Paul Krugman Rejected by His Peers


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It's no surprise that all the liberal kookburgers in here love this guy:

Paul Krugman Rejected by His Peers - John C. Goodman - Page 1

Paul Krugman has become an embarrassment to the economics profession. Despite his Nobel Prize and despite his previous high regard in the profession, his twice-a-week editorials in The New York Times are causing even progressive economists to treat him as somewhat of a kook.Since 2011, the United States has followed what Krugman correctly calls a policy of “austerity.” For example, the federal budget deficit has declined from 8.4 percent of GDP in 2011 to a predicted 2.9 percent of GDP for all of 2014. All along the way Paul Krugman protested that such policies would prolong the recession and even...
It's no surprise that all the liberal kookburgers in here love this guy:

Paul Krugman Rejected by His Peers - John C. Goodman - Page 1

Paul Krugman has become an embarrassment to the economics profession. Despite his Nobel Prize and despite his previous high regard in the profession, his twice-a-week editorials in The New York Times are causing even progressive economists to treat him as somewhat of a kook.Since 2011, the United States has followed what Krugman correctly calls a policy of “austerity.” For example, the federal budget deficit has declined from 8.4 percent of GDP in 2011 to a predicted 2.9 percent of GDP for all of 2014. All along the way Paul Krugman protested that such policies would prolong the recession and even...

And that's a good reason not to pay attention to hyper-biased economists, they let their ideology get in the way of sound logic and principles. Krugman is a good example, he's lost credibility because he's such a biased hack..

Theorists are fine to have around, but they shouldn't sit at the grown-up table.

I disagree. Theororists are fine, so long at their theories are correct. Krugman's problem is that all his theories were proven false a long time ago.
rw crank economists are rightfully butt hurt that they aren't Nobel Laureates like Krugman. :-(

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Rw hack crank economists are rightfully butt hurt that they aren't Nobel Laureates like Krugman. :-(

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PLenty of so-called "right wing" economists have received a Nobel prize.
Krugman economic "analysis" algorithm:

1. Topic
2. It's the Republicans fault derp Derp DerpA DERPA DERPA!!
Krugman economic "analysis" algorithm:

1. Swiss let their currency float
2. It's the Republicans fault that the Swiss let their currency float!
2a. Swiss currency floats, Republicans to blame!
2b. The fault of the Swiss currency float rests with the Republicans

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