Parkland, Florida School Massacre Panel Recommends Allowing Willing And Trained Teachers To Be Armed

you 'libs' probably would not let the retiring coward have the required equipment . Coward makes over 8500 hundred dollars a month and that doesn't include the perks RWinger .
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We have shooters that aren’t even adults. How did the promos program help them?
It kept their criminal history hidden, thereby allowing Nicolas Cruz to buy the guns he did.

You're only finding this out now ?

See what I mean about liberal OMISSION media, and information-deprived liberals ?
So police, National Guard, security guards, and US military shouldn't have guns, because they might accidently shoot somebody ?

Liberal logic: teachers shouldn’t have a way to stop a shooter from killing kids because someone might accidentally be shot.
No, we should stop making it so easy for angry kids to get guns.
More liberal logic: all we have to do is make it harder for angry kids to get guns. Until then.......
Works well in every other country.
Countries much smaller than ours?
When was the last school shooting in China? UK? Japan? Germany?
When was the last school shooting in real rural America, um... never.
So Shut the fuck up
There was a licensed, trained and armed officer on campus

It did not help
More! They need MORE!

Or one or two that were not cowards

That is the way it works

If you are not dead charging an AR 15 you must be a coward

Will armed teachers be cowards?
-------------------------------------------- for example , the Broward County ' deputy' was a coward dreaming dreams of Retirement RWinger . --------------- just a comment !!
He was undermanned and under armed to confront an active shooter with an AR 15
AR15s are just sporting rifles, In close quarters they have no advantage so shut the fuck up you dumb ass moron.
You Watch far too much Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types you fucking demented fool

Those are incredibly rare.

I have no problem with the policy, but I think it's sad that American society has decayed to the point that it is even being debated.

It used to be that both the bad guys and the "Victims" both didn't have guns. It made a cops life so much simpler. We are having this "Discussion" because of "More Guns".

No, we are having this discussion because gun free zones attract mass shooters....they tell us they guys won't listen to what they tell us....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Horsefeathers. The number of people on any given day that carries on the street legally is about 3 million. There are 17.5 permits given out but only 3 million per day actually carry on a given day. Your Luck math skills show.

You just make up numbers and spew them out....
Do you have children?
London does not have a gun culture.

Yet the London homicide rate exceeds gun filled NYC.

Gun filled NYC?

What badweather doesn't know is that for Large Metro Cities, NYC has the lowest Violent Gun Crime rate in the World. NYC has worked hard as a community to get a handle on it in the last 10 years. And businesses are noticing. Businesses like Amazon picking a NYC Burrough for their new major Distribution Center where they are going to hire 40,000 local workers and pay an average of over 40K per worker. If you bring back the jobs, the crime rate goes down. NYC is a prime example of that.

No....they had Guilliani and his police chief locking up criminals....they are still using his tactics today...see, the thing is..when you focus on law abiding gun owners, the gun crime rate doesn't go down...when you actually arrest, and lock up violent gun criminals...the crime rate goes down.

It wasn't just Guilliani. It was also the Police, the Community Action Groups and more. It was also the Business community. And the only real thing that Guilliani has claim to fame was Stop and Search and they don't do that anymore. Yet, without Stop and Search, the crime rate went down along with the Gun Crimes.

While you are continually praising Guilliani, his stop and frisk actually increased crime. Here is the real reason it has gone down.
Crime in New York City Plunges to a Level Not Seen Since the 1950s
Mr. de Blasio and the police commissioner, James P. O’Neill, credit recent drops in crime to the Police Department’s emphasis on going after the relatively small groups of people — mostly gangs and repeat offenders — believed to be responsible for most crime, while also building relationships in communities where trust has been strained.

Mr. Bratton applauded political support for the police from the mayor, who provided funding for investments in officer hiring, training, equipment and overdose-reversal drugs.

One of the results is that police officers are using deadly force less often. As of Dec. 20, police officers intentionally fired their service guns in 23 encounters, a record low, down from 37 in 2016. The Police Department said officers were relying more on stun guns, which were used 491 times through November, compared with 474 times during the same period in 2016. More than 15,000 officers have been trained how to use them.

But criminologists differ about the cause of the continued declines. Mr. Zimring said that while better policing accounted for much of the decline in crime since 1990, it was no longer a primary driver. New York is “tiptoeing” toward a 90 percent crime decline for reasons that remain “utterly mysterious,” he said.

So how about educating yourself a bit and stop making shit up.

You really are a moron.....New York was a cess pool and then Rudy Guilliani and his police commissioner came in with their new methods, actually arrested criminals, and cleaned up the city....those methods are still being used today.....
Seems like in the last few mass shootings, armed police officers were shot and killed.

So tell me again, if you arm more people, fewer people will die?

Or is it, more armed police and fewer people will die?

To me, it's seems obvious that if there were fewer guns, fewer people would be shot.

But Republican logic says that's not true. Course, their idea of "safe" is arm everyone in a crowded and dark theater. Now that's safety.
remember , we have a nation of 310 million according to the 2010 census and very few people are shot yearly . I think that more people die and are injured in car accidents on a yearly basis DeanRD .
...or at least pay for it.
There is no way they can AVOID paying for it. Trump recently tweeted >> "This has never changed. Our new deal with Mexico (and Canada), the USMCA, is so much better than the old, very costly & anti-USA NAFTA deal, that just by the money we save, MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!"

Clueless liberals are reporting this as >>
bold new interpretation of Mexico paying for the border wall

No, nothing "new" here at all. LOL Those of us on the conservative side, have known all along that Trump always knew Mexico would not hand over cash for the wall, but the money would be deducted from things Mexico ordinarily gets (remittances, trade $$, etc)

Liberals still haven't gotten focused on skilled, Trumponomics SOP.
It's such a no- brainer.....duh.

Any teacher who doesnt embrace it should be dismissed due to sheer st00pidity! Who wants st00pid teachers in our schools?

The State of Colorado passed a bill that allowed Teachers to be armed. The Teachers Association turned down the offer. A compromise was reached whereas trained, armed security would be used instead along with secure gates, lockdown corridors and a few other things and training in the event of an armed intruder. The Teachers job became isolating the students to a place where the shooter did not have any access to. So the Shooter just took out all the armed Security types. Now he is wandering around in what is essentially an empty building. He's there to kill students but no students to be had. He is also there to commit suicide so he just as well get it over with. While he is working on that delimia, here comes the cops armed at least as well as he is and in large numbers. He is about to fulfill half of his wishes, his suicide.

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