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Patriot american Ron Paul Does not trust Trump.

But what the hell does this have to do with Trump being CIA?

I know all of this. . .

You are NOT telling me ANYTHING that I do not already know. The only thing that came as even mild news, was CIA links to Saddam, and everyone knew that the US supported him. . . so that isn't really a BIG surprise. We gave him chemical weapons and put him in power, so big deal.

But what the hell does this have to do with Trump being CIA?

I know all of this. . .

You are NOT proving that Trump isn't.


"If you knew anything about the CIA,
you'd realize how uninformed you sound."

Trump is just acting like every establishment politician before him. HE SAID, he would just get us the hell out of the middle east, instead, he is getting us further in.

But what the hell does this have to do with Trump being CIA?

Please tell me you're not this stupid .
If Trump was CIA, why did John Brennan call him a traitor ?
If what you say is true, Trump could have ordered Bloody Gina to relocate Brennan to Guantanamo.

But you don't actually believe they let Trump take away his security clearance do you ?
96 year old Henry Kissinger has more "security clearance" than Trump when it comes to the shadow government..
But what the hell does this have to do with Trump being CIA?

Please tell me you're not this stupid .
If Trump was CIA, why did John Brennan call him a traitor ?
If what you say is true, Trump could have ordered Bloody Gina to relocate Brennan to Guantanamo.

But you don't actually believe they let Trump take away his security clearance do you ?
96 year old Henry Kissinger has more "security clearance" than Trump when it comes to the shadow government..

These are all things you are told in intel controlled outlets.

It is all the dialectic, it is cointelpro operation, reverse psychology, to combat the affects of the internet. The reason CIA and FBI spooks call Trump names is to make you believe that they are on opposite sides. C'mon, you aren't this dumb. You know that the Bush family and Clinton's are friends, yet they said nasty things about each other when they ran against each other. Wise up.

IT's AN ACT. REVERSE psychology. Hell, the Bush family and Hinckley's were even family friends, and locked up one of their kids that they used MK-Ultra mind control on, until Nancy died. But nearly to the day she died, that week? They let him out of the mental hospital. These animals will do a lot to fool folks. Wake up man.

What about you?

Do you know who Meyer Lansky is?

How about Resorts International?

How about its' links to the private intelligence agency that was the revolving door for spooks, Intertel? And it's links to all those assassinations?

I think you are purposely only reading corporate media and first tier indy journalism, you don't go deeps enough. Unless you go deep and listen to what the grass roots people are telling you, real whistle blowers, you won't find the truth. Spooks hide shit very well.

I guess we will see when the global technocracy and world police state develop, after this administration is over and the economy is reordered and the BIG war starts. Won't we?

See, the difference between you and I? I know everything you have posted. The links I give you and the information I give to you? You don't have a clue. That is b/c intel agencies specialize in disinformation campaigns and limited hangouts. Creating a dialectic is part of the game.

This woman, like Ventura, can't even live in the US, because she is harassed and threatened for her activities. The person that gave her her Phd was the man that put "Deep State" in the American lexicon. They are the REAL political dissidents. The folks you watch, get revenue from the corporate sector and silicon valley for the information they put out. OTH, If a person is threatened, prevented from making a living, and de-platformed? THEN you can bet they are telling the truth. Some of my sources have been assassinated. You can't just search and find them. . you have to KNOW what to look for in order to find it in the first place. When the algorithms prevent you from finding the information in the first place? Then you are avoiding the misinformation and disinformation by the corporate fascism.

Goodfellas: The Dark Tower and Beyond Part I

Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama | Global Witness

VISUP: Goodfellas: The Hidden History of Resorts International

The Hidden History of Resorts International (Our Very Own Spy)


Trump Mansion Sold to "Mobsters Sans Frontières" — MadCow

Who Towers Behind Trump?
But what the hell does this have to do with Trump being CIA?

Please tell me you're not this stupid .
If Trump was CIA, why did John Brennan call him a traitor ?
If what you say is true, Trump could have ordered Bloody Gina to relocate Brennan to Guantanamo.

But you don't actually believe they let Trump take away his security clearance do you ?
96 year old Henry Kissinger has more "security clearance" than Trump when it comes to the shadow government..

These are all things you are told in intel controlled outlets.

It is all the dialectic, it is cointelpro operation, reverse psychology, to combat the affects of the internet. The reason CIA and FBI spooks call Trump names is to make you believe that they are on opposite sides. C'mon, you aren't this dumb. You know that the Bush family and Clinton's are friends, yet they said nasty things about each other when they ran against each other. Wise up.

IT's AN ACT. REVERSE psychology. Hell, the Bush family and Hinckley's were even family friends, and locked up one of their kids that they used MK-Ultra mind control on, until Nancy died. But nearly to the day she died, that week? They let him out of the mental hospital. These animals will do a lot to fool folks. Wake up man.

What about you?

Do you know who Meyer Lansky is?

How about Resorts International?

How about its' links to the private intelligence agency that was the revolving door for spooks, Intertel? And it's links to all those assassinations?

I think you are purposely only reading corporate media and first tier indy journalism, you don't go deeps enough. Unless you go deep and listen to what the grass roots people are telling you, real whistle blowers, you won't find the truth. Spooks hide shit very well.

I guess we will see when the global technocracy and world police state develop, after this administration is over and the economy is reordered and the BIG war starts. Won't we?

See, the difference between you and I? I know everything you have posted. The links I give you and the information I give to you? You don't have a clue. That is b/c intel agencies specialize in disinformation campaigns and limited hangouts. Creating a dialectic is part of the game.

This woman, like Ventura, can't even live in the US, because she is harassed and threatened for her activities. The person that gave her her Phd was the man that put "Deep State" in the American lexicon. They are the REAL political dissidents. The folks you watch, get revenue from the corporate sector and silicon valley for the information they put out. OTH, If a person is threatened, prevented from making a living, and de-platformed? THEN you can bet they are telling the truth. Some of my sources have been assassinated. You can't just search and find them. . you have to KNOW what to look for in order to find it in the first place. When the algorithms prevent you from finding the information in the first place? Then you are avoiding the misinformation and disinformation by the corporate fascism.

Goodfellas: The Dark Tower and Beyond Part I

Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama | Global Witness

VISUP: Goodfellas: The Hidden History of Resorts International

The Hidden History of Resorts International (Our Very Own Spy)


Trump Mansion Sold to "Mobsters Sans Frontières" — MadCow

Who Towers Behind Trump?

While I appreciate the educational material, have you looked at
any threads I've started ? One of my very first ones was about NSA spying.
You should NEVER quote or listen to CNN or Fox.
You're barking up the wrong tree Clyde.
I quote and listen to whoever I choose to.

My biggest critique? Is for folks that think Trump is in any way in charge, or anything more than a figure head. He's a brand, an actor, nothing more.

Evil directs his course.

Iraq and China to sign massive financing deal

Iraq, China launch 'oil for reconstruction' agreement

China Outflanks U.S. With Iraqi Oil Deal

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Something is Afoot in the US | New Eastern Outlook

You're arguing with the wrong person, but if Trump's being controlled by higher powers
as we both know he is, exactly what should he do ?


If he is so fucking rich, beef up his personal security detail, fire those who are hand picked to manipulate him, finish releasing the government redacted JFK files and expose the real nature of the Deep State that is controlling BOTH sides of the dialectic.

Then tell the truth about all of the false flags and cointelpro operations that have been played on the American Public, and immediately call an end to American Occupations in foreign zones.

Get serious about ending the FED.


Get a new AG immediately and stop appointing crooked judges.

So much he should do.

Start? By telling the fucking truth, just once.


well no surprise,like clockwork as always,everytime the Trump dupes are backed up against the wall with pesky facts they cannot refute or counter,since they know they have nowhere to run to,instead of addressing the evidence and at least try and counter it,since they know they CANT,they always post a laughing smiley in defeat thinking they won denying reality they got checkmated and taken to school. It never fails EVERYTIME.:lmao::laughing0301:

Yeah that was a red flag to me that Trump was no different than Bush and Obama.I had high hopes at first that we FINALLY had a REAL president that had the balls to step up to the establishment and ask for a REAL investigation into the JFK assassination but when he asked the CIA to release only release a PORTION of the JFK documents instead of ALL of them,he exposed himself right there and then that he was no different than Bush and Obama,just here to seve the bankers who start wars.

great point on the fed as well.If trump was REALLY for us,then he would just do what no president since Johnson has done which is reinstate JFK's executive order which would abolish them.:rolleyes:

He wont risk his life and put it on the line though like Ron Paul would since he knows he would be the next president to take a fatal bullet to the head and the next one to be assassinated. Paul WOULD take that Risk and put his life on the line.

you brought up all those excellent facts that he could not refute,so he ran away in defeat like all Trump dupes do.never fails.:lmao::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:

"waits for next trump dupe to post a laughing smiley in defeat."

Yup. He should have made Ron Paul his Treasury Secretary and started a new currency through the treasury like Lincoln and JFK. There are a lot of great folks that were anti-establishment politicians that he excluded from even considering their ideas from his agenda. He proved to be an establishment shill on economics, foreign policy, campaign finance, the federal reserve, foreign policy, corporate bail-outs and a host of things that all independents agree on, that the DNC and GOP don't even talk about.

Trump proves he is just one more pawn.

The first of these should have been putting the Debates back in control of the league of Women Voters, so that people would actually have a choice. Trump railed against the corruption of the system? But he didn't do shit to clean up the election process once he was elected. He didn't care about giving other folks a shot AT ALL.

IOW. . . CIA - CFR establishment shill. Glitterati Smoke and mirrors only. Nothing changes.

OH LOOK! 3000 more troops. . . of to the middle east! quelle surprise

Looks like Mr Beale and La Fan like the doctor
for only one reason....to legalize heroin, their drug of choice.

Boy you have as much reading comprehension problems as the Bush dupes do who think bin laden was behind the attacks of 9/11 and the fires brought down the towers the fact that i have stated MANY times on this thread that Ron Paul is the most sane politician I have seen since Jimmy Carter,the last halfway decent president we had since he kept us out of wars and did not try and start one as all the others have since then.

if you did not have reading comprehension problems,you would have noticed i said at LEAST twice on this thread that paul would have been the best president since JFK cause he has many of the same views kennedy did.:rolleyes:

That I liked him and knew he was different than the establishment boys Obama and Romney because for one,he did not put his support behind romney when he lost the republican nomination like mccain or bush would but most importantly,because again,he has the same views as kennedy did speaking the TRUTH that we need to get rid of the CIA,FBI,FED AND IRS. Paul I have respect for because unlike trump,he has always done what he said he WOULD do.

Do try and keep up around here.:rolleyes: if you cant read what is posted,find someone who CAN and get them to read for you.:D

That is why I am willing to take the flak from the idiot sheep around here who think reagan was such a great president and carter was the worst ever when saying carter was the last good president we had the fact he kept us out of wars but more importantly,he ALSO tried to get rid of the CIA as well.:2up: something trump is clearly NOT trying to do.

He only started in his last year in office so he did not have the time to implement his plan being only a one term president. the CIA was not worried about having to take out carter cause they knew the establishment had it all set up for their dirty tricks boy Reagan to get elected in the next election and carter was on his way out.

same as reagan,they also gave carter a warning shot near him sending him the clear message-you play ball with us,or you will suffer the same fate as kennedy did when he tried going up against the establishment as well stepping on some toes in high power. Carter caved in at that point to them though.

Had carter someone overcame a rigged election and got reelected,they would have assassinated him as well.
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But what the hell does this have to do with Trump being CIA?

I know all of this. . .

You are NOT telling me ANYTHING that I do not already know. The only thing that came as even mild news, was CIA links to Saddam, and everyone knew that the US supported him. . . so that isn't really a BIG surprise. We gave him chemical weapons and put him in power, so big deal.

But what the hell does this have to do with Trump being CIA?

I know all of this. . .

You are NOT proving that Trump isn't.


"If you knew anything about the CIA,
you'd realize how uninformed you sound."

Trump is just acting like every establishment politician before him. HE SAID, he would just get us the hell out of the middle east, instead, he is getting us further in.


Yeah Beal is correct,you are not proving Trump is NOT. You have failed to get to the point as he asked,you tried but he just took you to school in his last post as he has throughout this whole thread.:2up:

Like he said so well,you are not telling us anything we dont already know,thats old news,we ask you to prove trump is NOT but you cant. There is no known connection with Trump and the CIA, like there has been with every president since reagan,HOWEVER its very well known that he IS highly connected to bankers and the fed and thats every bit just as bad since the CIA AND the FED are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.

there is this one poster who a long time ago made a thread documenting it all called Trump,candidate of the feds.I did the same thing you have done thoughout this whole thread back then,ignored it because i thought he was full of it at the time and wanted to give trump the benefit of the doubt but he dead on accurate about that, when i find that thread sometime i will post it here since it was such an excellent thread.:thup:
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You're barking up the wrong tree Clyde.
I quote and listen to whoever I choose to.

My biggest critique? Is for folks that think Trump is in any way in charge, or anything more than a figure head. He's a brand, an actor, nothing more.

Evil directs his course.

Iraq and China to sign massive financing deal

Iraq, China launch 'oil for reconstruction' agreement

China Outflanks U.S. With Iraqi Oil Deal

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Something is Afoot in the US | New Eastern Outlook

You're arguing with the wrong person, but if Trump's being controlled by higher powers
as we both know he is, exactly what should he do ?


If he is so fucking rich, beef up his personal security detail, fire those who are hand picked to manipulate him, finish releasing the government redacted JFK files and expose the real nature of the Deep State that is controlling BOTH sides of the dialectic.

Then tell the truth about all of the false flags and cointelpro operations that have been played on the American Public, and immediately call an end to American Occupations in foreign zones.

Get serious about ending the FED.


Get a new AG immediately and stop appointing crooked judges.

So much he should do.

Start? By telling the fucking truth, just once.


well no surprise,like clockwork as always,everytime the Trump dupes are backed up against the wall with pesky facts they cannot refute or counter,since they know they have nowhere to run to,instead of addressing the evidence and at least try and counter it,since they know they CANT,they always post a laughing smiley in defeat thinking they won denying reality they got checkmated and taken to school. It never fails EVERYTIME.:lmao::laughing0301:

Yeah that was a red flag to me that Trump was no different than Bush and Obama.I had high hopes at first that we FINALLY had a REAL president that had the balls to step up to the establishment and ask for a REAL investigation into the JFK assassination but when he asked the CIA to release only release a PORTION of the JFK documents instead of ALL of them,he exposed himself right there and then that he was no different than Bush and Obama,just here to seve the bankers who start wars.

great point on the fed as well.If trump was REALLY for us,then he would just do what no president since Johnson has done which is reinstate JFK's executive order which would abolish them.:rolleyes:

He wont risk his life and put it on the line though like Ron Paul would since he knows he would be the next president to take a fatal bullet to the head and the next one to be assassinated. Paul WOULD take that Risk and put his life on the line.

you brought up all those excellent facts that he could not refute,so he ran away in defeat like all Trump dupes do.never fails.:lmao::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:

"waits for next trump dupe to post a laughing smiley in defeat."

Yup. He should have made Ron Paul his Treasury Secretary and started a new currency through the treasury like Lincoln and JFK. There are a lot of great folks that were anti-establishment politicians that he excluded from even considering their ideas from his agenda. He proved to be an establishment shill on economics, foreign policy, campaign finance, the federal reserve, foreign policy, corporate bail-outs and a host of things that all independents agree on, that the DNC and GOP don't even talk about.

Trump proves he is just one more pawn.

The first of these should have been putting the Debates back in control of the league of Women Voters, so that people would actually have a choice. Trump railed against the corruption of the system? But he didn't do shit to clean up the election process once he was elected. He didn't care about giving other folks a shot AT ALL.

IOW. . . CIA - CFR establishment shill. Glitterati Smoke and mirrors only. Nothing changes.

OH LOOK! 3000 more troops. . . of to the middle east! quelle surprise



Do you by chance remember that thread i just got done talking about on that poster who made that excellent thread a long time ago called TRUMP CANDIDATE OF THE FEDS?

soon as i find it i am going to post that link here on it cause it was such a vital and important thread.
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Yeah Beal is correct,you are not proving Trump is NOT. You have failed to get to the point as he asked,you tried but he just took you to school in his last post as he has throughout this whole thread.:2up:

Like he said so well,you are not telling us anything we dont already know,thats old news,we ask you to prove trump is NOT but you cant. There is no known connection with Trump and the CIA, like there has been with every president since reagan,HOWEVER its very well known that he IS highly connected to bankers and the fed and thats every bit just as bad since the CIA AND the FED are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.

there is this one poster who a long time ago made a thread documenting it all called Trump,candidate of the feds.I did the same thing you have done thoughout this whole thread back then,ignored it because i thought he was full of it at the time and waned to give trump the benefit of the doubt but he dead on accurate about that, when i find that thread sometime i will post it here since it was such an excellent thread.:thup:

Wrong again, Grasshopper.

Yeah Beal is correct,you are not proving Trump is NOT. You have failed to get to the point as he asked,you tried but he just took you to school in his last post as he has throughout this whole thread.:2up:

Like he said so well,you are not telling us anything we dont already know,thats old news,we ask you to prove trump is NOT but you cant. There is no known connection with Trump and the CIA, like there has been with every president since reagan,HOWEVER its very well known that he IS highly connected to bankers and the fed and thats every bit just as bad since the CIA AND the FED are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.

there is this one poster who a long time ago made a thread documenting it all called Trump,candidate of the feds.I did the same thing you have done thoughout this whole thread back then,ignored it because i thought he was full of it at the time and waned to give trump the benefit of the doubt but he dead on accurate about that, when i find that thread sometime i will post it here since it was such an excellent thread.:thup:

Wrong again, Grasshopper.


coming from someone who has never even seen that thread i was talking about and has been schooled by Beal thoughout this whole thread and has fallen flat on his face to refute anything he posted,i will of course will have a reason to take this post seriously.:abgg2q.jpg:
What of it?
Question #2 ....Was Saddam a CIA asset ?
Most people won't go down that rabbit hole.

Or don't know about it.

I have seen this viideo before,Dale posted it for me years ago way before you did,it has been a long time since i seen it but as far i remember,it did not have anything to do with trump so seems to be another one of your evasive tactics as always.:abgg2q.jpg:
You're barking up the wrong tree Clyde.
I quote and listen to whoever I choose to.

My biggest critique? Is for folks that think Trump is in any way in charge, or anything more than a figure head. He's a brand, an actor, nothing more.

Evil directs his course.

Iraq and China to sign massive financing deal

Iraq, China launch 'oil for reconstruction' agreement

China Outflanks U.S. With Iraqi Oil Deal

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Something is Afoot in the US | New Eastern Outlook

You're arguing with the wrong person, but if Trump's being controlled by higher powers
as we both know he is, exactly what should he do ?


If he is so fucking rich, beef up his personal security detail, fire those who are hand picked to manipulate him, finish releasing the government redacted JFK files and expose the real nature of the Deep State that is controlling BOTH sides of the dialectic.

Then tell the truth about all of the false flags and cointelpro operations that have been played on the American Public, and immediately call an end to American Occupations in foreign zones.

Get serious about ending the FED.


Get a new AG immediately and stop appointing crooked judges.

So much he should do.

Start? By telling the fucking truth, just once.


well no surprise,like clockwork as always,everytime the Trump dupes are backed up against the wall with pesky facts they cannot refute or counter,since they know they have nowhere to run to,instead of addressing the evidence and at least try and counter it,since they know they CANT,they always post a laughing smiley in defeat thinking they won denying reality they got checkmated and taken to school. It never fails EVERYTIME.:lmao::laughing0301:

Yeah that was a red flag to me that Trump was no different than Bush and Obama.I had high hopes at first that we FINALLY had a REAL president that had the balls to step up to the establishment and ask for a REAL investigation into the JFK assassination but when he asked the CIA to release only release a PORTION of the JFK documents instead of ALL of them,he exposed himself right there and then that he was no different than Bush and Obama,just here to seve the bankers who start wars.

great point on the fed as well.If trump was REALLY for us,then he would just do what no president since Johnson has done which is reinstate JFK's executive order which would abolish them.:rolleyes:

He wont risk his life and put it on the line though like Ron Paul would since he knows he would be the next president to take a fatal bullet to the head and the next one to be assassinated. Paul WOULD take that Risk and put his life on the line.

you brought up all those excellent facts that he could not refute,so he ran away in defeat like all Trump dupes do.never fails.:lmao::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:

"waits for next trump dupe to post a laughing smiley in defeat."

Yup. He should have made Ron Paul his Treasury Secretary and started a new currency through the treasury like Lincoln and JFK. There are a lot of great folks that were anti-establishment politicians that he excluded from even considering their ideas from his agenda. He proved to be an establishment shill on economics, foreign policy, campaign finance, the federal reserve, foreign policy, corporate bail-outs and a host of things that all independents agree on, that the DNC and GOP don't even talk about.

Trump proves he is just one more pawn.

The first of these should have been putting the Debates back in control of the league of Women Voters, so that people would actually have a choice. Trump railed against the corruption of the system? But he didn't do shit to clean up the election process once he was elected. He didn't care about giving other folks a shot AT ALL.

IOW. . . CIA - CFR establishment shill. Glitterati Smoke and mirrors only. Nothing changes.

OH LOOK! 3000 more troops. . . of to the middle east! quelle surprise


Notice when you post pesky facts like this that shoot down Angelo's hero Tramp,that he is not the white knight in shining armour to come rescue him from the establishment as alex jones paints him out to be,that he gets angry knowing his hero has been torn down and exposed?:lmao:

I am beginning to think he has been hanging around MW too much and she has has now converted him to alex jones the fact he doesn't think about any of these facts and evades them and gets angry same as she does when like her,he cant refute your points.:lmao::laughing0301::muahaha:
Notice when you post pesky facts like this that shoot down Angelo's hero Tramp,
When you join the coup against Trump, you side with the DEEP STATE that you're always whining about.

I have seen this viideo before,Dale posted it for me years ago way before you did,it has been a long time since i seen it but as far i remember,it did not have anything to do with trump so seems to be another one of your evasive tactics as always.:abgg2q.jpg:
Just because I'm new here, doesn't mean I haven't been
aware of all this stuff you're trying to tell me from other political forums
for at least 17 years. I was a truther before we were called truthers dude.
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Notice when you post pesky facts like this that shoot down Angelo's hero Tramp,
When you join the coup against Trump, you side with the DEEP STATE that you're always whining about.

I have seen this viideo before,Dale posted it for me years ago way before you did,it has been a long time since i seen it but as far i remember,it did not have anything to do with trump so seems to be another one of your evasive tactics as always.:abgg2q.jpg:
Just because I'm new here, doesn't mean I haven't been
aware of all this stuff you're trying to tell me from other political forums
for at least 17 years. I was a truther before we were called truthers dude.

Both of you are letting your ego's get in the way, and we are all friends that believe in Free Thought. Ram Fan, stop already. We don't need to make this personal, we are ALL FREE thinkers.

I like both Paulie and Dale, and both of them still believe Trump is working against the Deep State. . . I RESPECT THAT!

Am I 100% sure Tump hasn't flipped? Of course not. IF they do convict him and he leaves office prematurely, I read a very convincing piece that the TRUE MOTIVE will be war to support Israel in the Spring. I am skeptical, but there it is. If he goes, it might be worth a read;

Impeachment: What Lies Beneath?
The Polemicist: Impeachment: What Lies Beneath?
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Remember, JFK's dad was Jesuit and part of the establishment, and the son that was not assassinated and helped get the initial stages of the ACA started, Teddy, always remained so, and there is also plenty of evidence that Jackie, by marrying Onasis, returned to the fold. There was a split in that family.

Nothing is black and white.

We will only truly know in the end when the cards are laid down, and folks hands are revealed.

I thought that analysis by Cynthia McKinney was the best. These stake holders are not a monolithic group. If you didn't view the video, I highly recommend it.
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Both of you are letting your ego's get in the way,
Not true in my case.
I actually agree with the OP's article by Ron Paul, just not the blanket criticism of Trump,
which you can turn on any TV and find 24/7.


I understand that POV. None of us can truly know what Trump knows or his motivations.

We all think we know what is going on. . . but we can't. Too much is secret from folks, it is, in the final analysis, impossible to really, "know" anything.

It is all just our best guesses from past history and empirical evidence.
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