Patriotic Duck Dynasty Family Member To Run For Congress


They both believe in sharia law and both are child predators.

But, its loosy-anna so its okay.

You don't really believe Phil Robertson believes in sharia law. Why say crap like that?

Sure he does. He doesn't call it that.....but he wants the word of "god" to be loud and clear in Washington. His nephew said as much in the OP's link. Christian fundies and Muslim nutbags ain't so far apart.

They aren't? I don't see Christians calling for those that refuse the faith to be executed. I don't see Christians blowing themselves up for a religious war. I don't see any examples of Christians killing their children for the parent's honor. I don't see Christians hanging homo's. I don't see Christians gathering up women to sell into slavery.

This is a short list, I have more, but can you please address how the items I posted make Christianity equal to Sharia?

Can you seriously make a point on why I would fear Phil Robertson equally or even close to a Mullah in the middle East? You must have a reason can you articulate it?
We don't. Eat shit if you like. You have never had anyone tell you what you can't eat or drink, have you? You are not very good at this. Very weak argument.

You haven't been in a public school lately, huh.

You're going to find out you cannot have a conversation with the lying fools here on the left. They lie about everything..

Yes, leftists lie. They hate the truth. They are the real haters, and they preach love, peace, and harmony.
We don't. Eat shit if you like. You have never had anyone tell you what you can't eat or drink, have you? You are not very good at this. Very weak argument.

No it's not you idiot. You act as though all of us will simply forget you control freaks trying to shove a bunch of vegetarian slop down our kids throats at school courtesy of your First Lady..not to mention trying to ban big gulps, trans fats, etc.. You fucking leftists have your nose all up in everything..

You can still eat ten Weight Watchers meals in one sitting, & wonder why you cannot fit through your front door. :lol:

Did your 4 yr old help you come up with that one?
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We are one step closer to that glorious day when reality TV and conservative politics and professional wrasslin' all become the exact same thing.

I'll vote for a God fearing conservative any day over a Occupied WallstreetShitter..

Of course you would, you would even vote for a totally evil psychopath that claimed to be a god fearing christian and eternally forgive them for any atrocity. It's all an act and the smart people are sick of these novice politicians that have nothing but a good wholesome piety act going for them.
The left is going crazy and I love it. If he wins will leftists start hanging themselves?

only difference is the tan...


They both believe in sharia law and both are child predators.

But, its loosy-anna so its okay.

The latest Duck is just starting to put on the layers fat that spell "DD". Looks like he bathes too often for Phil "the smelly one" Robertson.
“My basic platform begins with God,” Dasher said Monday in a phone interview with Reuters. “I want to go to D.C. to restore America to what she once was.”
?Duck Dynasty? nephew Zach Dasher runs for Congress - Kendall Breitman -

It would help if he knew what America was in the first place. I'd suggest that perhaps someone should read the very first sentence of the First Amendment to him but that probably still won't help.

I've had that in my signature for many moths but it hasn't helped.
We are one step closer to that glorious day when reality TV and conservative politics and professional wrasslin' all become the exact same thing.

I'll vote for a God fearing conservative any day over a Occupied WallstreetShitter..

Of course you would, you would even vote for a totally evil psychopath that claimed to be a god fearing christian and eternally forgive them for any atrocity. It's all an act and the smart people are sick of these novice politicians that have nothing but a good wholesome piety act going for them.

Gee, you sound so rabid and angry LOL
Somebody add this to the Republican platform for the next election: Twinkies and Ding Dongs for our kids in public school....

And for some reason, they don't get it that no one is forcing them to feed their kids quality food. They can still feed them donuts for breakfast and McD's for dinner.
Somebody add this to the Republican platform for the next election: Twinkies and Ding Dongs for our kids in public school....

We can feed our kids. We've been doing it for years. The Federal government has no business telling us what to teach our kids or how to feed them. The taxpayers can figure it out. Go to hell.
We don't. Eat shit if you like. You have never had anyone tell you what you can't eat or drink, have you? You are not very good at this. Very weak argument.

No it's not you idiot. You act as though all of us will simply forget you control freaks trying to shove a bunch of vegetarian slop down our kids throats at school courtesy of your First Lady..not to mention trying to ban big gulps, trans fats, etc.. You fucking leftists have your nose all up in everything..

You can still eat ten Weight Watchers meals in one sitting, & wonder why you cannot fit through your front door. :lol:

So as long as we eat the Weight Watchers meal we're good with your standard of eating. The line of acceptable eating habits has been drawn be such an honorable respected person

You all the sudden are the expert of everyone else's eating habits. You can't have certain items for dinner but you can eat the shit out of the proletariat approved menu.

So who the fuck made you the expert?
Somebody add this to the Republican platform for the next election: Twinkies and Ding Dongs for our kids in public school....

If you and your kids can handle a Twinky or Ding Dong every now and then who the fuck are you to say nobody can have one?

The democrat platform: We know far better than you what to eat and we will make laws to make sure you can't eat what we don't like. You worthless fat fuckers need government guidance for food choices and we can provide that for you.

Vote Republican and have food choice. Vote democrat and have your food choice decided for you. Yeah, let's roll with that.
Somebody add this to the Republican platform for the next election: Twinkies and Ding Dongs for our kids in public school....

Oh noes... Kids eating fucking twinkies!??!!??? Why why.. who ever heard of that?? My God, someone do something..
Sure, Republicans will give you a choice of what shit food you can eat. You won't have any choice about how long your country remains at war against whoever, but at least you'll get to eat twinkies. That's a fair and balanced trade, right?

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