Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

Yeah teaching kids to play with themselves is real normal and healthy. It is a proven fact when you do that bs it takes away the " real sensations of what females should feel like. Teaching morons logic the female body part just can't move as fast as a hand imagine that.

Everything these cultic idiots tell you is ok is anything but that..

What are some masturbation tips?
Masturbation is a great way to get to know your body. It’s totally healthy and normal — most people masturbate at some point in their lives.

There are tons of myths meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. The truth is, it’s perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex.

Here are some masturbation tips:
  • Wash your hands before touching your penis, vulva, vagina, or anus.

  • Use a good lubricant. It lowers friction, which helps prevent small tears in your skin and makes things more comfortable.
  • Clean your sex toys. Otherwise bacteria can build up and cause an infection. The best way to protect sex toys is with a condom that you change whenever the toy is passed from partner to partner or from one body opening to another — mouth, anus, or vagina. If you don’t use condoms, clean sex toys before and after every use. Read the instructions on the package for how to clean your toy.

  • Don’t share sex toys with multiple partners without cleaning/using new condoms every time. They can pass along STDs.

So now you are going to suggest that it is abnormal to masturbate and that doing so upsets the Baby Jesus and grows hair on one's palms?

Okeee :rolleyes: But I'll bet that you whacked the dak from age 8 forward, unless you weren't a normal boy.

Oh wait - You're a chick .. AMAZING! :)
The leftist are a little stupid. They think it is grand to sexualize the kids , but they are so easy to sell bs to they fall for whatever pitch planned parenthood/ sex ed in school sells them , they literally believe it all and allow it. I mean my gawd as long as it comes from AUTHORITY it's just a ok for example this....

Parents Outraged Over Planned Parenthood's 'Sick' and 'Degenerate' Sex Ed Program in Public Schools - DANGEROUS

Bet that the biracial nature of your second image triggered you .. Amiright? :)
Yeah teaching kids to play with themselves is real normal and healthy. It is a proven fact when you do that bs it takes away the " real sensations of what females should feel like. Teaching morons logic the female body part just can't move as fast as a hand imagine that.

Everything these cultic idiots tell you is ok is anything but that..

What are some masturbation tips?
Masturbation is a great way to get to know your body. It’s totally healthy and normal — most people masturbate at some point in their lives.

There are tons of myths meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. The truth is, it’s perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex.

Here are some masturbation tips:
  • Wash your hands before touching your penis, vulva, vagina, or anus.

  • Use a good lubricant. It lowers friction, which helps prevent small tears in your skin and makes things more comfortable.
  • Clean your sex toys. Otherwise bacteria can build up and cause an infection. The best way to protect sex toys is with a condom that you change whenever the toy is passed from partner to partner or from one body opening to another — mouth, anus, or vagina. If you don’t use condoms, clean sex toys before and after every use. Read the instructions on the package for how to clean your toy.

  • Don’t share sex toys with multiple partners without cleaning/using new condoms every time. They can pass along STDs.

So now you are going to suggest that it is abnormal to masturbate and that doing so upsets the Baby Jesus and grows hair on one's palms?

Okeee :rolleyes: But I'll bet that you whacked the dak from age 8 forward, unless you weren't a normal boy.

Oh wait - You're a chick .. AMAZING! :)

your so fkn off the wall and jerk off yourself, you wouldn't believe nor understand anything I told you anyway so I might waste my time finding you an article that say sHOW AND WHY IT IS NOT HEALTHY TO DO ..........

You some logic if you have any WHAT VAGINA CAN GRIP IT OR MOVE AS FAST AS HAND DIP SHIT... when it becomes a habit and one does it to much TO OFTEN YOU CAN'T GET OFF ON A FEMALE ANY MORE .........

That's putting it bluntly ...... and

your so fkn off the wall and jerk off yourself, you wouldn't believe nor understand anything I told you anyway so I might waste my time finding you an article that say sHOW AND WHY IT IS NOT HEALTHY TO DO ..........

You some logic if you have any WHAT VAGINA CAN GRIP IT OR MOVE AS FAST AS HAND DIP SHIT... when it becomes a habit and one does it to much TO OFTEN YOU CAN'T GET OFF ON A FEMALE ANY MORE .........

That's putting it bluntly ...... and


Check - it is unhealthy to masturbate.

I won't dignify that with any further response --- IDIOT
The leftist are a little stupid. They think it is grand to sexualize the kids , but they are so easy to sell bs to they fall for whatever pitch planned parenthood/ sex ed in school sells them , they literally believe it all and allow it. I mean my gawd as long as it comes from AUTHORITY it's just a ok for example this....

Parents Outraged Over Planned Parenthood's 'Sick' and 'Degenerate' Sex Ed Program in Public Schools - DANGEROUS

Bet that the biracial nature of your second image triggered you .. Amiright? :)

The friction of using your own hand or some other aid to achieve masturbation may also condition you to that level of stimulation. Believe it or not, this kind of conditioning may make it less likely that you will be stimulated by vaginal intercourse. Men who get into this kind of pattern may start experiencing sexual frustrations when they are being sexual with their wives.

Masturbation: The Secret That Ruins Great Sex | Growthtrac Marriage
The friction of using your own hand or some other aid to achieve masturbation may also condition you to that level of stimulation. Believe it or not, this kind of conditioning may make it less likely that you will be stimulated by vaginal intercourse. Men who get into this kind of pattern may start experiencing sexual frustrations when they are being sexual with their wives.

Masturbation: The Secret That Ruins Great Sex | Growthtrac Marriage

There is clearly no limit to your level of STOOPID ;)
your so fkn off the wall and jerk off yourself, you wouldn't believe nor understand anything I told you anyway so I might waste my time finding you an article that say sHOW AND WHY IT IS NOT HEALTHY TO DO ..........

You some logic if you have any WHAT VAGINA CAN GRIP IT OR MOVE AS FAST AS HAND DIP SHIT... when it becomes a habit and one does it to much TO OFTEN YOU CAN'T GET OFF ON A FEMALE ANY MORE .........

That's putting it bluntly ...... and


Check - it is unhealthy to masturbate.

I won't dignify that with any further response --- IDIOT

Next time you are in the room full of women ask them how proud and happy they would feel if they

1. Knew their husband was thinking of some other woman while jerking off

2. Ask them how good it makes them feel she can't do it for him but his own hand can.......


GO READ THE COMMENTS from wives who pathetic husbands jerk off

Masturbation - Mamapedia™
The friction of using your own hand or some other aid to achieve masturbation may also condition you to that level of stimulation. Believe it or not, this kind of conditioning may make it less likely that you will be stimulated by vaginal intercourse. Men who get into this kind of pattern may start experiencing sexual frustrations when they are being sexual with their wives.

Masturbation: The Secret That Ruins Great Sex | Growthtrac Marriage

There is clearly no limit to your level of STOOPID ;)

If anyone is stupid it would be you since you are clueless to " real information" and deny everything and anything that doesn't fit your perfectly dream up fantasy world.

Gawd help those who know nothing outside their liberal box of bs.
If anyone is stupid it would be you since you are clueless to " real information" and deny everything and anything that doesn't fit your perfectly dream up fantasy world.

Gawd help those who know nothing outside their liberal box of bs.

"REAL" information from Infowars, Mamapedia and Gateway Pundit?

Okeee :rolleyes:
Seventh Graders know how to Google

They can learn more about blowjobs than from that teacher
Not everybody allows their 7th graders uncensored access to the internet.

Not that it matters. I don't want fucking teachers telling my young children about how to give head. Whether they learn about it on the internet or not is none of your fucking business. The point is..parents are not authorizing the pedos in the schools to coach and groom our kids.

Such protective parents

Kids talk to each other ...guess what?
They talk about SEX

I learned about blow jobs in sixth grade on the school bus. Kids that age are learning much about sex....much of it inaccurate

Might as well learn the truth
I don't give a fuck what "track" you're on. I just want you to understand that it's YOUR track, and no one is asking you to share it, so stop trying to force it on people.

My 9-year-old will do what he will do, but it won't be because I allowed twisted loons like you to deal yourselves into decisions on how he's raised.

I'm glad to hear you enjoy people viewing you with disgust, considering how often it likely happens.

Returning to the subject, have I mentioned recently that people take their children out of public school precisely to get away from the bullshit of leftist twits like you?

I love you Cecilie - Perhaps the most fucking deranged poster on the board /

Please do post more often! :)
CLUESS because the CLUELESS never bother to inform themselves when they don't want to hear what is factual, proven etc..

I'll take that as an admission that you DO know people are trying to avoid you, and you still think you need to interfere in their lives.

Yes of course - You are free to take me any way you please and believe anything and everything you wish as for people "trying to avoid me".
You are also free to remain oblivious for as long as you choose with regards to Planned Parenthood and all the good they do for women.
"Interfering in the lives of women"?
Please, I believe that you are probably smarter than that based on your posts.

Anything else?

It's not hard to remain oblivious to "the good Planned Parenthood does for women", given that it's all bullshit and lies. And unless you're a woman yourself - which I don't believe you are, although I hardly keep track of such things - I don't really need some asshole man explaining to me what women need and don't need, thank you so very much.

Although I'm sure most women you encounter ALSO consider your advent in their lives to be unwelcome, I'm talking about interfering in the lives of PARENTS who are quite clearly trying to raise their children without leftist bullshit, hence the not-a-public-school thing.
I'll take that as an admission that you DO know people are trying to avoid you, and you still think you need to interfere in their lives.

I attract pretty much everyone other than people such as you.

FYI, restraining orders are not love letters. Just sayin' . . .

Meanwhile, parents do not enroll their children in non-public schools because they think the various leftist educational agendas are awesome.
The friction of using your own hand or some other aid to achieve masturbation may also condition you to that level of stimulation. Believe it or not, this kind of conditioning may make it less likely that you will be stimulated by vaginal intercourse. Men who get into this kind of pattern may start experiencing sexual frustrations when they are being sexual with their wives.

Masturbation: The Secret That Ruins Great Sex | Growthtrac Marriage

There is clearly no limit to your level of STOOPID ;)

Actually, it's been a known fact in the medical and psychological communities for a while now that masturbation can end up being a serious hindrance to normal sexual relations. You should really try to keep up.
The friction of using your own hand or some other aid to achieve masturbation may also condition you to that level of stimulation. Believe it or not, this kind of conditioning may make it less likely that you will be stimulated by vaginal intercourse. Men who get into this kind of pattern may start experiencing sexual frustrations when they are being sexual with their wives.

Masturbation: The Secret That Ruins Great Sex | Growthtrac Marriage

There is clearly no limit to your level of STOOPID ;)

Actually, it's been a known fact in the medical and psychological communities for a while now that masturbation can end up being a serious hindrance to normal sexual relations. You should really try to keep up.
Not only that......but you will go blind

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