Park Ranger: “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2013
Park Ranger: “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

The White House says it "doesn't matter" to them when the current government shutdown ends, so long as there's some political advantage to be wrung from average people's inconvenience and pain. Just as we saw during the sequestration scare-fest, Team Obama is actively and deliberately trying to inflict as much pain on ordinary people as possible, hoping to stoke public outrage at Republicans over the impasse. They're soliciting sob stories on the White House website -- paid for by taxpayers, by the way -- meaning that "essential" executive staffers who haven't been furloughed are being tasked with culling through personal anecdotes Obama can exploit for political gain. The Washington Times surveys the administration's tactics, eliciting a money quote from a frustrated park ranger:

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help. “It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Park Ranger: ?We?ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can." - Guy Benson
That is funny. I was riding my bicycle in a state park today and approached an incident. An unmarked pickup truck with blacked out windows and those cool red and blue LED lights parked on the side of the road with someone apparently reporting an incident. I stopped my bicycle and the hot little chick wearing military fatigues and a semi-auto that was the size of her femur said, "Can I help you?" to meh. I replied, "NO" and remained there for a few minutes. I was amazed she was trying to intimidate me. I would have eaten her alive. ;)
I was riding a Razor scooter down this AWESOME hill at the local Lake... all of a sudden some little chick FED shows up and tells me I need to put some big boy pants on! And I said, "lady, I've never worn big boy pants a day in my life!"

^fixed your post snoutster
That is funny. I was riding my bicycle in a state park today and approached an incident. An unmarked pickup truck with blacked out windows and those cool red and blue LED lights parked on the side of the road with someone apparently reporting an incident. I stopped my bicycle and the hot little chick wearing military fatigues and a semi-auto that was the size of her femur said, "Can I help you?" to meh. I replied, "NO" and remained there for a few minutes. I was amazed she was trying to intimidate me. I would have eaten her alive. ;)

I think dangerous professions have appeal among beautiful women. Los Angeles female cops were one of the most beautiful women I have ever came across. I would not underestimate a woman with a gun, definitely not a female officer.

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