Parkland Kids Need To Get More Informed

It is obvious that those dumbshits didn't learn a damn thing about the Constitution, the Revolution or the Bill of Rights while in school. Another example of the failure of education in the US.
100% incorrect. This is THEIR movement and won’t take a single penny if the money comes with a condition.
These kids are so much smarter than you and your entire party put together..
And you also want us to buy a bridge in Brooklyn, too right ? :icon_rolleyes: You're looking silly. This is too obvious, for BSing. :laugh:
Just like the pussy hat marches, this temper tantrum will soon be over and all the participants will have done is make fools of themselves by exposing how little they know about weapons, current gun laws or even the Constitution of the United states. Sad.
Correct you are. And also the nutjob programs
Obama saddled the schools with (PROMISE and jail-to-school)

You couldn't keep the firearms out of the school by enacting legislation and putting up signs what makes you think you can keep them out of the country by enacting legislation and putting up signs?



Problem is that Reasonable and others on the wrong side of this, aren't thinking at all. They're BS'ing.
They're just being used. They're Useful Idiots. But not all Parkland students march in lock-step with Communists/Democrats. Those who've attempted to voice a different viewpoint have been shouted down by the 'tolerant' Communists. But not all kids at Parkland are Useful Idiots. They just don't get the access to the corrupt American MSM.

Always remember, the Communist/Democrat Agenda is to ban and confiscate firearms. That's the ultimate goal. Folks who defend our Constitution will have to stay vigilant and continue to fight the Agenda. The Communists aren't going away.

Issues generally have two sides to be voiced.

It's notable that the victims parents are not at the forefront of this campaign and/or that no dissenting opinion is allowed by the media covering this farce.



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