Parents who deserve the death penalty....

Are these parents somehow worse than the parents who handed their little boys over to Michael Jackson? Did juries not sanction Jackson's molestation of those little boys?

We are no better than the worst of these parents.
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Oh and for those who insist this is a liberal thing, remember that the morms are very right wing. Come to think of, some of you even voted for a watered down morm last general election.
Are these parents somehow worse than the parents who handed their little boys over to Michael Jackson? Did juries not sanction Jackson's molestation of those little boys?

We are no better than the worst of these parents.

I do not believe for a second that Michael Jackson molested anybody. There were 2 cases brought against him and he won both cases. Hundreds of boys stayed on his ranch. If there was anything to the charges there would have been a lot more than two cases by greedy parents.
The next equals rights push by scum like Nettle will definitely be about Kiddy Fiddlers if this place continues down this disgusting path.
Yup... those muslims the liberals LUUUUUUV so MUCH....




Should I judge you by Christian Religious leaders who molested and raped children?

So this is ok with you?

The majority of "Christian" leaders who molested and raped children were Catholic. I can't speak for other Christians, but in my opinion Catholics are not Christian. Christians don't pray for "intercession" to statues. And yes there are some crazy people that say they're Christian (Westboro?). We have our nuts. But muslims believe in this crap posted and all it is is child molesting backed by their religion. Christians don't back things like might notice that real Christians condemn any so called Christian that aren't acting Christ-like.
The 3 books of Islam demand that Moslems live their lives as did mohammed(piss be upon him), Mohammed is, in islam, the perfect human.
Hence the immense problem in the UK with Islamic paedophile gangs.

Humans wrote both books. You can tell by the cultural references that have nothing to do with religion. Islam does not demand you be a pedophile. Sorry I'm not buying that one.

Islam demands that those who submit must emulate Mohammed!

The Koran and Hadith describe Mohammed's life and his gods law.

To emulate Mohammed, good Muslims,MU Isalaam, one who submits to I'salam.
Must live as Mohammed did!

Violent suppression of the Kuffar( those who do not submit).
Decapitations and beatings, as the prophet committed against the kuffar.

And marrying 6 year old girls.
Having sex with them at age nine.

Read the books, ask the Imams.

Read how Islamic paedophile gangs are rampant in the North of England.

The facts.
Kind of fuck up your rainbows and unicorns don't they?

Every single devout Muslim I know has a wife thats close to their age. You are dead wrong and a little whack for actually believing that.
Only took three posts this time before liberals were blamed.

They weren't blamed for this incident...just for condoning this type behavior. I have seen a liberal argue in favor of reducing the age of consent to FOUR!:cuckoo:

Oh, please! One whacko says something like that and you turn around and attribute it to all liberals? Come on, you know better than that.
My guess would be no then unless there was some obscure law on the books that allowed it in some backwater hick town.

Well, 16 is the age of consent in my state. So, it's possible there have been legal marriages with older men and 16-year-olds.

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