Partaking of his flesh-the Roman Joke


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I was just watching a program on tv describing the cuts of a pig and which sections produce which meat cuts, then it dawned to me.
The Christmas and Easter Ham where they partake of the pig is the swine's butt.
When the Romans used the derogatory name
Iesous (the swine) for their compiled image called christ then their partaking of his flesh on Christmas and Easter as ham (the rear) is to eat of the swines (Iesous) Butt.
TV Evangelist have those seeds....
They say with your seed money The Iesous (ministry) industry grows. :)
Are you then saying that is the butt end of the joke and the "hiney" of the dawn....interesting how that is the "rump" end of things...
When the Romans used the derogatory name
Iesous (the swine) for their compiled image called christ

Has: Iesous (the swine)

is it the Roman translation for swine or the jewish ? correct me if I am wrong ...

Translating iesous to Jesus is not 'twice removed from the truth'

“The NT was written in [Koine] Greek. Hence, the name "Jesus" is found nowhere in the [Greek] Scriptures— it is a translation of the Greek name "Iesous…

I grazed hogs for a while, pigs - you people are who place them in a sty and call them swine.

When the Romans used the derogatory name
Iesous (the swine) for their compiled image called christ

Has: Iesous (the swine)

is it the Roman translation for swine or the jewish ? correct me if I am wrong ...

Translating iesous to Jesus is not 'twice removed from the truth'

“The NT was written in [Koine] Greek. Hence, the name "Jesus" is found nowhere in the [Greek] Scriptures— it is a translation of the Greek name "Iesous…

I grazed hogs for a while, pigs - you people are who place them in a sty and call them swine.

The relevant original text is greek. All four gospels original texts are in greek.

Sacrificing the god is old greek and phoenician practice. Jewish practice regards this as anathema.

The relevant act was of the last supper was the passover seder, and the meat on the table would have been lamb
and I believe Antiochus the wicked one at the end of Daniels weeks, mocked the Jews by puting a pig on the Altar. Remember they birthed Iesous in a barn, they obviously were mocking Judaism with an opposite (adversary) idol.
They created the lineage through all the harlots of the Bible and lifted the false prophet half Roman figure Yeshu son of the Harlot Mary as their Christ that masked the Galilean and River Jordan christ figures.
You don't do that unless you are mocking the revolters religion you are subverting and swallowing up into your pantheon of cultural cults and religions.
The meaning is in latin....which interesting enough is referred to as pig latin....latin never changes so neither do the meanings or intents...
Jesus is the Word made flesh. The communion service He asked us to do as often as we will, is well grounded in OT scripture.
Jerimiah found the word and did eat it. Ezekiel wrote a scroll on both sides and ate it.
It is through the body and blood of Christ that our Maker gives us access to the power and authority necessary to overcome the world.
Just a reminder fog:
The Mikdash (Temple) in his name is not called Jesusdash.
The Temple bread is called the Shew bread not the Jesus bread, the wine at the temple is Man/is/Shevitz not
The Bible (Mikra) read in the Temple is not the NT and is not called The Jesusra.
The Holy city carrying the name where the Temple will reside is called YeruShalem not YerutheSwine.
The city is dedicated to the Evening Star not the nemesis fallen Morning star.
=epic fail
You partake of the forbidden pork.

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