Pardon Flynn...Appoint Him Director of FBI


May 23, 2014
Let's see how many of those criminals involved in Operation Crossfire Hurricane Razor start quaking in their cowardly boots!
"To declare that in the administration of criminal law the end justifies the means to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure conviction of a private criminal would bring terrible retribution."
-Justice Louis Brandis writing for the dissent in Olmsted v. United States 1927
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Let's see how many of those criminals involved in Operation Crossfire Hurricane Razor start quaking in their cowardly boots!
You would see a mass exodus of people that were involved in the Coup happen overnight.
The new evidence is NOT exculpatory. Does anyone care what that word even means?

The new evidence indicates that Flynn was unfairly targeted and induced to lie through a "perjury trap."

But HE DID BREAK THE LAW AND HE DID LIE ABOUT IT. None of the new evidence contradicts those two facts, or the fact that he and his son failed to register as foreign agents, as required by law.

Was it a bullshit case? Yes. Did the FBI act abominably? Yes. Should some of those agents be fired or prosecuted for law-breaking? Yes.

But none of this is "exculpatory."
The new evidence is NOT exculpatory. Does anyone care what that word even means?

The new evidence indicates that Flynn was unfairly targeted and induced to lie through a "perjury trap."

But HE DID BREAK THE LAW AND HE DID LIE ABOUT IT. None of the new evidence contradicts those two facts, or the fact that he and his son failed to register as foreign agents, as required by law.

Was it a bullshit case? Yes. Did the FBI act abominably? Yes. Should some of those agents be fired or prosecuted for law-breaking? Yes.

But none of this is "exculpatory."
The fact they had no case in the first place and then went, with intent to trap him, to talk with him makes everything they did unlawful. They had NO PROBABLE CAUSE or REASONABLE SUSPICION to question/interrogate him. They were not looking for the truth they were looking to harm him unlawfully. It doesn't matter that it is not exculpatory what matters is this could happen to you and me and its not acceptable.
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That would be brilliant! What would make it even better is Michael Flynn's finances are restored directly from Comey and Strzok's personal pensions and holdings.
Once he is exonerated he needs to sue them personally. They do not have immunity from things they did in a criminal manner. The progresssion will have to be after Durham files charges and they are convicted. then he can go after everything they own.
Let's see how many of those criminals involved in Operation Crossfire Hurricane Razor start quaking in their cowardly boots!

What a terrible attempt at a troll post.

They should pardon Flynn then appoint him head of a special forces unit and send them to kill Maduro. That would be sweet!
Another brilliant idea from Trumpist deadheads.

Yeah let us put a felonious unreliable corrupt Russian stooge in charge of the FBI. That sounds like something Trump would do.

Trumpism is just another word for lunacy.
You would see democrats heads exploding...
Wouldn't that be great!
It would be... There is only one down side to this. If Flynn was to be put there any charges he brought against staff could be tainted as retribution and I want every one of those bastards involved to be put in prison.
What was Operation Crossfire Hurricane Razor? Retribution against Trump for beating Hillary.
Another brilliant idea from Trumpist deadheads.

Yeah let us put a felonious unreliable corrupt Russian stooge in charge of the FBI.

Trumpism is just another word for lunacy.
There is no evidence that he worked for Russian government.
Another brilliant idea from Trumpist deadheads.

Yeah let us put a felonious unreliable corrupt Russian stooge in charge of the FBI. That sounds like Trumpist idiocy..

Trumpism is just another word for lunacy.
Your proof of this slanderous accusation?
That would be brilliant! What would make it even better is Michael Flynn's finances are restored directly from Comey and Strzok's personal pensions and holdings.
"Strzok and Comey...I'm coming to get you." Go get them Flynn!
Flynn doesn't need a pardon. He will be completely exonerated. Then he needs to be restored. The combined assets and retirement accounts of Comey, Page, Stztok, and McCabe should put him back to where he was.
Let's hope so. They way they went after him was completely unethical and the FISA warrants were bullshit.
Another brilliant idea from Trumpist deadheads.

Yeah let us put a felonious unreliable corrupt Russian stooge in charge of the FBI. That sounds like Trumpist idiocy..

Trumpism is just another word for lunacy.
Your proof of this slanderous accusation?
1. Flynn pleaded guilty to a felony.

2. Flynn lied about his discussions with Sergei Kislyak.

3. Flynn is known to have an affinity for the Russians and Putin in particular.

In other words, in Trumplandia the perfect person to hand over sensitive US intelligence to.

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