.

The fact is Democrat states constitute the welfare state; hence, those states have the most parasite voters.

And just for the record, there are 9 hardcore welfare states. Those 9 welfare states have the largest combined population. That is why they are pushing so hard to abolish the Electoral College. When Hillary Clinton said:

"If the election had been held on October 27, I'd be your president,. . .”​

Hillary Clinton says she would've won election if it were held Oct. 27

she should have said “Had the Electoral College been abolished, I’d be your president.”
Hey Flanders, you silly ass. Which states are defined by the number of people in poverty with little education. The ones that voted for the fat senile old orange clown.

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