Party of Diversity Cancels 82nd Portland Rose Parade Because Republicans Included

Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.

It's a shame that the conversation isn't bringing moderate intellectual civil minded people together to cast these factions out. Instead we seem to try and paint everybody in each group with those who are the most extreme and furthering the division and strength of the wingnuts.

You all painting the Left with the same brush as these protestors are just as bad as the Left that calls you racist bigots. So i guess that makes you no better than them since you're playing the same game. Perhaps its time to rise above.
Hilarious. Just make an ad hominem attack and throw in everyone you disagree with.
Were you just trying to use a fancy word? Next time try using it in a place where it makes sense. I didn't attack anybody except for the extremists that exist on both ideological sides and in most religions. Yes, I included the Left, did you not understand that?
I'm the extreme right on this forum and also a Christian and my actions no where remotely resemble actions that the left are engaging in..
Do name one event disrupted or destroyed by any group that was not leftist. Even Muslims don't do it.
Muslims have Isis... ever heard of them?

Yes that is correct, and like the far left the bulk of the Muslims allow this extremist group to thrive!

Clean up your far left party, before you point fingers at others!
I got no problem with that. The left should condemn those s who resort to violence and Muslims should condemn Isis. Most do, but they can do better. You all pointing fingers and lumping all Dems with the nuts and all Muslims with terrorist doesn't help the problem. All it does is strengthen the divide. Do you not see that?

For example, when the Left calls republicans racists and bigots, does that motivate you to condemn the real racist and bigots or does it make you want to return the attack on the left?
The left are pretty United behind the fascist BLM movement.
The Left is pretty United about wanting to help the black community. I'm guessing the majority on the Left do not agree with wanting to kill cops, I don't know one person who feels that way
180 from the truth. We have the fruits of 5 decades of the left "helping" blacks today.

Asians and Latinos are glad you lefties never attempted to help them.
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.

It's a shame that the conversation isn't bringing moderate intellectual civil minded people together to cast these factions out. Instead we seem to try and paint everybody in each group with those who are the most extreme and furthering the division and strength of the wingnuts.

You all painting the Left with the same brush as these protestors are just as bad as the Left that calls you racist bigots. So i guess that makes you no better than them since you're playing the same game. Perhaps its time to rise above.
Hilarious. Just make an ad hominem attack and throw in everyone you disagree with.
Were you just trying to use a fancy word? Next time try using it in a place where it makes sense. I didn't attack anybody except for the extremists that exist on both ideological sides and in most religions. Yes, I included the Left, did you not understand that?
I'm the extreme right on this forum and also a Christian and my actions no where remotely resemble actions that the left are engaging in..
Are you burning mosques, destroying Jewish cemeteries, killing abortion doctors, calling for an all white nation? If not then you are not part of that extreme faction that has gone overboard... you're probably just a dick, but that's a different discussion ;-)
Muslims have Isis... ever heard of them?

Yes that is correct, and like the far left the bulk of the Muslims allow this extremist group to thrive!

Clean up your far left party, before you point fingers at others!
I got no problem with that. The left should condemn those s who resort to violence and Muslims should condemn Isis. Most do, but they can do better. You all pointing fingers and lumping all Dems with the nuts and all Muslims with terrorist doesn't help the problem. All it does is strengthen the divide. Do you not see that?

For example, when the Left calls republicans racists and bigots, does that motivate you to condemn the real racist and bigots or does it make you want to return the attack on the left?
The left are pretty United behind the fascist BLM movement.
The Left is pretty United about wanting to help the black community. I'm guessing the majority on the Left do not agree with wanting to kill cops, I don't know one person who feels that way
180 from the truth. We have the fruits of 5 decades of the left "helping" blacks today.

Asians and Latinos are glad you lefties never attempted to help them.
So you're contradicting yourself? Didn't you just say the Left was united behind BLM?
Prime example of far left religious cult mentality, they view a terrorist act as a protest!
wrong, yet again my point is inaccurately regurgitated. What's wrong with you people? This stuff isn't complicated. It's very transparent what you're doing when you misrepresent my points with false narratives
What exactly is your point in defending fascist acts then?
when did I do that? Quote me
You clearly starting tossing poo at innocent groups to try to dilute the fascist behavior of the left today.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.

It's a shame that the conversation isn't bringing moderate intellectual civil minded people together to cast these factions out. Instead we seem to try and paint everybody in each group with those who are the most extreme and furthering the division and strength of the wingnuts.

You all painting the Left with the same brush as these protestors are just as bad as the Left that calls you racist bigots. So i guess that makes you no better than them since you're playing the same game. Perhaps its time to rise above.
Hilarious. Just make an ad hominem attack and throw in everyone you disagree with.
Were you just trying to use a fancy word? Next time try using it in a place where it makes sense. I didn't attack anybody except for the extremists that exist on both ideological sides and in most religions. Yes, I included the Left, did you not understand that?
I'm the extreme right on this forum and also a Christian and my actions no where remotely resemble actions that the left are engaging in..
Are you burning mosques, destroying Jewish cemeteries, killing abortion doctors, calling for an all white nation? If not then you are not part of that extreme faction that has gone overboard... you're probably just a dick, but that's a different discussion ;-)
There is no "extreme faction," liar. Every one of those are lunatics who acted alone. And at least some of them were LEFTIES.
wrong, yet again my point is inaccurately regurgitated. What's wrong with you people? This stuff isn't complicated. It's very transparent what you're doing when you misrepresent my points with false narratives
What exactly is your point in defending fascist acts then?
when did I do that? Quote me
You clearly starting tossing poo at innocent groups to try to dilute the fascist behavior of the left today.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
What doesn't that prove?
Yes that is correct, and like the far left the bulk of the Muslims allow this extremist group to thrive!

Clean up your far left party, before you point fingers at others!
I got no problem with that. The left should condemn those s who resort to violence and Muslims should condemn Isis. Most do, but they can do better. You all pointing fingers and lumping all Dems with the nuts and all Muslims with terrorist doesn't help the problem. All it does is strengthen the divide. Do you not see that?

For example, when the Left calls republicans racists and bigots, does that motivate you to condemn the real racist and bigots or does it make you want to return the attack on the left?
The left are pretty United behind the fascist BLM movement.
The Left is pretty United about wanting to help the black community. I'm guessing the majority on the Left do not agree with wanting to kill cops, I don't know one person who feels that way
180 from the truth. We have the fruits of 5 decades of the left "helping" blacks today.

Asians and Latinos are glad you lefties never attempted to help them.
So you're contradicting yourself? Didn't you just say the Left was united behind BLM?
Yea, because BLM is a racist terrorist group.
It is unreal isn't it?.......

In the name of inclusion, they demand exclusion.
In the name of anti-fascism, they practice fascism.
Protesting tyranny, they carry signs proclaiming tyranny.
In the name of peace, they threaten violence.

These millennials are something else.
I agree, they should be ashamed of themselves and their actions should be condemned. But they are also a small extremists group that does not represent the masses by their actions. They don't seem to even be affiliated with a political party.

Perhaps not, but their language is remarkably similar to the Democrats and their supporters, such as CPUSA, Black Lives Matter, Move On and others of their ilk.

Must just be a coincidence, eh?
Nothing wrong with a political side protesting and voicing their opinions. The Right had the tea party throwing fits for the past 8 years.

Legally. And sans violence.
What exactly is your point in defending fascist acts then?
when did I do that? Quote me
You clearly starting tossing poo at innocent groups to try to dilute the fascist behavior of the left today.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
What doesn't that prove?
Again, you attempt to divert attention from actions of the left by falsely accusing other groups of similar actions.
when did I do that? Quote me
You clearly starting tossing poo at innocent groups to try to dilute the fascist behavior of the left today.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
What doesn't that prove?
Again, you attempt to divert attention from actions of the left by falsely accusing other groups of similar actions.
Yup that's what they do.

Like how the nazis accused jews of being brutal and murderous, and desirous of killing babies.

And how the commies maintain that Christianity is the root of all violence and strife.
Just for the record...

"Protest" is not equal to "threaten".

It isn't "protesting" when you threaten to mob, attack, "drag out" and rough up people if they dare to assemble. It's terrorism.
It is unreal isn't it?.......

In the name of inclusion, they demand exclusion.
In the name of anti-fascism, they practice fascism.
Protesting tyranny, they carry signs proclaiming tyranny.
In the name of peace, they threaten violence.

These millennials are something else.
I agree, they should be ashamed of themselves and their actions should be condemned. But they are also a small extremists group that does not represent the masses by their actions. They don't seem to even be affiliated with a political party.

Perhaps not, but their language is remarkably similar to the Democrats and their supporters, such as CPUSA, Black Lives Matter, Move On and others of their ilk.

Must just be a coincidence, eh?
Nothing wrong with a political side protesting and voicing their opinions. The Right had the tea party throwing fits for the past 8 years. When a faction of wingnuts resorts to lawlessness they need to be condemned by both sides.
Remember all the Tea Party riots and violence by Tea Partiers?
Yeah, me neither.
when did I do that? Quote me
You clearly starting tossing poo at innocent groups to try to dilute the fascist behavior of the left today.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
What doesn't that prove?
Again, you attempt to divert attention from actions of the left by falsely accusing other groups of similar actions.
No, read it again... I've posted a few times that the acts of violence by the Left are not Ok. But they don't represent the views of the majority
You clearly starting tossing poo at innocent groups to try to dilute the fascist behavior of the left today.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
What doesn't that prove?
Again, you attempt to divert attention from actions of the left by falsely accusing other groups of similar actions.
No, read it again... I've posted a few times that the acts of violence by the Left are not Ok. But they don't represent the views of the majority

Sure they do. You just don't want to admit it because you know what it makes you.
It is unreal isn't it?.......

In the name of inclusion, they demand exclusion.
In the name of anti-fascism, they practice fascism.
Protesting tyranny, they carry signs proclaiming tyranny.
In the name of peace, they threaten violence.

These millennials are something else.
I agree, they should be ashamed of themselves and their actions should be condemned. But they are also a small extremists group that does not represent the masses by their actions. They don't seem to even be affiliated with a political party.

Perhaps not, but their language is remarkably similar to the Democrats and their supporters, such as CPUSA, Black Lives Matter, Move On and others of their ilk.

Must just be a coincidence, eh?
Nothing wrong with a political side protesting and voicing their opinions. The Right had the tea party throwing fits for the past 8 years. When a faction of wingnuts resorts to lawlessness they need to be condemned by both sides.
Remember all the Tea Party riots and violence by Tea Partiers?
Yeah, me neither.
What's your point? I didn't compare the tea party to these groups that are causing violence. I compared them to Isis and Army of God, and skinheads, and those burning down mosques, etc etc etc. try and keep up
You clearly starting tossing poo at innocent groups to try to dilute the fascist behavior of the left today.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
What doesn't that prove?
Again, you attempt to divert attention from actions of the left by falsely accusing other groups of similar actions.
No, read it again... I've posted a few times that the acts of violence by the Left are not Ok. But they don't represent the views of the majority
Yes, they represent the view of most Democrats. Berzerkly is run by Napotanou.
It is unreal isn't it?.......

In the name of inclusion, they demand exclusion.
In the name of anti-fascism, they practice fascism.
Protesting tyranny, they carry signs proclaiming tyranny.
In the name of peace, they threaten violence.

These millennials are something else.
I agree, they should be ashamed of themselves and their actions should be condemned. But they are also a small extremists group that does not represent the masses by their actions. They don't seem to even be affiliated with a political party.

Perhaps not, but their language is remarkably similar to the Democrats and their supporters, such as CPUSA, Black Lives Matter, Move On and others of their ilk.

Must just be a coincidence, eh?
Nothing wrong with a political side protesting and voicing their opinions. The Right had the tea party throwing fits for the past 8 years. When a faction of wingnuts resorts to lawlessness they need to be condemned by both sides.
Remember all the Tea Party riots and violence by Tea Partiers?
Yeah, me neither.
What's your point? I didn't compare the tea party to these groups that are causing violence. I compared them to Isis and Army of God, and skinheads, and those burning down mosques, etc etc etc. try and keep up
What's your point? I didn't compare the tea party to these groups that are causing violence. I compared them to Isis and Army of God, and skinheads, and those burning down mosques, etc etc etc. try and keep up
Point validated.
Quote me then, explain what you are talking about, cause I say you're full of shit
Surprise surprise, the Left along with the Right, Christians, and Muslims all have a fraction of idiots just looking to disrupt and destroy things. I'd hope that smarter minds would realize that people like this exist in all walks of life and use whatever excuse, whether it be religious or political to justify their outrage and violence.
What doesn't that prove?
Again, you attempt to divert attention from actions of the left by falsely accusing other groups of similar actions.
No, read it again... I've posted a few times that the acts of violence by the Left are not Ok. But they don't represent the views of the majority

Sure they do. You just don't want to admit it because you know what it makes you.
You sound the exact same as those on the Left that call all republicans racists and bigots. Make you no better than those who you despise

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