Paul Ryan's Response to Obama's Speech Yesterday

"Exploiting people's emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope, is not change, it is partisanship." You can tell in the video Ryan is truly pissed off and downright offended by Obama's antics.

All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future. As Ryan says, it's about saving these programs so that they can be maintained. Delaying action with rhetoric about killing Grandma and hating children is not a solution.

As I've explained. Wait till closer to election time. The demonRats will tell the black voter that Republicans will set the dogs on them and bring out the water hoses..

demonRats are despicable people.
when the wealthy get tax cuts they save.

According to who?

According to Internal Revenue Service data, the entire taxable income of everyone earning over $100,000 in 2008 was about $1.582 trillion. Even if all these Americans—most of whom are far from wealthy—were taxed at 100%, it wouldn't cover Mr. Obama's deficit for this year.

Review & Outlook: The Presidential Divider -

Now what?

We don't give cut the uber wealthy's taxes by half and eliminate Capital Gains/Dividend taxes and we cut spending.

huh? could you pls clarify?

and who do you define as the "uber" wealthy?
According to who?

Now what?

We don't give cut the uber wealthy's taxes by half and eliminate Capital Gains/Dividend taxes and we cut spending.

huh? could you pls clarify?

and who do you define as the "uber" wealthy?

The Top 5%.

Why should they get their tax rate cut in half while the middle class's taxes go up via VAT?.
Lowering the uber rich's tax rate certainly doesn't help shrink the deficit and I thought that shrinking the deficit was the most important thing. I guess not!
"Exploiting people's emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope, is not change, it is partisanship." You can tell in the video Ryan is truly pissed off and downright offended by Obama's antics.

All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future. As Ryan says, it's about saving these programs so that they can be maintained. Delaying action with rhetoric about killing Grandma and hating children is not a solution.

So dishonest, so partisan, so divisive and so hypocritical, it is almost worth ignoring. But, letting such shit stand without pointing out the obvious isn't an option. I wouldn't expect DTMB to understand the problems with the healthcare debate, but to pretend he does and post highly partisan conclusions is hysterical.
All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting.

If they do, they'll come across as whiny little spineless goops. Meaning they'll be employing a Democrat strategy.

Republicans have for years intentionally misconstrued, hyperbolized (word?), and mis-labelled Dems with a level of zeal and cohesion usually reserved for religious fanatics in the 11th century. They've got no room or moral ground to whine about partisanship. I don't want to hear it.

can you please, provide some examples of these 'misnomers'?

I think they need to do just the opposite from what you're suggesting. Stay away from the pampers, keep the big boy pants on, and stitch up the boxing gloves. If they whimper and mew about how mean that big bad Obama bully is, I'm just going to laugh at how pathetic they are.

Yes, I agree with that in principal, but serious outrage is exactly that, spontaneous outrage, most folks, the ones that matter, I think know the difference between being perfunctory and being genuinely, spontaneously upset.
What is your solution?
when the wealthy get tax cuts they save.

According to who?

Over two thirds of our economy is driven by consumer spending, in other words our economy is driven by the middle class. When our economy is humming tax receipts increase.

Also, as wealth has been increasing for the the top percentile, the working class has been losing wealth and has been living with flat wages for over thirty years.
I doubt very few who posts on these boards have in real terms seen their wealth grow. I would care to bet that most of those posting would not see their taxes go down under Ryan's plan.

So my solution is to give the middle class a tax cut and cut spending.
And then there's this:

How the rich pay no taxes

For the well-off, this could be the best tax day since the early 1930s: Top tax rates on ordinary income, dividends, estates, and gifts will remain at or near historically low levels for at least the next two years. That's thanks in part to legislation passed in December 2010 by the 111th Congress and signed by President Barack Obama.

"This is clearly far and away the most generous tax situation that's existed," says Gregory D. Singer, a national managing director of the wealth management group at AllianceBernstein (AB) in New York. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

For the 400 U.S. taxpayers with the highest adjusted gross income, the effective federal income tax rate -- what they actually pay -- fell from almost 30 percent in 1995 to just under 17 percent in 2007, according to the IRS. And for the approximately 1.4 million people who make up the top 1 percent of taxpayers, the effective federal income tax rate dropped from 29 percent to 23 percent in 2008. It may seem too fantastic to be true, but the top 400 end up paying a lower rate than the next 1,399,600 or so.

How the rich pay no taxes- MSN Money

Tell me again why the wealthy should get that tax break?
According to Internal Revenue Service data, the entire taxable income of everyone earning over $100,000 in 2008 was about $1.582 trillion. Even if all these Americans—most of whom are far from wealthy—were taxed at 100%, it wouldn't cover Mr. Obama's deficit for this year.

Review & Outlook: The Presidential Divider -
Now what?
Gee, I guess you couldn't tell just how partisan that article was even from the title alone. :cuckoo: So it obviously never occurred to you to check that number which was not linked to any back up.

According to the Right Wing Tax Foundation, the total Adjusted Gross Income in 2008 of those incomes over $100,000 was $3,856,462,000,000 or about 3.9 trillion dollars. They paid an average tax rate of 18.71%.

Obviously they can afford to pay a little more, at least equal to the cuts in spending, which would cut the deficit twice as fast as spending cuts or tax increases alone. A two pronged attack of spending cuts AND tax increases on the wealthy makes more sense for cutting the deficit than putting the burden entirely on only one group or the other.
"Exploiting people's emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope, is not change, it is partisanship." You can tell in the video Ryan is truly pissed off and downright offended by Obama's antics.

All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future. As Ryan says, it's about saving these programs so that they can be maintained. Delaying action with rhetoric about killing Grandma and hating children is not a solution.

So dishonest, so partisan, so divisive and so hypocritical, it is almost worth ignoring. But, letting such shit stand without pointing out the obvious isn't an option. I wouldn't expect DTMB to understand the problems with the healthcare debate, but to pretend he does and post highly partisan conclusions is hysterical.

wipe your chin.
We don't give cut the uber wealthy's taxes by half and eliminate Capital Gains/Dividend taxes and we cut spending.

huh? could you pls clarify?

and who do you define as the "uber" wealthy?

The Top 5%.

Why should they get their tax rate cut in half while the middle class's taxes go up via VAT?.
Lowering the uber rich's tax rate certainly doesn't help shrink the deficit and I thought that shrinking the deficit was the most important thing. I guess not!

If shrinking the deficit was the most important thing then why are Dems against spending cuts...? Guess they don't care....all BO would do is tax the rich and spend some more...

Who says we're getting a VAT tax...?
huh? could you pls clarify?

and who do you define as the "uber" wealthy?

The Top 5%.

Why should they get their tax rate cut in half while the middle class's taxes go up via VAT?.
Lowering the uber rich's tax rate certainly doesn't help shrink the deficit and I thought that shrinking the deficit was the most important thing. I guess not!

If shrinking the deficit was the most important thing then why are Dems against spending cuts...? Guess they don't care....all BO would do is tax the rich and spend some more...

Who says we're getting a VAT tax...?

How Paul Ryan (R-WI) would ditch Medicare and increase taxes on 90% of Americans - National Political Buzz |
Ryan is trying to claim that the president's presentation of his plan was more fear and emotion based than Ryan's own?

Don't make me laugh...

...seriously, don't...

...I mean it...

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ...damn you!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did the president have Ryan sitting down front?

So Obama wouldn't have to reach that far to bitch slap him!

Oh, in case any of you haven't heard, the new gag on Ryan is how much he looks like Eddie Munster. :lol::lol::lol:
Finally Jimmie Carter is happy, he is no longer the worst president we ever had. I am one of those retiring without a lot extra and I still like the republican plan. We can't keep this up why can't POTUS see that. I think that he learned a lot more from Jeremiah than he says he did. A message to those that voted for him, put your shovels up the hole is deep enough.
"Exploiting people's emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope, is not change, it is partisanship." You can tell in the video Ryan is truly pissed off and downright offended by Obama's antics.

All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future. As Ryan says, it's about saving these programs so that they can be maintained. Delaying action with rhetoric about killing Grandma and hating children is not a solution.

So dishonest, so partisan, so divisive and so hypocritical, it is almost worth ignoring. But, letting such shit stand without pointing out the obvious isn't an option. I wouldn't expect DTMB to understand the problems with the healthcare debate, but to pretend he does and post highly partisan conclusions is hysterical.

wipe your chin.

You really ought to change you name to Nero.
Yeah Ryan is a real gem.
All he's doing with his plan is taking programs that help the poor and elderly and cutting them and at the same time giving the savings to the wealthy and powerful.
In other words, the continuation of class warfare and the continuation of the growth of the wealth gap. He is Robin Hood to the monetary elite.
Plutocracy in action.

It's really too bad that there is no serious plan to compare it to from the other side. Of course they still haven't put together a budget for the year that is almost over.

Something beats nothing every time.
"Exploiting people's emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope, is not change, it is partisanship." You can tell in the video Ryan is truly pissed off and downright offended by Obama's antics.

All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future. As Ryan says, it's about saving these programs so that they can be maintained. Delaying action with rhetoric about killing Grandma and hating children is not a solution.

The Reps need to take umbrage every time the Dems come out with their BS and thow it right back in their faces. Killing grandma and the kids?? Jeese what a load of horseshit.

I think Ryans plan will save these programs but I don't think the Dem controlled Senate is gonna go with it.

The Dems seem to worry about only one section of the population. That being the 40% who produce nothing and pay for nothing.It seems everyone else is here to provide the revenue to take care of the freeloaders.

2012 is going to be a wild election. There will be people coming out of the woodwork pissed off and pissed on.
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All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting.

If they do, they'll come across as whiny little spineless goops. Meaning they'll be employing a Democrat strategy.

Republicans have for years intentionally misconstrued, hyperbolized (word?), and mis-labelled Dems with a level of zeal and cohesion usually reserved for religious fanatics in the 11th century. They've got no room or moral ground to whine about partisanship. I don't want to hear it.

I think they need to do just the opposite from what you're suggesting. Stay away from the pampers, keep the big boy pants on, and stitch up the boxing gloves. If they whimper and mew about how mean that big bad Obama bully is, I'm just going to laugh at how pathetic they are.

Is that what you heard from Ryan. I thought he said Obama has no balls, was short sighted, not near being a leader and was out of touch with reality.

Amazing how one can infer what was not implied, isn't it?
Yeah Ryan is a real gem.
All he's doing with his plan is taking programs that help the poor and elderly and cutting them and at the same time giving the savings to the wealthy and powerful.
In other words, the continuation of class warfare and the continuation of the growth of the wealth gap. He is Robin Hood to the monetary elite.
Plutocracy in action.

It's really too bad that there is no serious plan to compare it to from the other side. Of course they still haven't put together a budget for the year that is almost over.

Something beats nothing every time.

Oh, I concur that the Dems were really, really lame for not passing a fiscal year 2010-2011 budget.
But that "something" sucks. A even bigger tax cut for the top percentile while the goal is to lower the deficits. That's insanity.

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