Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies

Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Bull shit.

Cutting employee's hours in order to get around paying benefits has been around for a long time. And, if you're interested in FACTS, look to the implementation of EMTALA by your hero, Ronnie Ray-Gun.

EMTALA has been so expensive to hospitals, many have had to close their burn and trauma units. The ancillary staff was the first to get cut. Then came the professional staff, such as RNs.

It is now common for RNs to be hired part time and be "floated" from floor to floor or unit to unit. At the time Reagan first demanded that the poor and illegal got first class care, the running joke was that nursing was like washing dishes at someone elses house. You know how to get the clean but you can't put them away.

I'm not saying it started with Reagan. It actually started with the passage of a law that said businesses had to pay benefits AND over time to full time employees. So see? You can whine about unions some more.

THINK. Just once, USE your BRAIN instead of cranking out more hate and ignorance. Its okay if you want to bitch because you'll have to take responsibility for your own care but PLEASE stop lying about it.
Everyone admits the 3,000 page law is completely f'ked up but liberals say it will be "tweaked". God help us when the tweaking starts.
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Bullshit. If employers weren't so selfish and actually cared about the employees, they dip into their pockets and pay for the insurance their employees need. Small business may have trouble with this, and that I understand, but a million dollar franchise? Greed, is all that is.

Take note you Marxist blood sucker, companies are in business to make a profit. They are not in business to provide for you, thank you and drive thru....
No bow is necessary. Just at least admit that there are some benefits to Obamacare and recognize the fact that once it gets rolling it will become a HUGELY popular program.

And guess what? The GOP will come of looking like morons again like they do when they try to do away with Social Security and Medicare.

oh yeah, all those wonderful BENEFITS will come off the BACKS of others IN THIS COUNTRY
but people like you don't care it seems as none of those horrible things you mentioned like, bankruptcy doesn't come off your back for not being to HANDLE you own finances..

Guess what? It's already coming off of our backs.

People who can't or won't pay their medical expenses are passing their costs off to us as we speak. Now they'll have to pay up a bit and become more responsible for their own expenses. Right?

That's why rw's don't want ObamaCare. They'll have to pay their own way instead of getting their care free under our current SOCIALIST system.

If they have to pay for their own care, they won't be able to sit here, typing lies all day.
Everyone admits the 3,000 page law is completely f'ked up but liberals say it will be "tweaked". God help us when the tweaking starts.

Do you know what happened when medicare, medicaid and/or the disastrous HMO's went into effect?

No, of course you don't.
Everyone admits the 3,000 page law is completely f'ked up but liberals say it will be "tweaked". God help us when the tweaking starts.

Do you know what happened when medicare, medicaid and/or the disastrous HMO's went into effect?

No, of course you don't.

When medicare and medicaid went into effect it forced the entire population of seniors into a government micromanaged plan. Costs went up across the board, and massive new taxes were enacted. Now there are no individual health insurance options for seniors but the government plans.
Yes, it's a complicated law and it will be tweaked a lot but when it comes fully in effect it will be just as popular as Medicare and Social Security.

How terrible. Home Depot (HD) and Trader Joe’s have decided to stop offering health insurance for part-time employees, moving them over to Obamacare instead.
The majority of part-time workers don’t even get health insurance, and those who do typically get diluted plans with limited benefits they still have to pay something for. “You have to question whether that’s really insurance,” says Paul Fronstin, director of the health research program at the Employee Benefits Research institute. “They may not cover prescription drugs, and if you get cancer or end up in the hospital, they probably won’t help you a whole lot.”
A single parent with three kids and an annual income of $25,000, for instance, could get an $8,800 insurance plan for a total out-of-pocket cost of $500 per year. Subsidies, in other words, cover 94% of the cost. Try to beat that on part-time pay.

A two-parent family with two kids and a $50,000 income could get a $10,000 plan for $3,365, with subsidies covering 66% of the cost. There’s one catch: You only qualify for such deals if you’re not able to get coverage through your employer. So if you’re a part-timer whose company canceled your watered-down insurance coverage, it may have actually done you a favor.
Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance

On a side note: Given that health insurance greatly adds to the cost of doing business wouldn't Obamacare help businesses be globally competitive?

Thanks for the laugh.
oh yeah, all those wonderful BENEFITS will come off the BACKS of others IN THIS COUNTRY
but people like you don't care it seems as none of those horrible things you mentioned like, bankruptcy doesn't come off your back for not being to HANDLE you own finances..

Guess what? It's already coming off of our backs.

People who can't or won't pay their medical expenses are passing their costs off to us as we speak. Now they'll have to pay up a bit and become more responsible for their own expenses. Right?

That's why rw's don't want ObamaCare. They'll have to pay their own way instead of getting their care free under our current SOCIALIST system.

If they have to pay for their own care, they won't be able to sit here, typing lies all day.

Is this really an argument? I've never had health insurance and never, ever left a medical bill on the table. Paid my bill, in full, every time I've been to the hospital, ER, or clinic as an adult.

While assuming that I don't pay my way just because I'm not willing to pay yours at the point of the taxman's gun, do feel free to get fucked.
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So, lets say for example Jane can't afford to pay her medical bill or a health insurance policy now, before Obamacare takes effect. We are basically paying for her health needs.

Do I have that right so far?

Once Obamacare goes into effect Jane will have a Health Insurance policy, with copays and deductibles which she still can't afford to pay. Plus a lifetime maximum payment, which she can't afford to pay in the first place.

Who then picks up the cost of the copays, the deductibles and the lifetime limits?

Seems to me this whole thing sounds nice, just doesn't change anything.

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