Pat Robertson: Market Crash God's Punishment For Abortion Rights, Planned Parenthood Funding


Why does this image spring to mind when I read the OP?

Rules for Schoolteachers -- just a hundred years ago:
  • You will not marry during the time of your contract.
  • You are not to keep company with men.
  • You must be home between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m., unless attending a school function.
  • You may not travel beyond the city limits unless you have the permission of the chairman of the board.
  • You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or brother.
  • You may not smoke cigarettes.
  • You may not dress in bright colors.
  • You may under no circumstances dye your hair.
  • You must wear at least two petticoats.
  • Your dresses must not be any shorter than two inches above the ankle.
and my personal favorite:
  • You may not loiter downtown in any of the ice cream stores. :eek:
this was a Muslim country 100 years ago?
funny thing about evangelicals , they are wrong 100% of the time.
if they are so close to god why doesn't he /she give the a heads up when shit happens?
Turn on God, he will turn on you. The country has gone into the dump since we took God out of schools and allowed his children to be murdered.

What a low IQ insane thing to believe, So your all powerful jebus on two sticks was removed from schools by mortals
By fools yes, and the education system sucks.
funny, no public school I attended ever mentioned god or Jesus other than at Christmas and Easter, even in Georgia in the 60's
Turn on God, he will turn on you. The country has gone into the dump since we took God out of schools and allowed his children to be murdered.

What a low IQ insane thing to believe, So your all powerful jebus on two sticks was removed from schools by mortals
By fools yes, and the education system sucks.
funny, no public school I attended ever mentioned god or Jesus other than at Christmas and Easter, even in Georgia in the 60's

Neither did mine unless it was a historical reference. On the other hand they did teach us about the First Amendment.

"Took God out of our schools".... holy shit, somebody went through school without paying attention at all... and then they'll start whining about Muslims not taking God out of public institutions....

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Pat is like the crazy old man yelling on a street corner incoherently and waving his hands around , but no one has called the men in white coats yet
Pat Robertson: Market Crash God's Punishment For Abortion Rights, Planned Parenthood Funding

By that logic, wouldn't the stock market rise be a blessing for abortion rights and planned parenthood funding?

Apparently God's wishy-washy. Can make a mountain, can make a rainbow, can make a woman out of a man's rib........ just can't make up His mind.

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