Pat Robertson-Church State Separation

Let's listen to Pat Robertson's view on Church and State:

Here are the FACTS:
1. Pat Robertson cannot prove the Devil exists.
2. Pat Roberston cannot prove the HOLY Trinity is a rational theological perspective.
3. Pat Robertson cannot prove Jesus is God and Christianity is a TRUE religion much less the only true religion.
4. Pat Robertson cannot prove that he is inspired to spread God's message.

All these facts prove Pat Robertson should shut up!

1. You can't prove that the Devil does not exist.
2. You can't prove it doesn't.
3. You can't prove.
4. You can't
shut up.

This is America and we are an evidence based society. Do we ask the defendant to prove his innocence without demonstrating the alleged evidence of his guilt is invalid? Pat Roberston claims Christianity is the BASIS of our moral reality and human purpose. He is the one who should make claims that he believes our facts that disprove "FACTS" 1-4.
He has made assertions without evidence. Anyone can make assertions which are based on one's CONFIDENCE. These assertions are not ESTABLISHED as facts simply because one has extreme confidence that his/her assertions are TRUE.

Keep in mind he wants to make the mixing of Church and State Legal. How does simply having FAITH that Christianity is TRUE a sufficient way to ESTABLISHING Christianity as true? He wants Christianity the foundation of legal/government system when these institutions operate under evidence based methods of discovering truth.

We are an advertisement based society. We can't handle the truth anymore. We believe what we are told to believe, about our government, our sex lives, our salads, our orange juice and our internet speeds.
We need safey rooms to shield us from the truth and chalk and stuff.
You just arrived at a whole belief system on facts that can just as easily show you lack the exact same criteria for proving your point that you accuse Robertson of. THAT is how flawed your premise is.

And you don't understand the term separation of church and state, ironically, because you have been told something different to believe. Like it or not, Christianity is the base of our moral society.
Congress prays to whom?
There are the ten commandments being removed by the pc police from in front of (not churches) but court houses. Why do you think they were there to begin with?
And the biggie:
Moses with his tablets, carved in stone on the building of our Supreme Court. :ack-1: ACK! What's THAT doing there?


Here they are not separating church and state........
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Let's listen to Pat Robertson's view on Church and State:

Here are the FACTS:
1. Pat Robertson cannot prove the Devil exists.
2. Pat Roberston cannot prove the HOLY Trinity is a rational theological perspective.
3. Pat Robertson cannot prove Jesus is God and Christianity is a TRUE religion much less the only true religion.
4. Pat Robertson cannot prove that he is inspired to spread God's message.

All these facts prove Pat Robertson should shut up!

Then don't watch him,listen to him or read any of his publications ,it's pretty simple.

Why do you bigots gotta make a mountain of a mole hill?
Let's listen to Pat Robertson's view on Church and State:

Here are the FACTS:
1. Pat Robertson cannot prove the Devil exists.
2. Pat Roberston cannot prove the HOLY Trinity is a rational theological perspective.
3. Pat Robertson cannot prove Jesus is God and Christianity is a TRUE religion much less the only true religion.
4. Pat Robertson cannot prove that he is inspired to spread God's message.

All these facts prove Pat Robertson should shut up!

Then don't watch him,listen to him or read any of his publications ,it's pretty simple.

Why do you bigots gotta make a mountain of a mole hill?

That's funny fundie Christianity is the essence of bigotry. They use "God" as an excuse. When a fundie is bigotted against gays and evolution, he just says he is following "God." When an anti-fundie believes in same sex marriage and evolution while finding the arguments against evolution and same sex marriage absurd, he is the close minded bigot. Perhaps you are not one of these bigots but Pat Robertson is. Pat is the perpetrator of bigotry not the victim of bigotry.
Free country , Free speech . Pat can say as he likes same as you can M.D..
OP;s statement was rather contradictory.
Did I ever say Pat Robertson should be censored by the government. What I am saying is that Pat Robertson's ideas are so intellectually depraved that HE should decide to shut up! If he chooses not to shut up, that is his choice.
He chooses to rake in the $$$ from the rubes who fall for his nonsense.
------------------------------------- good for Pat , let the buyer of Pats words beware .
Free country , Free speech . Pat can say as he likes same as you can M.D..
OP;s statement was rather contradictory.
Did I ever say Pat Robertson should be censored by the government. What I am saying is that Pat Robertson's ideas are so intellectually depraved that HE should decide to shut up! If he chooses not to shut up, that is his choice.
You want to say your bit, and then you want Robertson to shut up.
Ok then. You shut up.
And I'm not even a Robertson fan.
Free country , Free speech . Pat can say as he likes same as you can M.D..
OP;s statement was rather contradictory.
Did I ever say Pat Robertson should be censored by the government. What I am saying is that Pat Robertson's ideas are so intellectually depraved that HE should decide to shut up! If he chooses not to shut up, that is his choice.
You want to say your bit, and then you want Robertson to shut up.
Ok then. You shut up.
And I'm not even a Robertson fan.
------------------------------- to me its not a matter of like or dislike , Pat can say as he likes . When he starts physically twisting arms and shooting people and stealing their money , well that's another story .
Free country , Free speech . Pat can say as he likes same as you can M.D..
OP;s statement was rather contradictory.
Did I ever say Pat Robertson should be censored by the government. What I am saying is that Pat Robertson's ideas are so intellectually depraved that HE should decide to shut up! If he chooses not to shut up, that is his choice.
You want to say your bit, and then you want Robertson to shut up.
Ok then. You shut up.
And I'm not even a Robertson fan.
No I won't shut up but you have the right to say it. You also have the right to feel that I have no business talking about Pat Robertson. Should a person who says sick disgusting things be respected? No. I don't respect disgusting speech but I don't want it censored. Pat Robertson is a blind man who thinks his disgusting speech is righteous. Hopefully one day, he will see the light and shut up. Perhaps this may happen to Pastor Manning and Pastor Anderson as well. I have this slight hope that opposition towards his speech will make him change his ways and stop talking is CRAP. I will have absolutely no respect for many of his views and I will MOCK them in part due to the hope that he will see the light and be SILENT.
Let's listen to Pat Robertson's view on Church and State:

Here are the FACTS:
1. Pat Robertson cannot prove the Devil exists.
2. Pat Roberston cannot prove the HOLY Trinity is a rational theological perspective.
3. Pat Robertson cannot prove Jesus is God and Christianity is a TRUE religion much less the only true religion.
4. Pat Robertson cannot prove that he is inspired to spread God's message.

All these facts prove Pat Robertson should shut up!

Then don't watch him,listen to him or read any of his publications ,it's pretty simple.

Why do you bigots gotta make a mountain of a mole hill?

That's funny fundie Christianity is the essence of bigotry. They use "God" as an excuse. When a fundie is bigotted against gays and evolution, he just says he is following "God." When an anti-fundie believes in same sex marriage and evolution while finding the arguments against evolution and same sex marriage absurd, he is the close minded bigot. Perhaps you are not one of these bigots but Pat Robertson is. Pat is the perpetrator of bigotry not the victim of bigotry.

That 1st amendment really gets you guys in such a twist,

Don't watch dont listen,font read,is that a hard concept for you?Fundies, As you lable a group you disagree with.are doing zip to affect your life.learn to live with wouldn't look so immature and uninformed .

The founding fathers had people like you in mind,with the separation of church and state and free speech.

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