Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies

We must make ourselves strong for the good of the fatherland.

Uber alles.
There is no dancing around the fact that part-timers will get better care.

I wish my GOP had come up with some more reasonable and better in cost cutting.
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Exactly. Let's see........

1) Many small businesses will be unburdened with health care costs and will put them on level playing fields (you won't have to worry about losing good employees to other small businesses because they offer HI.

2) Instead of getting free HC because you simply choose not to buy HI and expect everyone else to pick up the tab through higher costs will be eliminated or greatly reduced. In other words people will have to assume more person responsibility.

3) Bankruptcies due to high medical bills will be eliminated or greatly reduced.

4) Insurance companies will no longer be able to kick you out at a time when you need them the most.

5) People will be getting more preventive care which will help drive costs lower since serious health issues will be caught sooner and not require as extensive treatment.

As previously stated Obamacare is not perfect and will undergo many changes but in the end will end up to be a popular program.

Your point #2 makes absolutely zero sense. We will be paying for their HC just the same as before. The major difference will be the subsidies we will be paying 10s of millions who didn't require one before!
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Bullshit. If employers weren't so selfish and actually cared about the employees, they dip into their pockets and pay for the insurance their employees need. Small business may have trouble with this, and that I understand, but a million dollar franchise? Greed, is all that is.
Obamacare has now officially cost 20,000 part-time Home Depot employees their current health insurance plan, even though President Obama infamously promised:

OBAMA: There’s a guarantee that I’ve made. If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance. If you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor.

Just another in a long line of Obama LIES.

Thanks Obamacare! Home Depot dumps healthcare coverage for part-time workers
Try using the search button, there is already an open thread on this right wing BS.
Yes, it's a complicated law and it will be tweaked a lot but when it comes fully in effect it will be just as popular as Medicare and Social Security.

How terrible. Home Depot (HD) and Trader Joe’s have decided to stop offering health insurance for part-time employees, moving them over to Obamacare instead.

The majority of part-time workers don’t even get health insurance, and those who do typically get diluted plans with limited benefits they still have to pay something for. “You have to question whether that’s really insurance,” says Paul Fronstin, director of the health research program at the Employee Benefits Research institute. “They may not cover prescription drugs, and if you get cancer or end up in the hospital, they probably won’t help you a whole lot.”

A single parent with three kids and an annual income of $25,000, for instance, could get an $8,800 insurance plan for a total out-of-pocket cost of $500 per year. Subsidies, in other words, cover 94% of the cost. Try to beat that on part-time pay.

A two-parent family with two kids and a $50,000 income could get a $10,000 plan for $3,365, with subsidies covering 66% of the cost. There’s one catch: You only qualify for such deals if you’re not able to get coverage through your employer. So if you’re a part-timer whose company canceled your watered-down insurance coverage, it may have actually done you a favor.

Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance

On a side note: Given that health insurance greatly adds to the cost of doing business wouldn't Obamacare help businesses be globally competitive?

How awful that people clerking and stocking part time were determined not to be bringing enough to the table to offer them more expensive health insurance and still make it profitable to employ them given the economic value of the labor they bring to the table. Those evil companies, all out to make money and not going into business to give people health insurance. What dickheads.

I still don't see how it follows that, if part-timers at low skill positions can't afford to buy better health insurance than the low cost plans their employers offer, that somehow I owe it to them to pay into a system to help subsidize their better coverage.
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Bullshit. If employers weren't so selfish and actually cared about the employees, they dip into their pockets and pay for the insurance their employees need. Small business may have trouble with this, and that I understand, but a million dollar franchise? Greed, is all that is.

And the most brain dead leftist poster with the least ambition chimes in predictably blaming "corporate greed" for the rational actions of companies.
Obamacare has now officially cost 20,000 part-time Home Depot employees their current health insurance plan, even though President Obama infamously promised:

OBAMA: There’s a guarantee that I’ve made. If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance. If you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor.

Just another in a long line of Obama LIES.

Thanks Obamacare! Home Depot dumps healthcare coverage for part-time workers

ACA passed by just 6 "YES" votes!
These "YES" voters really believed this bogus phony LIE by Obama..
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
WHAT 46 million??

1) Nearly 18 million uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually.
They don't want nor need health insurance as they pay less then $1,000 out of pocket per year!
So why are they counted as part of the 46 million uninsured if they don't WANT insurance?

Subtract from 46 million the 18 million and you get 28 million.

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid!
The Census never told them they qualified for Medicaid but they were still counted as uninsured.
All these 14 million have to do is register with Medicaid!
Subtract from 28 million the 14 million covered by Medicaid leaves 14 million

3) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Subtract from 14 million the 10 million NOT citizens leaves 4 million!

READ THE LINKS I've provided as they show the FACTS as to the gigantic faulty data that passed ACA.
4 million truly want and NEED coverage is the issue not 46 million -- faulty data!

SO why are we destroying the country over 4 million that simply paying a $5,000 per person uninsured premium would solve the problem! $20 billion a year and it could be from TAX revenue!

THAT's it!
Why is it that when corporations/companies make money (and gasp! want to keep it), it's greed but when government takes money (and wants to give it to someone who hasn't earned it), it isn't greed?

Why are companies expected to provide part-time help with health insurance? Why are companies expected to provide anyone with health insurance? That's just retarded. Have health insurance be the same as car or house insurance so that way if you lose your job you don't lose your insurance.
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Bullshit. If employers weren't so selfish and actually cared about the employees, they dip into their pockets and pay for the insurance their employees need. Small business may have trouble with this, and that I understand, but a million dollar franchise? Greed, is all that is.

lol, because you are all just so worth it and hey, who needs to make profits anyway:lol:
Try using the search button, there is already an open thread on this right wing BS.

So Home Depot drops health insurance for their part-time employees in the REAL WORLD and since you can't deny that, the best you can do is label that REALITY as "right wing BS"? :eusa_whistle:
Yes, it's a complicated law and it will be tweaked a lot but when it comes fully in effect it will be just as popular as Medicare and Social Security.

How terrible. Home Depot (HD) and Trader Joe’s have decided to stop offering health insurance for part-time employees, moving them over to Obamacare instead.

A two-parent family with two kids and a $50,000 income could get a $10,000 plan for $3,365, with subsidies covering 66% of the cost. There’s one catch: You only qualify for such deals if you’re not able to get coverage through your employer. So if you’re a part-timer whose company canceled your watered-down insurance coverage, it may have actually done you a favor.

Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance

On a side note: Given that health insurance greatly adds to the cost of doing business wouldn't Obamacare help businesses be globally competitive?

How awful that people clerking and stocking part time were determined not to be bringing enough to the table to offer them more expensive health insurance and still make it profitable to employ them given the economic value of the labor they bring to the table. Those evil companies, all out to make money and not going into business to give people health insurance. What dickheads.

I still don't see how it follows that, if part-timers at low skill positions can't afford to buy better health insurance than the low cost plans their employers offer, that somehow I owe it to them to pay into a system to help subsidize their better coverage.

How awful that people clerking and stocking part time were determined not to be bringing enough to the table to offer them more expensive health insurance and still make it profitable to employ them given the economic value of the labor they bring to the table. Those evil companies, all out to make money and not going into business to give people health insurance. What dickheads.

I still don't see how it follows that, if part-timers at low skill positions can't afford to buy better health insurance than the low cost plans their employers offer, that somehow I owe it to them to pay into a system to help subsidize their better coverage.

And you never will see because you're an intelligent, informed, thoughtful individual. Only the willfully ignorant submissive and lazy parasite liberals "see" how you owe other people health insurance (and since they have no rational explanation for it, you're just going to have to take their word for it :lol:). It can be summed up best by this quote:

"Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive" - William F. Buckley Jr.
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Bullshit. If employers weren't so selfish and actually cared about the employees, they dip into their pockets and pay for the insurance their employees need. Small business may have trouble with this, and that I understand, but a million dollar franchise? Greed, is all that is.

And the most brain dead leftist poster with the least ambition chimes in predictably blaming "corporate greed" for the rational actions of companies.

The ironic part being of course that she never "dips into her pockets" and provides insurance for those in need.

She's a typical libtard - lazy, greedy, and selfish.
Why is it that when corporations/companies make money (and gasp! want to keep it), it's greed but when government takes money (and wants to give it to someone who hasn't earned it), it isn't greed?

Why are companies expected to provide part-time help with health insurance? Why are companies expected to provide anyone with health insurance? That's just retarded. Have health insurance be the same as car or house insurance so that way if you lose your job you don't lose your insurance.

Plus it ignores the reality that these liberals are blind stupid sheep who:

A. don't read their employment agreement

B. don't bother researching a company before taking the huge commitment of working for them

C. don't take any personal responsibility for preparing for the worst because they believe they are entitled to a permanent job
Well when your party wins back the White House and Senate then you can change the law.

And the way your party is getting along.......GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. :lol:
Yes, it's a complicated law and it will be tweaked a lot but when it comes fully in effect it will be just as popular as Medicare and Social Security.

How terrible. Home Depot (HD) and Trader Joe’s have decided to stop offering health insurance for part-time employees, moving them over to Obamacare instead.

The majority of part-time workers don’t even get health insurance, and those who do typically get diluted plans with limited benefits they still have to pay something for. “You have to question whether that’s really insurance,” says Paul Fronstin, director of the health research program at the Employee Benefits Research institute. “They may not cover prescription drugs, and if you get cancer or end up in the hospital, they probably won’t help you a whole lot.”

A single parent with three kids and an annual income of $25,000, for instance, could get an $8,800 insurance plan for a total out-of-pocket cost of $500 per year. Subsidies, in other words, cover 94% of the cost. Try to beat that on part-time pay.

A two-parent family with two kids and a $50,000 income could get a $10,000 plan for $3,365, with subsidies covering 66% of the cost. There’s one catch: You only qualify for such deals if you’re not able to get coverage through your employer. So if you’re a part-timer whose company canceled your watered-down insurance coverage, it may have actually done you a favor.

Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance

On a side note: Given that health insurance greatly adds to the cost of doing business wouldn't Obamacare help businesses be globally competitive?

So it's just a big coincidence that this is happening right at the time this banana republic law is about to be implemented?

Or are these companies just racist?:eek:
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Exactly. Let's see........

1) Many small businesses will be unburdened with health care costs and will put them on level playing fields (you won't have to worry about losing good employees to other small businesses because they offer HI.

2) Instead of getting free HC because you simply choose not to buy HI and expect everyone else to pick up the tab through higher costs will be eliminated or greatly reduced. In other words people will have to assume more person responsibility.

3) Bankruptcies due to high medical bills will be eliminated or greatly reduced.

4) Insurance companies will no longer be able to kick you out at a time when you need them the most.

5) People will be getting more preventive care which will help drive costs lower since serious health issues will be caught sooner and not require as extensive treatment.

As previously stated Obamacare is not perfect and will undergo many changes but in the end will end up to be a popular program.

If it's so good, why is the AFL-CIO against it?

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