Paul Ryan Betrays The GOP, Again...How Did Yall Ever Support Him??

Every issue seems to be treated as a crisis for the left but there is no need to get hysterical about it. It's politics as usual.
Has anyone stormed the Capitol to stop House Republicans from investigating Hunter's laptop?
Has anyone even threatened to murder Jim Jordan for holding investigation after pointless investigation into Biden?
Has Biden ever spent hours after hours mindlessly whining about being investigated and urged his followers to fight back?


Your cult leader has tho.....I swear, if you people couldn't gaslight, you would have no light at all...
biff who is my cult leader?.....i know who yours is.....and whats this have to do with biden"uniting" the country?....
what, that bidin is not a uniter or that you are a programmed dipshit?...
Sorry but I'm not going to listen to fox all day like you and then determine that both sides are equally as bad. Pick a side Harry.

I hear San Fran malls are closing. Time for you to move huh?
In other words Ryan is a gutless spineless coward.

But we knew that already.
biff who is my cult leader?.....i know who yours is.....and whats this have to do with biden"uniting" the country?....
The guy you are currently on this post caping up per usual with you morons....


I don't have a cult leader because I am not in a cult......but if projection makes you feel better about having another man's dick in your be it.....

Republicans aren't scared of the immigrant taking their job. They're scared their kids are going to take their kids jobs in the future. And they are. Because they want it more and were raised right. I'm proof of this. Or my brother and I are.

You are so right nothing will change their minds. People were dying left and right not being vaccinated and they insisted it was a hoax.

They still believe the election is rigged.

Look at the amount of evidence against Trump and he's still their favorite.

I keep waiting for Trump to take even a slight dip in the GOP polls but his numbers only go up with Republicans. He was right. If he shot someone he wouldn't lose one vote
biff who is my cult leader?.....i know who yours is.....and whats this have to do with biden"uniting" the country?....
Who is your favorite Fox personality? Who do you listen to on the AM radio? I mean since Rush passed away?
The guy you are currently on this post caping up per usual with you morons....

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I don't have a cult leader because I am not in a cult......but if projection makes you feel better about having another man's dick in your be it.....
who am i capping up for? usual no name was given....another one of "them" people who say shit they cant prove....
who am i capping up for? usual no name was given....another one of "them" people who say shit they cant prove....
You know how I know you are a Trump sycophant?

Because on a post that is about PAUL RYAN; your hypersensitive fragile minded ass hopped on here whining "but but but what bout Biden!!"

You are a clown...shut yo goofy ass up...
You know how I know you are a Trump sycophant?

Because on a post that is about PAUL RYAN; your hypersensitive fragile minded ass hopped on here whining "but but but what bout Biden!!"

You are a clown...shut yo goofy ass up...
so whats that got to with fucking trump?.....oh wait thats right your one of "them" people.....say shit you cant prove....biff not everything is about that orange guy you dream of sucking off one day.....get trump out of your head biff or shut yo goofy ass up...
Sorry but I'm not going to listen to fox all day like you and then determine that both sides are equally as bad. Pick a side Harry.

I hear San Fran malls are closing. Time for you to move huh?
bobo between me and you,you seem to know an awful lot about what goes on at fox...why is that?.....
so whats that got to with fucking trump?.....oh wait thats right your one of "them" people.....say shit you cant prove....biff not everything is about that orange guy you dream of sucking off one day.....get trump out of your head biff or shut yo goofy ass up...
You are the one who brought up Trump you moron.......

When you reflexively pulled Biden out of your ass and said "but but but why isn't Biden a uniter" -- that is you in your feelings about the divisiveness of your cult leader

Obviously Biden is a uniter if you folks claim he is in control of the Deep State, the Dems, and the Republican party.....seems like a uniter to me...
You are the one who brought up Trump you moron.......

When you reflexively pulled Biden out of your ass and said "but but but why isn't Biden a uniter" -- that is you in your feelings about the divisiveness of your cult leader

Obviously Biden is a uniter if you folks claim he is in control of the Deep State, the Dems, and the Republican party.....seems like a uniter to me...
better go back and look again me were i brought up trump?....i never mentioned him.....but you sure did didnt is a tip for you buffy.....not everything is about your favorite person ......fucking donald fucking folkes that cant get that jerk out of your seem to like trump as much the MAGa people sure aint one of them? truthful now...

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