Parents: here are some of the leftist studies and lessons your paying for

LGBT Public School Teachers Bringing Gay Pride to Classrooms All Year Long
Indoctrinating them early with taxpayer support.


Trey Sanchez

June is Gay Pride Month but for some LGBT public school teachers, it’s all-year-round in their classrooms, according to Mic, which featured several teachers making sure young kids are introduced to varying sexualities under state-sponsored supervision.

Ana Patejdl, who is gay, teaches in the New York City public schools and was encouraged by her principal to come out to her students and “revive the Gay-Straight Alliance,” according to the report. She did so three years ago and launched the Rainbow Alliance. Patejdl said her student’s “reactions were overwhelmingly positive … or they didn’t really care!” From that moment on, she added, it "helped us have real conversations around LGBTQ topics and issues.”

"Whenever we're reading non-fiction or working on informational writing or argument skills, which is usually tied to social issues, I try to give kids choice around the topics they pursue and LGBTQ issues are usually among the ones they're interested in," said Patejdl.

Nathan Cooke teaches 9th grade in California and though he says “There aren't specific lessons that center on LGBTQ history,” he “allow breathing room for natural tangents to arise." Cooke is engaged to a man he brings to school functions and identifies as bisexual.

Queer teacher Celeste Tannenbaum teaches public kindergarten in Chicago. Here’s what the five-year-olds in her class are exposed to:


LGBT Public School Teachers Bringing Gay Pride to Classrooms All Year Long
STOP your money going to ilk like this...

The Federal Program Funding Hamas Supporters on College Campuses

How you can stop anti-Israel incitement on campus.
August 1, 2017
Daniel Greenfield


Title VI centers are the organizing points for Islamist and anti-Israel activities on college campuses. The attacks on Jewish speakers and students, the BDS resolutions and terror support begin with Title VI. So do the pro-Hamas speakers who spew hatred on campuses across America.

Instead of a wide range of views, 6 Title VI Middle Eastern studies directors have backed an academic boycott of Israel. Not only do they not promote a range of views, but they suppress pro-Israel views.

Title VI faculty play a crucial role in supporting campus hate groups from SJP to JVP to MSA. And Title VI material then finds its way from colleges into school classrooms.

All of this hatred is funded by taxpayers. But it doesn’t have to be.

Rep. Grothman, joined by Rep. Allen, Rep. Garrett and Rep. Lamborn are trying to defund Title VI and move funding over to the National Security Education Program (NSEP). But they face an uphill battle.

Defunding Title VI would do a great deal to neutralize the ugliness and hatred on campuses.

Take the Center for Near East Studies at UCLA. The Center is busy touting a faculty member’s attack on Trump. The faculty includes Khaled M. Abou El Fadl, a leading authority on Sharia Islamic law, whom Daniel Pipes named a “stealth Islamist.” El Fadl provided an “Affidavit of Support” for top Hamas terrorist Abu Marzook. He donated to and defended the Holy Land Foundation: a Hamas front group.


Title VI has become an outlet for anti-Semitism and for anti-American propaganda on campus. If we can change that, then we will send a message that the college campus is no place for terrorists and bigots.

The Federal Program Funding Hamas Supporters on College Campuses
The scam of higher education.
August 8, 2017

Walter Williams

August is the month when parents bid farewell to not only their college-bound youngsters but also a sizable chunk of cash for tuition. More than 18 million students attend our more than 4,300 degree-granting institutions. A question parents, their college-bound youngsters and taxpayers should ask: Is college worth it?


What happens to many of these ill-prepared college graduates? If they manage to become employed in the first place, their employment has little to do with their degree. One estimate is that 1 in 3 college graduates have a job historically performed by those with a high-school diploma or the equivalent. According to Richard Vedder, who is a professor of economics at Ohio University and the director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, we had 115,000 janitors, 16,000 parking lot attendants, 83,000 bartenders and about 35,000 taxi drivers with bachelor's degrees in 2012.

The bottom line is that college is not for everyone. There is absolutely no shame in a youngster's graduating from high school and learning a trade. Doing so might earn him much more money than many of his peers who attend college.

Is College Education Worth It?

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