Parents: here are some of the leftist studies and lessons your paying for

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
so awesome...we have a teacher pretending she's never heard of teachers pushing their politics. Proof that when we say most educators are lying commie scum, we're telling the truth.
I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
Psst ---- a curriculum is nothing more than a piece of paper. It teaches nothing!!

Any correlation between the curriculum and what a teacher says is usually purely coincidental.

American school kids became more stupid under the Obama administration, according to rankings released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

They recently released the results of a worldwide exam administered every three years to 15-year-olds in 72 countries. The exam monitors reading, math and science knowledge.

Based on their findings, the United States saw an 11-point drop in math scores and nearly flat levels for reading and science.

The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, fell below the OECD average – and failed to crack the top ten in all three categories.

In other words, thanks to the Obama administration’s education policies, kids in the Slovac Republic are more proficient in multiplication.

In fairness, American teenagers may not know long form division - but by golly they know their non-binary gender pronouns. Yes sir, they do!

But you can't blame the kids for being dumb as rocks.

Instead of aspiring to greatness, public schools across the fruited plain are programming kids to be mediocre.

America's kids got more stupid in reading, math and science while Team Obama was in charge
Well, someone got stupider.....I mean, just look who they, in their stupidity, voted into the presidency this last November.
When lacking a cogent response, resort to ad hominem attacks.

What a game plan!!

That's not an ad hominem. Apparently you were educated during the Obama regime.
1) I'm a man
2) I have heard of teachers giving their political beliefs to teachers, however it's rare and my district sent out a mass email to every school employee in the district telling us specifically not to
3) You called me a commie so let me make this painfully clear:

-The only independent novel(la) I make my students read is George Orwell's Animal Farm
-I'm anti-gun control
-I'm pro-life
-I did NOT vote for Hillary (or Obama)...and no my students don't know that...when they ask I jokingly tell them I'm writing myself in
-There are MANY educators that aren't liberal democrats. I'd be lying if I said that the majority weren't, but I'd be lying equally if I said that there's not a sizable chunk that are not. I'd guess that it's between a 60/40 to a 70/30 split at my school
-My school has a capitalism club that students are allowed to join where they learn about capitalism and its's sponsored by a teacher (who's actually in the classroom right next door to me), is officially recognized by the school, and there is no communist/socialist club (nor should there be).
-My school as has a FCA club for students to join (fellowship of Christian athletes). They're permitted to meet on school during club days, their lunch periods, before/after school. They are also 100% allowed to pray on campus and they do (it has to be student lead though).

-In the interest of being transparent I do hang a rosary from the rear-view mirror of his truck and don't remove it from my truck whatsoever when I'm at work/parking at work. None of my co-workers or admin has EVER mentioned it at all. I've also never had a student mention it at all to me. I never mention my faith to my students (some of them know what it is since I've seen a few at church here and there), however I guess somebody might claim I'm pushing my religiously by leaving it hanging in my truck.

-Yes I have worked at two differently public schools and have had the same experiences above at both schools.

4) The role of a curriculum is to provide content for a teacher to teach in their classroom. This means that anything a teacher teaches in their classroom that is not explicitly in their curriculum is done 100% independently and on their own (unless the district/school/department makes other arrangements). This is why if a teacher is teaching their students something controversial (or pushing their views on students) it's important to recognize whether it's in the curriculum.

Are there serious problems with the educational system? You bet your ass there are. Are teachers perfect? You bet your ass they aren't. However the hyperbolic rhetoric that I've heard from both sides of the aisle is ridiculous. I'm a firm believer that until you step into a classroom you have no idea what it's like to be a teacher-I would not have agreed with this before I became a teacher but after I thoroughly believe this.
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Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
Psst ---- a curriculum is nothing more than a piece of paper. It teaches nothing!!

Any correlation between the curriculum and what a teacher says is usually purely coincidental.


Bodecea tries to make the case that the curriculum is a measure of what is taught in the classroom. We know that not to be true --- a curriculum is nothing more than what SHOULD be taught. Oftentimes, it bears little or no resemble to the actual subject matter.

In fact, I would maintain that a good teacher often allows the students to take the subject where their interest lies - with the understanding that they will be pulled back later.

But, to claim that just checking the curriculum is a measure is just, simply, intellectually dishonest.
American school kids became more stupid under the Obama administration, according to rankings released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

They recently released the results of a worldwide exam administered every three years to 15-year-olds in 72 countries. The exam monitors reading, math and science knowledge.

Based on their findings, the United States saw an 11-point drop in math scores and nearly flat levels for reading and science.

The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, fell below the OECD average – and failed to crack the top ten in all three categories.

In other words, thanks to the Obama administration’s education policies, kids in the Slovac Republic are more proficient in multiplication.

In fairness, American teenagers may not know long form division - but by golly they know their non-binary gender pronouns. Yes sir, they do!

But you can't blame the kids for being dumb as rocks.

Instead of aspiring to greatness, public schools across the fruited plain are programming kids to be mediocre.

America's kids got more stupid in reading, math and science while Team Obama was in charge
Well, someone got stupider.....I mean, just look who they, in their stupidity, voted into the presidency this last November.
When lacking a cogent response, resort to ad hominem attacks.

What a game plan!!

That's not an ad hominem. Apparently you were educated during the Obama regime.
ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/

adverb & adjectiv

1.(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining

Sorry ---- that WAS an ad hominem attack, designed to deflect from the reality that the poster had no cogent response.

I think it's safe to say that I was educated long before Obama was even conceived.
I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
so awesome...we have a teacher pretending she's never heard of teachers pushing their politics. Proof that when we say most educators are lying commie scum, we're telling the truth.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
Psst ---- a curriculum is nothing more than a piece of paper. It teaches nothing!!

Any correlation between the curriculum and what a teacher says is usually purely coincidental.


Bodecea tries to make the case that the curriculum is a measure of what is taught in the classroom. We know that not to be true --- a curriculum is nothing more than what SHOULD be taught. Oftentimes, it bears little or no resemble to the actual subject matter.

In fact, I would maintain that a good teacher often allows the students to take the subject where their interest lies - with the understanding that they will be pulled back later.

But, to claim that just checking the curriculum is a measure is just, simply, intellectually dishonest.

Teachers have some level of autonomy (some more than others depending on the school/district), and have students follow their own interests sound good and all...if they were adults. Most of my students couldn't even spell the word "intellectually". It's ok to let them run with ideas when appropriate and when it's beneficial (being an English teacher I have plenty of opportunities for this), but at the end of the day they need to learn what's in the standards first-that's my job.

PS: curriculum isn't what should be taught, rather it's HOW to get there.

Standards=what's being taught.

For example I have many standards and some of them focus on tone. My district could use Novel A to learn that skill and another district could use Novel B. Each district is learning the same thing (how to identify tone/utilize appropriate tone), but how they're getting there is different.

With all due respect, individuals who lack this basic knowledge and understanding severely lack the background knowledge required to comment efficiently on the educational system. Knowing the difference between standards and curriculum is something every teacher in the US knows, it's a basic concept.

This is why people who're anti-common core and say that it promote Islam are just fundamentally wrong.
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Fascist Universities U.S.A.

It’s time to liberate the campus gulag.

February 24, 2017
Frontpage Editors


There was a time when campus life meant dorm parties, Frisbees on the lawn and entering a world of ideas. Today’s campus, however, is a joyless, politically correct gulag where students are taught to confess their crimes of privilege and inform on fellow students.

Free speech died first on campus when the great works of literature were censored because they could be offensive, when comedians began to fear to visit because they might offend someone and when students became afraid to discuss ideas, dress up for a party or even tell a joke.

Now, today’s students know that Bias Response Teams on hundreds of campuses are encouraging students to inform on each other. That a casual remark or humorous tweet could cost them their future.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is continuing its fight against campus fascism by defying political correctness. The Center has stood in stalwart opposition to the brainwashing of students by faculty and radical hate groups. And we are taking a firm stand against the politically correct intimidation and harassment of students.

It’s time to take back the campus for free speech from the Bias Response Teams.

The Freedom Center will go on resisting politically correct fascism by taking risks on campuses to fight for free speech. Our speakers can’t appear on campuses without security. Sometimes they aren’t allowed to speak at all. But we will go on fighting to ensure that, in the land of the First Amendment, students will be permitted to engage in the free exchange of ideas at their institutions of higher learning.

We will not rest until free speech is restored to every college campus in America.

Fascist Universities U.S.A.
What sports team related riot is that one?
Fascist Universities U.S.A.

It’s time to liberate the campus gulag.

February 24, 2017
Frontpage Editors


There was a time when campus life meant dorm parties, Frisbees on the lawn and entering a world of ideas. Today’s campus, however, is a joyless, politically correct gulag where students are taught to confess their crimes of privilege and inform on fellow students.

Free speech died first on campus when the great works of literature were censored because they could be offensive, when comedians began to fear to visit because they might offend someone and when students became afraid to discuss ideas, dress up for a party or even tell a joke.

Now, today’s students know that Bias Response Teams on hundreds of campuses are encouraging students to inform on each other. That a casual remark or humorous tweet could cost them their future.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is continuing its fight against campus fascism by defying political correctness. The Center has stood in stalwart opposition to the brainwashing of students by faculty and radical hate groups. And we are taking a firm stand against the politically correct intimidation and harassment of students.

It’s time to take back the campus for free speech from the Bias Response Teams.

The Freedom Center will go on resisting politically correct fascism by taking risks on campuses to fight for free speech. Our speakers can’t appear on campuses without security. Sometimes they aren’t allowed to speak at all. But we will go on fighting to ensure that, in the land of the First Amendment, students will be permitted to engage in the free exchange of ideas at their institutions of higher learning.

We will not rest until free speech is restored to every college campus in America.

Fascist Universities U.S.A.
What sports team related riot is that one?
All I see from you is 93,164 comments of
, I have to use pics because you can't read...
Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
so awesome...we have a teacher pretending she's never heard of teachers pushing their politics. Proof that when we say most educators are lying commie scum, we're telling the truth.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
Psst ---- a curriculum is nothing more than a piece of paper. It teaches nothing!!

Any correlation between the curriculum and what a teacher says is usually purely coincidental.


Bodecea tries to make the case that the curriculum is a measure of what is taught in the classroom. We know that not to be true --- a curriculum is nothing more than what SHOULD be taught. Oftentimes, it bears little or no resemble to the actual subject matter.

In fact, I would maintain that a good teacher often allows the students to take the subject where their interest lies - with the understanding that they will be pulled back later.

But, to claim that just checking the curriculum is a measure is just, simply, intellectually dishonest.

Teachers have some level of autonomy (some more than others depending on the school/district), and have students follow their own interests sound good and all...if they were adults. Most of my students couldn't even spell the word "intellectually". It's ok to let them run with ideas when appropriate and when it's beneficial (being an English teacher I have plenty of opportunities for this), but at the end of the day they need to learn what's in the standards first-that's my job.

PS: curriculum isn't what should be taught, rather it's HOW to get there.

Standards=what's being taught.

For example I have many standards and some of them focus on tone. My district could use Novel A to learn that skill and another district could use Novel B. Each district is learning the same thing (how to identify tone/utilize appropriate tone), but how they're getting there is different.

With all due respect, individuals who lack this basic knowledge and understanding severely lack the background knowledge required to comment efficiently on the educational system. Knowing the difference between standards and curriculum is something every teacher in the US knows, it's a basic concept.

This is why people who're anti-common core and say that it promote Islam are just fundamentally wrong.

  1. the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
    synonyms: syllabus, course of study, program of study, subjects, modules
    "the curriculum choices for history students are extensive"
I am surprised, but not overly so, that so-called educational experts don't understand what a curriculum is.

I do note, however, the elitist superiority of your rejection of those who are not educational "experts". Let's keep in mind that it is these so-called "experts" that have created the disaster we have today. Not sure that is who we should turn to for the fixes to the broken system they have promulgated.
You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

The favorite liberal trick ----- move the goalposts.

Not one person said that the CURRICULUM was the problem - they all accurately addressed the teachers as the problem.

But, nice try to cover your ass ....
So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
so awesome...we have a teacher pretending she's never heard of teachers pushing their politics. Proof that when we say most educators are lying commie scum, we're telling the truth.

So you want to pretend something is being taught but you don't look at the curriculum WHICH SHOWS WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT. Please recognize that most of us are smarter than that....smarter than you.
Psst ---- a curriculum is nothing more than a piece of paper. It teaches nothing!!

Any correlation between the curriculum and what a teacher says is usually purely coincidental.


Bodecea tries to make the case that the curriculum is a measure of what is taught in the classroom. We know that not to be true --- a curriculum is nothing more than what SHOULD be taught. Oftentimes, it bears little or no resemble to the actual subject matter.

In fact, I would maintain that a good teacher often allows the students to take the subject where their interest lies - with the understanding that they will be pulled back later.

But, to claim that just checking the curriculum is a measure is just, simply, intellectually dishonest.

Teachers have some level of autonomy (some more than others depending on the school/district), and have students follow their own interests sound good and all...if they were adults. Most of my students couldn't even spell the word "intellectually". It's ok to let them run with ideas when appropriate and when it's beneficial (being an English teacher I have plenty of opportunities for this), but at the end of the day they need to learn what's in the standards first-that's my job.

PS: curriculum isn't what should be taught, rather it's HOW to get there.

Standards=what's being taught.

For example I have many standards and some of them focus on tone. My district could use Novel A to learn that skill and another district could use Novel B. Each district is learning the same thing (how to identify tone/utilize appropriate tone), but how they're getting there is different.

With all due respect, individuals who lack this basic knowledge and understanding severely lack the background knowledge required to comment efficiently on the educational system. Knowing the difference between standards and curriculum is something every teacher in the US knows, it's a basic concept.

This is why people who're anti-common core and say that it promote Islam are just fundamentally wrong.

  1. the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
    synonyms: syllabus, course of study, program of study, subjects, modules
    "the curriculum choices for history students are extensive"
I am surprised, but not overly so, that so-called educational experts don't understand what a curriculum is.

I do note, however, the elitist superiority of your rejection of those who are not educational "experts". Let's keep in mind that it is these so-called "experts" that have created the disaster we have today. Not sure that is who we should turn to for the fixes to the broken system they have promulgated.

Re-read your definition. A curriculum is the content that's utilized, but NOT the skills that are acquired.

"study, program of study, subject, modules" all of those refer to CONTENT not SKILLS.
What's going on in our educational system is, simply, criminal.

Totally agree.

It's like a sausage factory turning out snowflakes., instead of capable citizens

No wonder they are all idiotic zombies.
For conservative and moderate students.
April 3, 2017

Jack Kerwick


“Racism,” “sexism,” “homophobia,” “transphobia,” “ageism,” “ableism,” “classism”—all of the “isms” and “phobias” that the left insists are endemic to Western civilization generally and America specifically have not only infected academia. To judge from the tireless rhetoric of both leftist student activists and their ideological ilk in the professoriate, these secular sins may be even more ensconced in colleges and universities than they are in the larger society.

“Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western civ has got to go!” Nearly 30 years ago, Jesse Jackson led hordes of students at Stanford University with this chant as they succeeded in pressuring the school to jettison required courses in Western civilization. The Western Civilization curriculum, so went the thinking at the time, is ridden with “European and Western male bias,” biases that privilege white men over and against historically “marginalized” groups.


Those who mock the notion of college “safe spaces” are mistaken. Safe spaces are needed.

They are needed, though, for conservative and moderate students who dare to deviate from leftist groupthink.

The Need for Campus ‘Safe Spaces’
‘Call to Action’: Harvard Students Launch Resistance School to Combat President Trump
Katie Reilly
Updated: Apr 07, 2017

For more than 15,000 students across the country, Wednesday marked the first day of Resistance School — a program where the educational focus is mobilizing against President Donald Trump's administration.

"Each one of us has people in our lives who were disturbed by the outcome of the election and saw it as a call to action," said Joe Breen, one of the Resistance School co-founders. He's a third-year student in a joint degree program at Harvard Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School. "We recognized that we had the opportunity to help them develop the skills that they would need to get involved in political action."

Resistance School organizers — a group of Harvard graduate students — said a couple hundred people participated in the first lesson in person at the Ivy League campus in Boston on Wednesday, while about 15,000 people of all ages tuned in via livestream from 50 states and 20 countries. They estimated the total participation was even larger because students were encouraged to host watch parties in groups.


Harvard Students Launch Resistance School to Combat President Trump


Time for parents, donors and legislators to take action.
April 12, 2017

Walter Williams


The average American has little knowledge of the extent to which our institutions of higher learning have been infected with a spreading cancer. One aspect of that cancer is akin to the loyalty oaths of the 1940s and '50s. Professors were often required to sign statements that affirmed their loyalty to the United States government plus swear they were not members of any organizations, including the Communist Party USA, that sought the overthrow of the United States government. Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down loyalty oaths as a condition of employment in 1964.

Today we're seeing the re-emergence of the mentality that gave us loyalty oaths, in the form of mandating that faculty members write "diversity statements," especially as part of hiring and promotion procedures. They are forced to pledge allegiance to the college's diversity agenda. For example, the University of California, San Diego requires that one's "Contributions to Diversity Statement" describe one's "past experience, activities and future plans to advance diversity, equity and inclusion, in alignment with UC San Diego's mission to reflect the diversity of California and to meet the educational needs and interests of its diverse population (Contributions to Diversity)." George Leef, director of research at The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, has written an article titled "Loyalty Oaths Return with Faculty 'Diversity Statements'" (Loyalty Oaths Return with Faculty "Diversity Statements" — The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal). His article documents the growing trend of mandated faculty diversity statements — such as that at Virginia Tech, in which "candidates should include a list of activities that promote or contribute to inclusive teaching, research, outreach, and service."

College diversity agendas are little more than a call for ideological conformity. Diversity only means racial, sex and sexual orientation quotas. In pursuit of this agenda, colleges spend billions of dollars on offices of diversity and inclusion, diversity classes, and diversity indoctrination. The last thing that diversity hustlers want is diversity in ideas. By the way, the next time you hear a college president boasting about how diverse his college is, ask him how many Republican faculty members there are in his journalism, psychology, English and sociology departments. In many cases, there is none, and in others, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans might be 20-to-1. Nearly 100 percent of political campaign contributions from liberal arts faculty go to Democrats. At Cornell University, for example, 97 percent of contributions from faculty went to Democrats. At Georgetown University, it was 96 percent.


You might ask, "Williams, what can be done?" Parents, donors and legislatures need to stop being lazy. Check to see whether a college has diversity mandates for faculty. Check to see whether campus speakers have been disinvited. College administrators have closed minds about their diversity agenda, but there's nothing more effective in opening up closed minds than the sound of pocketbooks snapping shut.

Metastasizing Academic Cancer
This is what your paying for...


It’s what they do.
April 13, 2017

Robert Spencer

Whoever said that fascism would come to America in the guise of anti-fascism got it right. The College Republicans chapter at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri invited me to speak Thursday. Last week, this invitation came to the attention of a young Kirksville resident who called herself Bella Waddle; Waddle tweeted (her tweets are now protected, but I was able to capture plenty of them in time): “Truman’s College Repubs are hosting anti-Muslim extremist Robert Spencer on the 13th. I think y’all know what to do... #bashthefash,” followed by an emoji of a fist. A friend of Waddle, identified on Twitter only as Sarah, got the point immediately, and tweeted in reply: “PUNCH! HIS! FACE!”

Another individual with “BlackLivesMatter” as part of his Twitter bio voiced indignation at the Islamophobic establishment, even though this was a private event, not sponsored by the university: “@TrumanState should be ashamed for hosting a bigoted extremist like @jihadwatchRS. Solidarity to those defying this.” Bella Waddle herself was determined to show defiance, tweeting several days before the event: “We’re organizing to make sure he knows he isn’t welcome here. And apparently he’s heard about it.”


If the Left-fascists at Truman State succeed in beating me up, will it prove them right? No. Will it demonstrate their moral superiority? Quite the contrary. Will it stop me from speaking? Absolutely not. And even if they kill me, others will keep on telling the truths they hate. They can’t kill us all, although I fully expect that in the long run they will try.

Truman State University: Robert Spencer Set to Speak, Left-Fascists Call for Violence
Conservatives just want to teach kids that you rub a magic lamp and the Ginn appears and gives a weak argument on why you should not go to the physical hell he has prepared for you because he loves you unconditionally.

You know, the rational stuff.
Conservatives just want to teach kids that you rub a magic lamp and the Ginn appears and gives a weak argument on why you should not go to the physical hell he has prepared for you because he loves you unconditionally.

You know, the rational stuff.
Wow you described islam perfectly, thanks moron...

Nah it's you bugwit. You just excuse the log in your own eye and reserve judgement of all the rest of humanity to yourself. Pretty much what ISIS does. Go ask your magic genie for more ammo and jerky.

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