Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

Absolutely no reason that topic is in any school curriculum
Well, other than preventing unwanted pregnancies and diseases... Usually the diseased, pregnant whores were the Catholic school girls.... No coincidence...

Oh, yeah, everyone knows the way to prevent sexual diseases is to give a proper blowjob.
Doesn't sound to me like the teacher was strictly sticking to the curriculum.
Absolutely no reason that topic is in any school curriculum
Well, other than preventing unwanted pregnancies and diseases... Usually the diseased, pregnant whores were the Catholic school girls.... No coincidence...

Oh, yeah, everyone knows the way to prevent sexual diseases is to give a proper blowjob.
Doesn't sound to me like the teacher was strictly sticking to the curriculum.

I shudder to even think about what the curriculum actually was to produce that.

But he/she (can't remember which it was) was definitely in the wrong sort of school, if he/she was hoping for "parents should shut up because we know better" as a response.
Absolutely no reason that topic is in any school curriculum
Well, other than preventing unwanted pregnancies and diseases... Usually the diseased, pregnant whores were the Catholic school girls.... No coincidence...

Oh, yeah, everyone knows the way to prevent sexual diseases is to give a proper blowjob.
Doesn't sound to me like the teacher was strictly sticking to the curriculum.

I shudder to even think about what the curriculum actually was to produce that.

But he/she (can't remember which it was) was definitely in the wrong sort of school, if he/she was hoping for "parents should shut up because we know better" as a response.

I'm sure she was sticking to the curriculum.

Lefties and teachers lie about what they teach our kids in school.
The kids already know about oral sex by the 7th grade. With the internet chances are most of them have seen it before. Some parents are so in the dark, then act surprised when their kid gets knocked up.
Seventh-grade students were allegedly exposed to graphic material during a sex-ed lesson at a charter school in Pittsburgh. The exposure has outraged parents, who allege the teacher went too far.


Parents Angered Over Graphic Sex-Ed In 7th Grade Science Class

These Universities / Colleges really need brought down as they rip people off of thousands of dollars all to teach your kid how to be a USEFUL LEFTIST IDIOT..........
/----/ Union teacher, I'm assuming.

Charter school!

Learn to read. You are embarrassing your teachers!
The kids already know about oral sex by the 7th grade. With the internet chances are most of them have seen it before. Some parents are so in the dark, then act surprised when their kid gets knocked up.

You do know what happens when you get pregnant by oral sex, don't you? That's how we get liberals!

Pregnancy from anal sex leads to lawyers.

Seventh-grade students were allegedly exposed to graphic material during a sex-ed lesson at a charter school in Pittsburgh. The exposure has outraged parents, who allege the teacher went too far.


Parents Angered Over Graphic Sex-Ed In 7th Grade Science Class

These Universities / Colleges really need brought down as they rip people off of thousands of dollars all to teach your kid how to be a USEFUL LEFTIST IDIOT..........
Seventh-grade students were allegedly exposed to graphic material during a sex-ed lesson at a charter school in Pittsburgh. The exposure has outraged parents, who allege the teacher went too far.


Parents Angered Over Graphic Sex-Ed In 7th Grade Science Class

These Universities / Colleges really need brought down as they rip people off of thousands of dollars all to teach your kid how to be a USEFUL LEFTIST IDIOT..........
Little do they know their kids have been watching Pornhub for years
Indeed. Long ago Mickey Mouse was replaced by LickMyKitty as the early morn sat "toons"
without me traipsing through all of this mess, just WHAT was said in this class that some people are complaining about? Specifically, just WHAT was so big and bad? Be specific about this, particularly those of you are protesting. Specifically what are you complaining about? The complainers have an ability to type here, no?
What was actually said? What do the kids already know? None of these "parents complained" incidents ever include what was actually said. An, which parents? How many parents?
The kids already know about oral sex by the 7th grade. With the internet chances are most of them have seen it before. Some parents are so in the dark, then act surprised when their kid gets knocked up.

Imagine a teacher who teaches sex Ed not even mentioning it
Such protective parents

Kids talk to each other ...guess what?
They talk about SEX

I learned about blow jobs in sixth grade on the school bus. Kids that age are learning much about sex....much of it inaccurate

Might as well learn the truth

Not the point guy, the point is an adult man talking to 12-13 year old girls about sucking cock, and boys licking clits when they are all in the room at the same time.
No business in the school as part of education...none.
As you said - they already know. So why do it?
Such protective parents

Kids talk to each other ...guess what?
They talk about SEX

I learned about blow jobs in sixth grade on the school bus. Kids that age are learning much about sex....much of it inaccurate

Might as well learn the truth

Not the point guy, the point is an adult man talking to 12-13 year old girls about sucking cock, and boys licking clits when they are all in the room at the same time.
No business in the school as part of education...none.
As you said - they already know. So why do it?
The point is an adult figure telling them the realities of their emerging sexualities
Girls that age are growing breasts and having their periods. Like it or not .....these kids are curious and Google is readily available
Such protective parents

Kids talk to each other ...guess what?
They talk about SEX

I learned about blow jobs in sixth grade on the school bus. Kids that age are learning much about sex....much of it inaccurate

Might as well learn the truth

Not the point guy, the point is an adult man talking to 12-13 year old girls about sucking cock, and boys licking clits when they are all in the room at the same time.
No business in the school as part of education...none.
As you said - they already know. So why do it?
The point is an adult figure telling them the realities of their emerging sexualities
Girls that age are growing breasts and having their periods. Like it or not .....these kids are curious and Google is readily available

Once again you are making my point for me.
Google is available, if they are curious - they can see 100,000 examples of it 24 hrs. a day. As well as, wait for it - talk to their parents.
In the article, all they said was the teacher was graphically talking about oral sex. To a bunch of children while they are all mixed in the room. Absurd.
They should have at least separated the sexes, have a female teacher talk to the girls and a man talk to the boys. Makes 1000 times more sense.
It's not hard to remain oblivious to "the good Planned Parenthood does for women", given that it's all bullshit and lies. And unless you're a woman yourself - which I don't believe you are, although I hardly keep track of such things - I don't really need some asshole man explaining to me what women need and don't need, thank you so very much.

Although I'm sure most women you encounter ALSO consider your advent in their lives to be unwelcome, I'm talking about interfering in the lives of PARENTS who are quite clearly trying to raise their children without leftist bullshit, hence the not-a-public-school thing.

I don't know any women who don't support Planned Parenthood so no - This is a first for me.

Do you live in a rabbit hole in the middle of Bumfuck, Egypt?

New Kaiser Poll Shows 75% of Americans Support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood

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