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Patriot american Ron Paul Does not trust Trump.

i see you are playing dodgeball again that Trump is a traiter
Wow, it only took you 3 days to come up with that ?
Not bad for someone who thinks Tom Brady is a CIA agent.:71:

Hey maybe you dont have a life and are able to post all day long here but i DO have a life outside this board and dont have the time to post here everyday for hours.

So in short,you are ADMITTING you cant refute my evidence on Trump being a traiter kissing Israels ass that he is no different than every single sellout president we have had since LBJ all who served the interests of Israel instead of the united states. thanks for doing so.:2up:

oh and now you are putting words in my mouth as well,I have called your hero Brady a cheater and a liar but i never said that much about him. Now that warmonger ass kisser of Israel Robert Kraft,now HE might be possibly be one having being a billionaire and everything.that would not surprise me in the least. NFL owners are as evil and corrupt as politicians are.

INCREDIBLE that you would pass up a chance to talk about a subject you LOVE and have passion about JFK even though i gave you the green light and the opening to do so.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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so says the coward that has run away from trying to refure the evidence in this thread.LOL
So for I haven't see any evidence that our beloved Pres.Trump has done anything wrong. ... :cool:

so says the coward that has run away from trying to refure the evidence in this thread.LOL
So for I haven't see any evidence that our beloved Pres.Trump has done anything wrong. ... :cool:

you and your beloved shit is getting old.

coming from a hypocrite troll who CLAIMS to be against Israel as I am but then shows what a hypocrite he is by LOVING a man who is a supporter of Israel and zionism, i of course would expect no less from YOU to post that.:ahole-1:

you have failed and fallen on your ass to refute anything in the OP from ron paul.:abgg2q.jpg:
Angelo, you are being ridiculous.

Everything going on in D.C. is a farce.

And I have the best seat in the house,
being an honest, objective observer looking for the truth.

Plus the added credibility of being a Trump supporter
who voted for Jill Stein in 2016.

Paul is my hero telling it like it is as he always does.pesky facts the sheep in america dont want to hear.:2up::beer::thankusmile::yes_text12::udaman::TH_WAY~113:


News / Foreign Policy / Viewpoint / Editor's Choice
Why I don’t trust Trump, Pompeo on Iran
Tuesday, 07 January 2020 4:45 AM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 07 January 2020 6:02 AM ]

The ONLY thing trump is hiding right now is his wise understanding that to save the nation the unwise must be stopped from voting

He is getting all the help he can before declaring a broken government coming from the unwise electing crooks

He has the real power now but he is trying to get more on his side before stopping the unwise from voting I

A logic test for voting is coming
so says the coward that has run away from trying to refure the evidence in this thread.LOL
So for I haven't see any evidence that our beloved Pres.Trump has done anything wrong. ... :cool:

But it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of their attempts....

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, one after another lead balloons.
Ron Paul drank the koolaid too if he thinks Trump wasn't a better choice than Clinton.

You should NEVER quote or listen to CNN or Fox. THEY ARE PROPAGANDA. They produce content meant to emotionally manipulate you. You have to know their agenda. Both those sources are members of the CFR.


The American Empire and its Media
The American Empire and its Media

"Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all major US news outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to “awaken America to its worldwide responsibilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members for decades have shaped US foreign policy and public discourse about it. As a well-known Council member famously explained, they transformed the American republic into a global empire, albeit a “benevolent” one.

Based on official membership rosters, the following illustration depicts for the first time the extensive media network of the CFR and its two major international affiliate organizations: the Bilderberg Group (mainly covering the US and Europe) and the Trilateral Commission (covering North America, Europe and East Asia), both established by Council leaders to foster elite cooperation at the global level.. . . . "

You should NEVER quote or listen to CNN or Fox.
You're barking up the wrong tree Clyde.
I quote and listen to whoever I choose to.

My biggest critique? Is for folks that think Trump is in any way in charge, or anything more than a figure head. He's a brand, an actor, nothing more.

Evil directs his course.

Iraq and China to sign massive financing deal

Iraq, China launch 'oil for reconstruction' agreement

China Outflanks U.S. With Iraqi Oil Deal

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Something is Afoot in the US | New Eastern Outlook

You should NEVER quote or listen to CNN or Fox.
You're barking up the wrong tree Clyde.
I quote and listen to whoever I choose to.

My biggest critique? Is for folks that think Trump is in any way in charge, or anything more than a figure head. He's a brand, an actor, nothing more.

Evil directs his course.

Iraq and China to sign massive financing deal

Iraq, China launch 'oil for reconstruction' agreement

China Outflanks U.S. With Iraqi Oil Deal

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Something is Afoot in the US | New Eastern Outlook

You're arguing with the wrong person, but if Trump's being controlled by higher powers
as we both know he is, exactly what should he do ?
You should NEVER quote or listen to CNN or Fox.
You're barking up the wrong tree Clyde.
I quote and listen to whoever I choose to.

My biggest critique? Is for folks that think Trump is in any way in charge, or anything more than a figure head. He's a brand, an actor, nothing more.

Evil directs his course.

Iraq and China to sign massive financing deal

Iraq, China launch 'oil for reconstruction' agreement

China Outflanks U.S. With Iraqi Oil Deal

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Something is Afoot in the US | New Eastern Outlook

You're arguing with the wrong person, but if Trump's being controlled by higher powers
as we both know he is, exactly what should he do ?


If he is so fucking rich, beef up his personal security detail, fire those who are hand picked to manipulate him, finish releasing the government redacted JFK files and expose the real nature of the Deep State that is controlling BOTH sides of the dialectic.

Then tell the truth about all of the false flags and cointelpro operations that have been played on the American Public, and immediately call an end to American Occupations in foreign zones.

Get serious about ending the FED.


Get a new AG immediately and stop appointing crooked judges.

So much he should do.

Start? By telling the fucking truth, just once.
Ron Paul drank the koolaid too if he thinks Trump wasn't a better choice than Clinton.

Ron Paul is not perfect and is obviously wrong about Trump not being better,I have said many times he is not near as bad as the clintons,Bushs and Obamas but he unlike Paul its so obvious he is NOT a Rino,that same as every president since johnson,he is here to be the servant of the CIA and fed.:rolleyes: He at LEAST unlike Trump is HONEST when he says the CIA,the FBI and the fed all need to be abolished a fact Trump has shown ON INTEREST in doing. He is all talk telling you what you WANT t hear,but lies and you defend this fraud to no end.:rolleyes:

Funny what a hypocrite you are.You go and justifiably talk about the USMB sheep here that run off and evade the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job that the towers were brought down by explosives, telling them the truth that they wont address the evidence you give yet YOU do the exact same thing here when challenged to prove how Trump is anything like our last real president JFK who took a bullet for being the last president to try and get rid of the fed. you cowardly keep running off and evading that evidence DESPITE the fact you have a PASSION of the JFK assassination.I should NOT have to keep repeating myself to you on that but you run off and evade the facts how he is nothing like JFK and not for us.:rolleyes:

And I have the best seat in the house,
being an honest, objective observer looking for the truth.

Plus the added credibility of being a born- again Trump supporter
who voted for Jill Stein in 2016.[/QUOTE]

EXCEPT for WHEN it comes to Donald Trump Obviously.:lmao::laughing0301:

Remember this form you Angelo?

"You're not as smart as I thought kid."

Like the Bush dupes on 9/11,i see you insult when you cant counter the facts. you tell the truth to them that thats what THEY do,yet you are no different when YOU cant refute facts on Trump. hypocrisy at its best.
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Angelo, you are being ridiculous.

Everything going on in D.C. is a farce.

too bad this video you posted Beal is being wasted on Angelo,you KNOW he wont look at it.Incredible that he gets mad at the brainwashed sheep and shills in the conspiracy section that wont look at the evidence and facts on 9/11 but you give him facts on trump that dont go along with his warped opinions on him,he does the exact same thing,Hypocrisy at its best.
You should NEVER quote or listen to CNN or Fox.
You're barking up the wrong tree Clyde.
I quote and listen to whoever I choose to.

My biggest critique? Is for folks that think Trump is in any way in charge, or anything more than a figure head. He's a brand, an actor, nothing more.

Evil directs his course.

Iraq and China to sign massive financing deal

Iraq, China launch 'oil for reconstruction' agreement

China Outflanks U.S. With Iraqi Oil Deal

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Something is Afoot in the US | New Eastern Outlook

You're arguing with the wrong person, but if Trump's being controlled by higher powers
as we both know he is, exactly what should he do ?


If he is so fucking rich, beef up his personal security detail, fire those who are hand picked to manipulate him, finish releasing the government redacted JFK files and expose the real nature of the Deep State that is controlling BOTH sides of the dialectic.

Then tell the truth about all of the false flags and cointelpro operations that have been played on the American Public, and immediately call an end to American Occupations in foreign zones.

Get serious about ending the FED.


Get a new AG immediately and stop appointing crooked judges.

So much he should do.

Start? By telling the fucking truth, just once.


well no surprise,like clockwork as always,everytime the Trump dupes are backed up against the wall with pesky facts they cannot refute or counter,since they know they have nowhere to run to,instead of addressing the evidence and at least try and counter it,since they know they CANT,they always post a laughing smiley in defeat thinking they won denying reality they got checkmated and taken to school. It never fails EVERYTIME.:lmao::laughing0301:

Yeah that was a red flag to me that Trump was no different than Bush and Obama.I had high hopes at first that we FINALLY had a REAL president that had the balls to step up to the establishment and ask for a REAL investigation into the JFK assassination but when he asked the CIA to release only release a PORTION of the JFK documents instead of ALL of them,he exposed himself right there and then that he was no different than Bush and Obama,just here to seve the bankers who start wars.

great point on the fed as well.If trump was REALLY for us,then he would just do what no president since Johnson has done which is reinstate JFK's executive order which would abolish them.:rolleyes:

He wont risk his life and put it on the line though like Ron Paul would since he knows he would be the next president to take a fatal bullet to the head and the next one to be assassinated. Paul WOULD take that Risk and put his life on the line.

you brought up all those excellent facts that he could not refute,so he ran away in defeat like all Trump dupes do.never fails.:lmao::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:

"waits for next trump dupe to post a laughing smiley in defeat."

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