Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Allowing Willing And Trained Teachers To Be Armed

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.

It used to be that both the bad guys and the "Victims" both didn't have guns. It made a cops life so much simpler. We are having this "Discussion" because of "More Guns".
Just think of the increased discipline of the kids knowing teach is packing a 9mm!
And when some crazy kid takes the 9mm from teach?
-------------------------- as has already been said , ZHIT Happens Brian .
Do you have children?
London does not have a gun culture.

Yet the London homicide rate exceeds gun filled NYC.

Gun filled NYC?

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.

It used to be that both the bad guys and the "Victims" both didn't have guns. It made a cops life so much simpler. We are having this "Discussion" because of "More Guns".

No, we are having this discussion because gun free zones attract mass shooters....they tell us they guys won't listen to what they tell us....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Just think of the increased discipline of the kids knowing teach is packing a 9mm!
And when some crazy kid takes the 9mm from teach?
-------------------------- as has already been said , ZHIT Happens Brian .
Do you have children?
London does not have a gun culture.

Yet the London homicide rate exceeds gun filled NYC.

Gun filled NYC?

What badweather doesn't know is that for Large Metro Cities, NYC has the lowest Violent Gun Crime rate in the World. NYC has worked hard as a community to get a handle on it in the last 10 years. And businesses are noticing. Businesses like Amazon picking a NYC Burrough for their new major Distribution Center where they are going to hire 40,000 local workers and pay an average of over 40K per worker. If you bring back the jobs, the crime rate goes down. NYC is a prime example of that.
Logic rules the day. Fact is it would have saved a lot of lives had Aaron Feis been armed.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The panel investigating the Florida high school massacre recommended Wednesday that teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission voted 13-1 to recommend the Legislature allow the arming of teachers, saying it’s not enough to have one or two police officers or armed guards on campus. Florida law adopted after the Feb. 14 shooting that left 17 dead allows districts to arm non-teaching staff members such as principals, librarians and custodians — 13 of the 67 districts do, mostly in rural parts of the state.

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, the commission’s chairman, pushed the measure at the Tallahassee meeting. He said most deaths in school shootings happen within the first few minutes, before officers on and off campus can respond. He said suspect Nikolas Cruz stopped to reload his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle five times, all of which would have been opportunities for an armed teacher to shoot him.

Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Arming Teachers | HuffPost
We were posting that idea/solution right after the massacre took place. It took these people months to figure it out ? :confused:
Of course you were, it’s a really bad idea.
You are a bad idea.
And when some crazy kid takes the 9mm from teach?
-------------------------- as has already been said , ZHIT Happens Brian .
Do you have children?
London does not have a gun culture.

Yet the London homicide rate exceeds gun filled NYC.

Gun filled NYC?

What badweather doesn't know is that for Large Metro Cities, NYC has the lowest Violent Gun Crime rate in the World. NYC has worked hard as a community to get a handle on it in the last 10 years. And businesses are noticing. Businesses like Amazon picking a NYC Burrough for their new major Distribution Center where they are going to hire 40,000 local workers and pay an average of over 40K per worker. If you bring back the jobs, the crime rate goes down. NYC is a prime example of that.

No....they had Guilliani and his police chief locking up criminals....they are still using his tactics today...see, the thing is..when you focus on law abiding gun owners, the gun crime rate doesn't go down...when you actually arrest, and lock up violent gun criminals...the crime rate goes down.

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.

It used to be that both the bad guys and the "Victims" both didn't have guns. It made a cops life so much simpler. We are having this "Discussion" because of "More Guns".

No, we are having this discussion because gun free zones attract mass shooters....they tell us they guys won't listen to what they tell us....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Horsefeathers. The number of people on any given day that carries on the street legally is about 3 million. There are 17.5 permits given out but only 3 million per day actually carry on a given day. Your Luck math skills show.
It’s the same as societies that don’t have school shootings regularly. Our kids just have easy access to guns. Another today.

There are more guns per capita in Switzerland than here and they don't have school shootings. In fact, they have less crime all the way around in every category.

As I said, it's not a gun problem; it's cultural.
Switzerland has strict gun laws on training, registration and access to ammo

Wrong....all the way around, training and registration does not stop a mass shooter or a mass school shooter, and the ammo regulations only pertain to military ammunition....civilian ammo isn't controlled.
Can’t have it both ways

You can’t brag about lack of killings in Switzerland and then dismiss their gun regulations

Yes...I can....if someone has a gun in their home, regulations won't stop them from taking that gun to a school, a mall, a church or a night club...... they have the gun in their home.........
Neither will regulations on murder
-------------------------- as has already been said , ZHIT Happens Brian .
Do you have children?
London does not have a gun culture.

Yet the London homicide rate exceeds gun filled NYC.

Gun filled NYC?

What badweather doesn't know is that for Large Metro Cities, NYC has the lowest Violent Gun Crime rate in the World. NYC has worked hard as a community to get a handle on it in the last 10 years. And businesses are noticing. Businesses like Amazon picking a NYC Burrough for their new major Distribution Center where they are going to hire 40,000 local workers and pay an average of over 40K per worker. If you bring back the jobs, the crime rate goes down. NYC is a prime example of that.

No....they had Guilliani and his police chief locking up criminals....they are still using his tactics today...see, the thing is..when you focus on law abiding gun owners, the gun crime rate doesn't go down...when you actually arrest, and lock up violent gun criminals...the crime rate goes down.

It wasn't just Guilliani. It was also the Police, the Community Action Groups and more. It was also the Business community. And the only real thing that Guilliani has claim to fame was Stop and Search and they don't do that anymore. Yet, without Stop and Search, the crime rate went down along with the Gun Crimes.

While you are continually praising Guilliani, his stop and frisk actually increased crime. Here is the real reason it has gone down.
Crime in New York City Plunges to a Level Not Seen Since the 1950s
Mr. de Blasio and the police commissioner, James P. O’Neill, credit recent drops in crime to the Police Department’s emphasis on going after the relatively small groups of people — mostly gangs and repeat offenders — believed to be responsible for most crime, while also building relationships in communities where trust has been strained.

Mr. Bratton applauded political support for the police from the mayor, who provided funding for investments in officer hiring, training, equipment and overdose-reversal drugs.

One of the results is that police officers are using deadly force less often. As of Dec. 20, police officers intentionally fired their service guns in 23 encounters, a record low, down from 37 in 2016. The Police Department said officers were relying more on stun guns, which were used 491 times through November, compared with 474 times during the same period in 2016. More than 15,000 officers have been trained how to use them.

But criminologists differ about the cause of the continued declines. Mr. Zimring said that while better policing accounted for much of the decline in crime since 1990, it was no longer a primary driver. New York is “tiptoeing” toward a 90 percent crime decline for reasons that remain “utterly mysterious,” he said.

So how about educating yourself a bit and stop making shit up.
There was a licensed, trained and armed officer on campus

It did not help
More! They need MORE!

Or one or two that were not cowards

That is the way it works

If you are not dead charging an AR 15 you must be a coward

Will armed teachers be cowards?
-------------------------------------------- for example , the Broward County ' deputy' was a coward dreaming dreams of Retirement RWinger . --------------- just a comment !!
There was a licensed, trained and armed officer on campus

It did not help
More! They need MORE!

Or one or two that were not cowards

That is the way it works

If you are not dead charging an AR 15 you must be a coward

Will armed teachers be cowards?
-------------------------------------------- for example , the Broward County ' deputy' was a coward dreaming dreams of Retirement RWinger . --------------- just a comment !!
He was undermanned and under armed to confront an active shooter with an AR 15
-------------------------- as has already been said , ZHIT Happens Brian .
Do you have children?
London does not have a gun culture.

Yet the London homicide rate exceeds gun filled NYC.

Gun filled NYC?

What badweather doesn't know is that for Large Metro Cities, NYC has the lowest Violent Gun Crime rate in the World. NYC has worked hard as a community to get a handle on it in the last 10 years. And businesses are noticing. Businesses like Amazon picking a NYC Burrough for their new major Distribution Center where they are going to hire 40,000 local workers and pay an average of over 40K per worker. If you bring back the jobs, the crime rate goes down. NYC is a prime example of that.

No....they had Guilliani and his police chief locking up criminals....they are still using his tactics today...see, the thing is..when you focus on law abiding gun owners, the gun crime rate doesn't go down...when you actually arrest, and lock up violent gun criminals...the crime rate goes down.
Exactly. Broken window theory works. Prosecute petty crime criminals you catch to the fullest because they’re also the ones committing the felons.

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