Pat Robertson

Mariner said:
got himself in some hot water with his comments that Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for withdrawing from Gaza. "God considers this land to be his," he said. Israel had been planning to give him 35 acres for a pilgramage/tourism center, but cancelled them due to his comments.

How does someone know what God thinks?

I'm curious what people here think of his comments--and his brand of Christianity.

Honestly, I think the man is a whacko. Always have, even when I was Christian, I thought he was. He doesn't follow God's word, he fixes it up to fit his purposes, as I think most people do.

His brand of Christianity typically requires that people be deeply devout born-again Christians who'll hang on his every word so long as it has a bit of scripture behind it.

That's my opinion and it hasn't changed at all since its conception.
LuvRPgirl called me paranoid for suggesting that any Christians may have or be vulnerable to a "crusader mentality." Well, here's your perfect example. Talking about divine retribution for actions related to the Holy Land comes straight from the first Crusaders' scripts in 1095.

I won't argue that all Christians think that way. I will agree with historian of religion Karen Armstrong's view (in the excellent book "Holy Wars") that it's a propensity, and that Osama bin Laden sought to use that propensity (as he stated explicitly in his writings) to set about a new war between Islam and Christianity.

Kagom said:
(Christ's) brand of Christianity typically requires that people be deeply devout born-again Christians who'll hang on his every word (in) scripture

I fixed your statement to make it 'true'. Now your statement rings true of what it means to be a "Christian-by-relationship" not just a "somebody who goes to church."
LuvRPgrl said:
I think Pat is talking to his audience, 700 club. If you dont like or agree with what he says, dont tune in.

I think its ok to say he is a looney, but for some to claim he shouldnt be saying that, I say, FUCK OFF!

Do his rights to freedom of speech somehow supercede those of sane people? I'm not sure why you want to tell people to fuck off if they think he shouldn't say such crazy things. Maybe you're just a looney yourself.
LuvRPgrl said:
You have proof to support that "arm" accusation?

Just watch him.. whenever he starts "praying" - he does that word-of-faith crap.. about how God is giving him visions of so-and-so being healed etc..etc..

The arm acusation was an example of the stuff he does when he prays on his show.. proof? watch him..
dmp said:
I fixed your statement to make it 'true'. Now your statement rings true of what it means to be a "Christian-by-relationship" not just a "somebody who goes to church."
Uhm...I was aiming my comment at Pat Robertson and the people who follow him.

True followers of Christ are nothing like Robertson or his people, not even some of your avid church goers. That's from my experience, though. They just seem to be more content with life and more kind. They don't seem to be the most condescending S.O.B.s that I typically see and if they have a problem with something, they address it in a calm, courteous manner, even if they're being yelled at. At least that's what I see. They're the kinds of Christians I would be friends with, not the loud-mouthed psychofundies that follow Pat Robertson or Falwell.

They just seem to be more Christlike is what I'm getting at.
Mayor Nagin said God caused Katrina in order to punish America. Doesn't that deserve a similar thread to this one you started?
Mariner said:
LuvRPgirl called me paranoid for suggesting that any Christians may have or be vulnerable to a "crusader mentality." Well, here's your perfect example. Talking about divine retribution for actions related to the Holy Land comes straight from the first Crusaders' scripts in 1095.

I won't argue that all Christians think that way. I will agree with historian of religion Karen Armstrong's view (in the excellent book "Holy Wars") that it's a propensity, and that Osama bin Laden sought to use that propensity (as he stated explicitly in his writings) to set about a new war between Islam and Christianity.


I called you paranoid???? I dont think so. You have the quote?
Powerman said:
Do his rights to freedom of speech somehow supercede those of sane people? I'm not sure why you want to tell people to fuck off if they think he shouldn't say such crazy things. Maybe you're just a looney yourself.

Did I claim his right to free speech supercedes others? Answer, NO.

Did I claim he has the SAME right to free speech as others. Answer, YES.

You think thats looney?
-Cp said:
Just watch him.. whenever he starts "praying" - he does that word-of-faith crap.. about how God is giving him visions of so-and-so being healed etc..etc..

The arm acusation was an example of the stuff he does when he prays on his show.. proof? watch him..

nah, I aint gonna watch him. I just didnt/dont think he is that far out to claim people are growing arms while the audience watches. I could be wrong, but I aint just taking anyones word for it.

And I didnt make the statement, so its not my burden to watch for it.
Kagom said:
Uhm...I was aiming my comment at Pat Robertson and the people who follow him.

True followers of Christ are nothing like Robertson or his people, not even some of your avid church goers. That's from my experience, though. They just seem to be more content with life and more kind. They don't seem to be the most condescending S.O.B.s that I typically see and if they have a problem with something, they address it in a calm, courteous manner, even if they're being yelled at. At least that's what I see. They're the kinds of Christians I would be friends with, not the loud-mouthed psychofundies that follow Pat Robertson or Falwell.

They just seem to be more Christlike is what I'm getting at.

I would bet that if a crowd of 5000 were listening to Pat speak, and 100 of them acted in the anti Christian way you describe above, you would be focused on them, and not notice the other 4900, and come to the conclusion that Pat's followers are all crazy Christians who arent real followers of Christ.
Abbey Normal said:
Mayor Nagin said God caused Katrina in order to punish America. Doesn't that deserve a similar thread to this one you started?

Don't think the libs are going to touch that one, Abbey. Don't expect any "Pat Robertson treatment" for Mayor Nagin.
Yes, it does. I think Nagin's comments are as odd as Robertson's, though less damaging to international relations and less provocative to terrorists.

Mariner said:
Yes, it does. I think Nagin's comments are as odd as Robertson's, though less damaging to international relations and less provocative to terrorists.


But more damaging to domestic race relations.
Adam's Apple said:
Don't think the libs are going to touch that one, Abbey. Don't expect any "Pat Robertson treatment" for Mayor Nagin.
Jon Stewart gave him the Pat Robertson treatment last night on the Daily show, actually.
The ClayTaurus said:
Jon Stewart gave him the Pat Robertson treatment last night on the Daily show, actually.

Okay, there's 1.

How about a serious new outlet, like say, the network news anchors? I dont watch anymore, but I can't see them making a big deal out of it.
Abbey Normal said:
Okay, there's 1.

How about a serious new outlet, like say, the network news anchors? I dont watch anymore, but I can't see them making a big deal out of it.
Yeah I don't watch them either, so I have no idea. I wasn't trying to make a case for fair treatment. Just my one lone shining example.

He also ridiculed Hillary Clinton and her plantation comments.
The ClayTaurus said:
Yeah I don't watch them either, so I have no idea. I wasn't trying to make a case for fair treatment. Just my one lone shining example.

He also ridiculed Hillary Clinton and her plantation comments.

Such fertile ground for comedy!
Abbey Normal said:
Such fertile ground for comedy!
You're tellin' me!
Nagin said:
"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about," he said. "New Orleans was a chocolate city before Katrina. It is going to be a chocolate city after. How is that divisive? It is white and black working together, coming together and making something special."
Nagin was one of those kids that backpeddled on his bike so fast the chain fell off. Link.

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