Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Allowing Willing And Trained Teachers To Be Armed

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.
It’s the same as societies that don’t have school shootings regularly. Our kids just have easy access to guns. Another today.

There are more guns per capita in Switzerland than here and they don't have school shootings. In fact, they have less crime all the way around in every category.

As I said, it's not a gun problem; it's cultural.
We have the most guns per capita by far in the world. The Swiss have much stronger gun laws than we do. Shall we take up their laws?

Wrong..... they allow their citizens to keep fully automatic military weapons in their homes..... access to guns...they have it...they just haven't destroyed their young males yet.

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.
It’s the same as societies that don’t have school shootings regularly. Our kids just have easy access to guns. Another today.

There are more guns per capita in Switzerland than here and they don't have school shootings. In fact, they have less crime all the way around in every category.

As I said, it's not a gun problem; it's cultural.
Switzerland has strict gun laws on training, registration and access to ammo

Wrong....all the way around, training and registration does not stop a mass shooter or a mass school shooter, and the ammo regulations only pertain to military ammunition....civilian ammo isn't controlled.

Here...the truth..

The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works |

The authorities made one concession, though: since 2008, all military — but not private — ammunition must be stored in central arsenals rather than in soldiers’ homes. The debate culminated in a nationwide referendum last year, when 56% of voters rejected the proposal initiated by anti-gun organizations to ban army rifles from homes altogether.


One of the reasons the crime rate in Switzerland is low despite the prevalence of weapons — and also why the Swiss mentality can’t be transposed to the current American reality — is the culture of responsibility and safety that is anchored in society and passed from generation to generation.

Kids as young as 12 belong to gun groups in their local communities, where they learn sharpshooting.

The Swiss Shooting Sports Association runs about 3,000 clubs and has 150,000 members, including a youth section.

Many members keep their guns and ammunition at home, while others choose to leave them at the club. And yet, despite such easy access to pistols and rifles, “no members have ever used their guns for criminal purposes,” says Max Flueckiger, the association’s spokesperson.


The Swiss have remained one of the best armed countries in the world since then. Many claim they escaped most of the ravages of WWII because of their citizen army.

Switzerland is said not to “have an army” but “be an army.” Because of their universal training and weaponry, Switzerland has the largest potential army in Europe: 1.5 million men capable of bearing arms, who have the arms and ammunition and training.

After the current spate of terrorist attacks in Europe, the Swiss are buying even more guns.From

GENEVA — Business at Daniel Wyss’ gun shop has been brisk lately in the village of Burgdorf near Switzerland’s capital of Bern.

He said the increased demand for firearms is triggered by a growing fear among the Swiss public that terrorists could attack their tranquil land at any time.

As nations around Europe tighten their gun laws after a series of terror attacks in several countries since 2015, the Swiss are bucking this trend by turning to firearms for protection.

Official statistics show that gun sales in some parts of Switzerland soared nearly 50% after last year’s attacks in Paris and the March bombings in Brussels. And gun sales continue to grow since the killings in France and Germany in the past two weeks.

In Wyss’ shop, “the demand for pistols, revolvers and pump-action guns rose by 30% to 50% after this month’s attacks in Nice and Munich,” he told USA TODAY.
Armed Security Guard did not take on an AR-15

Why should a teacher?

He was a cop...and a coward....there was no reason not to engage the shooter, the AR-15 has no advantage in a tight space...also, as we know from actual mass shootings, as soon as the attacker, especially a teenager, is confronted by an armed citizen..they surrender, commit suicide or run away....armed teachers or staff would make this decision happen faster ,saving lives.
Liberal logic: teachers shouldn’t have a way to stop a shooter from killing kids because someone might accidentally be shot.
No, we should stop making it so easy for angry kids to get guns.
More liberal logic: all we have to do is make it harder for angry kids to get guns. Until then.......
Works well in every other country.

No...had the terrorist in France gone to a grade school and targeted kindergarteners, his murder rate would have been worse.....and Britain has had one mass shooting every 10 years, in the last few years they almost had 4, and the only reason they were stopped before they happened was dumb luck...not gun control.
Liberal logic: teachers shouldn’t have a way to stop a shooter from killing kids because someone might accidentally be shot.
No, we should stop making it so easy for angry kids to get guns.
More liberal logic: all we have to do is make it harder for angry kids to get guns. Until then.......
Works well in every other country.
Countries much smaller than ours?
When was the last school shooting in China? UK? Japan? Germany?

Moron....they have guns in Germany, UK and the only reason they don't walk into schools is they choose not to....gun control isn't stopping them. China prefers to mass murder their own citizens using the government...they murdered 70 million unarmed people...we can't keep up with that no matter how many mass shootings we have....since at most we have less than 1,000 dead from mass shootings since 1982......

You simply prefer government mass murder... might have a point if there weren't so many states already allowing teachers to carry guns...

Here's what Pa. can do to stop the next school shooting | Opinion

Do we need the shooters to spell it out for us? Some have, including shooters at a Charleston church and at a Colorado movie theater.

In diaries and other statements, they have explicitly stated their intentions to avoid places where people have guns. In 2016, a young Islamic State sympathizer planned a shooting at one of the largest churches in Detroit. The FBI recorded a telephone call where he explained why he had picked the church: "It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church."

We don't have to guess about the logistics of letting teachers carry. In 18 states, teachers and staff are already carrying concealed handguns, though the rules vary greatly.

Utah, with some of the least restrictive rules, has allowed teachers and staff to carry since 1997. There has never been a mass public shooting at an American school that allows concealed carry.

Clark Aposhian, the senior member of Utah's Concealed Firearm Review Board, estimates roughly 5 percent of teachers in his state carry permitted concealed handguns at school.

Aposhian estimates a rate of between 10 percent and 12 percent among support staff . These support staff include janitors, librarians, secretaries, and lunch staff.

Carrying in a school is no different than in a grocery store, movie theater, or restaurant. Over 1.3 million Pennsylvanians have a concealed handgun permit, and nobody knows who is carrying until a need arises. With almost 14 percent of adults having permits, public places are rarely defenseless. Except for schools.

Permit holders have recently stopped dozens of would-be mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and towns. Still, some people fear the worst. They fear that permit holders won't respond well, and perhaps accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. But that's never happened. Nor has a police officer ever accidentally shot a permit holder.
More liberal logic: all we have to do is make it harder for angry kids to get guns. Until then.......
Works well in every other country.
Countries much smaller than ours?
When was the last school shooting in China? UK? Japan? Germany?
Countries with a different culture and much smaller?
Yes they don’t have our gun culture.

No, they prefer that the government murder unarmed people 70 million at a China....
More liberal logic: all we have to do is make it harder for angry kids to get guns. Until then.......
Works well in every other country.
Countries much smaller than ours?
When was the last school shooting in China? UK? Japan? Germany?

Wasn't exactly a school shooting, but it was a shooting that involved a whole bunch of kids who were at summer camp, and this was in Norway.

At Least 80 Dead in Norway Shooting

OSLO — A lone political extremist bombed the government center here on Friday, killing 7 people, the police said, before heading to an island summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party and killing at least 80 people.

The police arrested a 32-year-old Norwegian man in connection with both attacks, the deadliest on Norwegian soil since World War II.

The explosions in Oslo, from one or more bombs, turned the tidy Scandinavian capital into a scene reminiscent of terrorist attacks in Baghdad or Oklahoma City, panicking people and blowing out windows of several government buildings, including one housing the office of the Norwegian prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, who was unharmed.

The state television broadcaster, citing the police, said seven people had been killed and at least 15 wounded in the explosions, which they said appeared to be an act of domestic terrorism.
How long ago was that? How many before and after that? What is rare in other countries happens regularly here. And yes, that wasn’t a school shooting.

What keeps the muslims in France with their illegal guns from walking into French schools? The recent shooter had 29 convictions in 3 counries, he was on the French government terrorist watch list and semi auto hand guns and grenades are illegal there.....

Meanwhile, the fully automatic AK-47 is the weapon of choice of French criminals...

You have nothing....

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.

You have no problem with arming teachers because you don’t understand that kids are generally safe in school ( never been a safer time to be a kid in America ) and that introducing guns into a given space will increase the likelihood that people will be shot.

If you think about it more, you’ll probably change your position.

Sorry,......18 states already allow this .... not a problem...

Here's what Pa. can do to stop the next school shooting | Opinion

Do we need the shooters to spell it out for us? Some have, including shooters at a Charleston church and at a Colorado movie theater.

In diaries and other statements, they have explicitly stated their intentions to avoid places where people have guns. In 2016, a young Islamic State sympathizer planned a shooting at one of the largest churches in Detroit. The FBI recorded a telephone call where he explained why he had picked the church: "It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church."

We don't have to guess about the logistics of letting teachers carry. In 18 states, teachers and staff are already carrying concealed handguns, though the rules vary greatly.

Utah, with some of the least restrictive rules, has allowed teachers and staff to carry since 1997. There has never been a mass public shooting at an American school that allows concealed carry.

Clark Aposhian, the senior member of Utah's Concealed Firearm Review Board, estimates roughly 5 percent of teachers in his state carry permitted concealed handguns at school.

Aposhian estimates a rate of between 10 percent and 12 percent among support staff . These support staff include janitors, librarians, secretaries, and lunch staff.

Carrying in a school is no different than in a grocery store, movie theater, or restaurant. Over 1.3 million Pennsylvanians have a concealed handgun permit, and nobody knows who is carrying until a need arises. With almost 14 percent of adults having permits, public places are rarely defenseless. Except for schools.

Permit holders have recently stopped dozens of would-be mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and towns. Still, some people fear the worst. They fear that permit holders won't respond well, and perhaps accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. But that's never happened. Nor has a police officer ever accidentally shot a permit holder.
Just think of the increased discipline of the kids knowing teach is packing a 9mm!
And when some crazy kid takes the 9mm from teach?
-------------------------- as has already been said , ZHIT Happens Brian .
Do you have children?
London does not have a gun culture.

Yet the London homicide rate exceeds gun filled NYC.
Yes, NYC has strong gun control. London has lower homicides than most every big city we have. switched from gun control to murder....the two are not related....gun crime in London is up 42% from 2016, up 16% last year......NYC....right near Vermont, where guns are easy to get....criminals in NYC don't murder each other as often as Chicago criminals do... Culture, not guns, you doofus.

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.
It’s the same as societies that don’t have school shootings regularly. Our kids just have easy access to guns. Another today.

There are more guns per capita in Switzerland than here and they don't have school shootings. In fact, they have less crime all the way around in every category.

As I said, it's not a gun problem; it's cultural.
Switzerland has strict gun laws on training, registration and access to ammo

Wrong....all the way around, training and registration does not stop a mass shooter or a mass school shooter, and the ammo regulations only pertain to military ammunition....civilian ammo isn't controlled.
Can’t have it both ways

You can’t brag about lack of killings in Switzerland and then dismiss their gun regulations
Countries much smaller than ours?
When was the last school shooting in China? UK? Japan? Germany?
------------------------------------- they have Mass Knifings in 'china' Brian . --- Knifeman kills nine students in China --- check it out Brian .
How many killed each year?
------------------------don't know and don't care . How many mass shootings and how many dead in mass shootings are there in the USA are there in the USA each year Brian .
They happen all the time.... our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control.

No...murder rates in most of those countries have always been lower than here long before they banned guns...showing that it wasn't the guns causing the murders....

Guns in the hands of law abiding people don't create crime or murder...we know because 25 years of actual experience told us so....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.
It’s the same as societies that don’t have school shootings regularly. Our kids just have easy access to guns. Another today.

There are more guns per capita in Switzerland than here and they don't have school shootings. In fact, they have less crime all the way around in every category.

As I said, it's not a gun problem; it's cultural.
Switzerland has strict gun laws on training, registration and access to ammo

Wrong....all the way around, training and registration does not stop a mass shooter or a mass school shooter, and the ammo regulations only pertain to military ammunition....civilian ammo isn't controlled.
Can’t have it both ways

You can’t brag about lack of killings in Switzerland and then dismiss their gun regulations

Yes...I can....if someone has a gun in their home, regulations won't stop them from taking that gun to a school, a mall, a church or a night club...... they have the gun in their home.........
Logic rules the day. Fact is it would have saved a lot of lives had Aaron Feis been armed.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The panel investigating the Florida high school massacre recommended Wednesday that teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission voted 13-1 to recommend the Legislature allow the arming of teachers, saying it’s not enough to have one or two police officers or armed guards on campus. Florida law adopted after the Feb. 14 shooting that left 17 dead allows districts to arm non-teaching staff members such as principals, librarians and custodians — 13 of the 67 districts do, mostly in rural parts of the state.

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, the commission’s chairman, pushed the measure at the Tallahassee meeting. He said most deaths in school shootings happen within the first few minutes, before officers on and off campus can respond. He said suspect Nikolas Cruz stopped to reload his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle five times, all of which would have been opportunities for an armed teacher to shoot him.

Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Arming Teachers | HuffPost

It's ignorance, not 'logic.'

The panel is as ignorant of handguns as most conservatives – ignorant of the fact that whatever training provided won’t be sufficient, ignorant of the fact that armed teachers pose a greater threat than any shooter, and ignorant of the fact that to be accurate and proficient with a semi-automatic pistol takes years of training, experience, and practice – none of which armed teachers will have.
Logic rules the day. Fact is it would have saved a lot of lives had Aaron Feis been armed.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The panel investigating the Florida high school massacre recommended Wednesday that teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission voted 13-1 to recommend the Legislature allow the arming of teachers, saying it’s not enough to have one or two police officers or armed guards on campus. Florida law adopted after the Feb. 14 shooting that left 17 dead allows districts to arm non-teaching staff members such as principals, librarians and custodians — 13 of the 67 districts do, mostly in rural parts of the state.

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, the commission’s chairman, pushed the measure at the Tallahassee meeting. He said most deaths in school shootings happen within the first few minutes, before officers on and off campus can respond. He said suspect Nikolas Cruz stopped to reload his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle five times, all of which would have been opportunities for an armed teacher to shoot him.

Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Arming Teachers | HuffPost

It's ignorance, not 'logic.'

The panel is as ignorant of handguns as most conservatives – ignorant of the fact that whatever training provided won’t be sufficient, ignorant of the fact that armed teachers pose a greater threat than any shooter, and ignorant of the fact that to be accurate and proficient with a semi-automatic pistol takes years of training, experience, and practice – none of which armed teachers will have.

You guys act like we have no examples...and no experience...actual examples and experience in mass shootings show that you don't know what you are talking about...

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Logic rules the day. Fact is it would have saved a lot of lives had Aaron Feis been armed.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The panel investigating the Florida high school massacre recommended Wednesday that teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission voted 13-1 to recommend the Legislature allow the arming of teachers, saying it’s not enough to have one or two police officers or armed guards on campus. Florida law adopted after the Feb. 14 shooting that left 17 dead allows districts to arm non-teaching staff members such as principals, librarians and custodians — 13 of the 67 districts do, mostly in rural parts of the state.

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, the commission’s chairman, pushed the measure at the Tallahassee meeting. He said most deaths in school shootings happen within the first few minutes, before officers on and off campus can respond. He said suspect Nikolas Cruz stopped to reload his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle five times, all of which would have been opportunities for an armed teacher to shoot him.

Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Arming Teachers | HuffPost

It's ignorance, not 'logic.'

The panel is as ignorant of handguns as most conservatives – ignorant of the fact that whatever training provided won’t be sufficient, ignorant of the fact that armed teachers pose a greater threat than any shooter, and ignorant of the fact that to be accurate and proficient with a semi-automatic pistol takes years of training, experience, and practice – none of which armed teachers will have.

The 18 states that already have armed teachers show you don't know what you are talking about....

Here's what Pa. can do to stop the next school shooting | Opinion

Do we need the shooters to spell it out for us? Some have, including shooters at a Charleston church and at a Colorado movie theater.

In diaries and other statements, they have explicitly stated their intentions to avoid places where people have guns. In 2016, a young Islamic State sympathizer planned a shooting at one of the largest churches in Detroit. The FBI recorded a telephone call where he explained why he had picked the church: "It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church."

We don't have to guess about the logistics of letting teachers carry. In 18 states, teachers and staff are already carrying concealed handguns, though the rules vary greatly.

Utah, with some of the least restrictive rules, has allowed teachers and staff to carry since 1997. There has never been a mass public shooting at an American school that allows concealed carry.

Clark Aposhian, the senior member of Utah's Concealed Firearm Review Board, estimates roughly 5 percent of teachers in his state carry permitted concealed handguns at school.

Aposhian estimates a rate of between 10 percent and 12 percent among support staff . These support staff include janitors, librarians, secretaries, and lunch staff.

Carrying in a school is no different than in a grocery store, movie theater, or restaurant. Over 1.3 million Pennsylvanians have a concealed handgun permit, and nobody knows who is carrying until a need arises. With almost 14 percent of adults having permits, public places are rarely defenseless. Except for schools.

Permit holders have recently stopped dozens of would-be mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and towns. Still, some people fear the worst. They fear that permit holders won't respond well, and perhaps accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. But that's never happened. Nor has a police officer ever accidentally shot a permit holder.
Logic rules the day. Fact is it would have saved a lot of lives had Aaron Feis been armed.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The panel investigating the Florida high school massacre recommended Wednesday that teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission voted 13-1 to recommend the Legislature allow the arming of teachers, saying it’s not enough to have one or two police officers or armed guards on campus. Florida law adopted after the Feb. 14 shooting that left 17 dead allows districts to arm non-teaching staff members such as principals, librarians and custodians — 13 of the 67 districts do, mostly in rural parts of the state.

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, the commission’s chairman, pushed the measure at the Tallahassee meeting. He said most deaths in school shootings happen within the first few minutes, before officers on and off campus can respond. He said suspect Nikolas Cruz stopped to reload his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle five times, all of which would have been opportunities for an armed teacher to shoot him.

Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Arming Teachers | HuffPost

It's ignorance, not 'logic.'

The panel is as ignorant of handguns as most conservatives – ignorant of the fact that whatever training provided won’t be sufficient, ignorant of the fact that armed teachers pose a greater threat than any shooter, and ignorant of the fact that to be accurate and proficient with a semi-automatic pistol takes years of training, experience, and practice – none of which armed teachers will have.

You don't know what you are talking make this up and use if on the uninformed....

Actual mass shootings have 3 outcomes..the shooter commits suicide, surrenders or runs away, and they do one of those 3 things as soon as they encounter anyone with a gun.....the Sandy Hook shooter stopped shooting and committed suicide as soon as he heard the police sirens approaching...the Colorado Shooter surrendered to the first police officer to point him out....

You don't understand mass shootings or shooters, which is why you don't know what you are talking about.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year...stopping violent rapes, robberies and murder....and mass shootings......most of these people have little to no training....guns are not hard to that number shows...

You don't know the issue, you don't know what you are talking about....we have actual real world experience that shows you are wrong.

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